Love Under Two Adventurers [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Two Adventurers [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Cara Covington

  Rebecca burst out laughing. She didn’t think either one of these men would ever let her get away with anything. They’d figured out how nervous she was, and that was Cody’s way of letting her know it.

  She thought that if they could each do that for the others—reach out to shore up flagging spirits, or call them on it when they tried to dissemble, then that would come damn close to being the perfect relationship.

  Only time would really tell.

  Cody lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. He met her gaze, and then looked beyond her to his lover. In the next moment he reached for her and brought her to sit on his lap, sideways, so that she faced Greg. She helped him with the move the moment she realized what he wanted to do. She had to work at not wincing even as she worried about him hurting his wounded shoulder.

  “We’re not going to fuck you in this tub,” Greg said.

  “Instead, we’re going to play.” Cody traced a finger down from her throat to her right breast. He used it to circle her areola.

  Her body responded immediately by pebbling that circular pink patch and contracting her nipple into a tight little button. A tingle of heat washed through her and she felt her pussy clench as if looking for a nice, big cock to grab hold of.

  “God, you’re responsive.” Cody cupped her chin and gently brought her head around until she met his gaze. “And not very experienced, sexually, are you? Baby, have you ever had anal sex?”

  Rebecca sighed. “No, but I understand what stepping into this tub—what proposing to join the two of you—means.” Cody released her chin and she settled further into his lap and laid her head on his chest. The sensation of his hard cock pressing against her hip stirred her arousal, a light puff of air on the embers that had smoldered all afternoon. She swore she could hear the muted swoosh of those embers catching fire.

  “And what does it mean, Becca?” Greg slid closer and lifted her legs onto his lap. He massaged her feet and she felt her bones begin to liquefy.

  “It means that I need to be open to trying everything. I’m not naïve, although, no, I’m not very experienced, sexually.” Her face colored slightly.

  “I imagine the talks between you and Auntie Pam were a little more interesting than the coming-of-age talks young ladies elsewhere receive,” Greg said.

  “Mmm, and I’ve read the journals, too. Sarah’s and Amanda’s.” She grinned then. “We think we invented it all, living in these modern and progressive times. But let me tell you, Sarah Benedict and Amanda Jessop-Kendall were ladies who took on two husbands each, more than a century ago.” She sobered then, and met each of the men’s gazes. “Amanda’s husbands were lovers to each other first, as you well know. Like you and Greg are.” Rebecca reached up and stroked Cody’s chin. “Only in those days, they could have been arrested and hung for their loving each other.”

  “I think I’m definitely going to have to tour that museum.” Cody stroked her chin again and she looked up at him. “But for now, I want to play. Kiss me, pretty Rebecca. Let me drink your fire.”

  Rebecca put away the rest of her questions, sat up a little, and set aside the worries she had about the man whose lap she covered. Cody Harper’s hands were on her body, stroking her breast and her back while his eyes compelled her.

  She saw need and hunger in his gaze, and maybe a little fear of rejection, too. Maybe this wouldn’t be forever. Nothing in life carried a guarantee. But unless she tried, unless she was willing to take a chance, how would she know? Yes, this was risky. But the risk was far and away preferable to the heartache of yearning, and never trying.

  So Rebecca lifted her arms, encircled his neck, and laid her lips on his. Warm and wet and wonderful, his mouth covered hers, his lips supple and questing as they caressed and then opened hers. His tongue stroked hers, a slow slide, a trembling, joyful glide that lured her deeper and then deeper still. The flavor that was Cody flooded her bloodstream and drenched her soul. His hand slid up to cup her head. He dislodged the clip she’d used to keep her hair up, and she didn’t even care.

  She liked the feel of his fingers combing through her tresses, then grabbing hold, as if he would keep her right there and never let her go.

  Cody released her lips. She felt Greg move, and her head was turned, and he was there, his face so close. He wrapped them both in his arms and said, “It’s hot as hell watching you two kiss. I need some of that.”

  His mouth mated with hers, his lips and tongue forceful in their possession of her. Surrounded by hot and hard male flesh as the spa tub surrounded her with hot, bubbling water, Rebecca surrendered. She let herself go, returning Greg’s kiss with all the passion that had lain dormant in her for so very long.

  Cody took her nipple into his mouth and suckled, and Rebecca moaned against Greg’s lips as an electric current of arousal zinged from her breast to her clit.

  “You’re very responsive to us each, and to us both.” Greg kissed her cheeks, her forehead, and then leaned in and kissed Cody.

  Lying as she was between them, with them kissing over her, she felt the heat of their hardened cocks pressing against her, felt the way those impressive organs flexed as the men’s lips locked with each other’s and their tongues mated.

  The look in Greg’s eyes when he lifted his mouth from Cody’s made her heart melt. Joy, such absolute joy wreathed his face. She didn’t think she’d ever seen Greg look so happy.

  “Lover, I like that look on you,” Cody said. “I like it a lot.”

  “I had this dream once,” Greg said. He kissed her lips chastely then did the same to Cody. “Hell, I’ve always had this dream, because to me paradise always meant loving two people—but I didn’t know if I would be given the chance.”

  “It wasn’t just the chance you doubted,” Cody said.

  Rebecca counted this a rare moment, for in this place and at this exact time, the two men seemed to have reversed the roles she’d already grown accustomed to seeing them occupy.

  They’re both of them wounded souls.

  That realization was an “aha” moment for her. They both had healing left to do. Yes, Cody’s wounds were fresher, and in a way, more immediate. But Greg had suffered, too—and likely still was.

  Her personal revelation continued on, in a direction she hadn’t expected. For wasn’t she a wounded soul, also? Hadn’t she lived without her heart’s desire, without the sense of completeness she knew her parents, aunts, and uncles had found? Hadn’t she feared that she would be forced to live her life, lonely and alone? Hadn’t she practically resigned herself to that fate?

  “No, not just that.” Greg acknowledged his lover’s point, but said nothing more. What he did was move so that now he was on Cody’s left. The two men put their hands on her, arranged her on them so that she was mostly out of the water. She didn’t feel at all cold because the heat of their bodies warmed hers, and the searing passion in their eyes, as they looked and touched, heated her soul.

  “You have such a pretty little pussy,” Greg said. “I thought so that first time, when you gave me your virginity. I didn’t expect to see it bare.” Greg ran his hand over her flesh. “But I like it.”

  They each traced their fingers over her mound, then down, to stroke her labia and tease her clit. “Mmm, there’s…a new day spa in town.” She could barely form the words because they made her so damn horny. She pushed her cunt closer to their roving fingers, and the men both chuckled and continued to tease her unmercifully.

  “A new day spa, is it? So you’ll be waxing on a regular basis?” Greg’s tone conveyed his interest even as he kept his eyes where his fingers played.

  “Maybe.” Rebecca let her eyes drift shut as the amazing sensations washed over and through her. She licked her lips, and whimpered because their touch came close, so very close to where she needed it the most.

  “What’s the matter, Blue Eyes? Need something?”

  She opened her eyes and Cody gave her his teasing grin, but this time all she felt was frustration. Did he think
she wouldn’t speak plainly? Oh, but she would. To get what she craved she would likely say anything, do anything. At the moment they held her down, spread open, her hands behind their backs, her legs held apart so that they could play at will. They both were out of reach of her hands and her mouth—unless she counted their shoulders. She just might possibly be able to lick—or bite—their shoulders.

  So Rebecca returned his smile and prepared to drive them both crazy the only way she could at the moment—with words.

  “Yes. I need something. I need a couple of things, actually. I need your cocks.” She felt a twinge on either side of her hips and mentally fist-pumped the air. “I need your hot, hard cocks fucking me. I need you to fuck my cunt and fuck my mouth. I need to taste your flesh. I want to drink your cum.”

  “Vixen!” Greg reached around and pinched her left nipple, not too hard but hard enough she knew it was meant as a mild rebuke. “I seem to recall you like to call the shots and rush the play,” Greg said.

  “You know, lover, we ought to tie her down and drive her crazy. Take her just to the very edge and then stop.” Cody used two fingers to stroke rapidly over her clit. Rebecca cried out as arousal surged, as she came close, so very close, to orgasm. “Over and over again,” he finished. He lifted his fingers from her cunt and Rebecca couldn’t hold back the sound of disappointment.

  “Babe, you have a diabolical mind. I like that about you.” Greg turned Rebecca’s face toward him. “But we can do that another time. I want to watch her come, right now.”

  Greg grinned. He slid his hand down her body, brushed over her mound and slid his fingers between her labia. Slowly, oh so slowly, he thrust two fingers into her cunt.

  “Sounds like a plan. Allow me to do my part in this effort,” Cody said.

  Rebecca thought they must have some sort of telepathic communication going between them because they moved, at once and together. She found herself splayed across Greg’s lap, his fingers in her cunt, while Cody slid off the bench, put himself between her legs, and lowered his mouth to her pussy.

  Chapter 11

  “Oh, God!” Rebecca couldn’t hold back the shivers of delight. Neither could she stop herself from pushing her cunt closer to Cody Harper’s very talented mouth.

  They held her in such a way that she couldn’t really move to help herself, or to escape—not that she wanted to.

  She’d never been held down and forced to take pleasure before. Greg’s right, I do try to rush it and control it. Her thoughts scattered and her orgasm erupted.

  Rebecca cried out as the waves of beautiful, endless bliss rolled through her, one on top of the next so that she couldn’t think, and could barely breathe. The climax filled every inch of her so that there was nothing else, nothing left, but this.

  Cody continued to stroke her clit with his tongue as her climax went on and on. As it began to ebb, he lapped lightly all around her slit. Finally, when she was reduced to the shivers of aftermath, he placed sweet kisses on the inside of her thighs.

  Greg bent over and gave her a light kiss. Rebecca sighed. Greg eased her off his legs and into Cody’s arms. He stayed where he was, kneeling on the floor of the tub and held her. Her body submerged now, she snuggled into him, laying her head on his shoulder as the water lapped and frothed around her.

  “Do you have any idea how much I enjoyed that?” No teasing lit his tone. The words had come softly, as if he’d been nervous to jar the mood between them.

  “Not possibly as much as I did,” Rebecca said.

  Cody chuckled. “I think you know better than that. Will you let me share it with you?”

  Rebecca smiled. This proof of Cody’s heart and his manners touched her. The man had a hard-on that felt like hot steel beneath her hip, and yet, he asked—he didn’t push or demand. He would never really force her to do anything she didn’t want to do.

  She reached up and caressed his cheek. This close she couldn’t help but smell her own juices on his face. Applying just the tiniest pressure, she turned his head so that his lips were very close, and she kissed him.

  She’d never tasted this, never sampled herself on a lover’s lips before. Musky, not unpleasant, it surprised her that Cody’s kiss, coated with her own essence, aroused her so quickly.

  The water swirled and she felt Greg come down into the water beside them. She weaned her lips from Cody and looked at him.

  “You want to try that, too?” she asked.

  He didn’t wait for a second invitation, and as he laid his lips on Cody’s, as his one hand rested on her head and the other on Cody’s, she cherished this glimpse of Greg’s heart.

  He’d allowed the two of them to have something together, outside of himself. And she made a note to herself that for them, for the three of them, this would be key.

  If this ménage was to work, if it was to grow and become what she hoped, in her heart, it would be, then they had to have not just time together, as a trio, but individual couple time as well—all the way around.

  Greg ended his kiss with Cody, and then turned to her. She met his gaze and smiled, then licked her lips. Greg chuckled. He leaned in and kissed her, too, a gentle, questing kind of kiss that comforted as much as it aroused. “Why don’t we move this party to the bed?” he asked.

  “Yes, please. I’m beginning to prune.”

  Cody nodded. “So am I.” He thrust his hip toward her, pressing his cock against her.

  “Not in anyplace really important,” she said.

  Cody laughed, and pulled her into a brief, tight hug. “I like the way you prioritize.” Then his look sobered, and he met Greg’s eyes, and then hers again. “Do you know what I need?”

  “What, sweetheart?” Greg asked.

  “Two things. I need to sink balls deep into Rebecca.”

  He met her gaze and she reached up and stroked her hand over his face. “What else do you need?”

  “For Greg to sink balls deep into me.”

  Rebecca had a flash, a moment of understanding that swept through her, touching her heart and mind, body and soul. “You need to feel anchored to us both.”

  Cody blinked, and Rebecca thought that maybe he hadn’t understood the meaning of the craving that had him in its grip.

  “You know what? I think I need that, too,” Greg said.

  Rebecca stretched up and kissed Cody, and then Greg. “Let’s get out of this water.”

  Greg lifted her into his arms, and she would have protested, but the moment felt right to just give in. Cody practically raced out of the tub. He grabbed a couple of towels, laying one on the wooden bench so Greg could sit on it. They then set about to dry her, a lovely kind of pampering she’d never experienced before.

  “I have regrets,” Greg said. He seemed to be taking particular care with her, his touch with the terrycloth more than gentle. “About the last time.”

  “I think you kind of made that clear at the time. It’s okay. We’re past that, Greg.” Rebecca didn’t want to go anyplace mentally or emotionally that would pull her out of the lovely place she was in right then.

  “No, baby. I already let those ones go. These are different regrets. I regret I didn’t stay in that bed and awaken you slowly the next morning. I regret that I didn’t take care of you, and cherish you the way a man should when he makes love to a woman for the first time. That goes double when the man takes his woman’s virginity.”

  “You were surprised at the time that I was a virgin. I didn’t tell you that you’d be the first, because I was afraid you’d turn away from me. I didn’t take any time when you came home to find out what was bothering you—and I knew something was. So, darling? It’s not all on you, and you’re not the only one with regrets.”

  “Wait just one minute.” Cody squatted down so that he was on eye level with them both.

  Rebecca realized he’d quickly dried himself, and that his bandage, which had withstood the heat of the spa, had come off in the process.

  Her heart clenched at the sight of the re
d, puckered flesh. She saw Greg looking there, too. She was closer so she leaned in and kissed the healing scar gently.

  “I have something to say to you both on the topic of regrets and what came before.” Cody shook his head and gave a bit of a self-depreciating laugh. “To us all, actually,” he said. “We’ve all been through various forms of hell in our lives. But maybe, just maybe, we each had to travel the path that we did in order for us to wind up here, and now, and together. And if that’s true—if this turns out to be our forever beginning—then I say, all that came before was worth it.”

  Rebecca couldn’t have put into words exactly why, but she knew in her heart, right then and there, she fell in love with Cody Harper. How many men, she wondered, dealing with what she suspected he was dealing with, could turn away from their own demons to comfort others dealing with theirs?

  “You’re right,” Greg said. “So let this be a beginning for us. I’m willing to risk the jump.”

  Rebecca found it hard to form words around the lump in her throat. “So am I.”

  Cody smiled, and the light of confidence shining in his eyes was as hard to miss as it was breathtaking to see.

  “Come on, lovers,” Cody said. “I need you. I need you both.”

  Rebecca kissed both men, but when she made to get up, Greg stood with her in his arms. So she looped her arms around his neck and said, “I need you both, too. Let’s get this celebration started.”

  * * * *

  Let’s get this celebration started.

  Trust Rebecca to say just the right words. If he had anything to do with it, then what they would find here in this bed—all of them—would be a celebration.

  He hadn’t pushed Cody for sex. It had been three weeks since he’d left the hospital, just barely a month since he’d been kidnapped.

  And while they’d spent each night since Cody had been discharged in the same bed, there’d been no lovemaking.

  So yeah, Greg was more than ready for some action. It didn’t matter that his body was still damp from the tub. Greg didn’t want to waste another minute. Don’t matter if I dry off or not. Things are going to get so hot the water will evaporate right off me.


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