Around the Way Girls 10

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Around the Way Girls 10 Page 20

by Ms. Michel Moore

  Rissa started bawling tears of anger. Kimmy hugged Rissa, comforting her. When Rissa got her mind right she stood straight up, drying her eyes. Then she looked Kimmy dead in her face and said, “Bitch, you ready to be the queen? That washed-up, decrepit ho gotsta to fall, and them two lowlife, shit-eating snakes gonna follow.” Rissa vowed scorn and determination.

  Kimmy put both hands over her face, contemplating. Rissa backed away from her and crossed her arms over her chest. “So, what’s it gon’ be? You said one day you gon’ to sit on the throne. Your time is now, Kimmy. Or you gonna wait around until she cross you, use you up, and throw you away?” Rissa was trying to convince Kimmy to ride with her because she knew she couldn’t bring them down without her.

  Kimmy moved her hands from her face, looked at Rissa, and tilted her head to the side. “Bitch, let’s get it did. I’m tired of being run. It’s time I run some shit. Push comes to shove and it don’t go over clean, I got enough money put up to dip out and start over. A bitch can slang pussy anywhere. Ol’ girl done had me do some grimy shit to people I didn’t care to do, and them things always on my conscience. I think I’ll feel good and sleep better at night if I help knock the ol’ ho off her pedestal and wear her crown. You got a plan or naw?” Kimmy said with a smirk.

  “Yup. I damn sure do,” Rissa announced, pacing the floor again. “Check this out: if we get her client list and the dirt she blackmailing people with, she powerless, right?”

  “Yeah,” Kimmy agreed. “So that’s how we gonna do it; take all that shit. I can get it, too, right from under her nose. She trust me way more than she should, of course. That skank won’t know what hit her.” The scheming pair laughed out loud, sure of themselves.

  “First we got to deal with the help: Goodhouse and Rolling Earl slimy ass. Without them, she weak. I’ll handle Rolling Earl personally.” Rissa wanted revenge. “Can you get to Goodhouse? He’ll see me coming a mile away.”

  “Yup, sure can. I got to him once and fucked up his marriage. I’m sure he ain’t forgot what Kimmy cakes can do in such a way. If I call he’ll come running.” She giggled with a devilish smile. “We got to move on them both at the same time starting tomorrow. Then we’ll deal with Madam Valerie succubus ass in a major way she can’t come back from.”


  The next day Rissa and Kimmy made their move on Rolling Earl and Detective Goodhouse. They’d stayed up all night plotting how shit was going to go down.

  Kimmy had gotten in touch with Detective Goodhouse. She pretended she had gotten pulled over by the Detroit police and they found a small amount of cocaine. She didn’t want Madam Valerie to know about it because she had been warned not to mess with drugs. She propositioned him with sex in exchange for him talking to his friends in the narcotics department to make the case go away. At first Goodhouse told Kimmy he couldn’t do shit about her problem, until she reminded him how good the pussy was. Instantly, he gave in and agreed to help. Kimmy told him she would come to his place around six. He anxiously gave her his address and apartment number then hung up the phone.

  Kimmy and Rissa celebrated after she hung up the phone. “Girl, I told you, didn’t I? Any nigga who done tasted this bit of honey gonna always want to put his finger back in the jar,” Kimmy said, proud of herself. She was really feeling herself knowing Goodhouse would still fuck with her knowing she was the true reason he was under Madam Valerie’s thumb. She’d put Kimmy on him years ago when she was underage and he was still paying the piper. Both Kimmy and Rissa laughed and agreed that if they were dudes, they wouldn’t get played and then turn around in no time, later trusting a bitch.

  * * *

  Rissa had gotten Rolling Earl’s cell number from Kimmy. She could get anybody’s as long as Madam Valerie trusted her. But the storm was brewing. Rissa took a page out of her new best friend’s book. When she got Rolling Earl on the phone and heard his voice, her stomach turned. Flashes of him gunning Bobby down and shooting her were overwhelming, but she fought through it. She dug deep and shook the all-too-real images out of her mind, reminding herself that she was on a mission to avenge Bobby’s death and her near-death experience.

  “Yes, is this Rolling Earl?” Rissa asked in the sweetest girly voice she could muster up.

  “Yeah. Who the fuck is this and how did you get my digits?” he snarled.

  “Um, this is Rissa. We meet at Madam Valerie’s house. I was with Kimmy. Do you remember me? Short with long hair, brown skin? That’s how I got your number.”

  “Oh, yeah, the new booty. How could I forget such a tasty-looking thang like you? Now what the fuck can I do for you other than beat that pussy up?” he fired back disrespectfully.

  Rissa cringed at the thought of him touching her. She turned to Kimmy sitting next to her and covered the phone. “I can’t do this.”

  Kimmy encouraged her to keep talking.

  “Well, ya see, I got a serious situation that, if I don’t get rid of, might cost me my good health, if you know that I mean.” She talked in code. “I was told you can help me for a fee, let’s say twenty grand. I don’t know who else could help me. I really need your help,” Rissa whined, playing the “ho in distress” role to perfection.

  Kimmy punched the air and jumped up and down, holding praise back for Rissa. She had Rolling Earl on the hook now. All she had to do was pull him in. The mention of twenty Gs was the type of language he could comprehend.

  “Well, I might be willing to help you with that issue. But we need to talk face to face so we can get a clear understanding. You feel me, Tissa?” He called her the wrong name thinking he was talking slick.

  “That’s cool with me. Do you smoke? We can blow a few back woods and talk about the arrangements if you do. I’m free around six this evening. Is that good for you?” Rissa purred.

  “Shit, I had some other shit on the floor ’round then, but business comes first. Meet me at Burns Park off Jefferson no later than six-fifteen. If your ass late, don’t call my number no more. Got it?” Rolling Earl killed the line and rubbed his hands together, thinking of what all he was gonna cop with his come up if shit went his way.

  Rissa carelessly tossed her cell phone on the sofa and flopped backward, relieved she’d pulled it off. “That was the easy part. The real test gonna come when I’m by myself with him.” Rissa sounded worried.

  Kimmy stroked Rissa’s ego. “Bitch, you got this. You got that stuff you got from Chad still, right?”

  Rissa pulled out a tiny clear Baggie with off-white powder in it, showing it to Kimmy.


  It was five fifty-nine and Kimmy was standing in the hallway outside of Goodhouse’s apartment door, reminding herself of the plan to find anything incriminating that could be used to get his ass locked up for a long time, or forever and a day. She had nothing particular in mind, which she thought was risky, to say the least. Nonetheless, she was game.

  She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Two seconds later Goodhouse opened the door half drunk with a drink in his hand. With a towel around his neck, dressed in a black jogging suit and gym shoes like his old ass had been working out, Kimmy laughed to herself how fake he was.

  “Come in,” he said, looking Kimmy up and down lustfully. When she walked by him and went inside, he suspiciously stuck his head out the door then looked up down the hallway. Seeing no one, he closed the door and dead bolted it with a single key.

  Kimmy watched him put the key in his pocket. A bad feeling came over her instantly. She refused to let him know, though. Goodhouse set his drink down and walked up behind Kimmy and grabbed her by the arm. She told him not to be so rough. He ignored her, pushing her face first against the wall. Her heart raced. She asked him what he was doing and he said that he was covering his ass. He kicked her legs apart and ordered her to put her hands up on the wall.

  “Whoa, what did I do?” Kimmy said, holding her hands up.

  “Shut the fuck up. I didn’t tell you to say shit,” Goodhouse
hissed as he ran his hand between her legs. She didn’t have any panties on so he jammed his fingers in her pussy hard. She begged him to stop but he wouldn’t. He pressed his mouth against her ear and bit down. Kimmy struggled to break free from his grip, but it was useless. He was too strong. She attempted to scream; however, he put his hand over her mouth, muffling all sounds.

  Oh, my God, he’s gonna kill me, flashed over and over in her head. She had to think fast. She then started to act like she was turned on. He asked her if she wanted more of the same and unhanded her. She was breathing hard and sweating. Goodhouse ordered her to get naked.

  “Why you doing me like this? I thought we gon’ turn up.” She stripped, keeping focused on his every move.

  “Oh, yeah, we is,” Goodhouse replied with one side of mouth curled up and a crazed look in his eyes. “Kimmy, you must have forgotten how you fucked me over, costing me my marriage and dignity. Now that bitch got a foot on my neck for life. I’ve been waiting to get you in the right position at the right time.”

  “Come on, don’t do this. I’m sorry she made me do it.” Kimmy’s tears streamed down her face, ruining her once beat makeup. Ashamed, she covered her titties and crossed her legs; however, in that very moment she decided she didn’t want to die. She looked around for a weapon. Goodhouse peeped her intentions and smacked her across the living room. Titties and ass was everywhere. She was on the floor bleeding from her head and forearm from smashing through a glass end table. Goodhouse then ran across the room and stood over her.

  “Get up, bitch,” he demanded, reaching down to grab Kimmy by her weave. Unfortunately, he’d failed to see that she’d grabbed a piece of glass the size of a butcher knife. As he was reaching downward, she was swinging a deliberate death blow.

  Kimmy lunged with the makeshift weapon at the monster. Making contact, she stabbed him deep into the side of the head with the sharp glass. She yanked down with all her might, causing a deep, gaping wound. Blood sprayed all on her naked body. The once highly decorated police detective fell to his knees, holding his head. He was in shock, his eyes the size of half dollars. Goodhouse looked at his hand and the huge amount of blood that covered it. The devil finally called his disciple home as Goodhouse fell over dead.

  Kimmy was hysterical. She couldn’t believe she’d just killed Goodhouse, a member of the Detroit Police Department. Kimmy remembered the key to get out of the apartment. Reaching under his motionless body, she went in the deceased officer’s pocket, retrieving it. She scrambled to her feet and ran to the bathroom, leaving a trail of bloody footprints. Kimmy quickly showered, got dressed, and locked the door behind herself when she left. I hope he rots away in that bitch before somebody find his snake ass.

  * * *

  Rissa pulled into Burns Park where she saw Rolling Earl’s truck parked close to the walkway. She pulled up beside him and killed the engine. Getting out of her car, she went to the front passenger side of his truck. He had been watching her from the very moment she pulled in. Rolling Earl was grinning like a cat from ear to ear when Rissa walked up. He hit the unlock button and she got in. The equally conniving pair got straight to business.

  “Okay, so who’s the mark?” Rolling Earl growled, ready to put in even more work.

  “My ex-boyfriend,” Rissa lied, wanting nothing more than to spit in his face. With no warning whatsoever, Rolling Earl reached over, pressing and rubbing his hand roughly up and down her shirt. “What the fuck you doing, nigga? Damn, feeling a bitch up? This pussy cost and we ain’t here for that shit.” Rissa pushed his hand away. She was disgusted by him even touching her. She wanted nothing more than to hurry up and carry out the plan, and then her life would be complete.

  Rolling Earl dog checked Rissa and told her, “This ain’t no game. I’m only making sure you ain’t got a wire on in an attempt to set me up.”

  Rissa told him she wasn’t no rat bitch out here in these streets. She let him know that she was not going to fuck her name up or put her life on the line being a snitch. Rolling Earl liked that she stood up and didn’t back down. He relaxed and told her that they could do business with each other. He told Rissa he needed a photo of the dude she wanted killed, and he needed the cash. The murder-for-hire thug informed Rissa there would be absolutely no refunds if she changed her mind. Once the money exchanged hands, it was his to keep no matter what. Rissa quickly agreed to his terms, then asked him if he minded if she smoked a blunt. With a smile on his face, he told Rissa to blaze up because he needed to smoke as well. What Rolling Earl didn’t know was this just might be the last time he blew in his life.

  Rissa lit the blunt and pulled the smoke deep into her lungs. They casually talked shit, taking turns hitting the chronic. Rissa watched the blunt closely. When she reached a certain mark she knew to stop getting high. She’d laced the pre-rolled blunt with PCP, the off-white powder in the tiny Baggie she and Kimmy had been giggling about at the loft. Chad said anyone who smoked it would go nuts. Rissa was praying he was right.

  When Rissa was only seconds away from making up some wild lie to get away from the man who had killed Bobby, Kimmy called, frantic. Telling Rolling Earl she had to take the call, Rissa excused herself. Kimmy was talking fast and Rissa couldn’t understand half of what she was saying; but she heard the words “dead” and “Goodhouse.”

  Playing it off as if she were talking to her grandmother, Rissa announced to Earl that she had to go because it was an emergency. Rolling Earl shook his head up and down as he hit the blunt hard once more, then tried to pass it to Rissa. He was told that she was good and he could kill the rest of the blunt, and she would be in touch with both the picture and the cash.

  Rissa stood at her car door and took one last look at the man who killed the love of her life. Rolling Earl paid her no mind as he started examining the blunt, smacking his lips like he tasted something funny. Rissa smirked at him, got in her car, and drove off. Now she just had to go see what happened with Kimmy and why she was taking so crazy. Rissa headed toward the loft, which was less than twelve minutes away.

  * * *

  Rissa got to the loft and busted through the door, calling out for Kimmy. Suddenly she emerged from the bathroom, nursing the cuts on her head and forearm. Rissa rushed to her side, inspecting the wounds she hadn’t had when she left. Then, of course, she blitzed her with a million questions. Kimmy held nothing back, telling Rissa everything that happened to her in Goodhouse’s apartment. She was terrified the police would be looking for her and she would spend the rest of her life locked up behind bars. Although messed up in the head, Kimmy reassured Rissa that she would still help her get the client and blackmail list from Madam Valerie; then she was leaving Detroit and never coming back.

  They wanted to get the lists from Madam Valerie’s office as soon as possible. The two were ready to go right then and there, but Kimmy didn’t want her asking questions about the extremely visible cuts and whatnot. Thinking of a plan on top of their plan, she called Madam Valerie’s phone, fishing for information about her whereabouts for the rest of the evening. Kimmy was informed she would be away for most of the night on important business. Madam Valerie was clueless to the plot that was going on behind her back to dethrone her; and it was much too soon for her to know anything about her crony Goodhouse being dead. His blood was probably still warm. In the meantime, they were ready to put in work. Rissa agreed to be the lookout while Kimmy got the lists and anything else that would cripple the old whore’s operation for good.


  It was two hours later. Rissa and Kimmy had gotten to Madam Valerie’s house and they had no problem gaining access to the office. The housekeeper and anyone else who maintained the house didn’t pay any attention to Kimmy’s bandages. They did just as they’d planned. Rissa served as lookout. She closed the door and put her ear against it to hear anyone coming, especially Madam Valerie. Every now and then she would open the door and peek up and down the hallway.

  Kimmy looked for a hidden spare
key, or any way to get in the desk drawers without busting the locks. She tried using a letter opener and even a bobby pin to pick the lock. Kimmy tried everything; however, nothing worked. She was, without a doubt, frustrated. Rissa was also fed up. She ordered Kimmy to watch the door so she could take a shot at getting the locks open. Rissa dug deep in her blue jeans pocket, pulling out a pocketknife, and she flicked the blade out. When she got to the desk she attacked the locks with the knife. One by one the drawers popped open. Rissa grinned, knowing she had hit pay dirt.

  Kimmy abandoned the door and rushed to Rissa’s side. “Bitch, is you crazy? She gonna know somebody was in her shit,” Kimmy whined.

  “Duh, she gonna know when she sit her dried-up ass down behind this desk anyway. Now, grab all this shit and let’s go,” Rissa explained in a disgruntled whisper, handing Kimmy the Gucci backpack they’d brought with them. Franticly they pillaged the drawers, stuffing the backpack with folders labeled with the names of judges, police officers, city officials, and a host of major businessmen.

  Once they had relieved Madam Valerie of her goldmine, they were ready to make their exit from the office. Just a few feet from the door, with both their hearts pounding and expecting to be caught up in some type of fight for their lives, Kimmy reached for the doorknob. Before she could turn it, the housekeeper came from out of thin air, frightening both girls. Kimmy screamed and pissed herself. Rissa blacked out, stabbing at the creepy housekeeper. In reality, she meant them no harm. She had no idea what they had done as she fell to the floor.

  “What is the meaning of this?” she asked, out of breath, holding her hand up defensively.

  Rissa was standing over the housekeeper when it dawned on her that she had indeed mistakenly stabbed the old lady. Still filled with adrenalin, Rissa went in. “You old creeping bitch, you’ll know next time to make some noise floating up on people like you crazy.”


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