Go Long

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Go Long Page 24

by Joanna Blake

  Who knew?

  I grinned, not stopping.


  "Yes, love."

  "Aren't you done?"

  I whispered in her ear.

  "Not even close."

  My cock was still hard.


  "How is that even possible?"

  Trent kissed my shoulder, his hips pumping his cock slowly in and out of my sopping wet pussy. We were messy. I didn't care.

  "You do things to me, remember?"

  I did remember. He was talking about the sponge bath. To think, even then, that he'd been wanting to do this to me...

  I blushed.

  Then I cried out as his fingers found my clit again.

  "Oh God! It's too much!"

  He stopped immediately, not moving, but not pulling out either.

  "Am I hurting you?"

  "No- oh God- I'm just- really sensitive-"

  He chuckled, starting to circle his hips again.

  "Would you like me to do... something different?"

  I clenched down on him in response. We hadn't done that since Hawaii. I had liked it, more than I thought possible.

  Hell, I'd loved it.

  I nodded shyly and he kissed my cheek. He thrust forward a few more times before pulling out. Then he rolled me to my stomach.

  "Such a sweet little ass. And already so slippery."

  I felt his fingers probing me. And then his tongue slid up against my button. I gasped. It was so sensitive back there. Even more than the front.

  His tongue pushed inside me. I lay there as he tongue fucked my ass, making me ready for him. It felt so good I thought I might faint.

  "Hmmmm... so delicious."

  I groaned as I felt the tip of his cock poised against me there. Slowly he pushed forward. I expanded slightly as he inched forward, and then more as I opened to him.

  "That's it. Just relax.... Hmmmffff. Jesus, Lexi..."

  He fucked me slowly in silence for a while, both of us overwhelmed by the sensations. His fingers found my clit, strumming it gently. The combination of the feelings in the back and the front were doing crazy things to me. I couldn't think straight. My body was one giant nerve ending.

  I gasped as I came, my body trying to arch upwards. He chuckled behind me, his cock slipping deeper inside me.

  "Hmmm yes... good girl. Fuck, that's hot."

  He held onto me with both hands now and started to pump me faster. I knew he was getting close. He wasn't rough. But I doubted he could have stopped now if he wanted to.

  And neither of us wanted to.

  I felt him expanding inside me, the way he did right before he came.

  "Fuck Lexi. Yes. Yes. YES!"

  I shuddered as he filled me, his cock sending spirals of pleasure through me.

  Nothing had ever felt as good as this.

  Each time was better than the last.

  It was too good to be true.

  I shook off the dreary thought as he kissed my shoulder, pulling away.

  "How do you feel?"

  "Good. Sticky."

  He laughed.

  "Me too."

  Then he carried me into the shower and washed me thoroughly.

  I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

  I was pretty sure he did too.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  "She's simple, classic. I think that's too much... sparkle."

  The shop girl was showing me a ring encrusted with diamonds. Enough to choke a horse with, so to speak.

  "Maybe a solitaire?"

  She held up a ring with a single stone in the center of the plain platinum band.

  "That's pretty. But bigger."

  "How about three carats?"

  I nodded, holding up the ring in the light.

  "It's perfect."

  "How would you like to pay?"

  "I can run to the bank. Is cash alright?"

  She smiled at me. I was about to give her quite a commission.

  "She's a very lucky girl."

  "I'm the lucky one. I'll be right back."

  I wasn't back quite as quickly as I thought. Even if it was my own money, they made me jump through quite a few hoops to withdraw fifty thousand dollars of it.

  I smiled through the entire ordeal. I was going to marry Lexi. I would have a family. A wife, a child, a sister-in-law.

  At last.

  I would never be alone again.

  I drove at exactly the speed limit on my way back to the jewelers. It was a new habit I'd developed, especially when Lexi was in the car. I was also looking into a new SUV for each of us. Her car wasn't safe enough. And my convertible was a squeeze with three of us. Never mind the dogs.

  The shop girl looked thrilled to see me. She smiled flirtatiously as I counted out the money.

  "I need something else. Maybe a bracelet. Or a locket."

  "For a child?"

  "A young woman."

  "You have two?"

  I laughed. She looked intrigued. I knew I could have whatever I wanted from her. Either she recognized me, or she was just responding to my sheer male magnetism. It didn't matter.

  I wasn't the slightest bit interested.

  "Yes, a fiancé and a sister."

  She nodded, pointing out a few simple gold pieces. In the end I bought a whole set. A locket with room for a photo inside. A bracelet with a simple heart charm. And a gold ring with a small diamond in it.

  I didn't want Charlotte to feel left out.


  I peeled another banana, practically shoving it into my mouth. I was watching the news, drinking decaf tea and stuffing my face. I couldn't get enough fresh fruits and veggies at the moment.

  I wasn't even seven weeks pregnant yet.

  I couldn't imagine how I would feel at seven months!

  The banana was delicious. Organic, ripe, just exactly what I wanted.

  Except I wanted about twelve more of them.

  Giggling caught my attention.

  Someone was outside, by the pool. I heard a splash. Correction: not by the pool. In the pool.

  Slowly, I walked towards the sliding glass doors, afraid of what I would see.

  Two scantily clad girls were cavorting in the pool. They were both sexy. Very, very sexy.

  Professionally sexy.

  I leaned my head against the glass. It wasn't what I thought. They weren't here to fuck him at his invitation. I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Even if Trent's old life was catching up to him, it didn't mean he had lied to me.

  It just meant there were two insanely gorgeous women frolicking half naked in his swimming pool. I watched as they splashed each other, giggling. Then the brunette pulled the blond into a kiss and started easing her top off.

  I closed my eyes. I had two choices. I could introduce myself. Or I could leave.

  No one else was home so they weren't really bothering anyone. Char was at the market with Olivia. Trent was running errands. It was just me.

  I decided to be brave. I pushed open the glass door and walked toward the pool. The girls stopped kissing and smiled at me. They were very friendly.

  "Hi, you must be Lexi!"

  I blinked. They knew who I was? So they weren't here to party with Trent?

  "I'm January. This is my girlfriend Briana."

  "It's- nice to meet you."

  The blond gave her friend a conspiratorial look.

  "He didn't tell you, did he?"

  "Tell me what?"

  January hopped out of the pool, retying her top. She was absolutely stunning. She gestured me over to the lounge chairs.

  "Trent and Joss saved me. From a really bad guy in Miami. I've been here about six months. Living in the guesthouse. That's until I met Bri."

  My jaw dropped. I had no idea any of this had happened.

  "Trent is literally the kindest man I have ever known."

  I felt my cheeks get warm. Of course she would be grateful to him. How grateful, I didn't
want to know.

  "I am so thrilled that he has found someone to love. He needed that, more than anything."

  She hugged me, and I felt her fake breasts press against my shirt.

  "I want us to be friends, okay?"

  I nodded. I was a bit taken aback by all of this. Even if they had been together, that was before right? It shouldn't matter.

  "Anyway, most of my stuff is already at Bri's. I guess I sort of just made myself at home here."

  "Of course."

  Who was I to tell her not too?

  "Just, if you see my sister, keep it under wraps. She's very young."

  "Oh God, I'm sorry. I'm so used to anything goes. I promise, I will be a good girl."

  She smiled and walked back to the pool.

  "Want to swim with us?"

  I stood up, shaking my head. A strange sense of disconnecting with reality came over me.

  "I- I have to go."

  I needed to go someplace and think.

  I got into the car, driving on autopilot. I didn't even realize where I was going until I was almost there.

  I was going home.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  "What do you mean she left? Did she say where she was going?"

  Jan and Bri exchanged glances.

  "No. We were in the pool and she came out to say hi. I hugged her. That was it."

  "Tell me what happened exactly."

  "Nothing! Well, something almost happened. I mean, Bri and I were messing around a little bit..."

  I groaned, laying my head in my hands. Of course. Lexi had seen them and thought they were my lovers. They weren't as a matter of fact. They were my friends who had fallen in love with each other. But that's how it had to have looked to her.

  And now she was gone.

  Her stuff was still here. And her sister's stuff.

  But that didn't really mean anything.

  I called her number again. No answer. It went straight to fucking voicemail. I felt panic rising in my gut.

  Char was outside with the dogs. I didn't want to scare her. I knew that eventually Lexi had to come back to get her, if nothing else.

  The thought of her out there alone, maybe hating me, maybe upset... it was making me crazy. I did the only thing I could do. I called Joss.

  "Did the engagement party start yet?"

  Oh God. I'd forgotten. In about an hour all our friends were showing up here to celebrate our engagement. If I could find her.

  If she said yes.

  "She's gone."

  "What happened?"

  As usual, nothing could surprise Joss.

  "She saw Jan and her girlfriend in the pool. I think maybe she got the wrong idea. I haven't been able to get in touch with her."

  "Calm down, I think you should give her more credit. Maybe she's just doing something."

  I was pacing back and forth, ready to explode.

  "No. It's been hours. She saw the girls and she thought it was my old life. And now she's out there, pregnant and upset."


  "Okay, text me her number. I will track her phone. Give me ten minutes, And try to calm down."

  I hung up, and gripped the edge of the countertop like it was an anchor.

  The seconds ticked by as we all sat there. Jan kept saying it was her fault but I was too distraught to console her. Thankfully Olivia was outside with Char. She would have picked up on my fear immediately.

  The phone rang and I jumped on it.

  "Okay, she's at 415 Philomenia Drive."

  I was about to write it down.

  "That's their old house. Why would she go there?"

  "Maybe she forgot something."

  I shook my head. That wasn't it. She was thinking about moving back in. Away from me.

  "Thanks Joss. I owe you."

  "No, you don't."

  I hung up and did something I hadn't done since the accident. Since I met Lexi.

  I drove way too fast.


  I pulled up another clump of daffodil bulbs. My mother had planted them when I was just a girl. I wanted to take them with me.

  I could replant them at Trent's house.

  No. I wanted to replant them at our house.

  I smiled, wrapping the bulbs in newspaper. I was pretty sure I'd gotten most of them. There were maybe a few left. That would be nice too. To know they were growing, even without us being here.

  I moved over to my favorites, the peonies, digging up the roots. The huge pink flowers showed up every spring. I always brought a few into the house. They made me feel rich and glamorous, even just for a few weeks every year.

  I felt a prickling sensation on the back of my neck and turned.

  Trent was standing behind me, staring at me with a look of angry disbelief.

  "Trent? What's wrong?"

  "Where have you been? I've been calling you for hours."

  "Oh, sorry. My phone ran out of juice."

  I pulled it out of my pocket and showed it to him.

  "Why did you leave?"

  "I needed to think. I think I needed to say goodbye. We kind of left in a hurry last time."

  I held up the bag.

  "And I dug up some of my mothers bulbs. I though I could plant them in the back near the pool."

  He looked confused now, not angry. I smiled at him.

  "You know, to put down roots."

  He closed his eyes, breathing heavily.

  "I thought you left me."


  He opened his eyes and I smiled brightly at him.

  "Well, I didn't."

  "I thought when you saw Jan and Bri you might have assumed the worst."

  "What, that you had a relationship with one or both of them? I did. Then I realized it didn't matter. That was before. You're with me now. Right?"

  His voice was hoarse.

  "Right. But I didn't. Have a relationship with either of them. They are my friends."

  He gave me a lopsided smile.

  "You probably noticed that I'm not their type anyway."

  I laughed, relieved that he wasn't angry anymore.

  "I did."

  He walked towards me, pulling me into his arms. He stared into my eyes, his face serious.

  "Never scare me like that again."

  "I won't."

  "Promise me."

  I nodded, trying to set him at ease. He was clearly out of his mind with worry.

  "I promise."

  "Good. Because if you do, I will tie you to my bed and never let you out again."

  My jaw dropped. I realized that he meant every word of it. He grabbed my ass, yanking me against his arousal.


  I was laughing but I was elated inside. Not that I wanted him to be scared. But it proved that he really did love me.

  "In fact..."

  He lifted me up, carrying me and my flowers towards the car.

  "Where are you taking me?"

  "Home. I think I have some rope in the garage."

  "That's not funny, Trent!"

  He loaded me into the passenger seat, locking my seatbelt into place.

  "I'm not joking."


  The look on her face was priceless. I'd tricked her. But I didn't care.

  She'd said yes.

  "You're mine. Say it."

  She was gasping, out of breath as I plunged in and out of her writhing body.

  "Yes- yes!"

  I stopped, my cock pulled out to the very edge of her pussy lips. I felt her body grasp at me and smiled.

  "That's not what I asked."

  "What- oh God please Trent!"

  I grinned at her. People could probably hear us. I didn't care.

  "You're mine."

  I slipped back in part way.

  "Hmmmfff... oh God yes I am yours."

  "That's right Lexi. Good girl. Now you can have your reward."

  She groaned as I started fucking her in earnest. I went f
aster now, bringing her to a frenzy. She was wild beneath me. Hair tangled, cheeks flushed, her eyes glazed with lust.

  Absolutely fucking perfect.

  "Are you ready sweetheart?"

  She moaned beneath me, her hips bucking wildly.

  "I'll take that as a yes."

  I grasped her hips, working my cock in a small circle again and again. I knew the exact spot inside her that would bring the most pleasure. That would drive her completely out of her mind.

  She came almost instantly, her pussy clenching around me in satin waves. I tried to hold out, to make it last, but she felt too good.

  Besides, we had guests waiting outside.

  I grunted as my orgasm overtook me. My head fell back as lightning seemed to shoot out of my dick. That's how it was with her.

  It felt electric.

  It felt biblical.

  It felt fucking epic.

  On and on it went, my cock pulsing out my seed. Finally, I collapsed on top of her, careful not to crush her with my weight. I kissed her beautiful face.

  She blinked up at me, looking deliciously dazed. Anyone who looked at her would know she'd been thoroughly loved. They'd know she belonged to me.

  "Now we can go back to the party."

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The house was lit up, with people standing around and talking everywhere. A few cater waiters walked through the house, holding up trays of champagne and hors d'oeuvres.

  "What is going on? Why are there so many people here?"

  "It's an engagement party."

  "What? Whose?"

  He looked at me, his eyes hard. He hadn't spoken on the ride home. I'd tried. But he was still upset.

  Really, really upset.


  My jaw must have dropped. I was in shock as he ushered me through the house. I saw my friends from the hospital. Mrs. Keeley was here too. I waved limply but he kept propelling me forward.

  Right towards the bedroom.

  "Trent? What are you doing?"

  He ignored me completely, addressing the party.

  "We'll be out in an hour. Or two."

  Then he shut the door. And locked it.


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