The Redemption, Volume 1
Page 113
wedateri, -em, -a, -am (way-duh-TARE-ee, -ehm, -ah, -ahm) these are corruptions of the vedem through the application of fire, although their blue skin might lead us to believe that ice was used; the two varieties of these creatures–blue and green skin colors, the green inhabiting the Mariskal–discounts this supposition; tall and powerful, they also possess the ability to regenerate quickly, although stories of new wedaterem regenerating from cut-off limbs seem to be exaggerations of fact; it is believed that the green-skinned swamp variety were failures of Gar, abandoned in the Mariskal; experts agree that the green skin of this variety shows Gar’s failure to completely corrupt the original vedem, who were based on water and air.
kailu, -um (KY-loo, -loom) order of healers founded by Shigmar, divided in the year 73 into the green and red orders when one-third of the kailum dissented over the use of certain powers, the red serving Gar while the green continued loyal to the One; the red have their home across the bay from Belford, where it is believed they perform unholy rites involving sex, sacrifice, and the creation of purgle and raising of nekerpum; some evidence suggests that there is a third division among these orders, called the genewum, or those who protect and serve the natural world, but their numbers are so small, being dissenters of the other two, that they are seen as a sub-group rather than their own order; primary attributes of this order are wisdom and compassion. The green order is led by a ruling council of five masters from the school, chosen from the Assembly of all green kailum, with the school’s headmaster as the sixth member and leader of the council.
kortexi, -em (kore-TEKS-ee, -ehm) order of fighters founded by Karble, dedicated to following the One and protecting the weak and innocent; this order follows a strict code of conduct, with especially rigid rules involving relations with wetham; primary attributes of this order are strength, stamina, and prowess in battle. The leader of this order, called the Wesento, is chosen from the most senior and experienced of the order.
maghi, -em (MAHG-ee, -ehm–again, the ‘g’ of ‘go’) order of sorcerers founded by Melbarth, divided atno 67 into the white and black when one-half of the maghem dissented concerning the raw use of the Void; the black became servants of Gar and made their home in Eklor; rumor has it that the cape upon which their home is located was shattered by the misuse of the raw Void atno 1134; a third division occurred around atno 700, when many dissented from the black, believing the order had become too much the creature of Gar, giving them little freedom to act; this group formed the gray order, called the methaghem, who wished to be independent; their first home was in Metarb, at the edge of the Thruplar and the Reuthowen; later, when their numbers increased, they expanded to Mestoimo, and island in the Inner Sea, and Methpag on an island in Misty Lake; primary attributes of this order are logic and intellect. The white order is ruled by a council of ten hierarchs, with a chair and eleventh member, called the sedra.
seklesi, -em, -a, -am (say-KLESS-ee, -ehm, -ah, -ahm) order of soldiers and rangers, founded by Shigmar, Karble, and Melbarth atno 39, when the three realized that Gar would conquer them one by one if they did not unite all three of their orders into one; this order was created to patrol and protect the land, with six regular legions and one elite legion, who protect the Fereghen and Feragwen; the first three legions, along with the elite legion, remain in Holvar at all times; the last three legions are spread throughout the land on patrol, rotating in and out of Holvar every six weeks; another legion, called the Sea Legion, patrols the waters; a further legion, the Training Legion, or uwonti, are those studying to become seklesem and are housed in Holvar; a Seventh Legion, called the gwenakso and formed of the very best seklesem, can be formed by the Feragwen during times of great difficulties; however, it has been several centuries since this legion was organized, so it has become part of seklesi legend.
earth colored orange, symbol: !
water colored green, symbol: #
air colored yellow, symbol: %
fire colored red, symbol: @
ice colored blue, symbol: $
time colored purple, symbol: ^
light colored white, symbol: *
Void colored black, symbol: &
ayesu, -um (aye-YEAH-soo) copper, smallest coin, twenty-five to an argentu, one hundred to a ghelwu.
argentu, -um (ar-GEHN-too) silver, middle-sized coin, four to a ghelwu.
ghelwu, -um (GEL-woo) gold, larger-sized coin, twenty to a platu, at current rates.
platu, -um (PLAH-too) platinum, largest coin, very rare and extremely valuable, few, if any, are in circulation.
ansu (AHN-soo) a spirit, detached from a physical body; some believe an ansu can inhabit a person’s body and control it, but only a kwalu is capable of actual possession; see kwalu, below.
argwiwo (are-GWEE-wo) silvery liquid used by kailum to aid in casting an aura upon a person; also known in other circles as quicksilver.
Avril (AHV-ril) kailu Master of Healing, responsible for running the Infirmary, member of the ruling council of Shigmar; name means ‘white running stream,’ i.e., ‘whitewater rapids.’
Blekan (BLAY-kahn) Klarissa’s father; name means ‘strong singer’
ekludi, -em (eh-KLOO-dee) intelligent, power-wielding creature of the elemental realm of air; larger than the horse with a single horn; communicates through mind-speech; this creature never touches the ground but floats through the air.
Demansa (day-MAHN-sah) one of a pair of ponkola sisters, favorites of Gar, sister of Rupansa, name means ‘the she-demon’.
Elker (EHL-ker) rebel son of The One, see Gar.
Elos (AY-lohs) loyal son of the One through whom He acts.
Fatawssy (fah-TAH-see) female pleugle, servant of Motodu, found and rescued by chosen in Morokolu; it is unknown if her name has any particular meaning, although Hierarch Thalamar believes the ending, ‘-assy,’ is patronymic in its derivation.
Feragwen (FAY-rah-gwehn) female leader of the seklesem and joint ruler of all the land, joined to the Fereghen; title means ‘high queen.’
Fereghen (FAY-ray-ghen) male leader of the seklesem and joint ruler of all the land, joined to the Feragwen; title means ‘high king.’
Felorno (fay-LOR-no) minister, herald, and messenger of the Lord of Air.
Fregren (FRAY-grehn) kortexi altered by Gar and Motodu, sent back to Karble to destroy the order; name means ‘broken mind.’
Gar (gahr) Lord of Evil, fallen son of the One, cast with his followers into the underworld for rebellion; formerly name Elker; symbol:
geuskeldu (gay-oos-KELL-doo) archway/chamber of advancement used by the maghem to test themselves and advance in power and abilities.
Ghelvon (GHEL-vahn) kailu Master of Battle, member of the ruling council of Shigmar; name means ‘to make oneself ready to shine.’
gheusu, -um (GAY-oo-soo) one who is chosen, in this case, by the One; reference to the chosen of the One.
Ghreis Prokarts (grace PROH-karts) kailu Master of Soldiers, chief commander of the soldiers protecting Shigmar, member of the ruling council of Shigmar; name means ‘strength from anointing.’
Guengle (GWEHN-gul) the name means ‘woman of cold’; she is the ruler of ice who aided Gar in the beginning before they had a falling out with each other; unlike Gar, she was not driven out for rebellion, but she, with her followers, left the presence of the One to rule her own realm; she helped create all the corruptions that include ice.
Gwemo (GWAY-mo) formal greeting, Hail!
gwenakso (gwayn-AHK-so) the fabled Seventh Legion of the seklesem, organized by the Feragwen whenever she feels sufficient threat exists; the name means “the sharp sword of the queen.”
Gwoneru (GWAHN-eh-roo) Aperu-slayer, the name of Rokwolf’s sword.
kara, -am (KAH-ra) prostitute, whore, female slaves kept by red kailum.
karasun (KAH-rah-soon) a curse word that literally means ‘son, or daughter, of a whore.’
br /> Karble (KAR-bul) first and greatest kortexi, founded the order of the kortexem; his name means ‘bold strength.’
kelnan-ditistas (KELL-nahn-DEE-tee-stahs) the word means, literally, ‘the room of stopped time’; space created in which time outside of the room can be slowed almost to a stop.
kenu-seklesi (KAY-noo-say-KLEHS-ee) the Intermediate Training Cycle of the seklesem, from ages 12-16, also housed in the center above Holvar in the eastern spur of the Monti-sterlastan. This group learns weapons & fighting skills, further mental skills, and is organized into patrols & companies to learn these skills along with the patrol structure and responsibilities within; advance when all skills are mastered in groups at mid-year and year’s end around age 16, moving on to the mari-seklesi for the Final Training Cycle. Also called the uwonti or ‘younglings’ in the vulgar tongue.
kerono, -em (kay-ROH-no) creature between the ekludi and the horse, with a single horn and very rare; the few still living are watched over by the vedem, deep in the forest; they are considered holy creatures by the vedem, who believe they are fallen ekludem, and considered to be symbols of beauty, colored gold or white.
kerteradi, -em (kare-tare-RAH-dee) name given by the servants of Gar to those of good orders who sell out to Gar; the name carries the sense of ‘traitor’; these converted servants of Gar are not trusted by other servants.
klitodweri, -em (klee-TODD-weh-ree) scout order organized by Tevvy’s father; the name means ‘one who listens at doors’; these are ‘thieves’ who serve the One and the orders of good.
Leukila (loo-KEE-la) Klarissa’s mother; name means ‘bright one.’
magluku (mah-GLOO-koo) a globe of light, powered by the light element.
Malkonik (mal-KOHN-ik) apprentice to Master Ghelvon, name means ‘the ill-hung hinge.’
markorni, -em (mahr-KOR-nee) creature of the realm of Air, winged horses, none have ever been seen outside this realm.
mekala (may-KAH-lah) the greater council of the green kailum, sometimes called the ‘full assembly’, which consists of all kailum who gather to Shigmar to hear and decide on matters that concern the order, e.g., to choose a new headmaster for the school. A full initiate of the order can only be judged and sentenced by the mekala whereas matters of discipline involving apprentices are judged and sentenced by the ruling council alone.
Melbarth (MEL-barth) founder of the white maghi order, he was the first sedra of the white maghi order, his name means either ‘soft beard’ or ‘strong ax’, none are sure which, although his followers argue for the latter.
methaghi, -em (meh-THAHG-ee) the gray sorcerers; those who refuse to choose good or evil, but instead prefer an equal balance between the two cosmic forces.
montista (mahn-TEE-stah) stone of power into which the Wesento, leader of the kortexem, looks to see the future of the initiate before he leaves to ascend the Mountain of Vision.
Monti-stethreu (MOHN-ti-STAY-thray-oo) range of mountains running east-west through the north, translated as ‘Mountains of the Fallen Star.’
Monti-sterlastan (MOHN-tee stair-LAHS-tahn) range of mountains running north-south, translated as ‘Mountains of the Firm Star.’
Morokolu (moh-ROH-koh-loo) at the center of the Mariskal, home of the morgle, Motodu; an ancient, sunken fortress; name means ‘great dome.’
morosku, -um (moh-ROH-skoo) giant creature of the realm of Air, sometimes called giant of the cloud, standing around eighteen feet in height; related to the krugle and megatrem.
Motodu (moh-TOH-doo) powerful morgle inhabiting Morokolu who steals, with the aid of Gar, the Rod of Melbarth; name means ‘mind eater.’
Myron (MY-rohn) Headmaster of the kailu school, Master of the Arcane Arts, leader of the ruling council of Shigmar; name means ‘the eagle of timely news.’
Nefli (NEH-flee) leader of the vedem.
Neflo (NEH-flo) son of Nefli, one of the vedem who leads a company of his people to rescue the chosen and exhorts them not to use Shigmar’s staff.
Nefora (neh-FO-rah) Lady of the elemental realm of Air, wife of Wethkuro; she is one of the moroskum.
negumflu, -um (neh-GOOM-floo) reptiles believed to be the ancient ancestors of the aperum, inhabiting the waters of the Mariskal; similar to but larger, and more vicious, than our alligator.
Nekerp (NEH-kerp) ‘Death Harvester’ Lord of the Dead who takes spirits from life into the land of the dead; to become a purgle, the maghi or kailu sacrifices his or her life essence to this demigod, for it is through his authority and power that the purgle raises corpses to become nekerpum.
Ni vorga daluna. Corova dar el! Phrase shouted by Sir Blakstar in Mariskal that broke the darkness that threatened them; language is that of the One; Hierarch Thalamar believes it means: ‘You do not frighten us! We are servants of the One!’ Alternatively, the first line could be, ‘you cannot crush us with darkness and evil,’ which may be more applicable to the circumstances in which Sir Blakstar used the phrase.
The One supreme deity, ruler of the universe and father of all; symbol:.
Opnimon (AHP-nee-mahn) one of Elos’s disguises; the name means ‘the all man,’ or ‘everyman.’
Orkegan (or-KEE-guhn) evil lord of the air and servant of Gar who claims to rule this elemental realm.
orthek, -s (OHR-thehk) the act of working or weaving elemental forces into a single focus or action using a word or phrase from ancient; for example, when a kailu or maghi produces a light using the word magluku as the focus point of the elemental forces, in this case, light, to provide illumination, and time, to keep it operating through time.
Paaki (pay-AH-kee) leader of the ekludi guarding the Mountain of Vision; name means ‘sharp protector.’
peuaritum (poo-air-EE-toom) kortexi rituals of purification necessary before entering Karble.
Platta (PLAH-tah) name of the female, platinum aperu, killed shortly after the world was made.
Platti (PLAH-tee) name of the male platinum aperu, who sits on the tower above the gate to Wethkuro’s palace in the realm of Air, keening a lament to his lost mate every hour.
potiethro, -em (po-TEETH-ro) giant creature of the realm of Air, rules the realm, sometimes called giant of the storm; stands around twenty-four feet in height, although rumor has it that Wethkuro is thirty-two feet tall; related to the krugle and megatrem; it may be that the megatrem are corruptions of the potiethrem, but this supposition cannot be confirmed or denied.
potikoro (poh-TEE-koh-roh) title of the seklesi leader of all the legions, right hand of the Fereghen.
potuka (poh-TOO-kah) curse reserved for females who are too free with their ‘favors,’ it means, literally, ‘she with the open thighs,’ i.e., ‘slut.’
Presgrut (PRAYS-groot) alchemist in Rykelle used by Meekor; name means ‘twisted old man.’
Rebeth (RAY-behth) Klaybear’s friend and fellow apprentice, intended of Sutugno; name means ‘to trust again.’
Rupansa (roo-PAHN-sah) one of a pair of ponkola sisters, favorites of Gar; sister of Demansa, name means ‘the ripping demon.’
rumepant (ROO-may-pahnt) the dimension beyond space and time through which those who travel from one place to another by teleportation; all places within this realm are an equal distance apart, roughly one hour of time.
sedra (SEH-drah) leader of the council of Melbarth, name means, simply, ‘chair.’
Shigmar (SHIG-mar) founder and first leader of the order of kailum; his name means ‘fashioner of writing,’ which is a ‘scribe.’
skrufoti (skroo-FOH-tee) shrub native to the Wolpoti Swamp with bright red berries that are used to make a poison; name means ‘poison shrub.’
Storga Keney (STOHR-gah KAY-nee) kailu Mistress of Novices, responsible for the female novices, wife of Wegex Deruney, member of the ruling council of Shigmar; name means ‘hard youth.’
Sutugno (suh-TUHG-no) Klare’s best friend and green kailu apprentice; name means ‘full friend.’
teka (TAY-kah) the art of working with or weaving elemental forces as p
racticed by the orders of kailum and maghem.
tekson (TEHX-sohn) one who works with or weaves elemental forces, i.e., a kailu or maghi.
tengle (TEHN-gul) frost-box, small, elementally enhanced cabinet used to keep food cold, using both ice and time elements.
texarti, -em (rare) (teks-AR-tee) web of power that surrounds the victim and allows the maghi to torment and control the victim, powered by air, water, and fire elements.
thukro (THOO-kro) town leader, master of city or town.
uwonti, em (oo-WAHN-tee) another name for the training legions of the seklesem, see kenu-seklesi.
verghrenum (vair-GREN-oom) literally, ‘hider of thoughts & protector of mind’; bracers, bracelets worn by the chosen to protect their minds from tampering by Gar; allows them to contact and find each other; created by Melbarth.
vukeetu (voo-KEE-too) globe of elemental forces that gives the maghi a glimpse into his or her own future.
Wegex Deruney (WAY-ghehx day-ROO-nee) kailu Master of Novices, responsible for the male novices, husband of Storga Keney, member of the ruling council of Shigmar; name means ‘lively and steadfast tree.’
wepanu, -um (way-PAH-noo) an evil spirit escaped from the underworld to haunt the land of the living, or so it is believed.
Wesento (wee-SEHN-to) title/name of the leader and master of the kortexem, chosen from the oldest and most experienced of the order by a vote of the senior kortexem; he serves until his death.
Wethkuro (wayth-KOO-ro) Lord of the elemental realm of Air, one of the potiethro, husband to Nefora.
Fokortheku: Book of Ortheks
*To pronounce the following words from ancient: all consonants and vowels are spoken; the vowels sound like the vowels of a European language, other than English:
‘a’ like ‘father’