Steal Me From Heaven

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Steal Me From Heaven Page 8

by Crawford, Toni

  The horses are large and decked out in their western gear. Jacob’s stallion is midnight black. I am not surprised. My mare is smaller, a golden blonde. They are magnificent creatures. He walks me up to my horse.

  “No,” I say. “I’ve ridden before. I think you’ll recall that I am quite good at it.”

  He hands me the reins and walks over to his steed. I mount my horse. Before he even has his foot in the stirrup, I squeeze my thighs and kick my heels into her side. She leaps forward. I give her the slack she needs, and she stretches her head further as she eases into a gallop. I hear Jacob not far behind me urging his horse to follow. A stallion has more testosterone and muscle than a mare. I will have to chide him for not making this race an even one. He thinks that I can’t handle the brute strength and attitude of an unneutered male. If I can handle Jacob, an animal three times his size shouldn’t be a problem. He knows I am the better rider.

  My mind flashes far back in the past. We are riding slowly side by side. Our horses are bay geldings. We are on a path cut through the forest. I am wearing a white dress similar to the one I wore when he made me his Vampire bride, but it is much older and the style less seductive. We stop and tie our horses to a tree. Several men approach us; a couple of them have females at their side. I see a younger version of Jacob’s sister. She is wearing a short white dress and has ribbons in her hair. A man and woman stand beside me. She brushes my hair back with her fingers and kisses my cheek. Jessica stands between another couple, and two older men come to a stop in front of us. One man starts talking to me, but I cannot make out the words. The other man speaks to Jacob. Next I see a ring sliding on my finger. Jacob leans in and kisses my cheeks one by one. I do the same to him. We are getting married for the first time.

  My horse’s front leg hits the ground hard, and I rise up in my seat. I keep my balance over my center. Her hooves are thundering against the rolling grass. I shouldn’t take her at this speed, especially at night, but I cannot resist the temptation. I hear the nostrils of the horse behind me flare. He is catching up. I bank sharply right and lope up a rising hill. He is slow to turn, and I gain some ground from him. I hear him laugh behind me. This is fun. I feel her sides heaving against my legs. Her sweat is making me euphoric. I lean my head back and look at the stars above me. Reaching up, I pull out my ponytail to feel my hair flow behind me and gently tickle my back and shoulders. I hear my horse breathing faster and faster. I cannot make her keep this pace for much longer. Pulling back on the reins, I ease her into a steady jog before slowing to a trot. Jacob catches me and eases up as well.

  “Show off,” he laughs. He looks down at my chest bouncing freely in my top. “What’s the point of not wearing a bra if I’m behind you the whole way?”

  I giggle. “That should be motivation for you to win next time.”

  He leans over and smacks my horse’s large rump. She leaps forward and trots several steps. My breasts are jolting up and down. I did not have time to support them with my arms like I did when I was galloping. It hurt. His eyes widen.

  I regain control quickly. “How old are you?” I ask.

  “Not old enough to know better.”

  “You are like a horny teenage boy,” I comment.

  He comes to a halt and dismounts his steed. I pull up and do the same. I take the reins in my hand, and we walk to cool the animals down. “Can I ask you something?” I say.


  “I know you don’t want to tell me much about my past without me remembering first, but my wedding gown. I have worn something almost like it before. I know it can’t be the same one because of the time difference, but they looked almost identical. Will you tell me about that or when we met? Anything?”

  “The old dress is gone; a fire took it. My sister must have altered a new version of it for you when she knew that I had gotten you back. I was quite pleased with her gift, but I didn’t want to push the memory on you. She had an excellent recall of the details even though she was only a child.” He takes my hand in his as he continues speaking. “My dad is from Ireland and my mother is Dutch. They met while they were both searching out new lands with better soil. Moving from place to place, they would make the ground fertile, sell many crops, and raise livestock. They tried to sell off the land before the King or Queen’s men would come looking for taxes. They made lots of coin that way for many years. I was a teenager when my father almost got caught. It scared them into quitting the business and settling down.

  “They went to England when I was seventeen years old. We were passing through a village and that is where I spotted you in a blue cotton dress shaped only by the apron string tied around your waist. You had eggs, carrying them around to sell. I bought them from you for three days straight before I asked you your name. We started talking after that for hours at a time. When my parents were ready to move on, I told them that I was staying and making my home in that village. I asked you to marry me. We wed in the forest. Your mother made your dress for you. My sister made a halo of flowers for your hair. Both sets of our parents were there. We received their blessings. My dad bought us seventy-three acres to farm and start our lives together. Your dad and I cut logs with our bare hands for our home and a small one for them so they could live close to us and…” He stops talking.

  “And what?” I ask.

  “And we lived there until I turned twenty-six. That is when I went to Great Britain on business and unfortunately, you know the rest.” I feel as though he is leaving out great details, but I am glad that he is telling me this much.

  I start to cry, but not because of what he thinks. I stop him from caressing me. “I saw my parents’ faces when I was riding. They were at our wedding in the woods. Jessica had ribbons in her long hair. My mother kissed my cheek. You were wearing brown pants and a brown vest. I had on the white dress. We were so young. I remember seeing you in the village as you were telling me. I liked you immediately. I don’t remember your eyes being this dark. They seemed browner in the sunlight.”

  “My eyes haven’t seen the sun in over one and a half millenniums.”

  “Is there anything more to the story that you are not telling me?”

  “Yes, but I cannot say. Do not ask.” He lets go of my hand and walks around to his horse. Unbuckling the straps and releasing the girth, he slides the saddle off and onto the ground. The black horse appears almost blue from the moon and the sweat as it glistens off his muscles. He removes the bridle, and the horse lowers his head to eat. Then he comes over and does the same to my mare. We leave them there standing in the field as they happily munch on the tall grass. “Someone will get them in the morning,” he informs me. I want to ask him more questions but he has already said all that he will tonight.

  “I almost forgot. What happened with Rebecca?”

  “She is not what you think.”

  “I know she is a witch like Merlin. Malachi told me. I also know that she cares for you deeply. Where is she then?” I ask.

  “I sent her to do some things for me. She flirts with me but I will never touch her.”

  He didn’t even punish her. I steam inside. “How did Charles escape if Rebecca didn’t help him?”

  “He bit off his hands to escape the manacles. Then when Jessica entered, he drank her blood. Since we are so closely related, he was able to regenerate. Demons and Angels heal quickly with the blood of their charge. Jessica ran away when he was screaming in agony as his hands grew back. The fact that he didn’t kill her made me offer him his life once more. He could have avoided a lot of pain if he would’ve taken all her life force.”

  “I think Rebecca put the sleeping spell on me instead of Merlin,” I mutter.

  He stops walking and turns to look at me. “Why do you say that?” he asks. I take his actions to mean that I am right.

  “She is a warlock. Her powers are similar to Merlin’s. I don’t know why I know but I do.”

  “You are not incorrect with your thinking, but I cannot discuss it any fu

  “I am tired of playing these games. Tell me what I need to know.”

  “I cannot give you the answers you seek. Patience, love.” He strokes my face. “You will get there. I promise.” My hostility settles and my rigid posture lessens. He grabs my hips and pulls me towards him. “Bite your wrist and drink your blood,” he tells me, and I follow his instructions. The taste is a mixture of blood—mine, Jacob’s, Claudia’s, Malachi’s, and someone else’s. “Whose blood did you drink from the goblet tonight?” he asks me. I am in the middle of class once again. I know everyone’s distinct flavor except the someone else.

  “You are trying to trick me.” I lick the front of my teeth and try to figure out his puzzle. I close my eyes and think long and hard. Suddenly I figure it out. “It’s the other girl’s. The one you drank from in the dungeon. She tastes the way I remember her blood smelling.”

  “I believe you are trying to be the teacher’s pet. Very good. Now lesson number nine; some Vampires will purposely drink from their Guardian in order to kill another Vampire. I can immediately tell when the blood first hits my tongue what and who it consists of. The fallen Angel’s blood is almost pure and delectable. Only drink from Malachi. Demon blood is dark and murky tasting. You can drink from your Demon in case of emergencies, but you will have not-so-pleasant thoughts for a while. You need to learn this quickly. Whoever you drink from is still in your body for several days. The more you drink of someone else, the more diluted the first person becomes.”

  “I understand.” I acknowledge the fact that soon Malachi will be completely gone from me. I see the mansion coming into view through the trees. It is quite spectacular with the lights glowing against the stone structure. The moon is coming down after reaching the midway point. He looks up and notices.

  “I don’t have much time left before I have to leave.” The road to the house is dark and quiet since no one is stirring around at this hour. He leads me up the front steps and onto an adjacent patio. There is a movable fire feature that I have never seen the likes of before. We sit on some lounge chairs and talk more about farming, horses, and our parents. I remember a little more from my childhood before Jacob. It saddens me. I feel like I am losing them all over again. My mom died of pneumonia, and I do not know how my dad died. I never saw them again after I was taken by King Arthur. Jacob had told me at some point about them. He said that he sent them money and took care of them, even paying for a proper burial for them. My heart melts for him.

  I kick my boots off and prop my feet up. He does the same. Then he undoes his shirt slowly one button at a time until it hangs open. Next he slides his jeans off his legs. I look at him. He is nude underneath them. He takes his arms out of his shirt and leans down against the back of his chair. I notice his hand move to his semi-hard shaft; he starts stroking it to length. He does not move towards me. He wants me to come to him. I unfasten my jeans and slide my hand down below. He smiles. My other hand cups my breast under my tank top. I raise it up to give him a peek. Two can play at games, and I definitely like to win. My jeans are constricting my movement. Lifting my pelvis up, I take both hands and tug them off. My panties are lost somewhere inside the denim. I do not take off my top but pull it down so that the neck line rests below my bosoms. I touch myself once more. He is rock hard, and I want him now. Being outside and getting caught is only half the fun. He is now assaulting my mind with cheap dirty tricks. I pant and groan like a cat in heat. He rises in his chair. I think he will take me anytime. I open my legs wider to spur him on.

  A shadow grabs my attention on the side of the wall. Someone is here, watching us, watching me. I see and feel the stare of ice blue eyes. I do not want Jacob to see him. I stand before Jacob does and move over on top of him. Straddling his rigid rod, I sink down and give him his prize for winning the holdout. He slithers in easily. He removes my shirt. I rock with speed as he penetrates me deeper and deeper. We try to be quiet as to not disturb the staff. My butt and breasts are bouncing wildly as I rise and fall hard onto his sex. I see movement out of the corner of my eye. Malachi is leaning up against a pillar breathing heavily. He does not leave or turn away. He does not have on a shirt and his white wings are not hidden. I am in full view for him to see. I do not stop. I look at him and caress my nipples as I lick my lips. Still he does not falter in his gaze. He has come for me. I know it.

  I will give Jacob the best sex I can before I have to leave him. I feel like tonight will be the last time that I will see him for a while. I pull Jacob up to me. He is sitting straight up and holding tightly to my back. I have excellent access to his throat. I drink all I can of him without causing any real damage. I wish he could drink of me one last time. I feel Jacob’s heart breaking as he realizes what has been going on in my mind. His connection is still strong, just slightly slower since he cannot bond to me by blood. He knows. He pounds harder and faster into me. He hugs my body tightly against his chest as I reach the point of no return. I bite my bottom lip to keep it from quivering. Tears flow down my face. I look over to see that Malachi is no longer watching, but he is not gone. My pleasure voices grow louder and louder. I no longer hold back. I do not care who hears, especially my Angel, who is going to snatch me away too soon from the man I love. I cry Jacob’s name multiple times as I release my desire over and over again as my nectars flow out of me. I plead him to go faster and deeper. He lifts us up off of the chair and stands up supporting us on his legs. Gravity makes me fall harder against him as he lifts my bottom up and down. He is moving fast. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on for the ride. I scream again as he moans and whispers into my ear that he loves me. I fall into his arms as he releases me to my feet, kissing him with all of my soul as I hear Malachi approaching. Jacob stands in front of me and turns around. He is blocking my body.

  “It’s time,” Malachi says while looking at Jacob. He no longer wants to look at me. “The committee has been called to order. There is a hearing tonight. We must leave.”

  Jacob addresses him without any clothes on. I don’t blame him. He has nothing to hide or be ashamed of. “She is here then.”

  “Yes and no. I will give you time to dress. Be there at three.” Malachi opens his wings and lifts off. I feel my hair blowing in his breeze.

  “I guess you will be going with me tonight after all.”

  “To the committee? Why were you going there?” I ask.

  “I told you I had business. I just didn’t realize how personal it was until now.” He picks up his jeans and tugs them back on. He doesn’t put on his shirt. Wherever we are going, we are flying there. He starts to transform. I put on my jeans and look at my tank top.

  “I need a different shirt.”

  He picks me up and jumps up to the window sill. He opens his wings at the top for balance. He drops me down inside the room and tells me to hurry. I find a black sweater and bra and put it on. I kick my feet up in the air as I leap into his arms. He catches me and does a back dive into the air. He pumps his wings, and we rise into the night.

  It takes a little while to get where we are going. We do not talk during this time. He and I both know what is at stake. When he lands in front of a building, he explains the process of the hearing.

  “The committee consists of one Angel, one Demon, and one Vampire. They are the oldest and the originals. Their rule is law. If you do not obey, you are sentenced to death. Do not speak unless spoken to. Keep your eyes on them at all times. If Deborah truly is here, then the law will be against us. I’m sorry. There is nothing I can do. Malachi would be your best option for protection. He cannot marry you, but if he has a blood and a sexual bond with you then you are regarded as his property. No one can touch an Angel’s or Demon’s property unless they are your Guardian, and they have betrayed you. That is how I had the right to kill Sarah.”

  My head is starting to hurt trying to keep up. Jacob leads me up the stairs as he explains about how he would understand if I gave my body and soul to Malachi, how he could forgive me
if we had another chance together, and how he would never touch anyone in my absence. The double doors open, and we see my Guardian inside. Seven large men come up behind us and usher us up three flights of steps. The door opens and there are three more men standing with swords at their sides. I gulp at the sight of them. I know that they are death, the ones who carry out the sentences.

  We are to stand in a row about ten feet apart from one another. I see a figure enter with large white wings. He is aglow with the brightest white that I have ever seen. He raises his wings above his head as his takes his seat at the committee table. His wings fold behind the chair but are still visible. I feel small standing down below the tall table. I think that is the purpose of making it so much higher than floor level.

  Next, a woman glides into the room. Her wings are crimson red. She takes her seat to the far right and leaves the one in the center empty. She is the Demon. I cannot look her in the eyes. I fear the very sight of her.

  “Jacob, Marion, Malachi,” the Angel acknowledges us by name. “We are here to discuss the ruling of possible marriages. Jacob, it seems you wed your Guardian decades before you married Marion. And then you banished her to the underworld.”

  “She plotted with her Demon lover to kill me. I had no choice.”

  “You had a choice,” the Demon spits. “She gave you a choice, if I do recall. You could have said no to her temptation.”

  “I would do it all the same again,” Jacob answers. I want to look at him, but I keep my eyes on the committee.

  The Angel addresses Jacob by another name, “Alasdair, would you rather sit or stand?” I hear Jacob’s wings beside me. He rises up to the height of the room and floats down to the empty chair between the Angel and Demon. I hear Malachi let out a breath. I am now staring at Jacob, sitting on the committee panel.

  Jacob turns his head to Malachi. “Deborah has broken through to this realm?” he asks.

  “Her body is here, but her soul lies beyond,” Malachi answers.


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