Go Long

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Go Long Page 6

by Joanna Blake

  I'd downloaded a bunch of pregnancy books to my e-reader. I spent every spare moment reading and learning everything I could. It was password protected so no one had to know what was on there. I'd even put my prenatal vitamins into an empty bottle of vitamin C.

  I felt like a spy on a top secret mission. But the mission was just looking out for a person who didn't even exist yet, outside of my body. It didn't matter though. This was the most important thing I'd done in my life, and I was going to do the best I could no matter what.

  At the moment, I had decided that no one was ever going to know about this baby, unless I decided they should. Not until it was too late. And even then, only my parents had to know. I planned to tell them over the phone. Or email.

  Surprise! You're grandparents!

  I sighed. That was not going to go over well. Maybe if they hadn't been so strict I would have told them. But as it was...


  I pulled out my phone, expecting to see another text from Kyle. Every day, I got another note from him. This one was different.

  This one said something that made my heart race and my throat dry.

  I'm outside.

  I sat straight up in my chair. If my dad saw him...


  Come on Bellie.

  I looked down at myself. I was wearing bright green sweatpants and an ancient see through t-shirt that had been washed one thousand times. I groaned, running my hands through my hair. It was an unstyled mess, pulled back in a plain headband and loose over my shoulders.

  Why did I care what I looked like anyway?

  But I did.

  A pebble hit my window. Argh! Dammit Kyle... I grabbed a sweatshirt and zipped it up to cover my chest. Then I ran a tube of lipgloss over my lips. I pulled the hood down over my messy hair.

  Sad, but it would have to do.

  Another pebble.

  I'm coming damn you!

  I put on my sneakers and tiptoed through the house to the front door. It was late so my parents were in bed. I thanked the lord for small favors as I reached for the doorknob. I was almost outside when I heard the floor creak behind me.

  "Where are you going young lady?"

  I turned quickly, coming face to face with my dad.

  "I needed- some air!"

  He just stared at me.

  "It's not good for a girl your age to be alone outside in the middle of the night."

  "I'm just going for a walk around the block, dad."

  "Can't sleep? I'll make you some hot milk."


  He knew I didn't drink milk.

  "Almost milk then."

  He cocked his eyebrow and I lost patience. I wasn't a kid. I was having a kid.

  "I'm not twelve dad. I don't need your permission to take a walk!"

  Then I slammed the door in his surprised face.

  Chapter Eleven


  I bent low, hunched over behind the hedges of a house twenty feet from her front door. I felt ridiculous but it was also kind of hot, sneaking around this way. I just hoped nobody saw me and called the police.

  That would not go over well with Coach. No, not at all.

  I saw her the moment she stepped outside. I practically ate her up with my eyes. She was in her pajamas. I realize I must have woken her up. She looked sleepy, cozy, casual.


  "Over here!"

  She turned her head sharply, walking nonchalantly my way. For a minute I thought she did see me and then she paused, staring right past me, as if I wasn't there.

  "Hiding in the bushes?"

  Her voice was mocking as she kept walking, ignoring me completely. I jogged to catch up with her, staring down at her stunning profile. I wanted to scoop her up and run away with her. But she gave me a look that was anything but encouraging.

  "My dad is watching so you better be quick."

  There was something different about her tonight. She was fired up. Full of piss and vinegar.

  I liked it.


  She glanced at me, her eyes cool.

  "You have exactly seven minutes."


  "Less if I decide to walk faster. Or if my dad decides to come looking for me."

  "Maybe we should take a different route..."

  She smirked.

  "Finally, he gets it. Yeah, sure come on."

  She turned at the next corner, leading us across the street towards another similarly charming block. All the houses around here were old and beautiful. Nothing like the town I'd grown up in. We didn't have colonials, or tudors or capes. Just modular homes and trailer parks, with a few old farmhouses and crumbling victorians here and there. This neighborhood was well kept, with pristine paint jobs and landscaping. Nothing too grand, but very pretty.

  It almost looked like small town America, the kind you would see in a movie. But it wasn't. It was an upper middle-class neighborhood in California. Definitely not like the rest of America. Not what I'd seen so far anyway.

  We didn't have a juice bar on every block back home in Virginia that was for sure.

  "When can I see you?"

  "You are seeing me right now."

  "You know what I mean..."

  She stopped walking and finally looked at me. I could see she was tired. Pent up. Angry about something. But also resigned.

  "No Kyle, what do you mean?"

  "I mean, I want to be alone with you."

  "Sex. You mean sex."

  I stared at her. She wasn't making it easy to woo her. Either that or I really, really sucked at it. And I didn't suck at anything.

  To hell with it.

  "Yes. I'm talking about sex. I want to fuck you. I want you so bad I can hardly think about anything else. I can't concentrate on anything."

  "Except football."

  I nodded.

  "That's the only time I can't feel it."


  "It's like a gnawing feeling. Like I'm hungry."

  I felt stupid trying to put my feelings into words. This was definitely new territory for me and I didn't like feeling so lost. I forged ahead, determined to convince her.

  "But it's not for food. It's for you."

  She stared at me, confused. Her huge eyes were searching. Then she shook her head.

  "I don't understand. There are a thousand girls who would be with you in a heartbeat Kyle. Especially after that last game."

  I shrugged.

  "I know. But I don't want them. I want you."

  "Well, I'm not available."

  She sighed.

  "It's nothing to do with you, okay? You seem like a nice guy-"

  I had been feeling sad before. But suddenly I was pissed off. Really, really pissed.

  First she blew me off. Now she was calling me nice? That was a low blow.

  "I'm not nice dammit!"

  I grabbed her, yanking her against me. Then I kissed her hard, practically inhaling her lips. I forced her mouth open and my tongue dove inside, swooping and twirling against hers. I was trying to punish her. Convince her to be mine.

  It took me about a minute to realize she was kissing me back. I had won. She wanted me too.

  I moaned and reached down, hauling her hips against my hard on.

  She reached her arms up, clasping them around my neck. I was so fucking relieved and horny at the same time that I almost shouted. Of course, we were in the middle of the street at one in the fucking morning so...

  Not a great idea.

  I looked around, seeing my car parked another block from here. I lifted her up and carried her away, ignoring her protests.

  I lifted my hand, planting it on her ass and giving it a big squeeze.

  She'd called me a caveman before. I was about to show her how caveman I could be.


  "Kyle! What are you doing?"

  I was upside down, slung over his shoulder like a sack of grain. It was humiliating. But even worse, it was making me nauseou

  "I'm going to puke!"

  Abruptly he put me down, staring at me with consternation.

  "Are you okay?"

  I nodded, the nausea passing quickly.

  "Are you drunk?"

  "What? No, I never drink!"

  "You drank with me."

  I crossed my arms, glaring at him.

  "Yeah, well look where that got me."

  He grinned suddenly, grabbing my hand.

  "Where are we going?"

  "My car."


  "To talk."

  "We can talk here."

  He ignored me, pulling me down the street towards his SUV. I stood there, ignoring the open door he was gesturing at. He stood over me, trying to intimidate me. It didn't work. He sighed as if I was trying his patience.



  "Get in the damn car!"


  "So we can talk!"

  I put my hands on my hips and stared at him.


  He started laughing.

  "You can't even say 'shit' can you?"

  I scowled at him. He was making fun of me. I yelped as he picked me up and physically placed me in the car.


  "Oh calm down, I'm not kidnapping you."

  He buckled me in and grinned at me, his blue eyes twinkling.

  "Though its not a bad idea to be honest."

  I sat still as he shut the door and climbed into the driver's seat. Then I pulled off my seat belt.

  "Is that really necessary?"

  He stared at me, his eyes on my lips.



  He leaned forward, his hands cradling my face. Then he kissed me so softly I almost couldn't stand it. He was so sweet sometimes. It was so romantic, so tender, so-

  Then I felt his hand on my boob and the spell was broken. He squeezed it and I could almost hear a honking sound. He squeezed it again, grinning foolishly like a kid on Christmas morning.


  "Come on babe. You drive me crazy dressed like that..."

  "In my pajamas?!?"

  "Oh, fuck yes."

  He was trying to get closer and closer to me, his body heat coming off of him in waves. I was getting squished against the door.


  He stopped immediately, his eyes full of concern.

  "You okay?"

  I nodded.

  "Kyle what are you doing? We are not going to do... it in this car."

  "Can we go somewhere else?"

  "No! My dad is waiting up for me!"

  "Fuck... Just give me a taste Belinda... please..."

  Something in his voice undid the knot inside me. I nodded breathlessly, letting him kiss me again. His hands wandered and I arched against him, encouraging him to touch and explore me.

  He unzipped my hoodie and groaned at the sight of me in my ragged old t-shirt. His hands explored my chest as he pulled my lower lip into his mouth and tickled it with his tongue.

  "Hmmfff... Belinda..."

  He pulled my top up and lowered his head to my breasts, worshipping them one at a time. I let my head fall back, starting to rock my hips as need overwhelmed me. He slid a hand into my sweatpants, stroking my pussy through my thin cotton panties.

  Then he slipped his fingers inside my panties and I lost it. I circled my hips against him desperately as he plundered my folds. He slid a finger inside me and I pressed down on it. Wanting his touch so badly.

  Wanting more.

  "Fuck B! You're so wet..."

  It was too much. I knew suddenly that I was going to end up screwing him in his car like a floozie. And worse than that, I was starting to really feel things for him.

  Bad bad bad.

  I reached behind me and unlocked the door. Then I pulled on the handle and rolled to the side and out of the car.

  Before he knew what happened I was out on the sidewalk, leaving him staring at me in shock. I'd jumped out so abruptly his hand was still in the air where he'd been touching me.

  "Don't follow me."

  I walked quickly away, tears spilling over my cheeks and running down my face. I hadn't told him to take a hike. I hadn't told him I couldn't see him again.

  I also hadn't told him about the baby.

  I brushed the tears away angrily.

  It was just the hormones. It didn't mean I was falling for Kyle. How could I? He was an oaf.

  A big, sweet, gorgeous oaf.

  I dried my tears and went inside. I waved sullenly, too ashamed to kiss my father goodnight. Then I crawled into bed and stared at the ceiling.

  I really didn't like to curse but I couldn't think of any other words to fit my situation.

  I was one hundred and ten percent effed.

  Chapter Twelve


  It was the end of the fourth quarter at my first away game. I took the entire second half of the game this time. It was almost as good as starting, especially since the game was going nowhere fast. The stalemate turned into a big old 'V.'

  We steamrolled the other team into the fucking ground.

  I was plowing through their defense to make a final touchdown. The one that would put us 28 points ahead of the home team. The one that just might make me the new starter.

  The reigning quarterback would not like that but I didn't give a shit. Jason Doover was smug and complacent. He treated the team like a club. He was a good athlete, but he had no heart.

  Plus, I didn't like his face.

  I grinned, slamming the ball into the ground.


  The game was over. The team ran into the field to celebrate. I high fived them as I ran for the showers. I was in too much of a hurry to congratulate everyone. I did smirk at Jason's sourpuss as I ran by.

  I had an appointment to keep back home. It was a three hour drive and I had two hours to make it. I had a very special date with Belinda tonight.

  We'd been sneaking around, meeting every couple of days for the past few weeks. She had stopped fighting the attraction between us after that night in my car. She was with me, all the way. Not publicly but in my heart I knew she was mine. It was amazing. It was perfect.

  It was hell.

  She barely had any time for me. And working around her dad was next to impossible. He had me every afternoon. And he expected her home for dinner every night. That gave us an hour or two, tops, and not every day. Sometimes we could get a few hours on the weekends. Usually not.

  That was not nearly enough time for me to spend with my woman.

  But tonight... tonight her dad would not be there. Because he was here. The team was scheduled to spend the night in a local hotel. Everyone except me.

  We'd planned this way ahead of time. Or I had. I'd used military precision to cover the bases. Coach thought I had family in town, and had one of the other coaches drive my car down for me. It's a good thing no one realized that I had no family, other than one mean old drunk. Belinda had told her mother she was staying at a friend's house. That gave us an entire night to ourselves. Privacy. Hell, a king bed to tear up the sheets in. I could really make her scream.

  It was going to be perfect.

  I'd even gotten a fancy hotel room to seal the deal. Dropped a huge chunk of change on it, with no regrets. But I had to be there to actually use it. I was in the parking lot and running to my car before half the guys hit the showers.

  Two and a half hours later I was pulling into the hotel and tossing my keys to the valet.

  Bellie was already in the room when I got there. I walked in and froze. My girl, my shy, recently devirginized girl, was wearing the lace teddy I'd bought her the week before. Hot pink and see through, it barely covered anything.

  It didn't cover her naughty bits, so much as make them more noticeable.

  I swallowed as I locked the door behind me. I was already hard before I even turned around again. She did that to me without the sexy out

  But with it...

  Oh man, I was about to lose it. I was across the room before she said a word. Her lips opened to say hello but I never gave her the chance. Before she could even speak as I swooped down on her, taking her lips in an endless, drugging kiss.

  She squeaked as I lifted her onto the bed and crawled on top of her, fully dressed. I wrapped her silky thighs around me. As much as I wanted to revel in the feel of her against me, my body took over, rubbing my engorged cock against her through my jeans over and over and over again.

  "Fuck Belinda, you drive me so fucking crazy!"

  Her eyes were open as I tried to stop myself from moving. If I kept humping her this way, I wasn't going to make it. I was going to come in my fucking pants like a teenage boy.

  Hell to the no.

  Not my style. Not even when I was a teenager either. I was a fuck man. I didn't do half measures. And right now I wanted to be inside her more than anything. I wanted to get in there and stay as long as humanly possible.

  I wanted to pile drive her ass.

  Since she'd started the pill, it had been gloves off. We were all over each other, every time, the whole time. Every second we had together was spent with me on, under or behind her, usually with my cock locked deep inside her.

  It was fucking paradise.

  But this, this blew it off the roof.

  Not just the waiting. Not just the outfit (but yeah, it had a lot to do with the outfit). Not just the hotel.

  The fact that we had all fucking night to be together.

  I'd been waiting for this since the moment I laid eyes on her.

  I sure as shit wasn't going to waste it. I growled and rolled to my side, kicking off my shoes. My jeans were off in two seconds flat. I knelt on the bed and grabbed her ankles. She squealed as I pulled her towards me.

  I buried my face between her legs, nudging the sheer pink panties aside. My shirt was still on. My socks were on. Other than that, I was buck ass naked.

  My cock scraped against the blankets as I fucked Bellie with my tongue. Her sweet little pussy was drenched and slippery as I plunged my tongue inside her again and again.

  I reach up and stroked her sensitive nub.

  That was it. That was all it took. Her body started to tremble. In less than a minute the tremble turned into a shudder.


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