The Rise of the Watchman: A Hemisphere Story

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The Rise of the Watchman: A Hemisphere Story Page 2

by G Oldman

  "You wouldn't believe it. The guy was wearing some Nightmare on Elm Street type glove. He just pushed past me. I don't think he actually took a swipe at me. If he had, I'd be dead. Honestly, this was just a scratch from him."

  Dobbs' eyes grew wide, "No shit, Sarge?"

  Daniel stared at him communicating, watch your language.

  "Yeah. When I found him, he was trying to work his way into the safe. I must have scared him. He jumped at me and I fired. I started to fall as I backed up and he pushed past me and ran."

  Dobbs scratched at his chin, "Your round passed through him. It hit the door of the safe. We have enough blood for DNA. They guys are coming to process the scene. You rest Sarge. We can take it from here."

  "Enough of that crap. I can still work. Did we check the local clinics and hospital for a recent GSW? What is the status of the safe? There was no way he could've breached it with bare hands."

  "Sarge, we've got this under control. We are checking the hospital and clinics. No, sir. He didn't get in the safe. Left some deep scratches but nothing else."

  "Have you located any other family members of the deceased? Do we know what is in the safe?"

  The other officer shook his head negatively, "No, known next of kin. No idea what is in the safe. Probably just jewelry and the like."

  Daniel sat still for a moment. The attacker was hideously strong and had a weapon of some kind. It would've been easy for him to kill me but he chose not to. But, he killed the owner and wanted something in the safe.

  "Sarge, please, go to the hospital. Get that looked at and go home."

  Daniel waived Dobbs off and stood. "I'll go get checked out. Don't worry. But call me if you find out anything."

  "Roger that."

  Daniel made his way to his squad car and decided to be a good boy and go to the hospital. The next few hours had him cross. Daniel received no updates during his long wait at the hospital. He couldn't leave until after two o'clock in the afternoon. From this he could add hungry to his list of irritations.

  Once back in his squad car, he radioed in for an update. The update was that there was no update. Daniel pulled into Big Ed's and sat at the counter for a quick meal.

  Ed greeted Daniel warmly and took his order. Meatloaf was the house special today. Big Ed prepared it with a fantastic barbecue glaze. Ed hung around nearby but didn't interrupt Daniel's meal.

  When Daniel finished, Ed came over and asked with deep sympathy in his voice, "Are you doing all right, Daniel?"

  Ed pointed to his shoulder, "That bandage looks brand new. What happened?"

  Daniel took a sip of coffee to buy time before describing what happened.

  "I got a call this morning of a silent alarm at a jewelry shop. When I went in, I found the owner dead and a man attempting to break into one heck of a strong safe, with his bare hands."

  Daniel looked to make sure no one else in the diner listened in on their conversation.

  "Ed, this guy had some kind of glove with razors on it or something. I mean real horror movie stuff. He bowled me over to get past me. I shot him but he kept going. His razors sliced up my shoulder. Hurts something fierce. Only taken Tylenol for it as I don't want to get all loopy. I don't get it. How did he imagine he would get in that safe with his bare hands?"

  Ed scratched his chin, "Well now, you have a real mystery on your hands. Did you get a good look at this guy?"

  "No. It happened too fast. He was maybe five foot five and a rather average build. Not especially big but strong. The odd part was he made animal noises."

  "What do you think you were dealing with?"

  "He had to be high on something. He couldn't have been in his right mind. It was so out of the ordinary. I remember that he was very hairy and unkempt. The guy had a rough looking beard. But that is all that I can remember about him."

  Ed nodded at Daniel's words and held up a finger. Ed moved to the cash register. He spent the next five minutes ringing out people's tickets. By the time he returned, Daniel stood to get ready to leave.

  "Wait one more minute and talk to me Daniel. Please."

  "Sure. I am theoretically on medical leave anyway," he said with a laugh.

  "Oh, Daniel. Don't you understand? The watchman is always on duty."

  "Wait. Why did you say watchman? What do you know about that?" Daniel now stared at the big man in concern. His fight-or-flight instincts were kicking in. He slowed his breathing and concentrated his gaze on Ed's eyes.

  "There is always a watchman appointed to Hemisphere. It is your job to warn evil to turn back from its course. You take this responsibility seriously, which is good. You have an honest heart, Daniel. That is why Ebenezer chose you."

  Daniel leaned back, "You know Ebenezer?"

  Big Ed laughed from his belly. "Oh, my. We go way back. I've known him since I was just a boy. He is good and does good, despite his quirks. Ebenezer has been on the job here a long time. The watchmen he has shepherded have been disappointments. They were all found wanting. But you, he has high hopes in. From what I have seen, you are a good choice."

  "What does that mean I am a watchman?"

  "There is the literal and the spiritual meaning to the words. Literally, you are the town watch. You look after the town and warn the people when danger comes. Ever since you have been a police officer, you have filled that role. The spiritual meaning is the one that applies to you now. When you get home, read Ezekiel Chapter 33. Then come back and we can talk."

  Daniel paused for a moment. It seemed that he and Ed were the only ones in the diner despite the normal crowds. He rubbed his aching head and sighed.

  "Are you a watchman too?"

  "Oh, no sir. Not old Big Ed. My role is different. I provide sanctuary, a safe place from the things of Hemisphere that seek to harm. I listen and give advice. Most don't listen but everyone knows they are safe here at Big Ed's. Everyone is welcome that needs shelter as it were. But you should go home. Read what I told you to. Take a rest and see what the morning brings."

  Daniel just looked at Big Ed for a minute attempting to sort his thoughts. There was more to this man you can see on the surface. He reached for his wallet and put the money for the meal beside his plate. If he had gone to the register, Big Ed wouldn't let him pay. Daniel thought that wasn't right to take advantage of the man just because he was a policeman. He wanted to pay his way. With that, he stood and left for home.

  Chapter 5: Spaghetti for Dinner

  Daniel sat down in his favorite chair upon reaching the house. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on anything but his shoulder. He may've to break down and take one of the painkillers that the doctor had given him. But first he remembered what Big Ed had told him.

  He went to his bedroom and grabbed his Bible and searched out the chapter. Daniel began reading. He read the chapter through twice. Closing the Bible in mild confusion, he tried to puzzle if he learned anything new. The new watchman pulled out a notebook and made notes.

  1) I am a watchman. Watchmen look out for a city and warn of impending danger.

  2) Ez 33 says if I see someone doing wrong and don't warn them, their penalty is on me.

  3) It says nothing about how I am supposed to do that.

  Daniel was more confused than ever. He wasn't sure if it was the pain of his shoulder or he was just being dense. But whatever the case, nothing would happen at that moment so he decided a nap was in order.

  Daniel awoke to the rumbling of his stomach. He glanced at his watch and realized that he had slept almost till dinner time. As he sat up, his shoulder throbbed in pain. He could hear his kids downstairs working on dinner. Thankfully, today wasn't a day he had to work at the big box store outside of town.

  He made his way downstairs. Susan ran straight to him.

  "Daddy, what happened? Are you all right?"

  He waved her off and sat down at the table, "Just a rough day at work. I responded to a robbery, and the guy attacked me. My shoulder got cut up but I am fine."

bsp; Edmund cocked his head to the side, "How did he cut your shoulder?"

  Leave it to Edmund to think about details. "Well, he was wearing a glove or something that had razors on them or knife blades. Kind of movie bad guy style. He jumped at me and knocked me over. The cuts were from him pushing me out of the way rather than him attacking me. I just got lucky that he wanted out more than he wanted to hurt me. It hurts, but it wasn't dangerous."

  Edmund's face reflected his processing of what he was told. Eventually, he sorted it out to his satisfaction in his mind. He returned to his homework. That is when Daniel noticed Josiah, Edmund's school friend. He was busy on his laptop while Edmund was going over his math book.

  "Hello, Josiah. Good to see you again. How is it going?"

  "Very well, sir. Thank you for asking. I hope your shoulder feels better."

  "Thanks. Anything new at school today?" He asked to the room in general.

  He received the universal teenage response of generic non-committal noises. That made him smile.

  "Well, what's for dinner? I smell something good."

  Susan responded to this one, "Spaghetti again, Dad. Sorry, it is just easy and we have a bunch of homework."

  "Not a problem. I like it. Don't apologize. You are doing all the work. I'm just grateful to eat."

  He smiled at his daughter and she returned it.

  Peter asked, "How much work do you think you will miss because of the shoulder?"

  Daniel shrugged with his non-injured side, "I don't know. I am trying not to miss any but today was a loss. You know, it was really weird. The guy had murdered the jeweler but only pushed me aside. When he encountered other officers outside, he just ran for it. I don't understand."

  Josiah spoke up, "It sounds like he was on a mission. The jeweler and his safe were his objectives. He didn't care beyond that. Does that make sense?"

  Daniel mulled it over, "You know, it makes as much sense as anything else we have at this point. We don't understand the motive was nor the contents of the safe. But you gave me an idea for a few new questions to ask. Thanks Josiah."

  Josiah smiled and kept on working. Daniel liked him. He was a good kid and friend to Edmund. After dinner, he had no doubt that the two would be neck deep in comic books again. He couldn't blame them. He loved comics when he was a kid.

  "Mr. Corgan, can I claim discrimination against the school?"

  The question caught Daniel off guard. "Um, maybe. Why do you want to do that?"

  "They won't let me take driver's ed."

  Daniel's jaw dropped open. "There are a couple of things. First, you aren't yet fifteen which is the age one must be to get a learners permit. Most importantly Josiah, your blind. Why do you want to take driver's ed?"

  "Why not? All of my friends are able to take it. I thought it could be cool."

  That was when Edmund could no longer keep a straight face and started to laugh. Daniel just rolled his eyes and started to laugh himself. They stopped pulling his leg after that.

  Once they served dinner, the normal table chatter ensued. What the plans for tomorrow were. Who was going where with what activities? These kids had fantastic social calendars. Beyond working two jobs, Daniel's only time out of the house was at one of his kid's events. Still, it made him happy. He loved to see them achieve and succeed at whatever they did. And given how busy he was, they achieved it for themselves. Daniel couldn't helicopter parent. These kids were motivated and well, just good kids.

  After dinner, Daniel took over the dish duty and cleaned up. Not scheduled for his second job, he took it as his turn. The kids protested that he had to rest his shoulder. But he was happy to do it. An hour later, with the work done, his shoulder burned. He made a mental note to give in next time and let the kids do it.

  Daniel sat back in his chair and opened his notebook and jotted down some ideas in a bulleted list.

  Safe Contents

  Next of kin

  Enemies of deceased

  Motivation of attack

  All of it was rather mundane stuff that they normally ask. But he found it helpful to write things down to not forget. He'd go into work tomorrow. Things would be better in the morning.

  Chapter 6: Back on the Case

  The next morning, Daniel suited up and went into the office. He had barely gotten his first cup of coffee. He was making his way to the briefing room when he heard Dobbs call his name.

  "Sergeant Corgan! Hey, we got another call. This time it is the watchmaker down on Pine Street. Do you want to come?"

  Daniel turned on his heels and went straight to him, "You drive. I am in."

  "Yes, sir."

  They were the second unit to pull up to the scene. This time the alarm wasn't tripped. The owner had called the police when he arrived at the shop and found it broken into. A car had been driven into the light pole that sent power into the building. That seemed to sever the power for the building and the telephone lines. This was why the alarm didn't go out.

  When Daniel entered the building, he saw that nothing in the front room had been touched beside the broken in front door. He found the other officers in the back room. They were staring at a large hole in the wall. The owner was speaking loudly and gesticulating at the hole.

  "He tore the whole damn thing from the wall? Hell, he tore through the studs holding the damn thing in place. Just look at this shit! It isn't like it was a lightweight safe. I mean it was an American Security one that weighed eighty-six pounds by itself! Who robbed me, the Hulk?"

  The officer held his hands up in front of him and tried to speak softly and gently to the man to calm him down.

  "I understand your frustration. I am just glad you weren't hurt. Please calm down. Being excited won't help us find this guy any faster."

  Daniel spoke up for the first time, "Sir, I see you have security cameras linked up here. Are they on a battery backup? Is it possible they got footage of whoever did this?"

  The watchmaker deflated. The fight left him. "No, I didn't have a battery backup. I would get one but they are a bit expensive and most of my money was in my inventory. And now half of that is gone."

  Daniel nodded. He suspected that this was the case. "Do you have an itemized list of what was in the safe? We will need that so we can check the pawnshops in case the burglar attempts to pawn them."

  The watchmaker hesitated.

  "Sir, is there something in the safe you don't want us to know about?"

  The man began to sweat. His hands were shaking and his eyes darted around the room.

  Daniel put his hand upon his shoulder to attempt to steady the man.

  "Look, we need to know what it in there. That is the only way we can help you recover what you have lost. It doesn't matter if it is embarrassing. Everyone has something in their past they don't want someone to find out about. We aren't here to judge, just help you recover what you have lost."

  Daniel caught the attention of the other officers and leaned his head toward the door. They all got the hint and left. The last officer out shut the door. Daniel glanced around and looked at the room. The floor was covered in dust and debris from the wall where the safe had been. Fingerprint dust covered the area around the hole in the wall. No prints had been recovered.

  "Sir, if there was something illegal in the safe, I can leave that out of my report. I won't be able to return it to you if we find it, but we can leave it out of the official report."

  The watchmaker's head shot up and his eyes reflected the horror at the thought.

  "No, absolutely not. I have nothing illegal in my safe, my business nor in my home. I am an honest man." His volume and intensity increased with each word.

  "That's great. I didn't doubt that, but I'd to mention it since you didn't seem to want to tell us what was in there." Explained Daniel patiently.

  The man took a deep breath to steady himself.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

  "What? Oh, yes. I am Clay Whitaker. I have been a watchmaker in this
town for over thirty years. My parents and grandparents were watchmakers here before me. I can repair and service most any make or brand."

  Some pride was coming back in Clay as he sat up straighter and held his head erect.

  "That is good to know. I have my daddy's Rolex that stopped working for me a while back. I'll have to bring it in to you," said Daniel conversationally.

  Waving his hands, "That is an easy job. Most likely it needs to be cleaned. It doesn't take much for them to get jammed up. The last person to work on it over oiled it. A rookie mistake on those."

  Daniel nodded as if he understood. "That's good to know. Thanks for that. Do you have many Rolexes in your inventory?"

  He shrugged. "In the safe there was a few. I'd some and a few Tissot's and some Piaget's. They were the more expensive parts of my inventory. But they weren't the most valuable thing in there. I'd a one of a kind hand made English Chronometer that dated back to the 1790s. It was part of a larger mechanism. I couldn't get it insured as the adjuster couldn't figure out what it would be worth. Without the rest of the mechanism it is just a family heirloom. I don't know much about it other than it was a precision made piece. It's an amazing piece of of workmanship. I have never seen anything like it. Family legend has it that there are three pieces to it complete the whole mechanism. I have no idea where the other pieces are or what they look like. The device was taken apart and separated for safety. Again, I have no idea what it does or why it was separated. I know my family had kept it safe for years. And now, under my watch, it's gone."

  Daniel made notes. He nodded vigorously at each point. He was impressed that the man was rather calm about losing several very expensive watches. More pieces of the puzzle were appearing. He couldn't see the whole picture yet but the pieces were starting to be there. It was likely that the two robberies were related now. He would bet money that there was another piece of the cosmic gizmo was in that safe. They needed to find the next of kin and get in the jewelers safe.

  Chapter 7: Next of Kin

  Back at the precinct, Daniel got himself another cup of coffee. He encountered Captain Miller who just smiled and shook his head. He patted Daniel's good shoulder and walked off muttering.


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