Retreat Again (The Retreat Series Book 2)

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Retreat Again (The Retreat Series Book 2) Page 14

by Christina Benjamin

  Alex felt the room go white with rage as he lunged at the cop. A tangle of bodies smashed around the kitchen—the air filled with Olivia’s shrieks and shattering dishes. The officer from outside busted through the front door and broke up the fight, pulling Alex off his partner.

  Officer Hudson was much bigger than Alex, but that didn’t stop Alex from taking him down before the other cop rushed in. Alex was used to scrapping on the streets and could hold his own against the best of them. Officer Hudson hadn’t expected that. He climbed to his feet, panting as blood dripped from his nose.

  “You’re going to regret this,” Hudson growled.

  The other cop began to read Alex his rights while Hudson slammed Alex against the counter with unnecessary force to cuff him.

  “Please, don’t do this, Rhys,” Olivia sobbed as Hudson dragged Alex from the house.

  “Just doing my job, Miss Crain,” Hudson muttered as he shoved Alex into the back of the squad car. “But don’t worry. Just as soon as I’m done booking your boyfriend I’ll come back to keep you company. I know how lonely it can get up here by yourself. Plus, we didn’t get to finish that discussion we started.”

  From the backseat of the squad car, Alex saw Olivia pale and a million regrets flashed through his mind as they drove away.

  Chapter 35


  Olivia was shaking so badly she could barely get her fingers to dial the number.

  “Pick up, pick up, pick—”


  “Grand! Oh, thank God. I need to speak to Gran right now.”

  “Is everything all right, sweetheart?”

  “No!” Olivia was near tears. “Please put Gran on the phone!”

  “All right, honey. Hold on.”

  Olivia wiped the tears from her eyes while she waited for her grandmother to pick up the phone, focusing on the road as she careened down the switchbacks away from Carter Ridge. She’d packed her things and thrown everything in the car the moment Rhys pulled out of the driveway. There was no way in hell she was going to let herself get caught unprepared again. Enough was enough. It was time for Rhys to pay. She just had to help Alex first.


  “Gran! You were right. You were right about everything. I need your help, but I need to tell you something first. And I need you to promise to keep it a secret.”

  There was a pause before she heard her grandmother’s voice again. “Go on.”

  After Olivia hung up with her grandmother, she called David Crowley, just as Gran had instructed her.

  David answered on the first ring. “Liv! I didn’t think you’d actually call.”

  “I wish I was calling under better circumstances. But I need your help with something.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Can you meet me in town in twenty minutes?”

  “Sure. Where at?”

  “The bank.”

  “Okay . . . That sounds ominous.”

  “I’ll explain everything when I get there.”

  “All right. See you in twenty.”

  “Thanks, David.”

  Olivia hung up the phone and tried to take a steadying breath, but the tornado in her stomach made it impossible to compose herself.

  Telling her grandmother what had transpired between Rhys and her mother all those years ago had been one of the most difficult things Olivia had ever done. She’d thought she would have felt a weight lift after sharing the secret, but it only made her feel more frantic—like there were now more people she had to protect. But deep down, Olivia knew she’d made the right decision. Keeping Rhys’s secret hadn’t made it go away. If anything it had crippled her, leaving her just as broken as the day she’d discovered his betrayal. And Gran was right, it was time to finish this once and for all.

  She couldn’t believe she was even contemplating returning to the cottage after Rhys’s blatant threats, but she had faith in Gran’s plan. She just had to get David to agree to his part in it and then all the pieces would be in place.

  “This will work,” Olivia said to herself. “It has to.”

  “Are you sure, Liv?” David asked for the hundredth time. “I mean it just sounds like there are so many things that could go wrong.”

  She and David were sitting in her car outside the Carter Ridge Federal Bank. She’d handed him the cashier’s check with the funds her grandmother deposited to bail Alex out of jail. But after explaining her risky plan, David had reservations.

  “I’ll be fine, David. Gran is taking care of the rest of the arrangements.”

  “How do you even know Rhys will show up?”

  Olivia laughed nervously. “It’s Rhys. He’ll show.”

  “I’d feel a lot better if I could be there with you.”

  “It won’t work if you’re there, David. Besides, I won’t be completely on my own. And I need you to bail Alex out. But make sure you wait—”

  “Until 4:30, I got it. But I don’t understand. If you like this guy so much, why don’t you just go bail him out right now?”

  “I can’t. Alex is safer behind bars until I take care of Rhys. Plus, Alex would never let me go through with this.”

  “But you expect me to?” David asked nervously.

  “Please, David,” Olivia pleaded. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.”

  David sighed. “I could never say no to you, Liv. But you have to promise to call me so I know you’re all right.”

  Olivia hugged David tight. “I promise.”

  “I mean it, Liv. If I don’t hear from you by 5:00, I’m coming up there myself.”

  She smiled at David’s sincerity. She’d forgotten what it was like to have a true friend. She savored the safety she found in his embrace a moment longer before pulling away.

  “Well then, I’ll see you soon,” David muttered as he reached for the door.

  “Thank you,” Liv called after him.

  She watched David walk down the street until he disappeared around the corner heading for the bail bonds office. Now that all the pieces were in play, it was time for her to return to the house and set her trap for Rhys.

  Chapter 36


  Alex sat in the sterile gray jail cell staring at the fingerprinting ink staining his hands. The blue-black ink brought back memories of the past he’d tried to leave behind. He couldn’t quite believe he was actually sitting in a jail cell. Only a few hours ago he’d been in bed with the most amazing woman he’d ever met. And now . . . well, now he was here. It made the whole thing feel like a strange dream.

  What would this mean for his career?

  Would the gallery cancel his show?

  Knowing the bizarre Manhattan art culture, another arrest would only make Alex’s art even more valuable. But he honestly didn’t care about any of that. The only thing that mattered to Alex was Olivia. He was in love with her. He’d probably been in love with her from the moment he met her. He’d just been unwilling to admit it. But when he saw Officer Hudson leaning over Olivia at the cottage, it was undeniable. Every fiber in his body had surged forward to protect her by any means necessary.

  Some hero you are, Alex.

  He was locked up and that bastard police officer was free to harass Liv without interruption. He was probably heading there right now.

  Alex felt his temper slipping. He wanted to punch something. He had to find out if Olivia was all right. He’d wasted his one call by leaving a voicemail on the house line since he didn’t have her phone number.

  But what good could he do even if he did talk to her?

  What would he say?

  That asshole cop is on his way to mess with you. Oh and by the way, I’m in love with you.

  Alex rubbed his temples and tried to think of another way to get help to Olivia. Officer Hudson had been painfully clear that he was heading back to Carter Ridge to see her as soon as he booked Alex. He couldn’t get the conversation they’d had in the squad car out of his head.

Olivia Crain’s boyfriend, huh? That’s a tough title to land,” Officer Hudson had quipped. “I should know.”

  Alex couldn’t do anything but squirm in the backseat. He wanted to pound the cruel smirk off Hudson’s face.

  “Is she still a freak in the sheets?” Hudson had asked. “Oh wait, maybe I’m thinking of her mother? No, that’s right, her mother was the pill whore. Olivia’s the one I fucked against the tire swing tree behind her grandparents’ house.” He’d laughed. “Ask her about that one. Poor thing had splinters for a week. But it’s always good to make the first time memorable for them, don’t you think?”

  Alex had ground his teeth in frustration. And though every nerve in him was rioting, he’d kept his mouth shut. He knew Hudson was trying to rile him up, but there was something about the sadistic prick that made Alex believe him. Olivia had been terrified of Hudson. Recalling the way she shook in Alex’s arms made him want to scream.

  “So how’d you two lovebirds meet?” Hudson had asked.

  Alex met the cop’s blue eyes in the rearview mirror with a steel gaze. He wouldn’t tell him shit. He’d never ratted out any of his crew while being interrogated by New York’s finest. There was no way Alex was going to give this prick anything to work with. Alex knew the drill. Keep your mouth shut until you get your lawyer. Anything he said to Hudson would just be twisted around and used against him. Hudson was just a small-town cop on a power trip. Alex needed to wait it out.

  “No comment?” Hudson had asked. “Oh well, I’m sure Liv will fill me in. I’ve been told my form of questioning can be very . . . penetrating.” Hudson had grinned wickedly at Alex in the mirror. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep her company for you. I’m headed back right after we take care of you.”

  The conversation replayed over and over in Alex’s mind. It was torturous. Something bad was going to happen. He knew it.

  Over my dead body, Alex thought and began shouting from his cell.

  Chapter 37


  Olivia’s nerves began to get the best of her back at the cottage. She’d done everything exactly as her grandmother had instructed. Including texting Rhys that they “needed to talk.”

  All she had to do now was wait. But waiting for Rhys to come charging through her front door again made Olivia’s skin crawl. She knew if she followed the plan she’d mapped out, everything would be fine. But being alone did nothing to calm her nerves. David was right. There were so many things that could go wrong.

  What if she couldn’t get Rhys talking?

  What if he knocked her out?

  Or kidnapped her?

  Or worse?

  “Get it together, Liv. Rhys needs you alive or he can’t blackmail you anymore.” She told herself Rhys wouldn’t risk that. He was too accustomed to the money she sent him every month to do anything to jeopardize that. But there was still a tiny voice of doubt that frayed at her resolve.

  In the excruciating minutes Olivia spent waiting for Rhys to show up, her mind wandered back to Alex. If the look of pure torment on his face as he was shoved into the squad car hadn’t broken her heart, Alex’s voicemail surely had.

  “Liv, I’m so sorry. If anything happens to you . . . I’ll figure out a way to get back to you. Just get out of that house. I don’t think it’s safe.”

  There’d been a muffled voice in the background telling Alex his time was up and the last thing she heard was Alex calling out to her. “Liv! No, Olivia I lo—” Then the line went dead.

  Olivia played the message over and over again, letting Alex’s voice painfully twist her heart. She felt bad about leaving him locked up when she had the money to bail him out only minutes after he’d been arrested. But she knew it was the right decision. She was sure Alex would come rushing back to the house as soon as he was free. That’s just the kind of man he was. And that was precisely why she was falling for him.

  A tear slid free and Olivia quickly wiped it away. Alex deserves someone so much better. The best thing she could do for him now was keep him safe until Rhys was dealt with, and then disappear. Olivia was determined to help Alex have the art career his talent warranted. And the best way to ensure that was to remove herself from the equation. She just hoped one day he’d forgive her.

  The sound of a car in the driveway pulled Olivia from her depressing thoughts.

  Here we go.

  Olivia sat down at the kitchen table, gripping her cup of coffee with both hands to keep them from shaking. She stared toward the front door and tried to keep her face expressionless as Rhys breezed in.

  “Hello again,” he said, his wicked face painted with a terrifying grin.

  Olivia glared at him without responding.

  “Oh, come on. You’re not even a little glad to see me?”

  “That depends,” Olivia replied.

  “I didn’t hurt your boyfriend, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Sorry if I don’t believe you.”

  Rhys pulled out his phone and handed it to Olivia. It displayed a picture of Alex sitting inside a gray jail cell. He didn’t look harmed and Olivia’s shoulders sagged with relief.

  “Satisfied?” Rhys asked.

  Olivia nodded and Rhys pulled up a chair joining her at the table.

  “I’m a man of my word, Liv. You, of all people, should know that.”

  “Why? Because you haven’t told anyone what you did to my mother?” Olivia snapped. “Keeping that secret protects you just as much as me.”

  Rhys clicked his tongue disapprovingly. “You know it would be worse for you if the truth came out. Otherwise you wouldn’t continue paying me to keep quiet.”

  “Only you could make blackmail sound so considerate, Rhys.”

  “Speaking of our arrangement. I think it’s time we renegotiate.”

  “I agree,” Olivia said faking confidence.

  “You do?” Rhys replied, arching his eyebrows in surprise.

  “Yes. I’m done. I’m not paying you another cent.”

  Rhys grinned. “Then, I guess I’m done keeping your secret.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not paying you anymore. I just want you out of my life.”

  “This is because of your new boyfriend, isn’t it?” Rhys replied. “I wonder what he would think if he knew the truth?”

  “I already told him.”

  Rhys laughed. “You’re a terrible liar, Liv.”

  “I’m not lying.”

  “You are. Do you want to know how I know?” Rhys asked sliding his chair uncomfortably close to hers. He grinned like a wolf. “Because I told him.”

  Olivia’s heart plummeted. She’d hoped to end this without Alex ever knowing the truth, but what did it matter? If he knew the truth, he would never want to be with her and that would make all of this easier.

  But Alex had called to warn her.

  Did that mean he knew and didn’t care?

  Or was Rhys bluffing?

  Rhys’s laughter brought Olivia back to the present. “You actually love him, don’t you?”

  Shame and anger coursed through her. “Of course not. I’d have to trust him to love him and you’ve made sure I’m too damaged for that, haven’t you?” Olivia pushed back from the table. She hadn’t gotten what she wanted from Rhys yet, but she couldn’t stand to sit near him for a moment longer.

  Rhys snatched her wrist, but she yanked free and stood. It was a mistake. Rhys was on her in a second, shoving her hard against the wall next to the kitchen cabinets. Suddenly, Olivia missed the buffer the old wooden table had provided. Now Rhys’s thigh pressed between hers as he caged her in with his enormous arms.

  “This is over when I say it is,” he growled.

  “You can’t force me to keep paying you,” Olivia said.

  “No, but I can force you to do other things,” he muttered as he nudged her legs apart with his knee.

  Fear rippled through Olivia. She needed to keep him talking. She could beat him with words, but she didn’t stand a chance if things got physical.<
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  “Are you going to force me like you forced my mother?” she hissed.

  Rhys’s laughter vibrated through her. “Your mother begged me to fuck her. She was an attention whore, Olivia. Just like you.”

  “You’re the whore, Rhys. Just because you’re wearing a badge now doesn’t change the fact that no one wants you. You still have to force your way in. Just like you did with my mother. She never would’ve had anything to do with you if you didn’t get her using again.”

  Rhys shrugged. “It wasn’t very hard. Once a junkie, always a junkie. But it was fun watching her beg.”

  “Shut up!”

  “Don’t you want to know what she begged for? Your mother begged for more drugs, begged me to fuck her, begged me not to tell you or your father, begged me to help her escape your fame-whoring family. She hated her life, Olivia. She wanted out. I only gave her what see wanted.”

  “If by that you mean the drugs that killed her, then you’re right. But she didn’t want to die. My mother may have been buying drugs from you but you didn’t know her. You were nothing more than her dealer.”

  “Is that the lie you tell yourself? Because the way I see it, it’s your fault she’s dead.”

  “My fault?” Olivia’s voice was nearly a screech. “You killed her, Rhys. You sold her the drugs that killed her. There’s no one else to blame but you!”

  “Yes, but if you hadn’t walked in on us fucking she never would have taken off to the city. She never would have been desperate and alone. Your shame killed her.”

  “I didn’t do anything wrong! I was coming to see you, my boyfriend, to celebrate getting into Julliard. How the hell was I supposed to know the reason I couldn’t get a hold of you was because you were getting my mother high so you could screw her?”

  “Yeah, that was great wasn’t it? The look on your face?” he laughed. “I mean I couldn’t have planned it any better. I never expected you would find out. What kind of mother fucks her daughter’s boyfriend? That had to hurt.”


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