Crash and Burn (Cyborg Sizzle #3)

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Crash and Burn (Cyborg Sizzle #3) Page 7

by Cynthia Sax

  “But I won’t.” She sniffed. A strange expression crossed her face. “Look at me with those sexy eyes all you want, warrior. I’ll never forgo my mission.”

  She found his eyes sexy. His processors spun, unable to absorb her words.

  Safyre shifted restlessly over his lap. There was a layer of fabric and body armor between them. Crash’s cock didn’t realize that, hardening. She sniffed again.

  He did also, inhaling her musk and… fraggin’ hole, the scent of blood. “You damaged yourself when you struggled.” He turned her until she straddled him, framed her beautiful face between his big hands, and peered at her. Blood trickled from her nose. “You’re bleeding.”

  “I don’t understand why.” She inhaled through her nose, exhaled through her mouth. “Your nanocybotics are inside me. I feel them bubbling. But they aren’t healing me.”

  His nanocybotics remained within her. The knots in Crash’s shoulder muscles loosened. He could sense their presence but part of him, the illogical human part, had needed to hear that confirmation.

  According to his Rage, nanocybotics lingered only in compatible breeding partners. His friend had bred with hundreds of females before finding his genetic pairing, the female who could host that part of him.

  Safyre was that female for Crash.

  She was the female he could produce offspring with.

  Offspring. They would have offspring. And she found his eyes sexy, beautiful.

  Crash stored those fantastical thoughts in his database. He’d take them out and examine them later. His female’s health was his first priority.

  “We should remove your implant.” Although that was the logical decision, his heart rebelled against it. He liked having that connection with his female. When she had fled from him, he heard everything she said or did. He knew she was safe and knew the communications device would allow him to find her.

  Safyre said nothing.

  “It’s a simple operation.” He attempted to ease any concerns she might have. “We often have to remove and repair our own devices. There should be pain suppressors on board. The crew was human and would have stocked the medical bay with them.”

  “You think some stupid operation frightens me?” She glared at him. “Not a fuckin’ chance. I’ve seen action that would scare you shitless.”

  Crash doubted that. He’d witnessed some terrible events.

  “I can take the pain,” she boasted. “I had the device put in, didn’t I?”

  “Then we’ll remove it.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  Why was she hesitating? The device was damaging her. She wasn’t scared of the operation. He was the only being she could contact with it.


  A smug smile curled his lips. “You wish to communicate with me.” His female wanted that link with him.

  She may never love him but she needed him. On some subconscious level, she realized that.

  “Fuck you.” Her pale face turned an appealing shade of pink. “We don’t have time to perform an operation.”

  They had time. She didn’t want the device removed.

  “There’s no need for medical procedures.” She kicked her feet. “Your nanocybotics healed me last time. They’ll heal me again.”

  Last time, she sucked him dry. Arousal coursed through Crash’s circuits. His female wanted to pleasure him again. “You’ll use your mouth on me.”

  Her gaze dropped to his chin. “Absorbing your nanocybotics another way might be more efficient.”

  “You’ll breed with me.” He’d claim her fully, feel her warmth, her wetness all around him. His cock bobbed, his anticipation escalating.

  “Yeah.” She nodded. “I’ll breed with you.”

  Chapter Five

  Her nosebleed had returned and she needed his nanocybotics to heal. Safyre gazed at Crash’s square chin. If she distracted him, he might make a mistake, allowing her to escape.

  She listed these lame ass excuses in her mind, knowing they were exactly that—lame ass excuses. The truth was… she wanted him. Her body craved his, yearned for more nanocybotics and less barriers between them.

  He wasn’t moving fast enough for her liking.

  “Well?” She lifted an eyebrow. “Are you going to fuck me or what?”

  “We’re breeding, not fucking.” He covered her mouth with his.

  Safyre didn’t know the difference between the two but she was game for anything involving his lips, his body, that big cock of his. She opened to him. His tongue slid along hers and his nanocybotics filled her mouth, bubbling within her. Fuck, yeah. This was what she needed. Her dizziness faded. Her nose stopped bleeding.

  Kissing was enough to heal her. She wanted more. Safyre leaned toward Crash’s chest, her breasts flattening against his hard body armor.

  She sucked on his tongue as she’d earlier sucked on his cock. Her sex drive had always been healthy. It had never been like this, her desire for him almost painfully intense, as though she’d perish if she didn’t have him inside her.

  “Crash,” Safyre murmured against his lips, shifting over him, restless and needy.

  “My Safyre.” Her cyborg cupped her ass and stood. She wasn’t a small female. He lifted her easily and set her on the console before him.

  Safyre wiggled, her hands bound behind her. She didn’t like the separation but she did like being restrained. He cared enough to prevent her from leaving.

  His precautions were for his fellow cyborgs. He didn’t want her to tell the Humanoid Alliance about them. But she could pretend his concern was for her, that he wanted to be with her as she wanted to be with him, no longer solitary, alone.

  “Be patient, female.” Crash stripped the body armor from his fit form. The lights overhead shone on his gray skin, accentuating the dips in his abdomen, the bulge of his muscles. He was a male in his prime, a warrior who had vowed to rescue her friend.

  It was an impossible promise, even for a cyborg. She’d seen the fighting on the planet’s surface. Rescuing Nymphia wasn’t feasible. He’d reach the same realization.

  She’d have to escape and find her friend herself. But Safyre appreciated Crash’s intentions. He had captured her. She was at his mercy. He didn’t have to promise her anything.

  Crash discarded the last of his body armor and stood in front of her, wondrously naked and unabashedly erect, clad only in his big boots.

  She perused him from the top of his head to his spread feet, savoring the sight of her cyborg. His hair was black. His shoulders were wide. His hips were narrow. Her gaze dropped to his cock and her pussy wet even more. He’d fill her completely.

  He must have liked how she looked at him. Pre-cum beaded on his tip. She licked her lips, remembering the taste of him.

  He groaned. “You’re breeding with me, not sucking me off.”

  “I can’t breed with you while I’m fully clothed.” And she couldn’t undress herself with her hands bound. “Release me so I can get naked too.”

  “I’m not mentally deficient,” he drawled. “If I release you, you’ll stun me again and try to escape.”

  That should have been her plan.

  It wasn’t. She wanted him more than she wanted her freedom.

  “I’ll render you naked.” Crash grasped the collar of her flight suit and yanked. Fabric tore. Cool air rushed over her bare skin. She shivered, excited by his primitive solution.

  “Touch Nymphia’s scarf and I’ll bust your skull.” She couldn’t bear it if he destroyed the keepsake.

  “Some females talk sweetly to their males.” He ripped her remaining sleeve.

  “Fuck those females then and leave me alone.” She didn’t want to hear about his more feminine fuck partners.

  “I’ll never leave you alone.” Crash slid his hands up her arms to the shoulders of her flight suit. “You’re mine.”

  He shredded the garment, swept the strips away, and took a step back. As he studied her, she tilted her chin upward, aware of the image he saw. He
r hands were tied behind her back. That position lifted her breasts, making it appear as though she presented them to him, as though she begged him to lick her tight pink nipples.

  Her legs were spread. She didn’t close them, allowing him to look at her, to see her hairless mons, the glistening drops on her pussy lips, proof of her desire.

  “You’re magnificent, female.” The awe in his voice caused her to glow. “You’re round and soft all over.” He moved close. His hips grazed the inside of her thighs and she trembled. “You have a multitude of freckles, like tiny stars on your skin.”

  “Do you like that?” Some males didn’t.

  “I love that.” Crash examined her face. “I’ll map each one.” He pressed his lips to her cheek and his nanocybotics fizzed over her skin. “Use them to navigate your lush body.” He sucked on her chin. The pressure combined with the bubbling aroused her. “To find my way.” He swept the tip of his tongue down her neck, leaving a trail of his nanocybotics. “Home.”

  “Map my body, warrior.” She arched her back, unable to touch him, to hold him. All she could do was feel, enjoy as he kissed freckle after freckle, exploring her collarbone, her shoulders, arms, fingers, before returning to her chest.

  “If I don’t plot my course, I could get lost in you.” He licked the deep valley between her breasts and the fizzing spread over her skin. “I’d never resurface.”

  “And that’s bad?” Her voice was husky.

  He straightened, meeting her gaze. “No. That’s very good.”

  She smiled, liking that answer. “It would be even better if you touched me.”

  Crash complied, cupping her breasts. His hands were large. Her breasts were larger, white and pink against his gray skin, the contrast intriguing Safyre. “You like having your breasts squeezed.” He clutched her curves and released, clutched and released.

  “You remembered,” she moaned, the pleasure divine.

  “I remember everything.” Crash bent his dark head and laved her right nipple. She jerked. “You enjoy that also.” He drew back, a smug smile on his handsome face. His hands and nanocybotics remained, the bliss scorching her thoughts. “I smell your arousal.”

  He should be able to feel her arousal. Wetness streamed down the inside of her thighs, her musk hanging heavy in the air. “Fill me, Crash.”

  “After you come for me.” He sucked her left nipple into his mouth, surrounding her with warmth, with him. She writhed, his mouth decadent, without equal.

  No male could please her the way he did. Safyre knew this in her heart. The other cyborgs were handsome, fit, warriors in their prime, yet they didn’t interest her. She’d kissed his friend Gap and felt disgust, not arousal. With Crash, all she experienced was pleasure. Her body recognized his claim on her.

  Their connection made the sacrifice she had to make more difficult. Safyre didn’t want to leave him yet she had to. She’d made a promise. She wouldn’t allow a being she loved to die scared and alone.

  This moment would be her last with Crash. He inhaled more of her breast, his suction escalating her passion, stripping her control. Safyre pushed against him, greedily driving her curves deeper into his mouth. She dangled on the edge of fulfillment, needing a tiny push to send her flying into the abyss.

  Crash gazed up at her with his dark, sexy eyes. Her breath hitched. She read the intention in his expression. The male would give her that final push.

  The cyborg splayed his fingers over her right breast, his grip on her firm. Excitement pulsed through her. She couldn’t escape him.

  Crash closed his fingers around her nipple and sucked hard.

  The combination broke her. She screamed, bucking against him, her world flashing light and dark, light and dark, pleasure flowing over her. He held her to him, sucking and squeezing her curves, wringing every drop of bliss from her.

  Drained, she crumpled. Crash straightened and pressed her face against his chest, supporting her, murmuring words too quietly spoken to be deciphered.

  She didn’t have to hear them. The meaning was clear. She was no longer alone. He was with her.

  “I have to escape, reach Nymphia,” she murmured, reminding herself of her mission.

  “You’re a stubborn female.” He brushed her hair back from her forehead and kissed her skin. “Why do you continue to reject the connection between us?”

  She wasn’t rejecting it. She couldn’t. Her link to him was undeniable.

  Safyre listened to the triple beat of his cyborg heart, the sound soothing her. “Did you choose me like Gap chose Nymphia? I was the first available female and—”

  “No,” he stopped her musing. “I decided I would claim you. The alternative was killing you. But then I realized you were mine.”

  She didn’t know the distinction between the two. “Why didn’t you choose killing me?” Cyborgs were designed to be warriors. Their purpose was to end lives.

  “I couldn’t kill you. You’re my female.” He stroked her hair.

  That was an evasive answer. “At the time, you didn’t realize I was your female.” Whatever that meant.

  He sighed, his chest rising and falling against her. “I don’t enjoy killing.” His voice was edged with shame.

  “Most cyborgs like killing?”

  “Yes.” He threaded his fingers through the longer strands.

  She remembered the cyborgs in the hallway, how they tortured the captain. They thought that was fun. “That’s fucked-up.”

  “I’m fucked-up.” Crash mistakenly believed she was talking about him. “I’m not a normal cyborg.”

  “No, you’re not.” She pulled away from him and met his gaze. “Thank the stars for that or I’d be dead, sliced into pieces like Captain Kray.”

  “I’d never hurt you.” He cupped her cheeks. “I’ll protect you.” He skimmed his lips over hers. “Fix your damage.”

  “You’ll fuck me.” She hooked her legs around his hips and pulled him toward her. His cock head bumped against her clit and she quivered, her passion already reviving.

  “I’ll breed with you.” He brushed his shaft along her pussy lips, wetting his flesh. “Claim you. All of the other cyborgs will know you’re mine.”

  “They’ll smell you on me.” She undulated against him, increasing the pressure on her clit. “You’ll fill me with your cum.”

  “With my nanocybotics.” He leaned his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes as they moved, dry humping each other. “Your beauty outshines a supergiant star. The other cyborgs envy me, want you for their own.”

  “I don’t want them.” Safyre’s body hummed with arousal. “I want you.”

  “I need to be inside you.” Crash pushed into her tight pussy hole.

  A moan rose in her throat. Her cyborg was huge, stretching her to the point of pain, reshaping her body with his big cock. Fuck. Safyre bit her bottom lip, suppressing a whimper. Could she take him? She didn’t know.

  “You’re damaging yourself.” Crash captured her abused lips, swallowing her sounds of distress as his cock head slid deeper and deeper.

  Safyre thrashed against him. Never had she felt so invaded, so dominated. He was taking her places she hadn’t ventured, owning her form.

  His cock touched virgin flesh, his length unrivaled, and he stopped, his base flattening her pussy lips. She ceased moving also.

  He clasped her to him. “You’re mine.”

  “I’m yours.” She couldn’t deny it. He’d wrecked her for other males.

  Crash rubbed his hands up and down her back, from her head to her ass, petting her shoulders, caressing her restrained arms. His muscles flexed as though he was under strain.

  Because he was, she realized. He wanted to move. Instead he gave her time to adjust to his size.

  Safyre nuzzled against his chest, inhaling his distinctive scent, tasting the minerals on his skin. She appreciated her cyborg’s thoughtfulness.

  Gradually, she loosened. She tilted her hips, he shifted and they both groaned, the sensatio
n decadent, the fullness exquisite.

  “I’ll never be the same.” Her voice was husky.

  “Neither of us will be,” Crash agreed. He pulled out, pushed back in, pulled out, pushed back in, his tempo slow and easy.

  She rocked with him, her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms remaining bound. He was in control and she loved that. She’d lived most of her lifespan alone, making all of the decisions. In this moment, all she had to do was enjoy their fucking.

  “You’re soft, wet, hot.” He gripped her hips, taking her deeper, faster. “Tight.”

  “Fuck yeah, warrior, give me everything you have.” She lifted into him, smacking their bodies together. He was unrelenting hardness, skin and muscle over a rigid metal frame, and that turned her on. “I can take it.”

  “I won’t harm you.” Crash dragged his lips over her neck, adding a barrage of nanocybotics to his erotic assault. “I’ll protect you.”

  “I don’t need protecting.” She kicked her heels against his clenched asscheeks. “I want you to fuck me.”

  “We’re breeding, not fucking,” he corrected, thrusting into her with renewed vigor, shaking her form. The cursed male didn’t even breathe heavily.

  He gave the impression that he could fuck her forever and never come. She licked his left pec. He shuddered, his cock bobbing inside her. That was an illusion. He might be a cyborg but he was still a male. One squeeze of her pussy muscles and his control would be stripped bare.

  Safyre wasn’t ready for that, not yet. She needed more.

  She pushed him. He responded, slowly, slowly, slowly ratcheting up his erotic assault until they rutted like two wild creatures on top of the ship’s console, on the bridge.

  The doors were unsecured. One of his cyborg brethren could walk in and see them fucking. Another ship could hail them. Their naked bodies could be displayed on their main viewscreen.

  These possibilities increased her arousal. Her pussy juices dripped between his balls, branding his skin with her scent. The other cyborgs would know that he was hers.

  Crash licked and laved her neck and shoulders, as intent on marking her. His chest slapped against her breasts, heating her nipples.


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