“There has been a lot of healing as a result. Lyle and I have talked about how even the Agent whilst depriving us of so many things, he has actually invigorated out bond and our strengths.”
“Yes Jenna. The Agent is a catalyst unknowingly successful in what to him, would appear to be the opposite of his intentions, so strong are those intentions in elemental alignment. His mind so full of mania is embroiled within itself without connection other than with the futile and with the creation of viruses and events that serves to reflect this back to him. His determination to have power, yet his disregard for this, is his confusion and his detachment. He too is elemental in foundation as all life is, but…he is so far from this awareness, like the great depths of space he sees between his place in reality, and the actualisation of his embodiment. And so he strives to overwhelm all with his state of discord by using his stolen spaceship and up until recently his unstable vortex amplifier, in order to wreak this havoc.”
“Do you know much of what vortex amplifiers can do if they are in alignment?”
“Yes I do Jake, in part. These instruments are still mysterious to me somewhat, but I do know of their potential to accelerate atomic energies.”
“Like a nuclear…”
“No. The invention of nuclear devices is for the splitting of atoms and to disperse the integrity of structure against the natural flow. This is why they are so dangerous because they are opposite to the alignment and of acceleration. The amplifier can accelerate atoms and this can be used, I do know, as an energy source for the machines people build in reflection of their inner knowing and inner seeking. A result of this may well be the construction of machines taking humans beyond what they call light speed, where they can accelerate atoms for transition of matter between places instantaneously. It remains to be seen if people who control such things, look to this type of progression, or if they look to control and manipulation based in ego. Such a device would serve to encompass all there is elementally focused into the amplification process without discernment of choice coming from the mind only, but emanating from the connection to the vortex of the heart. This is all I can say…perhaps talking to John would give you more information to put into a physical context.”
“He has advanced knowledge of flux mechanics,” Jenna added. “From what I have seen and what I know, there would be very few others so knowledgeable.”
“And this is both an asset, and a foundation for causation in being wary. At such times where both good and bad influence are at the brink of awareness of this, we must be vigilant in remaining alert to allowing John to progress with this knowledge, keeping from those who seek to use if for their own selfish ends.”
“Could the Agent’s vortexes have any on-going effect, even though they are unstable?”
“In regards to this, I can only offer a suggestion indicating they might have an on-going effect. Again, speaking with John may help you, but consider, the vortexes he creates, destabilise matter and they also open pathways perpendicular to the natural flow. We can only assume the consequences, but such assumption in this instance is not from blindness, for our knowledge whilst in its infancy, is of substance from collected awareness. We must reach out to acquire the nature of influence brought on by the Agent, and something tells me, John is doing this now back at the farm as we speak.”
In keeping with normal conditions for the region, the second day of 2097 dawned clear and blue for the group. Amongst the hills shaped akin to Toro Muerto, they had awakened at first light, with clarity to match the sky. No clouds were apparent, as it was for their hearts and minds, when they set out to explore the petroglyphs. There were carvings everywhere, with images on almost every stone within the broad expanse of the site. Pictures of animals, of people, geometric patterns, and representations of ceremonies from long before, could be found indiscriminately. Carmel, Jenna, and Raynie stopped at one large stone featuring dancers that appeared to almost be moving despite the many centuries since the carving was made. The others walked over to see what had captivated the women, and they too were drawn in by the image.
“It’s like their dancing onward and eternal,” Lyle said. He was quite captivated with the site, and had been the most eager to arrive there as soon as the day had commenced. His previous working life assessing the cultural significance of places around the world, had never taken him to this location.
“Most people do this dancing, yet they do not take it in stride,” Chan added. “It is…um, how would you say? Ah, it is like they are out of step with their dance of life in so many instances.”
“Dancing is a celebration of life. It is a response to rhythm, and often it is giving through creativity and for lovers in close relations as it is a type of embrace.”
“Indeed Carmel. What you say is significant. It is the progression of lovers to embrace physically and then to dance. This motion and embrace, opens up the energies of creation. It forms geometry through the motions made to the rhythms, and it amplifies the feelings between couples.”
“Yes, but not all couples dancing are in love.”
“That is true Jake, but in essence when those two people choose to dance together, their creation is not so much different from the lovers. In essence, the intentions are very similar embracing the rhythms and flows that are natural patterns of love in the creation sense of all things.”
“And don’t forget the dancing as it appears here. Look, you can see a type of ceremonial head dress and the line of people appear to be in celebration of something.”
“Again there is significance. The celebration and the group are of similar intentions to other dancing, but they are amongst a group for all who attend either as dancers or simply by watching. They aspire to the creation of energies from the group to heighten their experiences and to also manifest those reflective intentions coming from response of the elemental rhythms created as sound waves, leading to invigorate more than just the auditory senses.”
“These dancers are surrounded by representations of what looks like were things important to their way of life. They would have danced to celebrate their animals, the environment…especially if water was scarce, and the elements giving them life. This occurs in many of the older cultures all over the Earth, where people danced the dance of animals and elements.”
“So you see Carmel…and everyone, there is the connection to which all life aligns. It is as if all life is in a continuous dance.”
“So it is not good to be out of step as you said, because it falls out of the rhythm and this can be reflected in the heart and the mind…”
“In fact Raynie, it can be reflected throughout, which can then lead to this reflection being extending outward where the mind manifests the misalignment and so many things are done and created that can be said to be out of step, or out of the flow.”
“People have long forgotten this in many places. Even before the Agent, there was not much dancing, except for in places like Peru and others with strong indigenous cultures. They were so consumed with technology and their achievements, instead of just purely celebrating the rhythmical patterns of life. Even dancing like you did in San Francisco, was very much limited.”
“And they forgot more and more, as the authorities focused them further and further away.” With this sentence from Chan, they all fell silent for a moment - not in sadness, but in reflection of how so many rhythms seemed to be forgotten.
“Let’s move on. There must be other things to discover amongst these thousands of images,” Raynie suggested.
A petroglyph featuring humanoid beings standing atop a platform and riding through the sky was the next to catch their attention. Immediately Lyle thought of the relatively nearby Nazca lines and the speculation of how some of those were thought to be messages sent to the skies. He told them that in times during the latter twentieth century, many groups had thought the Nazca lines were runways for ships coming to Earth from the stars, and that books had even included this in their discussion of the idea of
extra-terrestrial life. He ended by saying it was speculation though, as more modern research had concluded the lines were associated with more earthly and local tribal ideals.
Carmel once again referred to the information Diego had provided to her, “People deliberated over whether these images depict beings from space, or if they are more dancers in worship of celestial bodies.”
“Is there any difference?” Chan asked. “Really, if you consider this in a different context, you can ask this simple question. Thinking of other life coming to this place aboard spaceships is somewhat a lineal thing, as if they come here from there. Even if these are depictions of dancers in worship of the celestial, then can you see both instances are virtually one and the same? Regardless if the elemental soul comes from another world, or from this world, there is a connection through the intention of awareness of life within the celestial apparitions, be they space travel, or simply to amongst the stars upon this planet, in this location.”
“Yeah, but space men are a bit removed from ancient peoples worshipping the celestial elements.”
“In a sense Jake, yes. But in essence of intent, they are of the same thing. What I am saying is, not to focus on whether they are from space, for that instigates the notion of removal and separation. Consider them as purely of the same elements. After all, the beings here worshipping the celestial bodies are also space travellers. It has mainly been the limitations associated with the lineal approach that has evoked the sense of separation and removal from this. You may well ask the question of why if it was the case, that beings may travel to this place and make themselves apparent to the people living here. I propose, perhaps it could be they are of the same elemental intention and so see it if you can, where similarities, especially sentient and aware beings, often seek similar others in connection.”
“Humans did explore these areas seeking signs of other humans when you think of how the Spanish came to South America centuries ago.”
“So Lyle, why do you think they did this? Surely their intentions were to discover the new as they saw it then, as it is the nature of humans to push the frontiers of awareness. And amongst this, there would have likely been the quest to see if other human beings were also here.”
“It was just that in those times and in times now, there has often been the subsequent oppression of the people they find…”
“Yes, and this is likely due to their disassociation from heart and mind, as they have sought to dominate. Such dominance is not the natural flow of human elemental intent. As you have experienced, it comes from the egotistical need to place this information into a controllable set of circumstances.”
“As this arises from the fear of not being in control, and fear of the unknown.”
“Yes it does Carmel.”
Jenna had walked a small distance away from the group, where she had found a peculiar carving showing what appeared to be dancing human figures with energy shooting from the top of their heads. “Come and see this. Perhaps it is more of what you are speaking about Chan.”
The others all walked over to where she was bent down closely examining the carving. Immediately, they could all see what she meant upon seeing the image depicting energy rising to the celestial heights above the heads of the dancers.
“You see? Perhaps what we have just discussed, has now lead us to reach further confirmation of our thoughts. One thing is leading to another.”
“And another,” Jake said noticing a similar petroglyph just a few yards away.
“Notice there is the symmetry of life and of the surrounding influences all over this region. The peoples of this area from long ago were leading simple lives, yet they were in harmony with these elements and they recognised how they all played a part in their daily lives. This is an essence many people of the Earth have been overlooking for many years. Instead of synchronising with the elements of life and the progressive nature within its intentional manifestations, many have struggled to control, and to fight against the elements. That is not to say one should just merely cast their life upon the wind to see where it ends up, but…there is a degree of truth in being with the flow of such wave forms where it is the expression of this constant progression.”
“Also, see here where there are inscriptions and geometric shapes,” Chan said as he took them over to another group of nearby carvings. “These people were aware of the intricate nature of elemental shapes playing a part in the cycle of life as it progresses. We cannot read this writing, but one could say, or assume, it is likely to be in relation to the shapes, with meaning to whoever scribed the words into these stones.”
They continued looking through the almost endless array of carvings, often pausing as a group to further discuss a lot of what Chan had suggested to them, and at other times, splitting off individually and in pairs to explore further reaches of the site. Normally prone to prevailing winds of the high plains close by, their day had been in calm conditions, with only the slightest breath of wind now and then. When they had gathered from the far reaches of the site towards days’ end, the weather had changed into a steady wind blowing the ashen white soils and making for unpleasant conditions.
“I think the wind is putting a stop to our visit here,” Lyle suggested as they huddled together facing away from its prevailing direction. “Time to go?”
Everyone agreed with his suggestion and so they left the petroglyph site, embarking on the short journey back to the farm for the night.
As it had been on the previous night, the heavens were once again aglow from the thousands of stars with the ribbon of the Milky Way caressing the sky. They sat around the small fire talking about what they had seen and what their discussion meant to them and to humanity.
“This is further activation,” Chan said. “As bearers of the Torus, it is our path to invigorate activation of the awareness of elemental intentions, which is reflected through the increasing hue within the Torus. As it continues to increase, we will notice its harmonising nature as through sub-conscious suggestion, wherever we carry it, the energy it represents, becomes know to others. Remember…the Torus is not an instrument for this awakening to occur within people. It is a representation as the activation of this object is a reflection of the activation within people, within self, as all life is toroidal. See it as a flow in and a flow out where the cycle is endless and so it is the progression of eternal flowing.”
“But it can be an instrument as well. Um…it can help with awakening.”
“Yes Jenna. You have observed its scientific properties and we all know of what it could do for the Agent. As I said many years ago, given the right place and circumstance, it can be seen to amplify energy as its very construct is able to harness the wave patterns and send them out…boost them perhaps.”
“So then if people awaken and remember their elemental intentional flow of life patterns, what will the Torus be then?”
“Difficult to say Raynie. I can only project my own awareness into such a question and suggest that it may align with the manifestations of the time…um, of the awareness, and offer itself as an instrument for use. If this is accurate to any degree, then the Torus would be activated as a reflection of the activation within and then it could be used for the intentions arising from the heart and mind connection of those who choose this use of the Torus. Then again…it may well serve to exemplify beauty, like you three lovely ladies here tonight.”
“Hey, does that mean we men are ugly then?” Jake asked.
They all laughed as Raynie added, “But I still love you sweetie.”
Chapter 28
His flight took him beyond the atmosphere into space on a heading towards the Moon. The Agent was determined in mania, to unleash havoc upon the lunar installations – three in all, and show the authorities he was still a threat. Instability was now his most regular state, and his re-built partially operational vortex amplifier sat in its housing, reflecting his mind. As it failed in most instances to send out his intended horrors, so too did
his mind fail in maintaining an awareness considered even remotely sane. It was his avid reflection, his conjuration, and his madness. Incapable of the devastation he sought to send across the Earth, it was now merely an instrument to apply in a very localised sense with affect limited to the immediate proximity in which it was situated.
Three hours after departure from Seattle, he arrived and took a low orbit around the Moon, one hundred miles above the surface. He was in no hurry to immediately set about releasing his fury and his hatred. Instead he carefully plotted his course to take him on a sweeping flight over the widely dispersed lunar outposts. His first target was the far-flung station where the eternal dark side of the Moon converged with the side viewable from Earth at the Rumker Plateau. From there, he would proceed to his next target at the northern end of Mare Serenitatis, the Sea of Serenity, and then onward to the largest of the three located at the Sea of Tranquillity. For a brief moment, reason returned to him as he considered the degree of tranquillity he would give to those at his final target, but it was only the reason of a maniac, and so he concluded with one of his usual bouts of maniacal laughter.
Beneficial to his cause, was the equipment the authorities had installed in the spaceship prior to him having stolen it from Mars. They had installed their latest weapons and the capacity to create a defensive energy shield, and despite the technology now being over eight years old, it was sufficient. Up until this time, the Agent had never made a return to space since first arriving back from the red planet, and so the authorities had only slightly upgraded the defensive systems in existence from the time –insufficient to defend against attack now.
When he had completed his course of destruction, the Agent decided it was time to begin. The authorities had detected him in orbit above them, and they placed all defences on standby in readiness for attack. This was Eric Gunter’s first failure as a development officer. Eric had overlooked the prospect of the Agent having the capacity to engage weapons other than those originally fitted to the ship, based on his evidence of there being no new viruses being sent by the Agent. He had envisaged the Agent to go on a rampage and to this degree, Eric and the data analysis were correct. But, his failure concerned the viruses and the reconfiguration of the laser weapons the Agent had performed where they could beam disruptive data, whilst also sending out their powerful rays of destruction.
Höllenbadt: Book two of the Torus Saga Page 25