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Evilution Page 37

by Hylton Smith

  It wasn’t just Pierze who got the distinct impression that these people, largely brought in by Tourisheva were determined to exclude findings other than their own. They were viewed by everyone outside their clique as a self-preservation society. Pierze released his man’s findings to the media and revealed that he was on his way back to Madrid to brief President Sanchez and recommend setting up a joint venture with Orient to investigate technical means of averting this threat, and the merits of a manned mission to Mars space. This effectively caused an exodus from Moscow. The media followed events rather than non-events; Moscow was left to contemplate its own navel. Mohammed and Zara bade their farewell to Stepanov and Boris Krasnic, wondering if they would ever meet again. Tourisheva was left guarding the object and an army of non-productive boffins on whom the journalists had conferred the title ‘Son of SETI’.


  Zara was keen to find out more about Patrick Kipketer. Apart from him being Kenyan, an Olympic gold medallist, and being gifted in the use of think-phones, he needed to know about the man. In particular, he was curious about his personality and emotional profile. The career of a world class athlete was only as long as world records and medals kept on churning out. This young man would be looking for another life challenge soon. That was why Moya had been asked to set up the meeting.


  Manuel’s people had information on two of the three suspected moles. The most senior, Alessa Gomez frequented two particular tapas bars regularly after work. She alternated between Paco’s and Orihuela. She seemed to keep the meetings with her two subordinates completely separate. There appeared to be information passed on, as she talked and they made notes. One of them never ate or drank in the bar, and he simply wrote what he had to, and then went to his apartment. The other spent much longer with Gomez and sometimes passed her a computer memory stick. The detectives had got napkins and glasses left by these two and had delivered them as requested to Pierze’s forensic lab for tests. When Gomez had finished these sessions she almost always met with another man at what may have been his expensive apartment. A really grainy photograph of them greeting each other upon arrival was e-mailed to Manuel. The man had his back to the camera. They also had addresses for all three, which were at variance with those residences in their personnel dossiers, given to his shadows by Manuel. There was more than enough strange behaviour to warrant further investigation. Manuel asked his people to stick with the task in the hope they would witness a break in this routine behaviour.

  Duarte also passed information to Manuel about the address in Tobruk, and said, “I should let Pierze know we have switched tasks and ask him how he wants to proceed. I’m not the man for bartering in the Kasbah; he may want specialist people for this. From what you have learned so far he’ll surely want to follow these false addresses up even if there are no DNA hits.” Manuel agreed and said he was going to return to Madrid so all three of them could review the situation when Pierze landed.


  The information Moya had gathered on Patrick Kipketer impressed Zara. He decided to run it past Naomi Boniface before he made direct contact with the athlete. Boniface tried to pick out pointers from Moya’s summary which were to be used in the interview with Kipketer. His responses would assist in building a preliminary emotional profile. Zara then delegated Moya to contact Kipketer’s agent to arrange a follow-up meeting, specifically to make an offer to sponsor him for wearing their DCI logo on his warm-up track suits. “This is the last request I’ll make of you regarding the young man, I’ll take it from there.”


  Sanchez returned to his office despite medical advice to the contrary. One of his first decisions was to invite Din Chow Zen to visit him to discuss the relevance of the Tunguska event on the proposed Martian evaluation for future colonisation. He wanted Pierze to be in attendance. The Orient leader took much criticism from within his government for accepting the offer. Pierze was brought up to date by Duarte and Manuel prior to the two leaders sending for him.

  The meeting began with a review of what was known from Messenger and what was still under investigation. The desire on the part of Orient to get started on the Mars project could now be viewed in two ways. Messenger had tried to articulate through visuals and equations what the fate of Earth was likely to be, but not that of either Phobos or Mars. The impact of Comet 2005NB5C with the moon could completely destabilise or fragment it. Alternatively it could indirectly affect Mars itself by secondary impact or influence of its orbit. Pierze gave his input on these points. “I’ve gathered suggestions from all of the knowledgeable people in the Tunguska investigation, and while there is still dispute over the methodology of the process they are all agreed on the following theory. Messenger is a warning to humanity, not to Mars or Phobos, as we believe there is no sentient life there. The only other idea they will entertain is that the creators of Messenger could have some outpost there, and they wouldn’t need to warn themselves. This has led to the following prognosis – If the comet is the threat and cannot be neutralised, we need to know if Mars is humanity’s only escape route. If the comet isn’t the threat then we may have more time to determine the fate of Mars, either by direct impact or from the detritus of the ‘predicted’ impacts, namely an asteroid or another comet on Phobos, then any damaged asteroid or comet on the Earth. It is very complicated. The overall conclusion they have arrived at is that it’s prudent to bring forward the Mars reconnaissance to the earliest possible date. It will answer the question of whether there is any sign of Messenger’s creators in that region of space. If there is, we must obviously examine it. If not, then we should responsibly prepare to take all steps possible to create a Noah’s Ark of some kind to give the species two chances of survival. Parallel to the Mars project we need to examine ways of surviving an extinction event of this magnitude over a period of years. It will have to cater for such criteria as toxic atmosphere, perpetual blocking of the sun’s rays, phenomenal seismic activity, high radiation levels, and rapid onset of an ice age to mention just a few. It is considered prudent to go as far underground as we can. This is how some burrowing mammals survived when the dinosaurs failed. However, access to uncontaminated food and water will be a major priority for technologists. The sciences which have attracted ethical objections could be critical, for instance cloning of edible plant species, and designer stem cell research to maximise our metabolism. It goes without saying that in both the underground Earth habitat and the pioneering Martian colony, the survivors will have to be selected. These projects will accommodate a very low percentage of the population.”

  The two leaders were expecting this analysis; they needed to have it confirmed. It was agreed that they would deliver the plan jointly and authorise immediate initiation of ‘Operation Phobos’. Pierze then informed them of the building evidence that the assassination attempt on Sanchez was not orchestrated by Oriental personnel. It was thought to be timely to make this announcement prior to that of the Martian trip. Pierze told Din Chow Zen that no more details could be released without prejudicing the on-going investigation. “We have substantive leads now, but they will require patience and subtlety to nail them down. You will be apprised of any success we achieve.”

  When they broke up, Pierze told Sanchez that there was probable connection of moles, identified in his department with Ortega, and therefore with the plot. “We’ll expose them when we have credible evidence to leverage information on their controllers. These people are but minions.”


  There had been a premature claim that the code breakers had made a breakthrough. It turned out to be a modest inroad which actually threw up more possibilities, but equally importantly, eliminated many dead ends. They had identified certain symbols which repeated in a similar way to our own, in important equations within the laws of physics. Accepting that we would assign values ‘x’ and ‘y’ to certain variables, they had seen perhaps ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ or ‘light’ and ‘dark’ in Messengers patterns which may
lead to a better understanding of what they were trying to convey. The only firm conclusion at this stage was that the symbols were definitely structured calculations or equations of some kind. The work resumed with renewed energy; it was the first small step, but it enabled a heavier concentration on this route rather than the broader approach.


  Zara met with Patrick Kipketer and his agent following an athletics event in Norway – at the Bislett stadium. His approach was to offer a split of sponsorship to him personally, and also funding for the infrastructure of the village of his birth in Kenya. He made frequent reference to DCI being owned by the people, and this would be a benefit to all parties, by ‘the people helping the people’. “Your career will hopefully be long and successful Patrick, but when the time comes for you to step back from competitive sport you will no doubt want to find a new challenge or occupation. This may be a legacy you can give to your family and friends, and it won’t harm your chances of landing a good position in the future. Many retired sports personalities say they want to ‘put something back’ into society for being blessed with talent, but you will have already done that at the height of your career. It’s not a promise it is a fact. Does something like this appeal to you in principle? If it does then we can begin to put numbers into the mix.”

  His agent asked for a private discussion and Zara left them to chew on his proposal. It didn’t take long for him to be recalled. Zara was invited to make an offer; the principle had struck a chord. “I will certainly do so, you’ll hear from me soon.” Zara then set about determining what Kipketer was currently attracting from his contracted sponsor.

  Chapter 13

  Pierze had to address the Tobruk tip off from Duarte. He guessed that there must be a conduit from the Sukahara distribution point to illegal destinations. He was working with the assumption that temptation often proves too much for certain individuals to resist. He decided that the safest way to progress this was to ask Din Chow Zen, via Sanchez, to request the Sukahara boss to investigate his hunch. They could do this more effectively than he could, and in any case they would want to avoid anyone else washing their dirty linen in public. They also knew Pierze was motivated to declare them innocent in the assassination attempt.


  Patrick Kipketer accepted Zara’s offer and the association began to flourish. It was big news in Africana and the Kenyan people were even more proud of their talisman. As well as the company logo being plastered over his kit, he was given the latest handset which employed DCI components. It was free to him and was already set up on Trans Global Connections as the provider. The questionnaire which Boniface had asked Zara to complete from this interview with Kipketer was, in her judgement, close to perfect in terms of emotional makeup. He was an acceptable target without waiting for the new hardware developments to emerge. The ringtone software was installed. When Zara asked him if he was interested in participating in a survey on ‘think-phone’ research, he jumped at the chance to show off his considerable ability.


  The cost of the number of experts back-tracing from the spirograph was escalating and without a date for the predicted impact they finally capitulated. They were stubborn enough to say they would resume if and when the code breakers could give them more information to work with. Everyone else had just accepted that it would point to Comet 2005NB5C, and worked on the premise that it would strike in eighteen years. Consequently, the mission to Mars received every possible source of investment available, and they had set 2033 as the date of launch. It was the year that the planets would be closest. They would however despatch an unmanned probe within six months. The equipment on this probe would make sweeps of the red planet and both moons, looking for any anomalous readings.

  As the months slipped by with little to report other than intentions, the population was getting restless. This unease was truncated by the most dramatic breakthrough. The code breakers now had results which could lead to a ‘Rosetta Stone’ situation. They had isolated what they now believed to be some kind of hieroglyphs or pictographs, from the other symbols. When they submitted only the remaining symbols to all of the decryption algorithms they had devised, they got a hit. They could identify some of the fundamental laws of physics, albeit with slight disagreement on the value of certain constants. They celebrated the importance of this, and suggested the pictographs would now help in pointing them to the equations to which they were related.


  Patrick Kipketer waltzed through tests one and two. He had concerns about the short brush with death involved in the third and final assessment, but he was also highly motivated by the explanation of the Circle of Light, in the context of the entire human race being wiped out in a few years. Zara had majored on this and pointed out that his people in Kenya already thought he was a god. “If you can pass this test you can become the founding disciple of our faith in Africana, to spread the word, and help your friends and family cope with the impending extinction. They will ask - what is the purpose of life? They will need someone strong to be the cement, with our faith. They will realise that a significant moment will arrive, when the fireball is visible, that they may have been let down by their alternate faith. That will be a difficult time and we should prepare them for the Truth. That is why the only genuine way to see the Truth is to glimpse death.”

  He agreed to proceed. After completing the ceremony of becoming a disciple he went on to even greater athletic achievements, shattering the world record for the 1500 metres. He was able to gather a very significant flock of followers around him in a short space of time. It began to attract interest from other parts of the world. Zara was ready for disciple number two, but first he gave Kipketer some freebie communicators as incentives for those of his flock who were most successful in recruiting new members.


  Pierze was losing patience with his lab people; they had not found any matches with the DNA supplied by Manuel’s detectives. This led to him suggesting an approach which proved to be decisive. Because the main databases had drawn blanks he worked on the hunch that these people may have been erased as part of their cover. “If the connection we are looking at is valid, maybe we should look at local precincts, where it is more difficult to remove data without someone knowing about it. The Middle East is part of the Iberian Republic or had you forgotten? Let us cast our line in Tobruk.” The match to Alessa Gomez came up in the file of Freema Anwar. She was listed, but not in the criminal side of the database, she was in ranks of the counter-terrorism staff.

  Pierze wrestled with this for a couple of days, and then arrested her at her apartment. The interrogation was brief. “I’m not going to go into detail Alessa, sorry where are my manners? Freema, we have enough on you to make sure you don’t see the light of day again. I will however, share a couple of items. Don’t worry it isn’t your connection to Nelson Ortega. It’s more to do with two of your subordinates and the rather affluent gentleman you visit after you have met with your boys in separate bars. We prefer the Orihuela; it has a much better selection of beers. I don’t want to ask you any questions, not yet anyway. I prefer you to think things through quietly, you’ll have lots of time as you aren’t going anywhere soon. Oh, one thing you may wish to keep in mind – who will help you now? You have become a liability. We’ll probably make things worse if we have to advertise your arrest. It’s not something we want to do, but we can’t hold you forever. I’ll be back.”

  Pierze told his secretary to inform the two subordinates that their boss had called in to say she had been referred by her doctor to a consultant for CT scans. She may be off for some time. He had confiscated her communicator on the near certainty they would try to make contact.


  Frederic Moreno was fairly well known, especially in the financial world. Meteoric success with his blue chip hedge fund business had afforded the opportunity to diversify into exploration of new forms of energy. Few people recalled that he was the nephew of the former President Moreno
. Zara was one who did, and furthermore had tracked his career for some time. He was an ideal candidate for disciple number two. He made a point of attending Moreno’s keynote presentation on how the ‘Sword of Damocles’ was affecting the long term planning of all businesses. He was quite persuasive with his impassioned plea that the human race must work on the assumption that the disaster would be averted. “If we don’t, the years between now and 2045 will be intolerable. There will be more famine, more disease, more crime and we will drive ourselves into a downward spiral to absolute chaos. Many people rely on their faith to get them through each day. Why then do we not adopt the same attitude with advent of this predicted event? It isn’t my place to try to tell people which faith they should follow. That is a very personal thing. We all have faith in something – ideas, ambitions, political ideologies, medicines and of course some form of omnipotence. Not only must we maintain these values, we must build on them. We are all going to die at some time, and what makes that so acceptable is the indefinite time of death and for certain groups, the prospect of salvation – an afterlife. This should be our focus – to maximise our contribution. Even for an extinction event of the scale of this prediction, the scientists believe some of us will survive. I urge you to intensify your faith.” Zara wasted no time in asking Moreno to meet with him to discuss this further, knowing he’d be a harder nut to crack than Kipketer.


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