Beta's Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series Book 8)

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Beta's Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series Book 8) Page 9

by Caryn Moya Block

  “None of that. I can’t concentrate when you do that. Put your hands on the bed, this is my turn.”

  Granger held his hands up in surrender. Brenda pushed them down onto the bed. She leaned over and licked his nipple swirling her tongue around the nubbin. Granger shuddered as a wave of desire blindsided him. It took every ounce of control he had not to flip Brenda and dive deep into her core.

  She pressed kisses down his chest and then swirled her tongue in his belly button. Granger fisted the sheet and held on. “Brenda,” he said, in warning.

  She moved lower, her hair caressing his skin, sending tingles of electricity through his system. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft, squeezing gently. Granger moaned, he couldn’t help himself. She used her tongue to lick him from base to tip. Granger’s breath caught.

  Then she engulfed him, her hot mouth surrounding his flesh. She licked at the underside of the head before sucking hard. Granger cried out, seeing stars. He thrust up, helpless not to. Tugging on the mating bond, Granger pulled Brenda into a telepathic link. He flooded her mind with his pleasure and desire. She answered him, her thoughts of satisfying him uppermost in her mind. She took him deep and swallowed, her throat constricting around him.

  “Brenda, stop. I can’t last,” Granger begged. He could hardly control his need to grab her face and thrust into her hot heat.

  Brenda came up and licked around the head again before going back down and swallowing again. Granger thrust up, his body responding before his mind could control it. He clawed at the sheets, trying to hold on. His heart thundered in his ears.

  “Brenda…” he sent telepathically, warning her.

  She rose up dragging her teeth against his shaft. Granger lost it. He grabbed Brenda around the waist pulling her up to him. Taking her mouth with his, he slammed her down over his erection.

  He rolled Brenda underneath him and pounded into her waiting heat. Again and again. He reached for her mind and the mating bond, trying to regain some control. Brenda was caught up in the madness, her mind a whirling storm of desire. Granger couldn’t tell where he began and she ended. She met him thrust for thrust. Their mouths trying to suck the air from the other, their tongues tangling in a dance of desire.

  Granger’s balls drew up. “Now, Brenda. Come with me now,” Granger sent into the swirling mass of their thoughts.

  Fireworks exploded around them. They flew into the heavens. Ecstasy filled their combined mind. Granger held on tight, his arms around Brenda. They collapsed, their breathing ragged. Slowly their heartbeats calmed and their breathing stabilized. Granger opened his eyes. He frowned.

  Brenda opened her eyes. “Why are you frowning? I know you liked that as much as I did.”

  “When will we come together slow and easy? I don’t want to hurt you.” Granger had lost his careful control. It was unforgivable.

  “You didn’t hurt me, and slow and easy if for wimps. I like the explosions, I like driving you wild.” Brenda’s gaze glowed with happiness. She reached up and brushed the hair from his forehead. Waiting for this moment had been torture, but so worth it.

  “If this keeps up, I may not survive,” Granger said, suddenly wanting to laugh. He caught her hand and pressed a kiss to the middle of her palm.

  “Yeah, what a way to go…”

  Chapter Eight

  Brenda squinted one eye open. She lay on her side with Granger’s arm around her waist. His warm body pressed against her back. The sun sparkling off the newly fallen snow sent blinding light into their bedroom window. Brenda groaned and put her arm over her eyes. She took a quick inventory of how she felt. Her body was deliciously sore. She may never move again.

  Granger stirred, pulling her tighter against him. He kissed her shoulder and buried his nose in her neck. Breathing deeply, he took her scent into his body. Brenda smiled. He was still a wolf under the scrumptious man covering.

  “Mmm, I love the way you smell,” he whispered in her ear.

  “You mean eau de sweat and sex?” Brenda asked.

  “I mean peaches with a hint of spice. The combined smell of our lovemaking pleases me too,” Granger said, licking her neck.

  Brenda’s body reacted immediately. That’s all it took with this man, one look, one caress and she wanted him. She rolled onto her back so she could see his face. She loved to look at his eyes with their soft amber color, so like the wolf he was.

  A sudden loud banging echoed from the front door.

  “I wonder what that’s about,” Granger said.

  “If we’re having company, I’m taking a shower,” Brenda said, rolling from the bed and strolling into the bathroom. She wasn’t going to let anyone else catch the smell of their activities last night. She turned on the water in the shower, when a knock came on their bedroom door.

  Brenda closed the bathroom door so a crack remained open. She heard Jared asking Granger to come downstairs. When the door closed again, Brenda opened the bathroom door and watched as Granger grabbed his pants from the floor.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  “I don’t think so. Margot and her mother never came home yesterday. They checked out of their hotel at 11:00AM. I saw Margot after lunch. She told me she was meeting Lizette at Le Vieux Port in Quebec City.”

  “Margot’s father owns the resort, right?”

  “Yes, Parker Martin. Haven’t you met him and his family?” Granger pulled on his pants and zipped up. Then he began looking for his jacket.

  “Not really. I met Parker at the resort, but I never had the chance to meet his family. You might want to borrow a shirt from Jared. I’m afraid yours was destroyed last night.”

  Granger found his jacket under the bed and slipped it on, sans buttons. “No time, this will have to do. Parker is frantic. Come down after your shower.” He hurried to the door, opened it and then stopped and turned around.

  Granger walked right back to her. Took her face in his hands and kissed her, his lips taking hers before his tongue began to plunder her taste. When he finished, he kissed her on the nose. “I wish I could join you in the shower. Don’t be too long, I will miss you every second I’m away.” He turned abruptly and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  Brenda smiled. He loved her.


  Granger hurried into Jared’s office. He hoped this alarm would turn out to be a misunderstanding, like the women hearing about the storm, and deciding to stay in Quebec City for another night. The clenching in his gut told him Ouelette probably had them and both women were in danger.

  Jared motioned him into the room. Granger took the chair next to Parker Martin. Parker was a blond man in his late fifties. He kept himself in shape skiing and working around the resort. Normally robust, he appeared pale, his gaze worried.

  “I’m telling you something isn’t right. I feel it through the mating bond,” Parker said, getting up from his chair and pacing in front of Jared’s desk.

  “Granger, what time did you see Margot at Ouelette’s office?” Jared asked.

  “You saw Margot at Samuel Ouelette’s office?” Parker asked, his tone rising. “Why the blazes would she go there?”

  “Yes, she was just leaving,” Granger said. He would leave the “why” for Margot to explain. “She said she needed to meet her mother at Le Vieux Port. I thought they were going to head home after they met up. It was after lunch, probably between one thirty and two o’clock. I left an hour or so after that.”

  “Have you heard from Ouelette? Is he trying to use the women to get you to sign over the resort?” Jared asked.

  “I haven’t heard from anyone. The storm must have taken the phone lines down. My cell is a private number, but Margot or Lizette, could get through.”

  “Jared, didn’t Mathis say he knew of a lycan in the Sûreté? We need to get someone to trace Margot’s cell phone,” Granger suggested.

  “Yes, I met the man briefly when he requested entry into Quebec. He’s from the pack in Newfoundland. I’ll
call him immediately. I don’t know if he can help us, but he might be able to pull some strings.”

  “If they can trace Margot’s phone, we’ll know where to look for them,” Granger said.

  “Any information would help right now,” Parker said.


  “Brenda, Ouelette is crazy,” Granger said.

  “That’s why I’m coming with you. I saved your life less than twenty-four hours ago. I’m not letting you go off and play hero by yourself.” Brenda climbed into the Jeep and put on her seatbelt.

  “Honey, I am hardly alone. Jared, Mathis, and Parker are coming too. Jared put a call out to the lycans living in Quebec City. They’ll be joining the hunt. Already lycans are checking hotels in the city.”

  “It’s too bad Parker doesn’t see the mating bond. Ours led me straight to you in a snow storm.” Brenda shook her head. Why couldn’t Parker see it?

  “He’s human and only sees the golden cord when he and his mate are, ah…mating. But he can feel things through the bond, which is why he knows Margot and Lizette are in trouble. Not everyone has developed their psychic senses, or has the same gifts.”

  “I guess. It’d be a lot easier to find his family if he could,” Brenda grumbled.

  “It might actually be a good thing Parker’s not seeing the mating bond. I suspect if his wife was hurt, he’d see it snap into place. Since it hasn’t, we have to assume the women are unhurt.”

  “Unhurt, but unable to communicate. Maybe Ouelette drugged them.”

  “All right, we’re ready to go,” Jared said, climbing into the driver’s seat. “I didn’t know you were coming, Brenda.”

  “I’m not staying behind. Besides, you might need a healer.” Brenda glared at Granger, daring him to stop her.

  Jared chuckled and motioned to Granger to get in. “Come on. Mathis and Parker are already heading for the road in their vehicle.”

  Granger shrugged and climbed in. “I wonder if Asena knew what she was doing when she picked you as a handmaiden.”

  “What do you mean?” Brenda asked.

  Jared started the Jeep and headed towards Quebec City. Luckily, the snow plows had been out and the road was clear. The sun shone on the pristine snow making it sparkle like diamonds.

  “Well, you were a handful when you were a Beta’s mate. Now you’re outside the hierarchy, no one can tell you what to do.”

  “You’ll have to trust me then,” Brenda said, smiling.

  Jared broke out laughing. He glanced at his friend. “Watching you two is going to be fun. Serves you right, Granger, for telling me Esme had me wrapped around her little finger. Looks like your mate has you by the balls.”

  “She can have me anytime and anywhere she wants,” Granger said, winking at Brenda. “I never want her to let go.”

  Jared turned the Jeep onto the main road. Traffic zoomed past, all heading toward the resort. Brenda had never seen so many cars on the road. She listened to Granger and Jared banter back and forth.

  When they came to the spot on the highway where Granger’s car had gone over the side, she shuddered. She’d almost lost him. A wrecker was even now trying to pull the car back up to the street.

  The mating bond was more than she ever imagined. Thank goodness Asena stepped in to save them. The sight of Granger’s injured body flashed into her thoughts.

  “I am here with you, ma petite amour. Everything will be okay.” Granger’s thoughts flowed into her mind. Feelings of warmth and love surrounded them both.

  “I know,” Brenda sent.

  The ride to Quebec City seemed to take an awfully long time, or maybe Brenda was just anxious to get there. She had been angry, when Granger explained that Ouelette had been responsible for all the vandalism at the resort. Whoever this guy was, taking on a pack of lycans was a stupid move.

  Jared wove his way through traffic, driving from upper town to lower town and the port. When he saw a car pull into traffic leaving an open space, he quickly swooped in and parallel parked.

  “I told Parker we would meet them at Le Café du Monde. Margot’s cell phone pinged from that destination,” Jared said, getting out of the Jeep.

  Granger helped Brenda from the back, while Jared fed coins to the meter. Granger put his arm around her waist and pulled her close. Brenda put her arm around him and they strolled down the street, Jared leading the way. The tenderness Granger shared with her melted Brenda. Who knew that having a mate could feel so good?

  Jared waved at two men standing near the entrance to the restaurant. Brenda recognized Parker Martin from the few times she had seen him at the resort. The other man, Mathis, surprised her. She didn’t really see him clearly when Mathis helped pull her and Granger up the mountain. The snow had been falling too fast and the man had worn a coat and hat.

  Today, the sun was shining, Mathis wore a dark blue wool overcoat. He stood tall, his shoulders broad even for a lycan, his dark hair blowing slightly in the breeze. His eyes, a dark chocolate, seemed to penetrate the depths of her soul. Brenda shivered. All of the lycan males had a certain dangerous quality about them, but this man screamed predator. Mathis headed the security force that patrolled both sides of the mountain. Brenda was glad to know he was on their side.

  “I’ve already checked with the hostess,” Mathis said. “Margot’s cell phone was left on the table. She said two men joined Margot and Lizette. They all left suddenly when one of the women began feeling ill. She couldn’t remember anything else. I touched her mind and recognized Ouelette as one of the men.”

  “So what do we do now? Where do you think he took them?” Brenda asked.

  Granger stared out at the ice floating in the river, a frown on his face. “I never should have left them.”

  “This isn’t your fault, Granger,” Brenda said.

  “Granger, think back to when you touched Ouelette’s mind. Did you see anything that might help us pinpoint a location?” Jared asked.

  “Give me a minute. His thoughts were so jumbled.” Granger rubbed at his forehead, his face frowning in concentration. “Wait, he did flash to a yacht. I kept trying to get him to think about Margot, so I could give him a mental push to stay away from her. Every time I tried, he would flash to something else. But, I’m almost certain he flashed to the yacht several times during our conversation. I remember thinking it wasn’t the right season to be yachting.”

  “That’s great, Granger,” Brenda said.

  “It would have to be close by, especially if he slipped something into the women’s food to make them sick,” Mathis suggested.

  Brenda nodded. Lycans didn’t get sick, but something might not agree with their stomachs. Most of the time they would vomit and that fixed the problem. She looked out at the harbor and the multitude of the boats lined in the slips.

  “Do you think they’re out there?” Parker asked.

  Jared put his hand on Parker’s shoulder. “I know you can feel things through the mating bond. Try hard to connect to your mate. Can you tell anything about her?”

  “All I’ve felt is darkness, like she’s drugged or something,” Parker admitted.

  “Try again, Parker,” Jared suggested.

  Parker closed his eyes. Jared stood close his hand still touching Parker’s shoulder.

  “Jared is sharing his power with Parker,” Granger sent to her telepathically.

  Brenda nodded in understanding.

  “Wait, I’m getting something,” Parker said. “There is rocking, like they’re on the water. They are stuffed in a small compartment. The walls are solid and cold. There is no light.”

  “All right, they’ve got to be close,” Jared said.

  Mathis pulled out his phone and punched in numbers. “Louie, can you tell me if Samuel Ouelette has a yacht and where it is located?” Mathis asked. Turning to Jared, he said, “I have a friend in the Boating License Department, he should be able to tell us something.”

  “Oui, Louie, I owe you,” Mathis said. “Ouelette does have a yacht in slip
104, it’s called Grand Gaillard.”

  “We can’t all go marching down there. Whoever is holding them, might see us,” Brenda said.

  “Let them see us,” Parker said, starting off in the direction of the docks.

  “Wait, Miss Ross is right,” Mathis said. “We should do a little reconnaissance and see what we’re up against.”

  “Why don’t Brenda and I stroll down there? We’ll take a look and I can relay what I see to Jared,” Granger suggested.

  “I thought you didn’t want me in the middle of all this,” Brenda said.

  Granger leaned down and kissed her on the nose. “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” Granger said with a smirk.

  “No one will suspect a young couple walking on the docks,” Parker said, smiling at them.

  “We’ll follow behind at a slower pace. If something happens we won’t be far,” Jared said.

  A zing of excitement ran through Brenda. She knew how to do this. She wrapped her arm around Granger’s waist and sauntered down to the dock. Once on the pier, she flitted from yacht to yacht, pointing and exclaiming over the colors or size.

  “What are you doing?” Granger asked, telepathically.

  “Making it look good. Come on, go along with it,” Brenda replied.

  Granger smiled indulgently. Brenda continued with her act. She’d show the men how to infiltrate the enemy camp. As they neared slip 104, Brenda spied one man on the deck of Ouelette’s yacht. She waved and hurried up to the side of the yacht, climbing up the ladder before the man could stop her.

  “Hi, I’m Brenda. I love big boats and yours is one of the biggest I’ve seen.”

  “Look, lady…” the man started, before he turned to look at Granger who hurried to the side of the boat.

  “Brenda, come down from there. Stop bothering that man,” Granger called from the dock.

  Brenda waited for the man to turn away and she gave him a karate chop to the neck. The man went down without a sound.


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