Protecting Emma

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Protecting Emma Page 78

by ML Michaels

  Apryl nodded and pressed her lips into a hard line. She was starting to get the feeling that Suzann didn’t care too much about her. She only cared about her market value.


  Apryl waved away the party guests as they left her apartment. The party was over and it was midnight.

  “The party was fabulous. Thank you for introducing me to, Kevin Warner,” Felicia said referring to the nearly 7-foot tall basketball player next to her. Apryl laughed and smiled.

  “No problem, girl,” she winked and watched as Felicia walked out with a man on her arm.

  “I guess it’s just us,” a voice said behind Apryl. She turned to see Fred. He was an executive at her record label. She smiled at him politely.

  “Well, Suzann is still here,” Apryl corrected him. He held up a drink and tipped it toward her. She took it out of kindness, but had already drunk enough for the night. She walked toward the couch where Suzann sat with a laptop.

  “This is a party! Put the computer away.” Apryl sat her drink down.

  “I’m trying to make you a star. That’s a 24 hour job,” she hissed. At that moment, Fred lifted the drink off the coffee table, and tilted it toward Apryl’s lips. She swallowed her exasperation and took the glass but didn’t take a sip from it.

  “Come on, let’s make a toast,” Fred pressed on. She sighed and raised her glass to his. “Toast to continued success for you.” He watched for her to tip the glass back. She did so and gulped the whole drink down in one quick sip. He grinned and took a tiny sip of his drink.

  “Let’s go back to your room,” Fred whispered in her ear and slipped his arm around her. She pushed his arm off and walked to the couch.

  “No thank you,” she told him. He grabbed her arm before she could sit down and pulled her back over to him. The quick motion caused her vision to blur. She knew something wasn’t right. She pushed Fred off more forcefully.

  “Can everyone leave?” She asked politely and sat the drink down on the coffee table. Fred tried to calm her down but Suzann was now watching.

  “Fred, she doesn’t want to sleep with you tonight. She has an early photo shoot tomorrow, and I’m sure she wants to get to sleep.”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I want!” Apryl slurred. She tried to take calming breaths, but they didn’t help. She felt beside herself.


  “Goodnight Apryl!” Suzann led Fred out. Apryl blinked and held her hand up. It was as if she had 10 fingers on one hand. She had double vision and it was causing her to feel nauseous. She walked out to her balcony and looked over the skyline. Her apartment was located on the top floor, and there was no barrier on her balcony. If she took another five steps, she’d be freefalling from the tenth floor.


  Lucas sat in a black Range Rover across the street behind a grove of bushes and palm trees. He placed his binoculars up and blinked twice to make sure his eyes were not deceiving him. He watched Apryl on the balcony for a moment. Suddenly, she began to stumble towards the edge. Without hesitation, Lucas pulled his seatbelt off and flung the car door open. He rushed across the street ignoring the honking of car horns. He doubled up the emergency staircase and prayed he wasn’t too late. He made it to her apartment door and kicked it open. The curtains were blowing in the wind and he could see her silhouette standing there.

  He ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her securely before pulling her away from the edge. He breathed heavily into her ear and her eyes fluttered closed. She began slipping in and out of consciousness.

  “Ms. Apryl,” Lucas started as he laid her across his legs. He held her head up and placed his other arm under her knees. She didn’t respond.

  He lifted her up and walked her to the couch. He laid her out and watched as she rolled her head from one side to the other. He observed the surroundings and stared at the powdery remnants in a glass on the coffee table. He knew right away she had been drugged.

  He watched her closely as he walked back to the balcony and locked the door. He strode back over and checked her temperature and pulse. They were normal, but it was obvious she’d need time for the drugs to wear off. Lucas walked over to her refrigerator and grabbed a large water bottle. He knew that when she awoke she’d be dehydrated.

  He sat patiently on the couch next to hers and watched as she peacefully wrestled with the drugs in her system. She wouldn’t allow herself to slip into a deep sleep, as Fred had intended.

  He crossed his legs and twiddled his thumbs. His insides were raging. Lucas was in the same room as the woman who caused him to lose control.

  After three hours of silent supervision, he heard a whimper escape her lips. Her eyes fluttered open, and she brought her hand up to her forehead slowly. She looked around and noticed Lucas, now standing, over her.

  “Water…” she whispered hoarsely and pointed at the bottle on the table. He quickly pulled it off the table and unscrewed the cap. She slowly peeled herself off the couch and took it from him. She took a gulp and panted.

  “Were you at the party?” she asked. He shook his head.

  “No,” he said quickly. He wanted to ask her what happened, but he knew she needed to ask her questions first.

  “Then, how’d you get into my house? Did they give you security guys a key or something? That’s completely uncalled for and not okay!” Apryl seemed to have regained all her strength. He placed an arm on her shoulder and softly shushed her.

  “I had to get in quickly. I’m the guard they appointed to watch your house. Do you remember anything?”

  “I was having a party... I mean, I guess I must’ve fallen asleep on the couch. I think.”

  “Apryl, I wasn’t here but from the looks of it someone slipped you some drugs or spiked your drink. Did you take anything from anyone?” he asked. She closed her eyes and thought hard trying to remember. It finally clicked.

  “I took a drink from Fred. He kept trying to make me drink it even though I wouldn’t at first. He made a toast just so I would drink it,” Apryl recalled. Lucas jutted his jaw and clenched his teeth. He was angered to hear that someone had tried to take advantage of her.

  “Who is Fred? Is he a friend or a member of the label?” Lucas asked with vengeance in his eyes.

  “He’s a record label executive,” Apryl explained. Lucas huffed and held back an angry growl from his inner tiger. “Please don’t say or do anything about it,” she pleaded. “It’ll be my word against his, and he has people behind him that can probably stop the release of my new album. Plus, Suzann wouldn’t like it too much, and I doubt it’ll be good for your career either.”

  “Apryl, this man is a threat to you. The fact that he works alongside you makes it even more dangerous,” Lucas explained to her. She shook her head and her big brown eyes pierced into his striking blue ones. His anger subsided, and he stared at her in awe. It was if she had control over him. She was able to tame him without even trying.

  “I know… I’ll just be more careful. I just wasn’t thinking. I promise it’s never going to happen again,” she told him quickly. He didn’t want to agree, but he knew he didn’t have a right to do anything that she didn’t want him to. His job as a bodyguard was to keep her out of harms way, but he couldn’t protect her from the kind of threats she feared by telling others about Fred’s actions.

  “You need to talk to someone though, Apryl. A man like that working so close to you can become a much bigger problem even if you don’t think so right now,” Lucas said looking genuinely worried for her. “And if you’re worried about your manager being upset at you because you feel endangered, maybe she isn’t the best person to have managing you.” Lucas stood up and walked towards the door.

  It took a few moments for his words to sink in. Even though he’d only known her for a short time and her story and her life were so foreign to him, he’d understand her. She took a momentary leap of faith: “Can I talk to you?” she asked. She stared at his back as he stopped in his tracks and balled up his f

  He knew it wasn’t a good idea to get involved, especially when she made him feel like no girl ever had. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Before he could do the right thing, his inner tiger took over:



  Lucas rubbed his eyes. It was 7 in the morning and he could barely keep his eyes open. He and Apryl had stayed up all night. She told him about everything. From her humble beginnings to the way she felt about her rising success and even about the way Suzann was treating her. Since their conversation, he’d felt different about her. Initially, he had strong feelings for her, but he didn’t know why. Now, his feelings were supported by tangible evidence. She was truly amazing.

  “Bring her in here!” the famous photographer Manuel Aleixandre shouted enthusiastically. Apryl emerged from the dressing room and nearly blew Lucas away. He rubbed his eyes again, but this time to make sure his vision wasn’t deceiving him.

  Apryl wore a two-piece outfit — a tank top with a low neckline, and shorts that didn’t provide much coverage for her butt. Lucas immediately looked around and noticed the bodyguards didn’t bother to hide their interest. It wasn’t okay to stare at her like that. She wasn’t just a piece of meat.

  “She is so damn sexy, bro,” one of the bodyguards, Jeremy, whispered to the other. Lucas turned to face both men with a look that pierced them. They gave him a confused look in response.

  “You don’t think so boss? I mean, we know you’re professional and all but you can’t tell me you haven’t fantasized about that hot piece of...”

  “Shut up,” he interrupted, snarling through clenched teeth. Jeremy straightened up and took a step back. He raised his hands on either side of his head to plead innocence.

  “I’m sorry, man,” Jeremy apologized. It didn’t seem very sincere. Lucas gestured for all the men to turn around and stop staring at Apryl.

  From her spot in front of the white backdrop she watched everything. Lucas was a sweetheart; that was something she had learned last night. He was a handsome man, great listener, and thoughtful soul.

  “Apryl, sit down on that chair.” The photographer instructed as one of his assistants brought over the steel folding chair prop. She sat on it normally. She pulled the low neckline of her tank top up. She had a subconscious fear that her chest was going to slip out of it.

  Manuel pointed at one of his assistants and gestured for him to help Apryl. The assistant waltzed over and pulled the neckline of Apryl’s tank top back down.

  “I just feel a bit uncomfortable and inappropriate,” Apryl voiced her concern to a room of people who didn’t care. The photographer smiled at her politely.

  “That’s the vision, honey.” He gestured for the assistant to pull the tank top down once more. Apryl looked up at Suzann, hoping she would support her concern but Suzann’s face was blank. She had nothing to say.

  Apryl’s cleavage was in full view and the oil that was lathered on them made them shine under the umbrella lights. She sat uncomfortably and tried to soften her face.

  “Uncross your legs,” Manuel said with the camera covering one eye. She did as she was told and uncrossed her legs, bringing them together at the knees and posing once again. But he stopped snapping photos and moved the camera from his face. He placed his hand on his chin as if he was in deep thought. He pointed at her legs.

  “Open them,” he said before lifting the camera back up. Apryl gritted her teeth and swallowed hard. She looked up at Suzann who gave her a challenging look.

  “I’m not completely comfortable with that.”

  “Apryl, stop being a sourpuss. Manuel is one of the most renowned photographers in the world and he’s gay. Some sexy posing from you won’t turn him straight.” Suzann rolled her eyes. Apryl stared at her and slowly opened her legs. Although she was uncomfortable, maybe she was being overdramatic. There were plenty of artists and celebrities who posed in provocative ways for cameras all the time. If these many people in the room didn’t think something was wrong, she must be overreacting.

  Lucas felt his insides rumbling. His inner tiger would’ve ripped these people to shreds if he had the chance. His body trembled with rage, but he tried to conceal it from the other men. They would no doubt be suspicious.

  “Now lean forward and place your finger in your mouth,” the photographer instructed. Lucas closed his eyes and tried to block the whole scene out. They had no regard for her comfort or her personal feelings. She was nothing but an industry puppet to them. A young beautiful girl who could do things to make her famous based on looks and not on merit. He took a deep breath and remembered their conversation the night before:

  “Sometimes I don’t think Suzann actually sees me or takes the time to figure out who I am and what I want. It feels like all she sees when she looks at me is dollar signs. Then the moment I speak out, she treats me like the annoying kid in class who doesn’t know when to shut up. You know?”

  “That shouldn’t be how it is. Your manager should have your best intentions at heart not her own. She’s managed so many people that maybe she’s lost the ability to have any personal attachment,” Lucas offered while picking up another strawberry from her leftover appetizer tray.

  “Maybe… and that’s why I haven’t complained. She’s managed so many of the greats. I know I can be a star with her.”

  “But is that what you want? Do you want to be a star or an artist?”

  She remained silent. She had never been asked that question before, and if someone had asked her that a year ago, she probably wouldn’t have known the difference. Suddenly her cellphone alarm began ringing. It was time to get ready for the photo shoot. He never got an answer.


  Apryl walked into the dressing room and took off the clothes as quickly as she could. She felt a lump in her throat, and it took all the strength she had to not cry.

  She felt ashamed of her actions. Apryl wasn’t comfortable doing this kind of photo shoot, and she shouldn’t have allowed herself to get bullied into it. She slipped into the jumpsuit and zip up jacket she arrived in.

  “You can keep the clothes! They’re gifts from the stylist to you,” one of Manuel’s assistant offered eagerly. Apryl looked at him with a quivering lip and took a moment to form the words she would say.

  “No, thank you,” she said rather than telling him how she really felt. She opened the door to see Suzann and the bodyguards waiting for her. She sniffled and slid between the men, Lucas behind her in the usual the formation. She walked in pace with the men but a pout was visible on her face.

  Lucas watched her with every step. He could tell she wanted to cry. Suzann hadn’t even looked at Apryl this whole time.

  Lucas placed his hand out in front of him and didn’t say a word. He wanted to hold her hand but he couldn’t figure out if that would be weird or if she’d appreciate it. The impulsive beast within him decided on the latter.

  He held it out and after a moment he felt a warm embrace. Their hands held tightly onto one another and her heart rate seemed to slow down while his picked up.

  The intimate contact was almost unnoticeable to someone who wasn’t paying much attention. They left the studio and she hopped into the back of her car after Suzann. Lucas took a moment to hold the door.

  “Are you going directly home?” he asked in a professional tone.

  “Yes, I am,” she smiled.

  “Alright then,” he said before shutting the door.

  “That was very unprofessional behavior you exhibited today,” Suzann spoke through a clenched jaw. Apryl shifted her attention and noticed that Suzann was tense.

  “I’m sorry but I just wasn’t comfortable with those kinds of clothes or poses. If I had known it was going to be a racy shoot, I would’ve told you to cancel it ahead of time,” Apryl explained. Her apology didn’t make a difference.

  “You embarrassed me in there, Apryl. Manuel is a longtime friend of mine and he doesn’t shoot any amateur
s. He only did this as a favor to me. Next week, he’ll be taking pictures of Madonna in Paris. He didn’t have to see you today, but I told him that you were worth it. It seems that I may have overestimated your worth.”

  Apryl stared at her with eyes that were on the brink of watering. Suzann had no sympathy. Apryl began to take deep, shuddering breaths and she looked out the window. If she wasn’t going to cry before, this definitely pushed her to the edge.


  Apryl sat on her couch with her knees pulled up to her chest. Wondering if Lucas would come. She had been crying and wasn’t sure if she wanted him to see her in that state. After a few more tears, she decided to wash her face.

  She entered the bathroom and wiped off her makeup before splashing water onto her face. She took a towel and patted off the droplets when suddenly her door buzzed. She quickly ran to answer it.

  “Hi.” she smiled widely at him surprised at how much better she felt. Lucas smiled back and held up a box of turtles in his hands.

  “I decided after the events of today you needed a pick me up.” He winked and walked in to place it on the coffee table. She sighed.

  ‘How did he know I loved chocolate turtles?’ She wondered silently. Maybe it was just a good guess.

  “You’re right. How’d you know I loved turtles?” she asked pulling the box off the table and flipping the top open.

  “You told me last night.” He smiled. It was amazing to hear that he remembered tiny details like that.

  “Well seems like you know a lot about me. Tell me something about yourself, Mr. Tanner,” she said placing a turtle in her mouth. She chewed it and couldn’t stop her eyes from rolling to the back of her head. It had been a long time since she’d had one.

  “There’s not much to tell,” he shrugged and took a turtle as well. He mocked her eye-rolling reaction causing her to punch him playfully in the chest.

  “There must be something about you that not everyone knows,” she pried. He didn’t even have to think about it. He knew what no one knew about him. He was a tiger shifter, but there was no way she could know that. Especially not like this.


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