Blood of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Book 4)

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Blood of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Book 4) Page 11

by Teresa Greene

  Knowing Michelle was on the other side of the two-way mirror, Josh stopped the recorder and asked, “Michelle is small of statue. Why did you begin dating her?”

  “I love her spirit.” A devilish smile on his lips, he continued, “All those curves was definitely a plus. If there was anyone I could see spending the rest of my life with, it was Michelle.”

  “You know you would have eventually slipped up.” Josh crossed his legs and sat back in the chair. “You would have ruined Michelle’s life.”

  “Maybe I was being foolish, but I felt I could control my impulses. After meeting Michelle I didn’t need to go out and look for women. She seemed to appease my desires.”

  Josh hit record and continued the interrogation. “Just how long do you really think you would be able to control the itch you get? You are demented. You would never be able to lead a normal life.”

  Grey reached for the bottle of water on the table. He unscrewed the cap and took a deep swallow. “I guess you’re right. Do you think I don’t see the error of my ways? I see them, I just can’t control them.”

  Michelle swung around and stormed through the door. Lacy ran after her. She caught her in the hall. “Michelle, wait.”

  Without turning around she halted, her shoulders drooped in defeat. “Can you imagine what would have happened if I would have married that monster? Had children with him.”

  “But you didn’t. You get to have a fresh start.” Curious, Lacy leaned in and whispered, “Did he ever choke you during sex?”

  The color left her face. “No, never.”

  “He was different with you, Michelle. I think he really loved you. Maybe if he would have gotten help when he first discovered he had a problem, then he might have lived a normal life.”

  “But, he didn’t get help. Because of him, five young women are dead.” She turned her back on Lacy. “I want to go home.” Lacy didn’t try to stop her. After hearing Grey admit to all his wrong doings, she needed time to process that information. It had to be tearing her up inside that she was in love with a serial killer. Now she knew just how sick he was. She had heard his confession with her own ears.

  Chapter Eight

  Dylan got out of the car and waited for Marcy Daniels. “Thank you for taking the time to come with me. I hope a female perspective might help. I made a huge blunder with Tonya Callicutt. I thought I knew how to handle women.”

  “You’re personally involved with the case. Emotions run high when an investigation concerns someone we love.” Her long blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. The black suit looked great on her tall, thin figure. He watched the sway of her hips as they climbed the steps to Sherry Wallace’s house. She never spoke of a boyfriend or her personal life. He often wondered if she was gay. He could care less about her sexual preferences. She was one of the best agents at the bureau and had the commendations to prove it. He trusted her.

  After three knocks, Sherry finally opened the door. Just like Bret liked them, she had long blond hair, perfect complexion, and long legs. She looked elegant in a short, red and white flowered dress. Her feet were bare, which was a contrast to her elegant attire. Dylan and Marcy showed their badges. “We’re with the FBI. Can we come in?”

  She gave them an arch look. “What is this about?”

  “We’d like to ask you some questions about Bret Robertson.”

  Her eyes widened with fear. “I don’t know Bret Robertson.” She tried to slam the door in their faces.

  Dylan stuck his foot in the door. He pushed his way inside. “I think you do.” He held up the picture of the silver bracelet. “Does this belong to you?”

  Panic showed on her face. “No, get out of my house!”

  Marcy stepped around him and took Sherry’s hands. “Please excuse my partner’s behavior. I’m good cop, he’s bad cop.”

  Sherry replied in a firm voice, “Please leave. I have nothing to say to you.”

  “Hear me out, Miss Wallace. Bret Robertson is going to be released from prison in two days if we don’t find some reason to keep him there.” She held the picture in front of her face. “Is this your bracelet?”

  Instead of answering, Sherry snapped, “I thought Bret Robertson was in prison for the attempted rape of Lacy Reynolds.”

  Dylan replied, “I thought you said you didn’t know Robertson.”

  Marcy gave him a look that would wither any normal person. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut and let her handle the questions. She was right when she said he was too emotionally involved. “May we sit down?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded her head. Marcy sat next to Sherry on the small sofa and he sat across from the two women in the oversized matching chair. “Bret made a deal with the DA. He had some information in another high profile case we were investigating. The charges were dropped against him. He has received a get out of jail free card.”

  Panic back in her voice, she explained, “I read in the newspaper Bret Robertson was also involved with the murder of Tiffany Swift. How did he get away with murder?”

  “By making a deal. I don’t like it any better than you do, Miss Wallace but we don’t make the laws. If I had my way, Robertson would never get out of prison. Hell, I think he deserves the death penalty.” Marcy’s voice softened. “Did Robertson drug then rape you?”

  She went pale as death. “No.”

  “Please help us, Miss Wallace.” Marcy placed the picture of the silver bracelet in her lap. “This bracelet was found in Robertson’s possession. Several other pieces of jewelry were also in his possession. He takes a memento as a reminder from each woman he rapes. When he is released from prison, he will rape again. He can’t help himself.”

  Without much emotion, she stated, “Bret Robertson never touched me.”

  “Two days from now he will walk out of prison a free man. He will see a pretty woman at a party. He prefers virgins, tall, blond virgins. He will slip ecstasy in her drink and then rape her. She will wake from the effects of the drugs naked and alone. Roberson takes something special from innocent women. You are not the only person he has drugged and raped.”

  She ran her hands over her thighs. She stood and moved to the oak mantel over the fireplace. Nervous hands rearranged some of the glass whatnots. “My family has no idea what he did to me. They will be devastated.”

  Dylan felt hope. At least she admitted Robertson raped her. They were finally getting somewhere.

  Marcy followed her to the mantel. She placed her hands on her shoulders. “I’ll be with you. You need to come to the bureau and give a statement.”

  “I can’t. I can’t let my family know what he did to me. I’m anxious to see justice served as much as you are. But I don’t want to relive the horrors of what he did to me.”

  Marcy placed her card on the mantel. “If you change your mind, give me a call. If you press charges against Bret Robertson he’ll never be able to hurt another person. You are a victim, Miss Wallace. You are not responsible for what Robertson did to you.”

  Dylan had to grip his hands into fists to keep from shaking Sherry Wallace. He had so hoped Marcy could talk her into admitting Robertson raped her.

  The moment they were in the car, he hissed, “You almost had her. Why did you give in?”

  “Right now she is being eaten up with guilt. She’ll make a statement, maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon.”

  “But what if you’re wrong? Robertson will be on the street in two days.”

  “Trust me, Dylan. I know what I’m talking about.”

  Dylan hoped she was correct. They were running out of time and options. He hated he might have to take matters into his own hands. Mind swirling with ways to get rid of Robertson, he could see each and every scene playing in his head. Each one would cause him unspeakable pain.


  Lacy opened the door to Billy’s room to find him sleeping soundly. She sat by the bed and placed her fingers on his wrinkled cheek. His eyes fluttered open. “Sorry I woke you but I ne
ed to talk.” She pressed the controls on the side of the bed raising him to a sitting position. Then she handed him his eyeglasses. He peered at her through blurry eyes.

  “What’s wrong with my Princess?”

  “It’s that obvious.”

  “Something happen with the Robertson case?”

  “He gets out of prison tomorrow. He made a deal with the DA.”

  He took her hand and cupped it between his. She could feel the slack weakness in his grip. He had lost even more muscle tone over the last couple of months. “I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”

  “No one can do anything.” Even though she sounded so pessimistic, she still held out hope Dylan would make some progress. He and Marcy spoke with Tonya Callicutt earlier today after leaving Sherry Wallace’s house. While she never admitted she had been raped by Bret, he felt that it was possible she might change her mind and make a statement.

  She opened her purse. “I have something for you.” Billy was on a restricted diet so she had to slip his favorite meals by the nurses. “It’s a piece of Maria’s sweet potato pie.”

  He licked his lips and smiled. “My taste buds are jumping right now.”

  She unwrapped the fork she had brought along and removed the plastic lid from the container of pie. Since he was so weak, she fed him a small portion of pie. He closed his eyes and moaned. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.” He licked his lips.

  “Where else would you go?”

  He opened his mouth and she fed him another bite. “I wish I had the strength for one more visit to Twelve Oaks. I love your farm. There’s nothing like sitting at a table with friends enjoying a home cooked meal. Broth and Jello is not very tempting and I hate eating alone.”

  “Everyone misses you.”

  “Josh and Beth stopped by for a short visit yesterday. You have a wonderful family.”

  “I know.” It made her feel warm and fuzzy all over that her family treated Billy with kindness. Both Josh and Beth led busy lives but they took the time to visit at least once a week. When Grant and Nina were in Raleigh, they also visited. Because of them, Billy wouldn’t die alone. They had all become his friends. No, they were his family.

  “How’s it going since you moved in with Dylan?”

  “It’s nice.” She fed him the last bite of pie then wiped his mouth with a napkin. She wadded the paper plate and wrapped it well stuffing it into her purse. She wasn’t going to leave any evidence behind. While Billy liked it better at his new rest home, they were a little strict. Doctors made their rounds often, and she would be reprimanded if they discovered she was sneaking food inside for Billy.

  “Do you think I’m committing a sin living with Dylan?”

  Sympathy softened his face. “Things have changed. It’s not like it was when I was young.” His face got that far away look whenever he spoke of his wife. “Margaret and I had lain together before we married. I guess that was pretty risqué for our time. Our son was born seven months after we were married. We told everyone he was born early. I’m not without sin, so I can’t judge.” Many times Lacy wondered if God was angry with her. Sex before marriage was a sin.

  She picked up the book on the side table. “I’ll read to you.” She opened to the marked page of Grapes of Wrath. Only two more chapters and it would be finished. After ten pages, he was sound asleep. She lowered the bed and tucked the cover around his shoulders. He was pale and weak. It wouldn’t be long and his journey would end. She felt empty inside after each visit. Would he make it to the next visit?

  Thanks to him, she discovered what happened to Hilda. She touched her fingers to the exquisite, silver filigree bracelet that had once belonged to Hilda. She rarely took it off her wrist. He gave her the bracelet that his great-grandmother had stolen from Russell Reynolds after Darrell and Hilda had gone missing.

  Minutes passed as she sat there watching him sleep. His death would leave a huge void in her life. It made her nauseous thinking about his passing. Death was part of life. There was nothing she could do to keep him with her.


  Lacy threw her pen on the book when she heard the doorbell ring. Waiting for Michelle to answer the door, she tried to concentrate. It rang again. Where was Michelle? She had an exam in the morning and didn’t need any distractions. She hurried to the door and swung it open. Two strangers stood on the stoop. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m Sherry Wallace.” Her voice was prim as were her clothes. She wore a yellow dress that shimmered around her tall, statuesque frame. Her complexion was flawless. Lacy couldn’t help but stare. “Are you Lacy Reynolds?”

  “Yes.” Shocked that one of Bret’s victims was standing right in front of her, she didn’t know what to say. Her stomach pitched and her hands shook.

  “May I come in?”

  She opened the door wider. “Where are my manners?” Her throat went dry. “Yes, please come in.”

  Nervous, Sherry had her hand tucked into the young man’s arm as they crossed the threshold at the same time. “This is my brother, Scott.”

  He offered his hand. “Nice to meet you.” Blond just like his sister, his hair curled softly around his gorgeous face. He was tall and well built with broad shoulders. The family resemblance was strong. It was obvious they came from the same gene pool.


  “My father, Matthew Wallace, and I do some investigative work for your sister Beth’s, law firm.”

  “It’s a small world.” Lacy shook his hand and waved them to the sofa. “Can I get you anything?”

  “No, we’re fine.” She licked her lips and swallowed. “Sorry to show up without calling, but I wanted to speak to you before I go to the bureau tomorrow.”

  “You are going to give a statement about what Bret did to you?”


  Elated, Lacy threw her arms around Sherry’s neck. “Oh, thank God. I feared no one would come forward.” Grateful eyes looked at Sherry.

  Embarrassed by Lacy’s show of emotion, Sherry’s cheeks turned pink. “I fear there will be a trial and the thought of testifying scares me.” A single tear gathered in the corner of her eye and spilled over. Lacy grabbed a tissue from the box on the side table and handed it to her. “Thank you,” she said in a whisper. After she dabbed at her eyes, she placed her hands in her lap. Her manicured nails were long and painted a pale pink. Obviously, she didn’t work with her hands.

  Lacy waited patiently while she got her emotions under control. “I don’t know if I can tell anyone the things he did to me.” She peered at her brother with love in her eyes. “It was difficult to divulge the horrors to Scott. When we leave here, we are going to my parents’ home.”

  Sympathetic, Lacy felt her pain. Telling her family what Bret did to her was one of the hardest things she had ever done in her life. The pain was still very fresh. “Hopefully, it won’t go to trial. You are very noble to come forward.”

  With a look of concern, Scott replied in a strained voice, “My sister has been living with the trauma for two months. I knew something was wrong, but she wouldn’t confide in me. She was withdrawn and lost weight.” His voice changed, became stronger. “If Robertson ever gets out of prison, I’ll kill him with my bare hands.”

  She took a deep breath and looked at her brother for strength. He gave her a reassuring smile. Eyes back on Lacy, she continued, “I’m not as brave as you. I’ve read about you in the newspapers. You are a fighter and a survivor. I’m shy and do not have your confidence. I intended to keep the rape a deep dark secret the rest of my life.”

  It was hard to believe someone that looked like her wasn’t confident. “I’m also shy. That is why Bret drugged me and attempted to rape me. He thought I’d be too timid to tell what happened.” Lacy placed her hand on Sherry’s knee. “We can’t let him get away with what he did to us. He has to be punished.”

  The door to Michelle’s bedroom opened and she waltzed into the living room wearing a tee-shirt and shorts. Her hair was
damp from her shower. “I didn’t know we have company.”

  Scott stood and raked his eyes over Michelle. He never said a word. He didn’t have to. Any dimwit would know what he was thinking. Michelle was very voluptuous and he was taking his time admiring those curves.

  Lacy explained, “This is Sherry and Scott Wallace.” Not knowing what to say, Michelle just stood there. “This is my roommate Michelle.”

  “It’s nice to meet you.” With a brief look at Lacy, she stuttered, “I’ll le-ave you g-uys to talk.” As quick as she came into the room, she was gone. She was probably sick of hearing about Bret Robertson and Chad Grey.

  “I have taken up enough of your time. Thank you for speaking with me.”

  “Would you like me to go with you tomorrow?”

  She sighed, shook her head. “I don’t want to impose on your kindness.”

  “I don’t mind.” She looked at Scott and winked. “Maybe I can get Michelle to come along.”

  The front door opened and Dylan swept in. He stopped in his tracks as if he didn’t know what to say. Lacy rushed toward him giving him a kiss on the cheek. “You’re home early.”

  “Miss Wallace, what are you doing here?”

  “I came to speak to Lacy. I didn’t know you two knew each other.” She leaned into Scott and whispered loud enough for all to hear. “This is bad cop.”

  Dylan stretched out his hand to Scott. “Dylan Bauer. I’m helping with the case.”

  “Scott Wallace, Sherry’s brother. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Dylan turned his attention to Sherry. “Please forgive my rudeness yesterday. Now you know why I was so upset. I hope you understand.”

  “You are forgiven. We were just leaving.” Her brother followed her to the door. Before Sherry walked out the door, she turned and looked at Lacy. “Thanks again for your kind words.”

  The second the door closed behind them, Lacy threw her arms around Dylan’s neck and gave him a loud kiss on the lips. “She is going to give a statement. She is going to tell what Bret did to her.”

  He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her against him. “That’s great!” He pressed his crotch against her. “Why don’t we take this celebration to the bedroom?”


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