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Knitting a Broken Heart Back Together

Page 9

by Ari McKay

  “Good.” Jason smiled, pleased that Tomy approved. “Would you like something to drink before we get started?”

  “No, thanks, I’m good.” Tomy looked around again as he moved to the middle of the room. “It’s going to be weird working without mirrors.”

  “I have a full-length one in my bedroom,” Jason replied. “Do you want me to go get it?”

  Tomy chuckled and shook his head. “No, we’ll be moving around too much for one little mirror like that to do any good. I was just thinking I’ll probably catch myself looking at the walls out of habit to check on how we’re doing, but I won’t see anything.”

  “That gives you an excuse to look at me.” Jason motioned to the portable CD player in one corner. “I have the music all set to go, so we can start whenever you like.”

  “Great! I’m ready if you are. Have you done your stretches? I finished up a class less than twenty minutes ago, so I’m already warmed up.”

  “Actually, no, I haven’t stretched,” Jason replied, blushing guiltily. “Give me just a sec.” He began a quick set of warm-ups, lunging to stretch his leg muscles, then doing side stretches.

  Tomy gave him a reproachful look and wagged one finger at him. “Take your time. You know I don’t like to take chances with your knee.”

  Jason nodded, acknowledging the point. He didn’t baby his artificial knee, but he did tend to take more care with it than his other one, and he was touched that Tomy cared. “Yes, Teach,” he replied, and he made certain to do the stretches correctly. Then he straightened. “Okay, that should do it. I’m ready to work.”

  “You know the basic premise of the paso, right?” Tomy approached him but didn’t offer to establish a dancing hold yet.

  “Yes, it’s the matador and his cape, right?” Jason thought back to the times he’d watched the dance on television. “The lead is the matador, the partner is his cape, and some of the motions emulate those of the bullfight?”

  “Right, but I thought I’d do something different for this one since it’s going to be for the two of us. No audience, no judges, no rules.” A wicked gleam appeared in Tomy’s eyes. “I thought we might adapt it for two matadors instead. What do you think?”

  “That sounds really cool,” Jason replied, feeling a surge of excitement at the thought of them making something uniquely their own. “Especially since I’m still a little iffy on the idea of lifts. I like the thought of us being more like equals.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think we need to bother with lifts,” Tomy agreed. “I thought focusing on more intricate footwork and emotional intensity would be a better idea. If you want to try to keep up with me, this can be your safe venue to do it, and we’ll make this dance totally our own.”

  Jason rubbed his hands together. “Awesome. So how do we manage the hold, if we’re both matadors?”

  “We could always fight for it,” Tomy replied, his voice laced with mischief.

  Jason grinned. “You want to wrestle? I’m game. Did I tell you I was a wrestler in high school, as well as playing football?”

  Tomy laughed and shook his head. “I mean in the dance. You want to lead? You have to earn it.”

  “Okay….” Jason thought he understood where Tomy was heading with the idea. “So we start off more like two soloists? A dance throwdown?”

  “A throwdown or a seduction.” Tomy smiled archly at him. “Maybe we’re peacocking a bit.”

  The thought of Tomy and seduction was incredibly appealing, and Jason smirked. He nodded and turned on the music. “Okay. I’m game.”

  He knew several of the paso moves already, so he struck a pose, with both hands arched over his head rather than held out as though to a partner. Then he moved toward Tomy in the marchlike attack step, making it an overt challenge.

  Tomy struck a pose as well, only he held his hands at waist level and held his ground, drawing himself up to his full height and gazing back at Jason challengingly. Jason changed his movement, using a sideways chassé, his hand extended toward Tomy as though beckoning him to come closer. But instead, Tomy began making a wide circle around Jason, never breaking eye contact, and his steps were lithe and predatory, his whole demeanor exuding control.

  The sight was one of the sexiest things Jason had ever seen, and his mouth went dry as Tomy moved. Jason changed his own motion, mirroring Tomy, and he didn’t even try to hide his desire for Tomy. He moved closer, stalking toward Tomy, wanting to show Tomy how well matched they were. Heat kindled in Tomy’s eyes as he tightened the circle even more, stalking Jason in return. To Jason, Tomy’s frame and lines looked perfect, but there was nothing of the perfect competitor in the raw need Jason saw in the way Tomy looked at him.

  That look went straight to Jason’s libido. This wasn’t a dance, not anymore. It was seduction, it was desire, and Jason had never wanted anything in his life the way he wanted Tomy. They drew even closer, close enough that Jason could feel the warmth of Tomy’s body, and he heard a low growl—he wasn’t certain if it came from Tomy, or from himself—a sound of pure hunger. A shiver visibly rippled through Tomy, and he brought one hand up, splaying it on Jason’s chest, then began to walk Jason backward.

  Jason went with the movement, so intent on the look in Tomy’s eyes that he didn’t realize how close he was to the wall until he backed against it. He stood there, heart pounding with desire. Then he grasped Tomy’s shoulders and spun around, reversing their positions as he bent his head and captured Tomy’s lips in a hard, demanding kiss. A low, needy moan rose in Tomy’s throat as he parted his lips, returning the kiss with eager hunger, and he flung his arms around Jason, seeming to forget about the paso doble completely.

  The moan only fanned the flames of Jason’s desire, and he pushed Tomy up against the wall, slipping one hand beneath Tomy’s ass and lifting him up as he pressed forward, letting Tomy feel how aroused he was. He continued to plunder Tomy’s mouth, wanting to make Tomy as desperate as he felt himself. Tomy hooked one leg around Jason’s hips and arched against him, yielding completely to Jason’s demanding exploration.

  The kiss went on and on, until the need to draw a deep breath caused Jason to have to raise his head. He looked down into Tomy’s flushed face, then leaned in to press their foreheads together as he fought for control. He knew what he wanted, but he reminded himself that Tomy might not be ready.

  “Give me a moment,” he murmured, closing his eyes and swallowing hard.

  “I’ll give you just long enough to lead the way to your bedroom,” Tomy replied huskily.

  Jason drew in a surprised breath, and he opened his eyes, looking down at Tomy. “Are you sure?” he asked, forcing himself to ask the question. “Because I can wait until you are.”

  “I think we’ve both waited long enough.” Tomy gave him a reassuring squeeze. “I’m ready, Jason.”

  It was tempting to ask Tomy if he was really sure, because Jason felt a sudden flash of worry that Tomy might want him now but end up regretting it later. But he bit back the question. Tomy was a grown man, and Jason had to trust that Tomy knew his own desires. If Tomy was willing to trust Jason enough to have sex with him, then Jason had to return the favor.

  “All right,” he murmured, then kissed Tomy again, this time slowly, deeply, wanting to make sure Tomy knew that Jason was aware of the honor he was being given and that he appreciated it. Then he pulled back again, lowering Tomy’s feet to the floor, and reached for his hand. “This way.”

  Tomy clasped Jason’s hand and twined their fingers, following along readily. There was no hesitation or trepidation in his face as he smiled up at Jason, only desire.

  Jason led the way into his bedroom. He had a huge California king bed, needing the size to accommodate his height. The room was done in dark greens and blues, and Jason reached out to pull back the comforter before turning to Tomy once more.

  He framed Tomy’s face with his hands, smiling slightly as he stroked his thumbs over Tomy’s cheeks. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he murmured. “N
ow that it’s happening, I’m almost scared.”

  “Don’t be.” Tomy slid his arms around Jason’s waist and pressed close. “It’s just another kind of dance, and we’ve been partners for months already.”

  “It’s more important than any other dance.” Jason smiled. “And you’re more important than any other partner.”

  Tomy’s answering smile was brilliant and breathtaking, and he squeezed Jason tight. “Then we’ll work together to make the choreography just right. I’m not scared or worried. I’m ready to see you naked,” he added, a teasing note in his voice.

  “Well, I think that can be arranged.” Jason stole another kiss, then stepped back and stripped his T-shirt off over his head. He watched closely, hoping Tomy liked what he saw. “How’s that for a start?”

  Tomy skimmed his palms along Jason’s sides, letting his gaze roam freely. “Very nice,” he said, licking his lips. “I see you’ve kept up your football body.”

  Jason shivered from the pleasurable touch as well as the look in Tomy’s eyes. “I worked hard to get it this way. I figured I’d rather maintain it than let it go to waste.” He slid his own hands under Tomy’s shirt. “Do I get a peek at what you’ve been hiding?”

  Tomy wasn’t at all shy about stripping off his shirt and tossing it aside, then striking a dramatic pose with his chest out. “I’m not as buff as you are, but I think I look pretty good.”

  “That’s the understatement of the century!” Jason replied, reaching out to run his hands over Tomy’s chest. Tomy wasn’t bulky, but he was covered in lean, hard muscle, not an ounce of fat apparent anywhere. His skin was beautifully bronze, and Jason couldn’t resist combing his fingers through the sprinkling of hair on his chest. He gave Tomy a heated look. “You look good enough to eat.”

  “I can think of something I wouldn’t mind you putting in your mouth,” Tomy replied with a wicked little smirk as he arched beneath Jason’s roaming hands.

  “Oh, is that so?” Jason ran his hands lower. The tight fit of Tomy’s pants left little to the imagination, and he cupped his palm against the bulge of Tomy’s erection. “My, my, is this all for me?”

  “As a matter of fact, it is.” Tomy made a playful show of unfastening his fly, giving Jason a peek of bare skin that made it clear Tomy wasn’t wearing underwear beneath his tight pants. “What are you going to do with it?”

  “Oh, God.” The surge of arousal Jason felt almost made him sway on his feet. Had Tomy planned this? Maybe the lack of underwear was because of the tight fit of the pants, but Jason rather hoped Tomy had opted to go commando because of more pressing needs.

  Jason went down on his knees, barely noticing the protest of his injured one, and ran his hands along Tomy’s hips. “Let me see more,” he begged, glancing up at Tomy with a pleading look. “Please?”

  “Since you asked so nicely….” Tomy reached out to balance himself with one hand on Jason’s shoulder while he swiftly stripped off his shoes and socks with the other. Then he stood up straight, watching Jason with heat glittering in his eyes as he shimmied out of his pants, putting himself on shameless display.

  A little moan escaped Jason. “So gorgeous,” he murmured, licking his lips. He wrapped one hand around the base of Tomy’s cock, giving it a light stroke.

  Shuddering with pleasure, Tomy grabbed Jason’s shoulders to steady himself. “I’m glad you like what you see,” he said huskily.

  “It looks as delicious as the rest of you.” Jason smiled wickedly, glancing up to drink in the sight of Tomy’s flushed face. Holding Tomy’s gaze, he leaned forward and drew Tomy’s cock into the heat of his mouth.

  Moaning, Tomy clenched his fingers on Jason’s shoulders. “Feels so good!”

  Tomy tasted good too, and Jason hummed with pleasure as he took Tomy in deeply. It had been a while since he’d done this, so he went slowly at first. He wanted to make it as pleasurable as possible for Tomy. He pulled back, then circled the head of Tomy’s cock with his tongue before sucking him in deeply again. Tomy buried his fingers in Jason’s hair, combing through it tenderly.

  “I don’t know how long I’ll last,” he murmured, and Jason could feel Tomy’s muscles quivering as his need mounted. “It’s been a while.”

  That was fine with Jason. He’d waited so long to have Tomy that he wanted to spend hours lavishing Tomy’s body with attention to make up for the months of celibacy. He moaned softly, closing his eyes as he continued, taking Tomy in deeper as he picked up the pace. Tomy unleashed a litany of encouragement and praise as he gave himself over to the pleasure Jason offered, closing his eyes and letting his head fall back. Jason looked up at Tomy, loving the sight of Tomy letting himself go. He moved his free hand between Tomy’s legs, caressing Tomy’s balls gently, wanting nothing more than to give Tomy every pleasure possible.

  “You’re going to kill me!” Tomy gasped, but he was laughing too, and he spread his legs wider to encourage Jason. The tension was building in every line of his body, and Jason could feel him quivering, growing taut, ready to snap. Jason hummed in encouragement, fiercely pleased that he was the one giving Tomy this pleasure. He wanted more; he wanted Tomy to fly, wanted to be the only one who ever got to see Tomy so wild and beautiful.

  It wasn’t long before Tomy let go completely, shouting Jason’s name as he shattered. His fingers tightened in Jason’s hair, and his whole body shuddered with the force of his release. Jason eagerly swallowed every drop, the sight of Tomy in orgasm one of the most beautiful things he’d ever seen in his life. He continued to suck, prolonging the pleasure, not pulling back until every spasm had passed. He released Tomy with a little kiss to the tip of his cock, then rose to his feet and pulled Tomy into his arms.

  “So gorgeous,” he said, as he caressed Tomy’s sweat-damp skin. “You’re incredible.”

  Humming quietly, Tomy wrapped his arms around Jason and leaned against him, utterly relaxed. “So are you,” he murmured, his voice lazy with satiation.

  “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet,” Jason teased. “Come on, babe, let’s get you into bed. Then I can lavish you with all the attention you deserve.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me.” Tomy paused, searching Jason’s face intently, and then tightened his arms around Jason’s waist, giving him a fierce squeeze. “You’re so good to me. I’m not used to it.”

  A surge of protectiveness rose up in Jason, and he returned the embrace, holding Tomy tightly. “You should be used to it,” he said. “You deserve a partner who is going to care more about your needs than his own.”

  “It goes both ways.” Tomy regarded him seriously. “Don’t ever let me get away with taking you for granted, okay?”

  Jason could see Tomy meant it, so he rested his palm against Tomy’s cheek. “I won’t. I’m no martyr, trust me. But you don’t have a selfish bone in your body.” He hesitated for a moment, part of him yearning to tell Tomy how much he loved him. But his instincts told him it was still too soon, that Tomy wasn’t quite ready for that yet. Instead he smiled. “It’s one of the things that makes you such a wonderful person.”

  “You’re pretty wonderful yourself.” Tomy gave him a playfully coy look. “Although you could be better.”

  “Oh?” Jason smiled and gave Tomy a gentle swat on the ass. “And how’s that?”

  “You could be naked.” Tomy disengaged from the embrace and bounded over to the bed, then climbed in without hesitation. “But you’re not,” he added with a mock-pout.

  Laughing, Jason shook his head, delighted by the playfulness. “Yes, Teach,” he replied, pretending to be chastised. He quickly removed his shoes and socks, then moved toward the bed, toying with the top button of his jeans. “Burlesque hasn’t been one of our lessons, but I think I can manage a little bump-and-grind.” He thrust his hips to the left, slipping the button from its hole, then circled them slowly back in the other direction.

  Tomy watched raptly, a flush of desire rising in his cheeks again. “You’re improvising just fine as far
as I’m concerned.”

  “Good.” Jason supposed he ought to feel a little silly, but the look in Tomy’s eyes made him feel sexier than anyone ever had before. So he continued to move his hips as he slowly slid his zipper down. He wished he’d had Tomy’s foresight and not worn underpants, but that meant the show would go on a little longer. He eased off his jeans until he stood before Tomy in clinging black boxer briefs. “You want the full monty, mister? That costs extra.”

  “Baby, I’ll pay whatever you want if you’ll show me everything,” Tomy replied, his dark eyes gleaming with lust as he looked Jason up and down.

  “Hey, big spender, you’re just my type.” Jason chuckled, then stripped off his underpants, standing naked before Tomy at last. He cocked his hip provocatively. “So… how much do you think I’m worth?”

  Tomy let out a long, low wolf whistle. “I don’t know if I can afford what you’re worth, but I’m willing to take out a loan.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” Jason walked to the bed, climbed in, and pulled Tomy into his arms. “I give myself to you happily. All it will cost you is a kiss.”

  Tomy gave Jason a heated smile before winding his arms around Jason in return and pressing close. “Then I’d better make it a good one.”

  With that, he leaned in and claimed Jason’s lips in a kiss that was deep and warm with affection. Jason returned it, savoring the sweetness of Tomy, wondering if a million years would be long enough for him to grow tired of Tomy’s kisses.

  Honestly, he didn’t think it would be.

  The kiss grew more heated, and Jason was intensely aware of the warmth of Tomy’s body pressed against him. He pulled back, giving Tomy’s lower lip a little nibble. “So what’s your pleasure? I enjoy both top and bottom, so if you have a preference, I’m game.”

  “I can switch it up too,” Tomy replied, arching against Jason. “I don’t have a strong preference either way, but I’m more used to topping. Sean did have a preference,” he added with a wry smile.


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