Retreat Again (The Retreat Series Book 2)

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Retreat Again (The Retreat Series Book 2) Page 10

by Christina Benjamin

  Olivia laughed. “Well looks like you’re just in time for breakfast. I made pancakes.”

  “So you can cook three things?” Alex said, immediately regretting his sarcastic tone. But to his surprise, Olivia didn’t have a snarky comeback.

  “Yeah, I guess I forgot about pancakes. I haven’t made them in years. But when I came down to make coffee I had this memory of my grandmother cooking pancakes.” Olivia’s eyes got a little misty. “Gran always cooked them for me whenever I was here for the summers,” she added.

  Olivia seemed lost in her memories for a moment, but then she pulled herself back to the present and said, “Hope you like pancakes.”

  “I do.”

  “Good,” she said smiling again. “How many?”


  “Coming right up. Grab the juice and I’ll meet you at the table.”

  Alex walked to the refrigerator in a trance. He was baffled that Olivia had transformed into a cheerful homemaker overnight.

  Where was the girl who had screamed at him yesterday?

  He poured two glasses of orange juice and joined Olivia at the table. But as soon as he sat he felt an awkward tension rise up between them. He did his best to ignore it by diving into the pancakes. They were delicious and he told her so.

  “Thanks,” she said tightly.

  The silence stretched between them until finally Olivia spoke again. “Alex, I want to apologize to you.”

  He glanced up at her. She looked angelic with the sunlight spilling in from the window behind her. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “No, I’ve been awful and you did nothing to deserve it.”

  “So these are apology pancakes?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I guess so,” Olivia said trying to suppress a grin. “But honestly, I’m sorry for behaving like a crazy person. I’m not normally like this. But with my grandmother being sick and being back here . . .” she leaned her forehead against her hand. “I guess it’s really thrown me off balance.”

  Alex remained silent. He wasn’t sure if she was done talking and didn’t want to interrupt her. Olivia’s eyes flitted up to meet his and Alex felt his pulse accelerate. She reached a delicate hand toward him and gently placed it atop his hand. She squeezed gently. “I’m not trying to make excuses. I really just want to apologize for being so crazy. I’d love it if we could start over.”

  “Of course,” Alex said. He hadn’t even realized he’d authorized a response, but the words left his mouth before he knew it.

  Olivia smiled radiantly again. “I have a plan to make it up to you.”


  “Well, do you still want to pick my brain about Carter Ridge’s music history?”

  Alex nodded.

  “How about we start with a tour?”

  “A tour?”

  “Yes. I can take you on a tour of the property. It’s finally nice out and I think some fresh air will be good after being locked inside the past few days.”

  Alex didn’t answer.

  “Oh come on. It’ll be fun.”

  “I really should work. I can’t afford to fall behind.”

  He watched Olivia’s face fall, but she quickly regained her composure. “Of course. Well, I’ll let you get to it then,” she said politely and started to clear the dishes.

  Alex stared after her.

  Was he being an idiot?

  Had Olivia seemed disappointed, or was it only wishful thinking?

  Regardless of what Alex thought he saw, he couldn’t believe he was actually thinking about passing up the opportunity to get a behind the scenes tour of Carter Ridge from Cassidy Crain’s granddaughter.


  Alex stood. “Maybe we could go for a short tour?”

  Olivia beamed. “Great!”

  “I just need to take a quick shower.”

  “Okay. I’ll pack us a picnic.”

  Chapter 25


  “Okay, first stop, the front door,” Olivia said handing Alex the picnic basket and draping the Burberry blanket they’d confiscated from the Range Rover over her arm.

  “Um, I hate to break it to you, but I’ve actually seen the front door.”

  “Yes, but have you seen where my grandparents carved their initials in the doorframe?”

  Alex’s eyes widened. “No.”

  “That’s what I thought,” she said coyly. “Come on.”

  Olivia made her way out the door and waited for Alex to shut it. She motioned for him to set the heavy basket down and approached the chipping green paint on the doorframe.

  “Are you ready for this?” Olivia asked with a theatrical twinkle in her eyes. “Behold the magical powers of the Carter Ridge house. Here, lies the initials of the greatest love stories of all time,” she said, fondly running her fingers over the three sets of initials carved into the wood.

  T.C. + C.C.

  J.C. + M.R.

  C.C. + S.L.

  “Thomas Crain and Cassidy Clark,” Alex said in awe.

  “Yep. My grandfather carved their initials here before they even owned this place. It was the day after they got engaged, actually.”

  “That’s incredible,” Alex murmured. “That was what . . . over sixty years ago?”

  Olivia nodded, smiling at the genuine appreciation in Alex’s tone. “Gran likes to say when Grand carved their initials, it added their love to the house and that’s where it gets its magic from.”

  “They were so ahead of their time,” Alex mused. “I mean broadcasting their personal lives along with their music was genius. They were like the original Jay Z and Beyoncé.”

  Olivia snorted. “Gran would probably kiss you if told her that. She’s a huge Beyoncé fan.”

  “I’ll have to remember that.”

  “You know it was an accident though, right?”


  “My grandparents. They were never even supposed to meet. The rental company double booked the place and that’s how they ended up here together. And apparently they had no clue that everything they were saying and doing was being broadcast.”

  “Are you serious? So their famous love story was a total accident?”

  “Gran likes to call it a twist of fate, but yeah. It’s a little known family secret. Which by the way, the things I tell you about Carter Ridge sorta have to say between us.”

  “Of course,” Alex agreed.

  Olivia watched him run his own fingers over her grandparents’ initials in wonder. “Who do these belong to?” he asked touching the next sets of letters.

  “J.C. + M.R. are my uncle and aunt. Jacob Crain and Margot Ryan, well she’s Margot Crain now. They were high school sweethearts and my uncle Jacob brought Margot here to propose to her by the lake. Gran loves to tell that story,” Olivia reminisced. “They live in Manhattan and are both members of the New York Symphony.”

  “And these?” Alex asked.

  Olivia felt her heart constrict as she let her eyes settle over the last set of initials. “My parents,” she said softly.

  She took a deep breath and remembered the letters she’d poured over last night. They were proof that love could still be found after insurmountable loss, so she forced herself to press on. “Carter Crain and Stella Laurent. They met when my father was on tour in France with his band. My mom was only eighteen when she got pregnant with me. Carter came back to the cottage to tell his parents. My mother told me how terrified she was of Gran,” Olivia smiled at the memory. “But Gran was happy to hear her son was in love and she was getting another grandchild. She did demand Carter make my mother an honest woman though. They got married right then at this house.”

  “No wonder it’s been so hard for you to be here,” Alex said softly.

  Olivia turned to him, startled to see pain reflected in his eyes.

  He truly did understand.

  That was the funny thing about loss. It was a horrible club to find yourself in, but it bonded you with those who honestly understood you.<
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  Olivia smiled remorsefully at Alex. He took her hand and squeezed his sympathy. “Thanks for sharing that with me, Liv.”

  “Come, on,” she said. “It’s too pretty to be sad. Let’s go enjoy the beautiful weather.”

  Olivia spent the rest of the morning touring the property with Alex. She was amazed how the stories of her childhood came spilling back as they walked the grounds. She found herself stumbling over memories at every bend in the meandering path around the lake.

  She babbled to Alex, who contently carried the picnic basket and blanket as they walked. He seemed mesmerized by her stories so she kept them going, sharing beautiful glimpses of a life she’d nearly forgotten.

  “Oh! Bob used to love this tree. He wrote a lot of songs here.”


  “Bob Dylan.”

  “Of course,” Alex mumbled. “I mean every kid spends their summer with good old uncle Bob.”

  Olivia snorted and rolled her eyes. “I’m not trying to brag.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean I’m not jealous.”

  “Do you wanna hear my stories or not?” she asked playfully.

  “Continue,” Alex prompted.

  They walked a bit further when another memory sprang to mind. “Omigod! I remember when my dad challenged Steven Tyler to a race in the lake. Dad was so mad when he lost.” She giggled. “Oh, and do you see that rope swing? Sting holds the record for the best triple flip. It was amazing.”

  Alex shook his head. “My God, do you have any idea how lucky you are to have grown up here? I mean your summer guests sound like you’re reading names off the Billboard charts.”

  “Yeah, I guess it does, doesn’t it? But I was just a kid. I didn’t know any different. Plus, everyone in my family is a musician. It was just normal that they invited their musician friends over.”

  “I think your grandmother’s right,” Alex said. “This place is magical.”

  “Trust me, it isn’t without its flaws. I’m focusing on the good times, but there was plenty of drama too.”

  “But that’s life,” Alex said. “It comes with the good and the bad. All we can do is take inspiration from the good and learn from the bad.”

  Olivia blinked. That’s exactly what she’d been thinking after reading the letters. Alex had just put her thoughts into one perfect sentence.

  “Yeah, I’m starting to realize life’s too short to not take advantage of the beautiful moments.”

  Alex smiled at her. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  God, he really was breathtaking when he smiled.

  Especially with the light stubble that was forming on his chiseled jawline. Olivia found herself wondering what it would feel like to run her fingers over it—or maybe her tongue.

  What would it feel like if he kissed her?

  She was suddenly overtaken by a burning desire to have his perfect stubble-kissed face nuzzling her neck as he worked his way to her breasts. Olivia’s cheeks warmed and she looked down. She needed to get ahold of herself.

  “You all right?” Alex asked.

  “Yes. Just trying to get my bearings,” she lied. She knew the property like the back of her hand. But she wasn’t about to admit that she’d been fantasizing about him. “There it is!” Olivia said, pointing to a little clearing up ahead. “Our picnic spot.”

  Chapter 26


  After enjoying the picnic Olivia had packed—which turned out to be a strange mix of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, yogurt, Doritos and grapes—Alex lay back on the blanket and soaked up the warmth of the sun.

  “It’s so beautiful here,” he mused.

  “You have good taste,” Olivia said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “This is my favorite place in the whole world.”

  He raised a skeptical eyebrow at her.

  “It is,” she replied defensively. “I used to come out here by myself and look up at the clouds imagining I could be anywhere,” Olivia admitted as she lay down next to Alex to gaze up at the puffy shapes in the sky. She was so close that their hands grazed and Alex felt his body respond.

  “Where did you imagine yourself?” he asked trying to keep his mind focused on anything but how close their bodies were.

  “I let the shape of the clouds decide,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Alex glanced over at her and she caught him staring.

  “What? Don’t tell me you’ve never done that before.”

  He smirked. “And where exactly in New York City do you think I was laying around gazing at clouds?”

  “Point taken.” Olivia laughed.

  The sound was like church bells to Alex.

  “Well, you’re here now. You have to play along,” she coaxed.

  “Okay, what are the rules?”

  “That’s the fun of it. There aren’t any rules. You just pick a cloud and decide what it looks like and then you’re there.”

  Alex scrunched his face up at the sky and frowned. “I’m not sure I get it.”

  Olivia laughed again. “Okay, I’ll go first,” she said scooting closer to him on the blanket.

  Their shoulders were touching now and the soft smell of her perfume wafted toward him. Just the brush of her skin against his brought his body to life. Alex took a deep breath trying to concentrate on the clouds rather than the gorgeous woman lying next to him. He hadn’t been this nervous around a girl since he was a teenager.

  A glimpse of Olivia’s lace bra peeked ever so slightly from her low neckline and it nearly undid him. Alex closed his eyes and focused on her voice.

  “See that one,” she was saying. “It looks like a penguin, so I would imagine I was trekking across a glacier surrounded by penguins and snow and ice.”

  Alex opened his eyes and tilted his head to the sky. “A penguin? I don’t see it.”

  “Not there,” Olivia said. She grabbed his hand making him reach his arm skyward so she could point out the cloud she was looking at. “There. Do you see it?”

  Alex murmured a response. But he wasn’t looking at the cloud. He was looking at Olivia, like he’d never seen something so beautiful in all of his life. This close, the blue aura he always saw around her looked like a flame, licking her perfect features and suddenly that’s all Alex could imagine himself doing—licking her, kissing her . . . everywhere.

  “Now imagine you’re there,” Olivia said.

  “I can’t imagine being anywhere but here,” Alex admitted, his voice low and tight.

  Olivia looked at him and something like fear rippled across her face when she noted the way he was staring at her. She let their arms fall but didn’t release his hand. Alex rubbed his thumb slowly across her palm and she shivered.

  “Liv . . .” Alex exhaled her name like a plea.

  When she turned to look at him their faces were so close they were almost touching. Olivia’s breathing hitched. Her lip quivered as she inhaled. Alex let go of her hand slowly moving his fingers up her arm until he reached her chin. He held it lightly between his thumb and forefinger for a moment while they shared a breath. But when his thumb finally ventured to caress the delicate skin of her perfect lips, Olivia gasped and Alex couldn’t restrain himself any longer.

  He pressed his mouth to hers in a hurry, their lips erupting into a frenzy of passion that the rest of their bodies quickly followed. A roar of desire thrummed through Alex as Olivia’s hands ran over his body feverishly. Her touch made him hard at once and he was no longer satisfied with lying next to her. Alex rolled Olivia onto her back, caging her in with his powerful arms. She gave a tiny gasp but surprised him by tugging at the hem of his t-shirt. He helped her pull it over his head and every last ounce of restraint vanished from his mind when he saw the hungry way she looked at him.

  Chapter 27


  Olivia stared up at Alex. He knelt over her, his breathing rushed as he ran his hands over her body, hitching up the hem of her dress. Olivia bit her lip to keep from m
oaning as Alex’s hands slid under the lace trim of her panties. His tongue continued to caress hers, sweeping and teasing, promising ecstasy if he ever got it between her legs. An ache was building rapidly in her core and the first time Alex slipped a finger inside her she heard him groan in appreciation for the wetness he found. He stroked her slow and deep and Olivia pressed herself against him wanting more.

  Shit, this was really happening.

  She was going to have sex with Alex Tine.

  Her subconscious balked, but Olivia pushed any resistance out of her head. She thought too much and for once she wanted to be selfish and reckless. Hadn’t she just told herself life is short? It was about time she start enjoying it.

  And God, was she enjoying everything Alex was doing to her.

  Olivia’s hands shook with nervous excitement as she fumbled with Alex’s belt while he tugged at the strap of her bra, tracing kisses down her breast. She gasped when his teeth grazed her sensitive nipple. Her hand finally slid beneath the waist of his jeans and a thrill tore through her as she felt the massive stiffness of his impressive length. She ran her hand along the velvet skin of his throbbing shaft and Alex shuddered. She gripped him and squeezed teasingly.

  “Shit,” he growled, pulling Olivia to her knees and jerking her disheveled dress over her head.

  Alex’s mouth was greedily devouring hers when the roar of thunder shook the ground. Olivia looked up and realized it was raining.

  When had that happened?

  Although, she was pretty sure the world could be erupting around her and she wouldn’t notice as long as Alex kept caressing her with the practiced strokes of his fingers. She ignored the rain as a tightness built within her each time Alex slid a finger insider her. She moved with him, clinging to Alex’s strong slick shoulders. Both of them were soaked from the rain, but Olivia didn’t care, she wanted more and she wanted it now.

  Olivia tugged at Alex’s jeans and he shifted out of them. He moved behind Olivia and pulled her against him. His stiff length pressed into her firm ass and she ground against him while he cupped her breasts. Another rumble of thunder echoed across the lake, this time followed by a flash of lightning.


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