Protecting Emma

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Protecting Emma Page 61

by ML Michaels

  Cade shook his head.

  "Please put all that in the past tense, babe," he urged her, adding with a hefty sigh, "Like many gullible young musicians, I, at first, was flattered by all the glamor girls who seemed eager to date the lead singer of a rock band. It wasn't long, though, before I realized that a lot of these gals don't seem to have a functional brain between them. I can't talk to him like I talk to you, for hours on end. They don't make me laugh or give me valuable advice on my life and career," he paused here, adding as his voice became low and distant, "Also, there are certain things about me that those gals don't seem to understand—and, with time, I have the feeling that you would."

  Chloe sighed.

  “Well as flattered—and, I must admit, tempted—as I am by the offer,” she admitted, “I do have to remind you that I have a boyfriend; one who might be coming with me on this little mini tour we have coming up next week.”

  Cade shook his head.

  “I’m sorry to say this, baby, but do you really believe that Richard is going to take a break from his all-important pastries to come on tour with us? As it stands, darling, he won’t even take an evening off to come to our shows.”

  Chloe nodded.

  “Fair point,” she conceded, adding as she looked her tempter straight in the eyes, “Even so, I would like to give him a chance to turn things around; and maybe if I invite him to join us on the tour, it will show him that I’m ready to take our relationship to a new level.”

  Cade sighed.

  “I’m sorry Chloe, but I just don’t sense that you’re all that attracted to him,” he told her. “Instead of waiting for Mr. Right, you seem to have settled for Mr. Right Now. And you deserve so much better.”

  Chloe arched her eyebrows.

  "Instead of waiting for Mr. Right, I settled for Mr. Right Now. Well, I must say it: if Mick Jagger and Dear Abby had a love child, you most certainly would be it," she asserted, adding once his answering laughter subsided, "I must ask you, though, how you know the deepest feelings of my mind and heart."

  Averting his gaze, Cade shuffled his feet beneath him as he considered this seemingly troubling question.

  “I can read your mind Chloe—and your heart,” he admitted finally, looking her straight in the eyes. “I know you desire me. And while I certainly have no wish to make you feel pressured or uncomfortable, I just want you to know that I’m yours for the taking, anywhere and at any time you so desire. Whenever you want me, just give me a sign. Or better yet, issue me a challenge.” He paused here, adding as he aroused her with the flash of his gorgeous ebony eyes, “Just say the word and I’ll treat you to a seduction that will blow your mind.”

  These words echoed through Chloe's mind late that night; rendering sleep a distant dream as she shifted restlessly in the cotton sheets of her functional wood framed bed.

  Her psyche brimmed with soft, sensual memories of the mystical night that had just elapsed; notions that reminded her of Cade’s seductive words as well as his impassioned kiss, and of course of his ebullient image of flawless male beauty.

  “How did I manage to resist him tonight?” she wondered, biting her lip hard as she further queried, “And how am I supposed to continue resisting him for the duration of a one-week tour?”

  She realized, of course, that she already knew the answer to this question; so without hesitation she retrieved her cell phone from the surface of her ivory-hued night stand, dialing her boyfriend's phone number and cringing as he met her summons with a cranky, "It's late, Chloe. What do you want?"

  Chloe blinked.

  “Well blessed good evening to you too, my heart,” she told him, tone dry. “I take it that somebody woke up on the wrong side of the Serta.”

  Richard sighed.

  "I'm just wondering what was so pressing that it couldn't wait until tomorrow," he countered. "Because as you know, I do have to be at the bakery early tomorrow to bake the first round of donuts."

  "Well then," Chloe snapped. "Let me be brief. Next week I'm taking Night Serenade on a weeklong tour of South Florida; and for the duration of this trip, we'll be staying at the swankiest hotels in the Miami area. I was just wondering if you might like to come along. We could make it a nice little romantic vacay, just the—um—six of us.”

  Richard sighed.

  "Chloe, you know too well that I am far too busy to be playing the role of the overgrown teenager, following around some rock band."

  Chloe snorted.

  “So then you’re fine with the idea of me running away with four inordinately gorgeous men?” she asked him, tone disbelieving.

  Snorting in kind return, Chloe laughed outright as she considered these words.

  “Well given the attractiveness level of some of the hotties I’ve seen at their shows,” he told her, “Somehow I don’t think I have anything to worry about. Good night, Chloe.”

  These words resounded in Chloe's mind the next morning, as she once again tossed restlessly in her plain cotton sheets, this time, seeking a different source of solace as she finally surged upward from her bed.

  Throwing on her Night Serenade T-shirt and jeans, she came to a quiet decision; one that—once enacted—could stand to change everything.

  “But who knows?” she mused as she climbed into the seat of her slick cherry red Corvette. “Maybe things need changing in my life. And bad.”

  With this in mind, she headed toward a mysterious destination known as ‘the cave,' the house that the members of Night Serenade called their own.

  Having visited the cave several times for after show parties, Chloe always enjoyed the simple opulence of this lush tropical residence; and as this marked the first time that she had seen the home bright in the light of day, she admired the way that its sleek ivory sandstone exterior glowed in the rays of the Florida sun.

  Parking in the circular driveway that fronted this expansive two-story mini-manse, she stepped from the driver's seat of her ride and headed for the door; itself an artsy work of ebullient stained glass that filtered the light outside much in the fashion of an oversized sun catcher.

  Pressing the doorbell that rang forth with the chiming chorus of the rock classic “Honky Tonk Woman” by the Rolling Stones, she tapped her foot in keen expectation as her summons went unanswered.

  “It’s 10 in the morning and they’re still in bed,” she mused, adding as she rolled her eyes heavenward, “Rock stars. Gotta love ‘em.”

  Although tempted to turn around and let them sleep, her heart would simply not permit her departure from this scene.

  “My heart,” she mused, adding through gritted teeth, “And certain other parts that Cade currently holds captive right now. I have got. To see. That man.”

  Ringing the doorbell with renewed vigor, she jumped moments later as the door flew open and a strong sturdy hand reached outward to claim hers and pulled her into the house.

  Letting loose with an uncharacteristic giggle, she was about to chide Cade for being just a mite too eager to see her that morning (as if she had any room to talk at that moment, given her current state of almost painful arousal) when she realized that her over enthused host was not Cade at all. Indeed, it was the stunning blond guitarist Lancer who answered her summons regarding her with sleepy green eyes as he released her hand.

  The berobed gentleman ran an absent hand through the strands of his long golden hair as he mumbled, “Morning, Boss Lady. Sorry to manhandle you like that—at this time of the morning that blasted sun is a little too much to take.”

  Chloe chuckled.

  “No worries Lancer, I suspect that no straight, breathing woman in Clearview would overmuch mind being manhandled by a Night Serenade man,” she assured him, adding as she inclined her head in his direction, “Is Cade awake? I needed to talk to him about something.”

  Lancer shook his head.

  "No, when I walked by his room I couldn't help but notice that he was pretty much dead to the world," he replied, adding with a shrug, "I'd be pleased to tak
e a message for him if you like."

  Chloe paused, casting an uncomfortable glance around the guys' sitting room, a darkened but clean-lined art deco style room furnished with angular scarlet-hued furniture and lavender walls lined with prime examples of classic pop art.

  She brightened as she noticed a nearby shelf lined with DVDs all of which seemed to be horror films that came complete with the same common theme.

  "The Lost Boys. Bram Stoker's Dracula. Fright Night. Dracula Dead and Loving It?" she recited, arching her eyebrows as she muttered, "And I thought I was a fan of vamp movies. You, dudes, take the proverbial cake," she paused here, adding as she shifted her gaze back in the direction of an uneasy Lancer, "Listen, do you think that Cade would really mind if I went to his room and—um—woke him up for an impromptu business meeting?" she finished in an awkward tone, as if she didn't expect Lancer to buy that nonsense for a solitary moment.

  And judging by the sly smile that now adorned his sculpted face, he surely didn’t.

  "I'm sure he wouldn't mind a visit from you, Boss Lady," he assured her, adding as he shuffled his feet beneath him, "I'm sorry to tell you, though, that we're just not morning people. All things considered, it might be a better idea if you caught him just before the show tonight."

  Chloe nodded.

  “OK then,” she relented finally, adding as she gave her guitarist an awkward hug of farewell, “See you tonight.”

  Soon Chloe found herself back in her car, driving absently and with a heavy heart through the quiet, tree-lined streets of Clearview.

  “Congratulations, Morgan, on what may have been the most awkward conversational exchange in the history of—well—conversational exchanges,” she mused, adding more seriously, “What are the odds that Cade wasn’t alone in his room? Or, even worse, what if he had decided not to get involved with his manager, after all?”

  Chloe was quick to remind herself that she did not define herself by the opinion of a man—and considering her luck as of late, that was probably a good thing.

  After spending the day in town, doing her very best to shop her worries away, Chloe finally made her way with great reluctance to Club Groove where she planned to retreat to an isolated back lounge for the duration of the evening’s show.

  “As the band’s manager I need to be here, just in case something goes wrong with the show,” she reasoned. “I do not, however, need to see the show itself. If Cade is avoiding me, then I plan to give him the same courtesy—or lack thereof.”

  Her troubled meditation was disrupted by the opening of a star-emblazoned door in the backstage hallway. Chloe felt an odd emotion of déjà vu as a strong masculine hand pulled her into the room beside her.

  Soon she found herself staring into a pair of deep ebony eyes, eyes that warmed with tender affection as their bearer swept her up in his arms.

  Chloe did not resist as an impassioned Cade held her close in his strong muscled arms seizing her lips in a passionate kiss that seemed long overdue.

  And, she couldn’t help but notice, incredibly pleasurable. She sighed outright as his full moist lips soothed and massaged her own; his gentle hands running like warm water down the length of her sturdy back.

  Angling his head over hers to intensify the sensation, Cade plied her lips with the sweetest kisses as he continued to knead and massage her body, his hard massive chest pressing tightly against hers as he cradled her in an ardent embrace.

  Leaning into his kiss, an enrapt Chloe ran her hands down the surface of his sculpted pecs and chiseled washboard abs her tongue entwining with his as their lips smacked together in the silence of the surrounding room.

  She moaned in protest moments later as he finally broke their kiss, drawing back to stare deep into her eyes as he ran a loving hand through her mussy brown hair.

  "So my darling," he whispered low and sweet, searing her with a gaze of narrow-eyed seduction, "I hear that you visited me this morning and that you expressed a desire to come to my bedroom." He said these last words on a decadent purr that made her tremble outright.

  Even so she met his claim with a weak attempt at a casual shrug.

  "Indeed, I did," she verified, adding as she lifted her plump chin to markedly proud effect, "I wanted to tell you that I have indeed decided to take you up on your proposition, so to speak, I was told, however, that you were indisposed."

  She took in her breath as a lusty Cade swept her up in his muscular arms; swinging her back and forth in an easy embrace as he carried her toward his dressing table.

  “Indeed,” he confirmed, adding as he waggled his feathered eyebrows to teasing effect, “If I’m going to make love to you all night, then I had to get a good day’s rest beforehand.”

  Her eyes flying wide at this unexpected assertion, Chloe inclined her head sharp in the direction of her passionate raven haired lover.

  “You mean you want to make love to me, here and now?” she asked him. “Before the show?”

  Answering her question with another hot kiss, delivered straight across her gaping lips, Cade held her closer to him as he whispered in her ear, “We have plenty of time before the show, Love. And all things considered, I’d far rather perform for you.”

  With these words he set her voluptuous body on the whisper soft cushion of his dressing room chair; falling to his knees before her and crawling with sleek cat-like moves to rest finally at her feet.

  Taking her feet in his and releasing them from their confining shoes, he suckled her toes and massaged her tired pads as she sighed her contentment. Then he licked his way up her sturdy legs and stole beneath the fabric of her soft denim dress.

  “Just relax and let me do everything,” he whispered against the skin of her buxom thighs, accenting his words with a long lick that set fire to her skin, “Everything for the boss lady’s pleasure.”

  Surging upward to ensnare the border of her white cotton panties tight between his shiny white teeth, he pulled them down the length of her legs and left them in a cloudy puddle beside her feet.

  Returning immediate to the source of her pleasure, he opened her folds with a resounding lick and graced her clit with the intimate kiss sealing his soft moist lips around her throbbing nub as he licked and suckled her.

  Bobbing his sculpted head up and down to intensify the sensation, Cade continued to devour her sensitive clit as his hands massaged her full thighs, the strands of his long silky hair teasing her skin as she threw her head back in a show of sensual joy.

  Thrusting her full hips forward to intensify the sensation, an enchanted Chloe reveled in the feel of his long wet tongue as it lapped and laved her clit, shards of electric ecstasy running wild through her body as she writhed wild in the seat beneath her.

  Through her haze of ecstasy, she noted the light scrape of some pointed teeth against her sensitive clit, their hardness proving a pleasing contrast to the wet silky softness of his long tongue.

  “I must be imagining things,” she mused, wondering at the sudden feel of fanglike teeth as they scraped gentle against her skin. “Proof positive I’m having a good time, I guess.”

  All coherent thought fled her psyche moments later, as with a long last lick her lover sent her across the bounds of an incredible orgasm drawing an animal growl from low in her throat as waves of rampant pleasure ran wild through every fiber of her being.

  Falling forward into the arms of her lover, Chloe descended with him onto the soft surface of his dressing room floor rolling wild with him as he seized her lips in a hot passionate kiss.

  Their lips merged in what seemed a timeless bond as he stripped the fabric of her soft denim dress from the voluptuous curves of her sweat-lined body fondling and worshipping her buxom breasts and her gentle rounded stomach as their tongues entwined between them.

  Repaying the favor in kind, Chloe ran adoring hands over the surface of his sculpted torso before stripping him free of the tight black leather pants that suppressed his wild manhood releasing as she did a long hard shaft that seeme
d to salute her presence.

  Rubbing and stroking this pulsating rod as her lover growled his approval, she threw herself deeper into his embrace as their hips and thighs locked between them. Her breasts crushed against his rock hard chest as he held her closer to him.

  The couple continued to kiss and cuddle as they rolled wild across the floor beneath them; the strands of his dark luxurious hair whipping wild across her breasts as his hard toned hips thrust against hers.

  His teasing gyrations intensified moments later, as his famished lover wrapped her legs around his trim waist and spread her fleshy thighs before him inviting him inward as he clutched her to him.

  Fully and finally he joined them as one, his long hard shaft plunging inward to the depths of her soaking wet pussy. Their hips claimed an immediate rhythm as he continued to probe and penetrate her all the while continuing to cradle her quivering body in warm, loving arms.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve dreamed of this Cade,” Chloe gasped out, running her fingernails down his back before laying a gentle grip on his rock-hard ass.

  “Ah, but I do know,” her lover growled, his voice almost unearthly as his breath erupted hard fast from low in his throat, “I can read your mind, my darling. I also happen to share and return every precious feeling that you have for me.”

  With these meaningful words he sent them hurdling across the bounds of an incredible shared climax.

  Writhing and slithering in the heat of this sublime shared sensation, the couple clung together as Cade bowed his head to her chest and suckled her breasts letting loose with an animal growl as he kissed and licked her nipples.

  Once again she felt the touch of pointed teeth against her tender skin, her eyes flying wild as, in a smooth sleek flourish, he tossed his hair forward and buried his head in her chest seemingly eager to mask his face from her as his sinuous body writhed and shuddered in her ever sheltering arms.


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