Book Read Free

Go Long

Page 10

by Joanna Blake

  "Sure, you guys go ahead. I'll just be here, reading or something."

  "No no no. It's your shower, you need to help pick out the stuff!"

  "My- what?"

  "Your baby shower!"

  "It's a little early for that Bets, but thank you for the thought."

  She chewed her lip, her big hazel eyes twinkling.

  "Okay so it's a meet and greet. With baby stuff."

  I opened my mouth to argue but she was holding up her hand.

  "No- don't argue. I already invited half the damn town."

  I groaned and Evan cracked a rare smile.

  "Don't bother arguing with her."

  I rolled my eyes. Yeah, he definitely knew his girlfriend well. I gave up and mentally prepared myself to meet half of Woodstock.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I stood on the sidewalk, checking my phone. I had a real-time GPS tracker with the target phone's location. I knew her friend might not be with Belinda at the moment. I might be on a wild goose chase.

  I was in full recon mode.

  Tracking her at a safe distance.

  Basically, I was stalking them.

  I felt like a lion, hunting a gazelle. A very pretty gazelle with red hair. And a glorious pair of-

  "Hey, look out dude!"

  A frowning hippie with gray hair and a tie-dyed jacket was staring at me. She looked about 80 years old. So I was surprised at how quickly she turned around to glare at me. She didn't seem intimidated by my size at all.

  I lowered my head and apologized.

  "Sorry ma'am."

  She made a rude noise that sounded like 'harumph' and continued on her way. She motored down the damn street! The old bird was spry to say the least. Must be all the granola.

  I'd tried to get a quick bite to eat after the taxi dropped me off. I'd ended up with organic eggs benedict over 12-grain toast. With a side helping of micro greens and, you guessed it, granola.

  It had been pretty damn tasty actually. It better be for twenty-seven bucks!

  I shook my head. This place was a whole new world. Tie-dye was everywhere. Candles. Head shops. And fancy, fancy food.

  Lots of fancy food.

  So, Woodstock was not just full of hippies. It was full of rich hippies.

  I scanned the area but couldn't seem to locate my targets. I followed the blue dot until it stopped twenty yards away. Then I crept up towards it.

  It wasn't easy to be nonchalant when you were 6'4" and built like a truck, but I tried.

  There, up ahead- I saw a mass of shiny red hair as a woman ducked her head into a car. She was with a tiny brunette who was chatting up a storm. They were in the car and pulling out into traffic before I could get close enough.

  I started to run but the dark haired girl drove like a demon.

  I cursed as the car drove away.

  Commencing plan B.


  A woman with long flowing blond hair was instructing me how to prepare my vagina for birth. Every day, myself or a partner would take a scoop of organic coconut oil and gently stretch the birth canal. I must have looked horrified because she winked and shifted in closer.

  "Feels fantastic."

  I nodded politely and passed the hemp white chocolate cookies along.

  "No, thank you."

  "Don't worry, they won't get you high. Hemp is a terrific source of protein."

  She leaned forward conspiratorially.

  "Unless you have herpes. Then it's a no-no. Then you need lysine. Lysine is good for everything."

  I stared at her, wondering how she kept it all straight.

  "Janice, leave the poor girl alone. She has Betsy here to look after her nutrition."

  A group of women in tunics were smiling down at me. They introduced themselves. They all lived on a communal farm and made their own clothes. They handed me a jar of pickled carrots.

  "For when you get the cravings."

  I thanked them and set the jar down among all the gifts I'd been given. I had no idea what I would do with all this stuff. So far the macramé baby sling was the most perplexing.

  The sling was apparently woven from recycled wool and silk with smooth wooden beads to 'massage the baby.' It was pretty in an odd way, but it didn't exactly look secure. I discretely pushed it to the back of the pile for disposal later on.

  It was strange how kind and welcoming everyone was being. Despite the strangeness of it all, I felt my eyes water up. After the way my parents had reacted, and my own fear, this was overwhelming me. So much kindness, even if they were a bit odd, meant more to me than I could have anticipated.

  The softly playing guitar music wasn't helping with my sentimental mood. Every once in a while the room would break out in song. Classic songs everyone seemed to know the words to. Stuff my parents listened too mostly. Classic rock. Folk. Even some hymnals.

  Oh yeah, I was basically weeping the entire afternoon.

  I was wiping another swell of tears away when a hush fell over the room.

  As usual, Betsy was at the door, chirping her cheerful hello. She was a natural hostess, warm and friendly. Everyone loved her.

  "Welcome! Did you bring a gift?"

  I looked up to see Kyle towering over Betsy. His broad shoulders blocked out all the natural light coming through the open doorway. He loomed over everyone in here.

  He was here. In the room.

  In Woodstock.

  And he was pissed.

  The corner of his mouth twisted in a cynical smile when he saw me. The look in his eye promised retribution. A shiver went through my body at the thought of what that retribution might be.

  "Yeah, I brought a gift. Me."

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  She was safe. Healthy. Glowing. She looked beautiful and calm, while I'd been out of my Goddamn mind. That's the first thing I thought. Relief crashed through me, along with a healthy dose of anger.

  She'd left me dammit.

  Nobody left me.

  I smiled at her, narrowing my eyes. It was not a nice smile. It was the smile of a predator who knew he'd cornered his prey.

  Belinda's cheeks got red as I walked towards her. I could feel her friend at my heels. There were people everywhere, most of them dressed in soft, flowing fabrics. The woman who I'd collided with earlier was there as well.

  She nodded to me coolly and I nodded back, like two gunslingers in a saloon. I would have laughed but I had one thing on my mind and one thing only.


  "Kyle- I- what are you doing here?"

  I didn't say a word. I just leaned forward slowly, sliding my arms underneath her. She squealed as I picked her up. I turned to her friend.


  She knew what I was asking. I wanted a place to be alone. A place to take care of my business. She lifted a finger and pointed, a gleeful smile on her face. I nodded and walked out of the room with my package.

  My package.

  "Which door?"

  "That's my room- Oh!"

  I walked to the edge of the hallway and kicked the door open with my boot. Then I kicked it shut again behind me. I carried her to the bed and lowered her gently. Then I went back to the door.

  And locked it.

  "Kyle? I can see you are angry with me and-"

  She stopped talking when my boots came off. Her eyes grew wide as I pulled my jacket off next. Her sweet little mouth opened and stayed that way as I peeled my jeans off.

  Good. I could make use of that warm mouth right about now.

  I was instantly hard. I had been semi-erect for the entire trip thinking about all the ways I was going to punish her. Please her. Take what was fucking mine.

  "Do you have any idea how worried I have been?"

  She shook her head, her glorious hair flying.

  "No. I thought- I didn't-"

  I pulled my shirt off and reached for my shorts. I pushed them down and the beast was out, pointing right at her. H
er mouth opened even wider and I smiled.

  "Clothes off. Now."

  She just stared at me. When I walked towards her she finally seemed to snap out of her stupor.

  "Kyle, there are people out there! We can't just-"

  "We can and we will."


  "No buts."

  I smiled.

  "At least not until later."

  Her face blanched. She got what I was saying. I practically rubbed my hands together, eager to get to work.

  "Clothes off or I tear them off."

  She started unbuttoning her shirt right quick. I watched in silence as she pulled her top off. Then reached for her jeans. They were already unbuttoned, with a little elastic band holding them closed. Her cute little belly was rounder than I remembered. Everything else was exactly the same.

  And then she pulled off her bra.

  My cock bobbed in the air, appreciative of those big luscious melons. She'd already been built. But now, the girl was stacked.

  "Panties too."

  She stared at me nervously as she slid her panties down. I grabbed my jock, giving it a good squeeze as I climbed onto the bed. I pulled her thighs apart and ducked my head down, blowing cool air on the junction between them.

  I heard her sharp intake of breath.

  "Someone has been a very bad girl."

  She wiggled underneath my face as I slowly licked up and down the thin line where her lips met. She bucked against me and I pulled back.

  "Do you know what happens to bad girls?"

  She was panting as I spread her lips with my fingers and pressed my tongue inside her.

  "Do you?"


  I smiled grimly at her.

  "They get spanked."

  She squealed as I rolled her over and lifted her onto my lap. I lifted my hand and brought it down, giving her ass a sharp little smack. I grinned at the creamy flesh as it jiggled.


  I lifted my hand and brought it down again. I made sure it stung, but it didn't hurt. She gasped again as my hand stroked her bottom soothingly. Then I smacked it again.

  I made sure her soft little belly was resting between my thighs. I wasn't hurting her or the baby. I knew, because I searched online to make sure. It was a good thing no one had been looking over my shoulder to see what I was doing on my phone.

  'Pregnant lady spanking safe?'

  I gave her one more smack before I reached between her legs. She was soaking wet. I smiled as I stroked her plump little pussy lips.

  "Who does this belong to?"

  "Kyle, please!"

  "Who does this belong to?"


  I smiled at her, and decided to give her what she wanted. What we both wanted. I lifted her up and onto her back. Then I pressed my cock against her sweet pink lips and pushed forward.

  Her back arched as I filled her completely. She felt so good, it was like coming home. It was like heaven.

  I pulled out until just the tip was inside her.

  "Never run away from me again."

  I drove home again.

  "Promise me!"

  "I won't!"

  I felt an overwhelming wave of heat inside me. I didn't know what it was at first. Then I did. The words burst out of me without any pretense or thought.

  "I fucking love you Bellie..."


  I curled up against Kyle's side, loving the feeling of his warm, smooth skin. It was a good thing I liked it because technically I couldn't have gotten away if I tried. His arm was locked around me, holding me against him.


  Like he was afraid I would run again.

  But I wouldn't.

  If I'd had any doubts, he'd relieved them. He wasn't trapped. He wanted to be here. He'd had the FBI track me down and travelled across the entire country to prove it!

  A man didn't go to those lengths if he didn't love you, no matter how stubborn he was.

  I smiled, wondering if I should show him the bathtub. Maybe we could relive my fantasy... I sat up and looked at him. His gorgeous eyes opened. He looked worried.

  He squeezed me.

  "How do you feel?"

  I could feel myself blushing as I looked at him. He was so... male. Just spread out buck naked on the bed. I studiously avoided staring at his cock, but I could have sworn I saw it twitch.

  "I feel good."

  He squeezed me again.


  "I was thinking..."

  He scowled at me.

  "Don't tell me you want me to leave because it's not happening."

  "No! I was going to ask you, I mean, see if you wanted-"


  "To take a bath!"

  I was beet red with embarrassment. He looked shocked. Then he sniffed himself.

  "Do I smell?"

  I laughed.

  "No. I just thought it might be... fun."

  His eyes seemed to change color. Get darker. His voice got all low and husky.


  I scooted away from him, pulling the sheet behind me as I walked away.

  "You know, fun to take a bath... together!"

  I ran towards the bathroom as he chased me. I turned the water on quickly and squealed. I was giggling as he caught me, his strong arms pulling me back against him.

  "You want to take a bath, huh?"

  I nodded, his breath tickling my ear.

  "Where did you get such a naughty idea?"

  His cock was hard as a rock, pressing into my back. I laughed breathlessly, pressing back against it. He moaned as I rocked my back against him.

  "I was taking a bath and I started thinking... about you..."

  "You were?"

  "Uh huh."

  His hand slid between my thighs, lightly stroking me.

  "What did you do in the bath?"

  "I did... ohhh..."

  "Did you touch yourself?"


  He growled, pushing my hands forward so they rested on the edge of the tub.

  "You really are a bad girl Belinda. I'm going to have to keep my eye on you. And my hands. And my-"

  I cried out as he notched his cock into my pussy. Then he drove upwards, filling me in one thrust. I watched the tub fill with water as he rammed his cock into me again and again.

  He cursed and pulled out.

  "Fuck, you're going to make me come, Bellie."

  I groaned in frustration. I wanted him back inside me. Now.

  "So come."

  With a roar he was back inside me, his hands gripping my hips as he unleashed, pounding into me from behind. I felt my own orgasm mounting as he rode me relentlessly. I started to peak just as I felt his cock expand deep in my canal.

  I clenched down on him as he bucked out of tempo, not stopping, just coming and coming and coming...

  Finally he slumped forward, resting his head on my back. I sighed with pleasure. My man sure knew how to make love.

  Actually, there was probably a better word for that.

  Fucking. He was really good at fucking.

  He kissed my back and lifted me to a standing position. I turned in his arms and he kissed my knuckles, looking at me intensely.

  "I guess I should have waited until we were in the bath."

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The water glinted off Belinda's dewy skin as I slowly rubbed the washcloth over her. I was pretty sure I'd washed this spot at least three times already but I didn't care. She was leaning back against me, utterly relaxed in the warm water.

  She was tired, I could tell. So I ignored my cock as it started to rise.

  Down boy.

  You can't fuck a pregnant woman fifty times in a row.


  I dropped the washcloth and rubbed my hands over her breasts. The nipples puckered instantly, making me smile. Just because we couldn't fuck didn't mean I couldn't have a little bit of fun, right?

made a soft mewling sound as I rubbed my flat palms over her nipples, scraping the hard points. I did that for a while, smiling as she arched against me.


  She wanted more, but I was having fun with my favorite toys. I started stroking her skin lightly, everywhere but the nipples. She whimpered in distress.


  I breathed against her neck, teasing her nipples with the lightest, softest touch I could muster. She arched her back and I lifted my hands away. Then I started again.


  Not touching.

  After ten minutes, Bellie was starting to get riled up.

  "Get on with it Kyle!"

  "Not yet. How does that sweet little pussy feel?"

  "Hmmm... good."

  "Do you want me to touch it?"

  "Yes... please Kyle..."

  I grinned to myself and whispered.


  I used my knees to pull her knees apart. Then I reached down behind her and pressed my finger against her rosebud.



  I circled my finger against her firmly and she gasped.

  "What are you-"

  "I'm just washing you, is that alright?"

  "I- oh..."

  I plucked her nipple with my free hand and got a little bolder with my other hand. I pushed in slightly, fingering her cute little asshole. She made a funny little sound and whispered.

  "Don't stop."

  For a while the only sound in the bathroom was her ragged breathing while I fingered her ass. It was so tight that I had to go slow. I might be teasing her but really I was only torturing myself. I wanted in that sweet little ass, almost more than I'd ever wanted anything.

  She gasped and moaned as I slid my finger in all the way.

  "Do you like that?"


  "Hmm... such a dirty little girl. I might need a bigger tool to clean you up."

  I slid a second finger in and circled them, widening her opening. She was rocking her hips against me now. I knew if I so much as touched her clit, she could come.

  But not yet.

  I toyed with her until I thought I would lose my mind. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore. I lifted her up and carried her to the bed.


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