Protecting Emma

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Protecting Emma Page 28

by ML Michaels

  “Really? What are you pumped about?” said Sally.

  “I think it’s because we’re about to set some records for the best damned team this industry’s ever seen. Right, Carla?” said Brooke.

  “You got it!” There was fire in Carla’s eyes, and she clearly meant business. “How about I get you started, Sally? I’ve got whatever info’ you need.”

  “Wow, I’ve never seen you like this before,” said Brooke, “so I’m going to go make us some coffees, tea for Sally of course, and let’s keep this party rolling!”

  “Into the night!” added Carla, as Brooke left their office.

  She was still smiling as she made their drinks, grabbing the whole cookie container down from the cupboard as well. If they were going to do an all-nighter, they’d need all the snacks they could handle. She laughed to herself to think of the three of them staying up to do more work than they could handle, like they were still in college.

  “What’s so funny?” said Matthew, as he entered the office kitchen.

  “Oh, just some good old colleague bonding. Man, have I missed that kind of thing.”

  Matthew pulled a mug down and placed it on the counter. “I guess there’s no one you’ve met here whose company might be consolation for being so far from home? Not even a male friend?”

  “You know what I mean, Matthew. Don’t get your feelings hurt now, you might ruin the image I have of you.” She twirled a teaspoon around in a coffee, making tinkling sounds as it hit the inside of the cup.

  “An image of someone you have feelings for yourself?” Matthew said with hope.

  “At this point, I think we both know that I like you.” Brooke stopped what she was doing and turned to Matthew. He hadn’t even gotten as far as picking up the percolator. Instead, he’d been watching Brooke. It made her blush, but also smile.

  “You’re not even making a coffee,” she said.

  “I’m sorry…you’re just too distracting.” He then blushed. “Man, that was corny, wasn’t it?”

  Brooke nodded. “Yes, but I don’t care, it was sweet of you to say. Thank you.”

  “You’re more than welcome. You know, we should probably be getting back to work. This is highly unprofessional of me, chatting away in the coffee room.”

  “Who’s going to tell on you? You’re the boss, aren’t you?”

  “So would it be completely out of line if I were to ask to kiss you?” Matthew fumbled with the words, and it was beyond cute to see him so shy suddenly, polite and respectful though, especially when Carla said he was such a ladies’ man.

  “Maybe. On the other hand, if you were to just kiss me without asking, it would be impossible for me to object, right?”

  “That makes sense,” said Matthew, moving closer. Brooke shuffled the extra tiny bit of distance to meet him, and they were face to face, fingers touching, then holding hands. They each moved their faces closer, the look in his eyes making Brooke feel like she might need to run out of the room, or maybe lie down. It was more than just lust, not just a crush. In fact, she wasn’t sure what it was, because Brooke had never seen that look in a man’s eyes, not when he was looking at her.

  As their lips met, warm and comfortable, but romantic and passionate, Brooke thought to herself: Is this what love feels like?


  "Excuse me," Carla said from the open doorway. “Oh wow.”

  Matthew shifted his eyes to the door, without turning his head. He calmly but quickly pulled back away from Brooke. She remained wide eyed and still subconsciously trying to determine whether to fight or flee. Once those primal instincts subsided, and Brooke was able to quickly remind herself that she was a professional and Carla was a friend and coworker, it wasn’t such a big deal.

  “Hi,” was all she said. It was easy to tell that her face was bright red, because of the heat rising up in her cheeks. “I, uh…Oh, no.”

  Matthew was completely composed—on the surface—but from how close Brooke was standing to him still, it was easy to see the growing tension inside him. And then when he spoke it was clear nothing at all was calm within her boss. “Carla, we, that is I-, I mean—”

  “Let me guess,” interjected Carla with an oddly relaxed tone, “it’s not what it looks like?”

  “It’s really not,” said Brooke with frantic nodding of her head. Then, she turned to Carla and looked at her meaningfully, now shaking her head. “It’s nothing, untoward.”

  “Brooke, do you really think I would want anything bad to happen to you, either of you? Matthew, you’ve been the best boss I’ve ever had. Besides, I don’t see anything wrong with this; it’s actually very sweet. I mean, you two are adorable together. I’m happy for you.”

  “You do understand that it wouldn’t be a positive thing if everyone found out about this, don’t you?” asked Matthew. He clasped his hands together like he was half begging Carla, half praying to her.

  “I’ve worked with you for how long, Matthew?”

  “Let’s see, it would be coming close to seven years”

  “That’s right. You two have nothing to worry about.” Carla smiled at each of them, make a cutesy face like she had just stumbled across a basket of puppies and left the room.”


  “What a night, grunted Sally as they got through the door of Brooke’s apartment. “Holy crap, it’s almost five in the morning.” She dumped her suitcase on the floor by the door and slumped into the living area. “We did good work tonight. I can’t believe you got the national business association to see the merits of the software…and that they’re going to recommend it to all the businesses in their association. That’s amazing! You’re amazing!”

  “It really was good news today of all days when everyone was out sick,” Brooke said. “I think Matthew was surprised and happy as well! He said with that endorsement and all the great work you helped with today, he knows the new release is going to be a big success. He looked a lot more relaxed than he did when I saw him this morning.”

  Sally took a moment and looked around her apartment.

  “Say, this is a really nice place you have, Brooke. Wow, no wonder you agreed to move out here.”

  “Yeah, it’s so much better than having friends, family, a life.” Brooke started taking off her work shoes and sighed heavily as each one peeled away. She stretched and twisted her shoulders and back next. “I can’t believe how long I spent at that desk today staring at the computer screen. Everything just hurts.”

  “Tell me about it,” added Sally. “And my brain is completely numb. What time do we have to get back to the office?” She collapsed on a side of the cozy, blue sofa, leaning up against a fat cushion on one of the arms.

  “Don’t even talk about that. You don’t want to know, trust me. Let’s just get you set up for bed, and then I can go and pass out. Oh, actually, you take the bed Sally. You’ve had a flight and a big day, or night, of work.”

  “You know something, Brooke? I’m not even going to pretend to say no, not even to be polite. Thank you, you’re the best.” She got up and walked over to Brooke, laying a big, albeit exhausted, hug on her best friend. “Point me in the right direction, and I’ll be out like a light in a matter of seconds.” Brooke pointed at her bedroom door, which was adjacent to the living area. Sally shuffled toward it and said, “Good night, dearie,” before waving and closing the bedroom door behind her.

  The sofa invited her with its soft, plush exterior, and the soft, fuzzy blanket that she kept slung over the backrest was the perfect thing for snuggling up and resting. There was just one thing that she needed to do before sleeping: call Matthew.

  “Hello, how are you?” she said quietly, not wanting to disturb Sally.

  “Hey,” he replied with a smile to his voice. “I’m good, I think. Too tired to be able to tell for sure. Would it be crazy to say that I miss you already?”

  “I know, me too. I really wish we’d gotten a chance to talk.” Brooke sat down on the sofa. She hadn’t even changed out of
her work clothes, but she dragged the blanket over herself and halfway lied down. “Do you think this is going to be a problem?”

  “I hope not. Anyway, I’m the one who’d look bad and who Henry would be furious with, and that’s a risk I am willing to take. You’re worth it.” He added with in a cheeky way, “Maybe.”

  “Hey, I am and you know it. Alright then. I really need to get to sleep, I’m just about passed out on the sofa”

  “Goodnight, Brooke. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”

  “Nightie-night, Matthew.”

  As Brooke went to lock her phone, she noticed an unchecked email in her work inbox. What could this be about now? Her jaw dropped when she found that the email was from Myra. She’d contacted Brooke via the only email she had access to.

  I don’t know what you think you’re doing. Are you too stupid to listen to people, or do you just like stealing men from other women?

  Brooke raised her eyebrows, worried at first, and then she became pissed. Her thumbs did the replying before she allowed her brain to rationalize with her emotions.

  I don’t know how you know about my life, or what kind of games you people like to play, but I’m not interested.

  And it was less than a minute before the phone vibrated with another email, from Myra of course.

  Do you really think you have any real friends in your department so soon?

  Carla! Was is possible she betrayed them? Brooke went to sleep hurt, angry and upset, nearly in tears actually, but would not let herself reply or start wildly contacted Matthew for affirmations or assurance. She would keep her dignity and remain professional, at least.

  The next morning, after not enough sleep, Brooke waited until Carla was alone in the common area and quietly asked her about Myra.

  “I don’t know why she would have done that,” Carla said, without looking Brooke in the eyes. “Everyone’s always had it in the back of their minds that those two would end up together. That’s what she wants, and her father too for that matter. I think Matthew hoped he would grow to care about her, but she’s not the lovable type. Believe me. And why she thinks she can keep women away from him. It doesn’t make sense. I mean, come on—this isn’t the middle ages.”

  “Are you okay? Tired?” Brooke asked with accusation on her mind, “you seem kind of jumpy.” Carla walked away from her and went over the the floor to floor window. She stared out at the nearby buildings rising into the sky and all the busy people going about their days.

  “Brooke, I’m sorry,” she said quietly, almost choking on the words. “You have no idea how much this job means to me. I can’t afford to start from the bottom again, I don’t have the same skills as you.”

  “What are you talking about?” Brooke walked over and put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

  “Myra makes me keep tabs on any women who come into Matthew’ life. Your replacement, did you ever wonder why she’d just leave all of a sudden, put her career at risk like that?”

  “You didn’t …”

  Carla was about to start sobbing, and it didn’t suit such an able, strong woman. “She was bad news anyway, constantly trying to get Matthew into bed. She was a gold digger. All I did was let Myra know things she would have found out about eventually. I wanted to keep Matthew safe, I meant what I said about how much I love working for him.”

  “But you don’t love him, do you?”

  “Brooke, I’m a married woman and I love my family. Don’t be silly.” Some of the sharpness returned to her.


  “Matthew, can I talk to you?” Brooke said, wrapping her knuckled on his door frame and walking into his office. She closed it behind her as she entered. “We need to clear a few things up.”

  “Ah, sure, should I be worried?” He already looked worried as they sat down together by the desk.

  “Have you been planning to marry Henry’s daughter, Myra?”

  “No, I wouldn’t have gone after you if I still…no.”

  “If you still what?” Brooke demanded. “If you still planned to marry your partner’s daughter? So you just had her as what? A last resort? A move on a chess board that would help you get ahead in life?”

  “Of course not…we already spoke about this. Myra has some issues. Henry knows that. But he always hoped our friendship would grow into something more permanent and that Myra would finally be happy. I won’t lie. Many times I wished could love her. It would have made my life easier, and I wouldn’t have had to disappoint Henry. But it never happened and is never going to happen. The only thing I did wrong was being too polite about all this.”

  Matthew sighed sadly. “Okay,” Brooke continued, “I believe you.”

  “I just wanted to be a part of a family, ever since losing my parents. There’s a lot you don’t know about me. The world sees this successful person with a big bank account and assumes I’m not a real person. That’s crazy. I have feelings and hopes and dreams just like everyone else. You think I’d just go along with some arranged marriage to keep my business partner happy? You think I’d look up to Henry if he were the type of man to force that kind of crap on me?” Matthew seemed hurt and he was getting angry.

  “Okay, okay, Matthew, take a deep breath. Myra has been harassing me. I didn’t know what to think”

  “Why didn’t you come to me about it?”

  “I mentioned it to you the time we went out for the first time, when we were just boss and employees,” she said. “And last night was only the second time, but she was very aggressive. I’m not sure what we are now, but I did come to you.”

  “I thought we were, together,” said Matthew, without certainty.

  Brooke put her hands on Matthew’ knees. “I know, so did I. I just didn’t move to another state, up haul my whole life, to end up with another career man who makes moves based on what’s best for his business partner. I’m not sure it’s a good idea for me to keep working for you after this.” She was shocked to hear the words come from her mouth, as was Matthew.

  “That’s not me, I swear. If anything, you’re the one who follows what’s best for her career, Brooke. Can’t you see that you are the person you’re most afraid of? I can see that, even if no one else can. You ran from an ex who left you for bigger and better things. Can’t you see that you’ve done the same thing, leaving your home for this job. Now you’re thinking about doing the same thing all over again.”

  “And what would happen between you and Henry, and Myra, if I stayed here with you?” Brooke said, fighting back the tears.

  “You know what? Henry is completely aware of our relationship; he’s happy for me—for us. His daughter doesn’t run his life, and she’s really not such a terrible person. Just misguided…When I tell him about her latest antics, he’ll put a stop to them for good. He’ll be fine. She’ll be fine. And so will we. Brooke,” he took her hands in his own, “I think I might have already fallen for you in a big way. I don’t know I’ve ever felt this way before.”

  “Me either.”

  “So why don’t we see if this can make us both very happy? What do you say, beautiful?”

  “I say yes,” Brooke said, and they embraced.

  The End


  Hometown Heartbreak

  A Sweet Hometown Second Chance at First Love Romance

  By ML Michaels

  “That is not what we talked about at the meeting on Friday.”

  The only good thing about a cross-country flight was Wi-Fi and a free first class upgrade. Lily Harris looked into the webcam of the laptop and shook her head. This was not going to fly.

  “They changed the plan,” her assistant said meekly on the other end.

  “It’s unacceptable,” Lily hissed. She flinched when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” the flight attendant said. “We’re preparing for landing. You need to put your laptop away and put your tray table up.”

  “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?”
Lily asked her.

  “It’s okay!” squeaked her assistant, straight from her office in New York City. “I’ll text you later.”

  The video cut off. Lily huffed out a breath, blowing her overgrown bangs up. There was no time for a haircut on her to-do list.

  “Ma’am…” the flight attendant said, hovering over her.

  “Alright, I heard you,” Lily grumbled, slamming her laptop shut. She stuffed it into her bag before leaning back against the comfortable seat and closing her eyes.

  This couldn’t have come at a worst time.

  “Thank you for flying with us,” a flight attendant said over the intercom. “Welcome to Columbus, Ohio.”

  Lily hadn’t been expecting it, but the flight to Columbus was packed with people. Luckily, first class left first so Lily was able to beat the rush. As soon as she was in the clear, speed-walking down the busy terminal, she picked up her phone.

  “Where were we?” she said to Sarah, her assistant, as soon as she picked up.

  “Oh, I can handle it,” Sarah said. “You should focus on your mom, Lily.”

  “She’ll be fine,” Lily snapped. Truthfully, she didn’t want to think about it but her heart started to race anyway. There would be no scarier moment than the time her phone rang at three-in-the-morning and an unfamiliar voice said on the other end, “Lily, your mother has had a fall.”

  Lily drowned out those thoughts by talking to Sarah during the long walk to the rental car counter.

  “We need to make sure the reports are in on time,” Lily said, as she approached the Enterprise counter. “Make sure I have a draft of them by the end of the day. I have to go now. Bye.”

  Lily took a breath, staring at the gas prices and the smiling people in green in front of her.


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