Untold (Alex and Cassidy Book 5)

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Untold (Alex and Cassidy Book 5) Page 30

by Nancy Ann Healy

  Alex shook her head. “Are you okay down here?” she asked.

  Claire smiled. “I’ve got company.”


  “See ya’ topside, Toles.”

  Claire watched as Alex slowly faded away in the distance. She shined the light on the body next to her feet. Claire’s eyes tracked up and down the huddled form. Even with the aid of her light, it was difficult to make out the woman’s features. She was covered in dirt and Claire was sure she’d been there at least a couple of days. It was ghoulish. Claire had seen more disturbing things in her life than she cared to count. This topped them. She looked up the hole above them. Her eyes tracked back to the body beside her. Claire crouched as best she could. Whoever this was, The Woodsman had left her clothed. Claire moved the light to the woman’s shirt. It was dirty and torn. Claire could discern the picture of a cat on the grey T-shirt. “Pussy’s in the well,” she mused. “Nursery rhymes and fairy tales,” she scoffed. “He wants us to go hunting.” Claire looked back toward the pinhole of light above. “He has no idea who he’s baiting.”


  Claire walked up to Alex who was sitting in the back of an ambulance. “Is she broken?” she asked.

  Alex smiled. “I’m sitting right here. I didn’t go deaf in the last few hours.”

  “She’ll survive,” the EMT commented. “Maybe a few broke ribs, but she doesn’t want to get checked so…”

  Claire folded her arms across her chest.

  “What?” Alex asked. “I’m fine.”

  “Uh-huh. Then why not go with them?” Claire challenged.

  Alex looked ahead in the distance as a team lifted the lifeless body out of the well.

  “I don’t think there’s anything they can do for her,” Claire said.


  “What?” Claire barked. “You know if Bower were here, he’d make you go.”

  “He’s not.”

  “No, so that puts me in charge.”


  “Right. You’re out of commission. That makes me the lead.”

  “I’m not out of commission!” Alex argued. She moved too quickly and her face contorted in pain.

  “Pack her up,” Claire told the EMT. Alex’s jaw fell open. “Don’t bother, Agent Toles,” Claire told her partner.

  “Claire! This scene needs to be processed!”

  “Yep, and there are at least a dozen capable agents here to do it with an army behind them.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  Claire looked at the EMT. “Could you give us a minute?”


  Claire stared at Alex. “I thought you trusted me.”

  “I do.”

  “Really?” Claire asked. “Then prove it.”


  “I can handle this, Alex.”

  “It’s not about you handling it.”

  “It is. I always thought that Batman thing was a joke between you and Dylan.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Alex bit.

  “You—you think you’re the caped crusader or something. Newsflash, Toles, you aren’t wearing armor. It’s not a fucking comic. You can break, just like Humpty Dumpty. You want to put this whacko out of business? Then you need to be running on all cylinders. And, you need to trust that I have your back. And, not just when you fall down a hole.”

  Alex sighed and let her face fall into her hands. She nodded.

  “Good. I’ll meet you at the hospital.”

  Alex’s head snapped to attention. “I thought you were going to process the scene?”

  “I thought you were going to trust me?”

  Alex huffed. She hated to admit it, but Claire was right. “I want to know everything.”

  Claire chuckled. “Yeah, I got it, Agent. See you in a bit.” Claire turned and made her way to the EMTs. “Pack her up,” she said. She looked back at Alex who had resumed the pose of holding her face in her hands. She sucked in a ragged breath. “And, take care of her or you’ll deal with me.”


  “Agent Brackett,” Agent Robbins greet Claire smugly.

  “Agent Robbins.”

  “What can I do for you?” he asked.

  Claire grinned. “I think you missed the memo, Agent,” she told him. She pulled him aside. “You’re here because I know you want to prove yourself.” She saw him begin to speak and lifted her brow. “What was that? Did you want to go back into the office and compare files and run through databases?” she asked. “I didn’t think so.”

  “So?” he asked.

  Claire gestured to the greenhouses in the distance.

  “What about them?” he asked.

  “That’s my question,” she replied. “You and Agent Reaves are going to take this team and comb through every nook and cranny in those places. I mean every, single, solitary inch.”

  “I’m in charge?” he asked.

  Claire’s raucous laugh turned everyone’s attention. “Right,” she said. She pointed across the field to where a car was pulling up.

  “Who is that?” Robbins asked as a woman stepped out of the car.

  Claire smiled. “That is Deputy Assistant Director Corrigan.”

  “Why would a desk jockey,” he began.

  Claire shrugged. “It’s a high-profile case, Robbins. Here’s your chance,” she said. “They say she’s headed for the top.”

  “And?” he asked.

  “I’m gonna give you some advice, Robbins. I’ve been at this a while. I’ve seen people come and seen people go—in ways you don’t want to imagine,” Claire told the rookie. “Corrigan was a special agent when I started. She worked under former NSA Director Tate when he was at the FBI.”


  “So, she’s connected, Robbins. Just like Agent Toles. You seem to want to piss off the wrong people. Trust me; you don’t have the connections to survive that. You think the FBI is A-political?” Claire chuckled. “You’re more of a rookie than I thought. This case is bigger than these girls. Get that? It’s become political. Watch your ass, Robbins. I’m giving you a chance to make a case for yourself. It’s a chance Agent Toles would think twice about giving you—for good reason. You really want to be somebody? Don’t piss me off. Don’t disappoint me. And, Robbins? Whatever you do, don’t make a fool of me.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “It’s a friendly piece of advice. Agent Toles has more power in the bureau than the classification on her badge suggests.”

  “Because of that charade with her wife? Come on, Agent Brackett. She gets hero status for screwing the person she’s…”

  Claire grabbed Robbins’ shirt, pulled him close and whispered in his ear. “You either take my advice, Robbins or I swear, I will finish you myself.”

  “That was a threat.”

  Claire stepped back, smiled, and brushed the wrinkles from Robbins’ shirt. “No, Agent Robbins, that was just a fact.” She nodded to Jill Corrigan as the Deputy Assistant Director approached.

  “Agent Brackett,” Corrigan shook Claire’s hand.

  “Thanks for agreeing to help,” Claire replied.

  “AD Bower didn’t give me much choice,” Corrigan winked. “Who is this?” she asked.

  “This is Agent Robbins. I was just explaining how working on this case is a good way to learn the ropes.”

  Corrigan gauged the rookie silently. Cocky, brash, obnoxious, know-it-all; no wonder Claire wants to help him. “Agent Robbins,” she shook his hand and turned back to Claire. “Tell Toles that I expect her back pronto.”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that,” Claire said. Not unless Cass puts her in timeout. She watched as the Assistant Deputy Director nodded again and walked away to take command. Claire looked at Robbins and addressed him a final time. “You think you know Agent Toles. I thought that once. You don’t,” she said. “I knew a rookie once who got the same advice I’ve given you and chose to ignore it.”

  “Yeah? What
happened to him?” Robbins asked.

  Claire offered him a regretful smile. “She went to hell.”

  “You mean Toles buried her career?”

  Claire shook her head. “No. In a way, she’s the one who saved it.”


  Cassidy opened the front door and smiled at Claire.

  “How is she?” Claire asked.

  “Stubborn,” Cassidy replied.

  “I’m sorry, Cass.”

  Cassidy smiled. “Don’t be,” she guided Claire through the door. “She’s on the couch.”

  “If this is…”

  “She’ll be glad to see you.”

  “I’ll try not to get her…”

  “Claire,” Cassidy took hold of Claire’s hand. “She needs to work right now. Don’t hold back. She’s okay.”

  “You’re not mad?”

  Cassidy sighed. Mad? She was scared to death when Alex called from the hospital. Cassidy had been through enough injuries and illnesses in the Toles’ family that she’d learned not to overreact. “Worried,” Cassidy said. “Not mad.”

  “Is she…”

  Cassidy could plainly see the concern in Claire’s eyes. “A couple of broken ribs,” she said. “Banged up. It won’t keep her down,” she said knowingly.

  “How are you?” Claire asked.

  “I’m good.”


  “Claire, stop worrying,” Cassidy laughed.

  Claire shifted uncomfortably. She often felt like a child in Cassidy’s presence. No one’s opinion mattered more to her, and she still found that difficult to understand.

  Cassidy led Claire to the living room. “Hey,” she called to Alex. “Look who I found?”

  Alex looked up from the paper in her hand. “Hey,” she greeted Claire. “You look worse than I feel.”

  Claire shrugged. “Long day at the office.”

  “Tell me,” Alex replied.

  “Did you eat?” Cassidy asked Claire. Claire shook her head. Cassidy rolled her eyes. “Peas in a pod,” she muttered. “I’ll get you two something.”

  “I’m good,” Alex said. Cassidy lifted her brow. “On second thought, food sounds good.”

  “Cass, you don’t have to,” Claire began.

  “Don’t get too excited. I’m ordering pizza,” Cassidy said as she left the room.

  “I swear, she gets to be more like my mother by the day. She feeds everyone who walks through the door.”

  “I heard that!” Cassidy called back.

  “Well, it’s true!” Alex replied loudly.

  “Keep it up, Alex, and I’ll use the good China.”

  Alex laughed.

  “I don’t get it,” Claire said.

  “China gets washed by hand. You called me Batman? Maybe Dylan thinks so,” Alex shook her head. “As far as Cass is concerned, I’m more like Alfred.”

  “You guys are weird,” Claire said.

  “So? Did you find anything?”

  “I don’t know. Depends on what you mean. They’ll be out there for at least another day going through everything.”

  “And you?” Alex asked.

  “The woman in the well was a twenty-one-year-old bartender from Albany. Her name was Donna Reardon.”

  Alex sighed heavily.

  “No one even reported her missing.”

  “How did you get the ID so fast?” Alex asked.

  “Easy when her license was in her back pocket.”

  “You’re kidding?”


  “Holy shit.”

  “There’s more.”

  “What?” Alex asked.

  “This nursery rhyme thing of his,” Claire started.

  “Yeah, I was thinking about that. Kind of strange, right? The well at the nursery. Seems like a pretty big coincidence.”

  Claire nodded. “We need to find this BJ person.” Claire reached into her laptop bag and pulled out a picture.

  Alex accepted it and looked at it closely. “You saw Mrs. Daniels.”


  “When?” Alex asked.

  “I asked Corrigan to come out and supervise the scene.”

  “You’re not kidding.”

  Claire shook her head. “It wasn’t hard, Alex. This is getting big in the public sphere. That asshole Ritchie gave an interview saying if it were Governor Reid’s kids missing, the case would already be solved.”

  “That’s total bullshit.”

  “Yeah, well, we both know how this works. No one wants to admit the FBI is political. Everything is political. People are paying attention more than ever now.”

  “Do we know which one is BJ?” Alex asked

  “One of these two,” Claire pointed to two faces.

  “This is a copy; I take it?”

  Claire nodded. “Yeah. They’re working the original now.”

  “What are you thinking?” Alex asked.

  “I think he’s living out some sadistic nursery rhyme.”

  “Which rhyme?”

  “One of his own making,” Claire said. “The ID on Monica Leibowitz was confirmed this afternoon.”


  “There’s more.”

  Alex looked up.

  “The lab we sent that piece of fiber to from her shirt?” Claire began.


  “You won’t believe it.”

  “Try me.”

  “That dye was only used by two manufacturing companies.”


  “They found a long list of purchases for shirts,” Claire said.

  “Not surprised.”

  Claire nodded. “I did some digging.” She took a deep breath. “I thought maybe some local screen printer might still have records of orders for that T-shirt to be imprinted. So, I checked New York, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Well, actually, El checked half for me.”

  Alex smiled. “How is my sister-in-law?”

  “Okay, I think. Really pregnant,” Claire commented.


  “Don’t sweat it, Alex,” Claire said. “I love El. I always will. We’ve both moved on.”

  Alex accepted Claire’s declaration. Eleana and Claire had a long history. While Alex felt sure that Eleana loved Jonathan, she also knew that Claire and Eleana would always have feelings for each other. She wasn’t surprised that Claire reached out to Eleana. Jonathan was off pursuing leads on Christopher O’Brien’s past. That was one of the only reasons she had not sought her brother’s help to expedite research. The CIA operated outside of normal parameters. Eleana and Jonathan would be able to fast track things that often took the FBI weeks.

  “Did you find anything?” Alex wondered.

  “I was right. El found one for a mechanic shop in Philly. One was for a local college in New Haven.”

  “And?” Alex inquired.

  “You ready for this?”

  Alex nodded.

  “I found a couple of printers in Connecticut. Get this; one order was for none other than Greenscape Nursery.”

  “But, Leibowitz wasn’t from Connecticut,” Alex pointed out.


  Alex pinched the bridge of her nose. Something had nagged her from the moment they had found Monica Leibowitz buried apart from the others. It was a gut instinct. Now, her suspicions had been confirmed. “He knew her.”

  “Yeah,” Claire agreed.

  “Claire,” Alex slowed her speech.

  “I told them to hold the ID until we talked.”

  Alex contemplated the options. If their killer knew this victim, notifying her family might tip him off to their leads. Alex feared that he would either take his show on a different road or simply up the body count. “Her family deserves to know.”

  “I agree. But…”

  “I agree,” Alex was sure Claire shared her concerns. “Let’s follow up on the photo. Hold off another day or two on the notification. I hate it. I think…”

  “It’s the right call,” Claire

  “Whoever BJ is…”

  “He’s our guy,” Claire said.

  Alex felt certain that BJ’s identity would reveal their killer. “Let’s hope they get some DNA off Ms. Reardon’s person or possessions.”

  “Let’s hope.”


  Cassidy watched Alex try to remove her T-shirt. “Let me help.”

  “I feel like a toddler.”

  Cassidy smirked. “Sometimes you act like a toddler,” she teased.

  “Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Cass.”

  “You’re welcome. Do you need any pain medication?”

  “No,” Alex answered. “I could use a shower,” she wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Nice try, Agent Toles,” Cassidy pulled the covers back on their bed.

  Alex followed Cassidy to the bed and gingerly slipped between the sheets. “Ugh.”

  “Hurts, huh?”

  “A little,” Alex confessed.

  “The last time you came home with broken ribs, you’d been fighting with Claire,” Cassidy recalled.

  Alex started to laugh and winced. “Don’t make me laugh.”

  “I wasn’t trying to,” Cassidy said as she placed her head on Alex’s chest.

  “That seems like a lifetime ago,” Alex said.

  “Sometimes, it does,” Cassidy agreed. “Do you want to talk about today?”

  “No,” Alex answered. “I want to talk about the doctor’s appointment I missed this morning.”

  “You didn’t miss much,” Cassidy promised. “Everything is fine, Alex.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Cassidy propped herself up to look at Alex. “We are both fine. December 10th if he decides to arrive on time.”

  “You think it’s a boy?” Alex’s eyes lit up.


  “Do you?”

  Cassidy laughed. She kissed Alex’s lips tenderly. “Does it matter?”

  “Not at all,” Alex replied. “But, you haven’t been wrong yet.”

  “Yes, I think it’s a boy.”

  “I don’t care; you know? Not at all.”

  “I know.”

  “How are things going with your dad?”

  “Okay,” Cassidy replied.


  “They are,” Cassidy said. “The kids love having him here, especially Dylan. I swear Dylan’s been home more over the last couple of weeks than he has in the last two years.”


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