Protecting Emma

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Protecting Emma Page 50

by ML Michaels

  "I'm sorry. I just...need some time to think." She opened the door and went inside, closing the door behind her. Her legs gave out from under her, and she fell to the ground, covering her face with her hands. The lights came on, and her parents appeared, looking concerned. Maya’s shoulders shook as pain-filled sobs wracked her body.

  "Maya? Maya, sweetie what's the matter?" Her father asked as he and her mother helped her to her feet. "Are you hurt? Did something happen?"

  "It's...It's Raymond..." she said, choking on her words. "He's back..."

  Her mother and father gave each other a look of fear and disapproval. "Shhhh, it'll be alright sweetheart," her mother said soothingly, rubbing her back as she led her daughter up the stairs to her bedroom. Maya's father looked outside and noticed that no one was there. He went back to their room knowing that his wife would handle Maya in the most loving way possible.

  Mother and daughter entered Maya's room and sat down on the bed. Maya laid her head on her mother's shoulders while her hands stayed on her stomach.

  "He came back, mom..." she said, sniffling. "And he knows that I'm pregnant..."

  "It's going to be okay, honey." Her mother spoke softly, rubbing her daughter's hair. "If he has a reason for coming back for you, maybe you should just hear him out. Don't stress yourself out too much. It would be bad for you and your baby. You have more power in the situation than you realize. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do."

  Maya nodded and hugged her mother goodnight. But her mind wouldn't let her rest that night.


  Two weeks and a few days had passed since her date with Aidan, and Raymond's interruption and declaration of wanting her back. Raymond had been coming over more often, much to the chagrin of Maya's parents. He had shown her the pamphlet for the rehabilitation center he was attending to control his drinking and his violent temper. He was desperate to make her see that he was trying to change just for her so that could become a family when their child was born.

  "I want to be there for you when that baby is born! I know I was bad in the past and did things that I regret, but I'm going changing now! You'll see, I'll become someone you never thought I could be. Please just give me a chance!"

  Maya was torn. Her ex-husband had been everything to her until he drank and beat her for the second time. She had believed it was a mistake the first time. But when it happened again, she left and divorced him without a word. She never expected him to look for her or to find her. And she never thought he’d take concrete steps to change.

  But now, Aidan was in the picture. He was showing her what kind of love and kindness was possible. Her feelings for him were all too real, and her heart ached when she realized that if she chose Raymond, she'd be hurting Aiden worse than she had in high school.

  "What am I going to do, mom?"

  Maya and her mother were sitting at the kitchen table late one night, drinking green tea. She couldn't sleep, and her mother had been going over a few unpaid bills. When Maya came into the kitchen and saw her mother sitting there, she was relieved. She knew that some motherly advice would put her heart at ease.

  "Raymond really wants me to go back home with him so that we can be a family, but I'm afraid he'll just go back to the way he was and end up hurting both of us. I don't want him to hurt my baby, but he really seems to be making an effort..."

  Her mother sighed softly, sipping her tea. "Do you believe that he'll really change just because you're having a baby? Honey, I hate to say this but he’s always been a selfish bully drunk or sober. I wouldn't trust him. When things don't go his way, he'll end up drinking again, and you and your baby with be covered with bloody bruises. And what about, Aidan?"

  "Aidan." Maya sighed and blew on her tea before taking a small sip. "Spending time with him has shown me that I had something really special when I was in high school. And there might be a chance I can have that again. He's sweet, the kids he mentors love him, and he has a steady job. He can be really professional then very silly." Maya felt her heart clenching. “But I don’t know if he even wants me. I didn’t have a chance to tell him about the baby. He must be so confused and hurt.”

  "Well, it seems to me that the answer of who you should choose is pretty clear." Her mother looked at her seriously. "If your heart is wavering for one then steady it with another. In other words, one of those two men makes you feel at ease and doesn't keep you on edge, wondering what will happen when you wake up the next day. If you want to be happy when this baby is born, make sure you choose the steadiness. And if you’re not sure how Aiken is feeling, ask him. But make sure you know how you feel first. He deserves that.”

  Maya nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, mom. I'm going back to bed now. I’ll make a plan in the morning."

  "Goodnight sweetheart. I know you'll make the right choice."

  Back in her bedroom, Maya crawled under her covers and brought them up over her head. Her mother's words echoed in her head as she buried her face in her pillow. For the first time in many days, she fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.


  When she woke in the morning, she realized that she’d known all along what the right decision was. There was no doubt at all about who she wanted to be the father of the child that nestled in her tummy. The person who would keep her steady.

  She had a busy day. She scribbled two quick notes and had a messenger deliver them. Then she cleaned her room, showered and took a long walk around town. She’d always felt so safe and loved here. Why had she ever left?

  Finally, the sun was setting over the horizon. Maya was in the park, sitting on the bench with her hands on her laps. Her stomach was starting to bulge, a sign that her pregnancy was moving along, and it was time to move on with her life.

  She sat alone with her eyes looking down at the ground and twiddling her fingers together nervously. Earlier that day, she sent messages to Raymond and Aidan that said, 'I've made some important decisions. Let's meet up in the park tonight.’

  Now that the time had come, her heart was jumping erratically, and her hands were shaking. She was nervous, but after discussing everything with her parents and thinking over it herself, she knew that her decision would be right. That didn’t mean that everything would go smoothly tonight.


  Two different voices said her name. She raised her head and saw the two men standing in front of her. Aidan was looking worried and concerned while Raymond had an irritated look on his face with his muscular arms crossed over his chest.

  "Hey guys." she said wearily. "Thanks for meeting me here."

  "Are you feeling okay, Maya? You look like you're tired." Aidan said, frowning.

  "She's pregnant, moron. Did you expect her to look bright eyed and rosy cheeked?" Raymond snarled at him.

  Aidan narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but Maya stopped him by standing up and talking. "It's okay. I've come to a decision, and I'm ready...I'm ready to tell you both what it is."

  The air practically went still as Aidan and Raymond held their breath. Maya clutched the hem of her skirt and took a deep breath, exhaling softly. She steadied herself and looked at Raymond.

  "Raymond. We've been together for a long time, and I thought... I thought you were everything that I had ever wanted. I loved you so much. Even now, you're making such a big effort to change so that we can be a family. I will always love you, but... I can't trust you anymore. I don't know what will happen if you start drinking again. And when the baby is born, I don't want you hurting either of us. So, I'm sorry. I hope you can understand, and I hope for your sake that you’ll keep up the hard work you’ve been doing to be a better man."

  Raymond's hands were balled into fists at his sides. "What..? What the hell are you saying. Maya?!"

  "I'm saying I don't love you anymore! I love Aidan, and I'll have my baby with him if he’ll have us! He'll be a better father than you ever would be!"

  "You damned bitch!" Raymond grabbed Maya by her shi
rt. She could smell alcohol on his breath, and it made her nauseous and frightened. "I'm doing all this bullshit for you, and you reject me! You fucking slut!"

  "Let go of her, you bastard!" Aidan shoved Raymond away from Maya and stood in front of her with his arms out. "Don't you dare touch her like that ever again!"

  "I'm getting tired of you!" Raymond said as he took a swing. Aiden ducked down but was met with Raymond's knee to his face. He stumbled backward but stopped himself from falling over. Coughing and breathing hard, he rushed forward and punched Raymond on the side of his face. Raymond let out a growl as blood trickled from the side of his mouth,

  Maya watched the two men fighting trading punches with wide eyes.

  "Wait... Stop! Stop it!" Her body had moved on its own, and she grabbed onto Raymond's arm, trying to tug him away from Aidan.

  "Fuck off, you bitch!"

  Raymond slapped Maya across her face, knocking her back onto the ground. All three of them practically froze in shock. Maya held the side of her face, feeling it sting with pain. She frowned at Raymond.

  "You've always been like this... I can't do this anymore."

  Aidan went over to her, bending down beside her. "Are you okay, Maya?"

  "I'm fine." she told him as he helped her to her feet. "I'd like to go back home now, though."

  "Wait! Maya, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Please don't leave! We can still be a family, just give me another chance!" Raymond pleaded, sounding desperate.

  "No Raymond, I won't give you another chance." Maya leaned her body against Aidan who held her gently. "Because you'll just disappoint me again."

  "I won't! I swear I won't!" Raymond said frantically.

  Aidan glared at him. "You heard what she said. I think you'd better get out of here. Come on, Maya. I'll take you back to my place."

  "Thanks, Aidan."

  "Maya! Get back here dammit! You can't just leave me!"

  Shaking with rage and still screaming at the pair, Raymond was left alone as Aidan took Maya with him to his apartment. They sat in his living room together. She was curled up by his side with tears running down the sides of her face. He sat with his arm around her shoulders, quietly comforting her. He rubbed her arm and let her rest her head on his shoulder as she cried.

  "I'm sorry Aidan..." She whimpered, wiping her eyes with a tissue that was balled up in her hands. "You got hurt because of me."

  He had a black eye and a bruise on his cheek, nothing he considered major. But Maya knew he wouldn't have gotten hurt at all if she had just told Raymond from the beginning that she didn't want to be with him anymore.

  "Aidan, do you love me?" she asked suddenly. “I was acting like I had to choose between two men, but I really didn’t know if you would want me when you found out I was pregnant.

  Aidan looked at her, surprised by the suddenness of the question and her vulnerability. "Yes, I do. I love you so much Maya. My life is so much better because you're in it."

  She sniffled and wiped her eyes, looking up at him. "And you don't care that I'm pregnant?"

  "It's Raymond's child, right?" he asked. Maya nodded. "Well, I'll try to be a good father. The best there ever was. I want that child to grow up right and become something amazing so I'd be happy to be the father."

  Maya smiled tearfully and hugged him, burying her face in his chest. "That's just what I wanted you to say. I love you, Aidan."

  "I love you too, Maya. Don't worry, I'll love both of you with all of my heart for the rest of my life. I promise."


  The months flew by, and Maya's stomach rounded as the baby inside of her grew. She was plagued with morning sickness, cravings for chocolate, peanut butter cupcakes, pickled eggs and other strange dishes, and sudden fits of anger, sadness and happiness. But she never worried because Aiden was by her side.

  Occasionally, she wondering how these months of pregnancy would have gone if she had she chosen Raymond instead. It made her nauseous to even think about that possibility.

  One morning that winter, Maya's water broke while she was out shopping. She froze while picking out ingredients for dinner that night. The sound of water splashing on the ground, and the sudden pain that made her hug her body as she doubled over, left no doubt that she was ready to deliver.

  People crowded around asking if she needed help then realized she was in labor. A worker in the supermarket called an ambulance, and she asked someone to call Aiden as well.

  When he heard that Maya had gone into labor, he quickly left his office and the current driver he had been sponsoring and rushed to the hospital to be by her side. Maya lay on the hospital bed with her mother and father by her side. Her mother was holding her hand tightly and Aidan could see Maya's face contorted with pain. He rushed into the room and bent down beside her, taking her other hand.


  She turned her gaze to him and smiled weakly, sweating profusely. “Aidan…You're here…”

  “Of course. Don’t worry, I’ll help you get through this,” he told her, squeezing her hand and feeling his own heart racing in his chest. He was excited and nervous. Nervous because there was always the possibility that the baby could come out the wrong way or that it would get stuck, meaning surgery would be needed. Or even worse, that something could happen to the baby or Maya. Every time he thought of it, a lump formed in his throat. But he told himself everything would be okay. Maya was a strong woman, and she and the baby would get through this just fine.

  Maya nodded, her breathing become shallow and rapid. The doctor entered the room and immediately moved in front of Maya. Her legs were propped up and spread open. He looked between them for a moment then looked back up at Maya.

  “Alright Ms. Leon, I need you to push,” he said.

  Maya took a deep breath and pushed with all her strength. Pain ran through her body as the baby began to move inside of her. The doctor could see the baby's head and said, “That's good! Keep pushing!” Crying out in agony, Maya struggled to keep pushing. Her mother and Aidan both were grasping her hands so tightly she thought they would fall off. The head was far out enough that the doctor could support it while Maya pushed again. It was rough but the baby was almost there. And with one last painstakingly hard push, Maya fell back onto the white sheets, pale and exhausted.

  “Maya!” Aidan cried out.

  “Maya, sweetie!”

  She brought her hand up and waved it at them, breathing heavily. “I'm… I'm fine. Just really tired now...” Maya looked at Aidan whose hands were shaking hard yet she could see the relieved look on his face.

  “Oh thank god...” he whispered, bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing it. The doctor stood up and cut the umbilical cord, holding the crying baby in his arms. He smiled at Maya and Aidan.

  “Congratulations. It's a baby girl.”

  Maya sighed breathlessly, smiling faintly. Her mother and father hugged her gently, and Aidan looked to be on the verge of tears, wiping at his eyes rather roughly. A nurse cleaned and swaddled the baby and gently hand her to Maya. The new mother cradled her infant gently in her arms, watching as she slowly calmed down now that she was in her mother's embrace. Aidan looked at the baby and smiled.

  “She looks just like you...” He said softly, brushing his fingers across the baby's cheek. “So beautiful.”

  Maya hugged the newborn and kissed her head. “I'm so happy. I'm with the man I love and holding my precious daughter. I want to cry...”

  “We're grandparents,” her mother said, waving her hand in front of her face as she tried hard not to cry. “Maya, she's so beautiful...”

  Maya happened to glance up at the window of the door and held her breath in surprise. At first, she thought that she must be seeing things, but when she stared a bit longer, she knew she wasn’t. Raymond stood there looking into the room, a pained expression on his face. It seemed as though he wanted to come into the room, but for whatever reason, was hesitating. Instead, he stood there with a sorrowful look on his f

  They made eye contact and the hurt in his eyes deepened. She smiled sadly and shook her head, glancing at Aidan. She could tell he understood, and with a grimace on his face, left without coming into the room. Maya pitied him. Maybe one day, if he truly did change, she'd allow him to spend time with their daughter. Hopefully, if he wanted that day to come, he'd change sooner rather than later. Aidan looked at Maya, confused by the sad smile on her face as she gazed down at the baby.

  “Maya, are you alright?” he asked, touching her arm.

  “Yes, I'm fine, now.” She leaned against his arm, closing her eyes and humming softly. “I'm just very, very happy.”

  "Have you decided on a name for the baby?" her mother asked, wiping away her tears.

  Maya thought for a second, staring at the face of her now sleeping daughter. "Emma...I want to name her Emma."

  "What a lovely name," her father said, chuckling. "Emma Leon. I like the sound of that name.”

  “Yes, I think it's a wonderful name for the little darling!” Her mother agreed, clapping her hands together.

  "Well, she'll soon be Emma Leon Michaels..." Maya smiled at Aidan who stared wide-eyed at her.

  “Maya, do you mean that?”

  “Yes, I want us to be an official family as soon as possible.” She started, rocking the sleeping child with a small smile on her face. “Imagine me the bride of former NASCAR champion. I would never have imagined that in a million years.”

  “Maya...” he hugged her and the baby tightly, his heart bursting with love and pride and hope. "I love you so much, Maya! And you too Emma!"

  She laughed, kissing his cheek. "We love you, too..."

  The End


  Murder at Harlan Lake: A Cozy Mystery Romance

  By ML Michaels


  The mystery brought them together. Dana had known Jason Folly when they were kids – a brief romance in their teens when the world was wide open, and the horizon was an invitation to something magical. But that had faded. Jason went to college, and she remained.


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