Emperor's Consort [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 5] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Emperor's Consort [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 5] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 1

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 5

  Emperor’s Consort

  Ice dragon Hareem Tersain was born to lead the draechen empire. He thought nothing could become more important to him than Ornoz. He was wrong.

  When his path crosses that of one beautiful werewolf, Hareem is torn between love and duty. For Hareem, Taryn Lovington, his mate, is perfect. But their bond is taboo. Other draechen would never accept a ninth caste member as an emperor’s consort and a werewolf’s child as an heir. Trying to protect Taryn, Hareem sends him away.

  He doesn’t realize his foes know about his connection with Taryn. When Taryn is attacked by vampires, a chain of events is set into motion that reveals an unexpected enemy. Forced into unlikely alliances, cornered by the selfish desires of others, Hareem has to build a safer world, one where he and Taryn would be free to love each other. Will he succeed in this daunting task, or will he pay the ultimate price for making the attempt?

  NOTE! You are purchasing Siren's newest imprint, the Siren Epic Romance collection. This is Book 5 of 7 in the Chronicles of the Shifter Directive series. The series shares an overall story arc with many crossover characters playing major roles in each book. These books are not stand-alone and should be read in their numbered order.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Conteporary, Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 87,101 words


  Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 5

  Scarlet Hyacinth



  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Siren Epic Romance, ManLove


  Copyright © 2013 by Scarlet Hyacinth

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-189-0

  First E-book Publication: August 2013

  Cover design by Siren Publishing

  All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  About the Author


  Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 5


  Copyright © 2013


  From the beginnings of time, draechen have been among the most powerful shifters on earth. At first reclusive and solitary, they were eventually united under the banner of the nation of Ornoz by the first draechen emperor, later known as the Ancient Horror.

  The empire suffered a serious blow when their leader lost control of his abilities and decimated his own people. When the Ancient Horror finally succumbed to his own powers, the draechen realized that this was their chance to rebuild. And so, a new emperor took the throne, instituting a law that forbade black dragons like the Ancient Horror from ever gaining the same authority in Ornoz.

  It was at that time that it became obvious that all draechen, the emperor included, needed mates. Gradually, the role of the emperor’s consort became more and more important, according to the decisions of each individual leader. The consort served as an advisor in matters of both domestic and foreign policy. When the tradition of the emperor never changing into his human form became cemented, another responsibility was added, that of being a link between the draechen leader and outside nations. At times, they even participated in the military.

  For all these reasons, the consort was possibly the highest position in the state, other than the emperor himself. This meant that the role was coveted and usually assigned to already important people, members of the draechen nobility.

  All of that changed when one man dared to love someone different. When Emperor Hareematek Tersain fell for a werewolf—a member of the ninth caste of all things—the old ways of the draechen became a threat. The emperor’s true mate could never be a consort. The only position he could have occupied in the imperial household was that of concubine.

  At one point, even that turned into an impossibility, as the emperor’s mate fell pregnant. The Directive of the Shifter Castes distinctly forbade breeding outside one’s own caste, which brought the emperor into quite a predicament.

  It became obvious then that the emperor would have to make a choice. The existence of one young werewolf had the potential to change countless destinies, beyond his own and that of his mate.

  Whether it would do so or not was a question only the emperor could answer.

  Chapter On

  Sari’s arms around Hareem were warm, his incense scent sweet and familiar. “You will take care of yourself while we’re gone, won’t you?” the fae asked.

  Hareem forced a chuckle as he embraced his brother-in-law. “Of course. And it’s not like I’ll be alone. I’ve practically mobilized the entire draechen army for defenses of the citadel.”

  Sari broke away from Hareem and shot him a displeased look. “They’re not family.”

  No, they weren’t, and unfortunately, there were very few people Hareem could trust, most of whom he’d sent away on various assignments. Karein’s twin brother, Rachen, had already left earlier that day, and now, Karein and Sari were leaving, too. As it turned out, Sari had become quite protective of Hareem in recent weeks, and he was reluctant to abandon him.

  Fortunately, Prince Talrasar intervened, saving Hareem from Sari’s wrath. “Kael and I will be here,” he reminded Sari. “Besides, you’ll probably be back before you know it.”

  Sari glanced from Hareem to Talrasar and back, and then nodded. “Very well. I’m sorry for worrying so much. I can’t help it. I just think I’ll miss you so much.”

  Once again, Hareem congratulated himself for his idea of saying their good-byes in private, because Sari’s words made the well of misery inside Hareem bubble. He’d known that Sari would likely get emotional—something more than understandable given his condition—but he hadn’t expected he himself would be so touched by Sari’s words. Perhaps he was more of a mess inside than he’d originally thought.

  Pushing back his errant emotions, Hareem struggled to smile. “As will I.”

  It was true, at least to a certain extent. A part of him, the small one that could feel anything else but pain, regretted Sari and Karein’s departure. Mostly, though, he’d lost the ability to experience emotions that didn’t focus on his beast’s suffering at being separated from his mate. Just getting up in the morning was an effort Hareem only managed because of his ice dragon nature.

  Maybe Sari realized all this, because his silver eyes pinned him with a look full of pained knowledge. Nevertheless, the fae made no comment on it. Instead, he hugged Hareem again and said, “We’ll do our best to bring good news from Rose Noire.”

  “I know,” Hareem replied. “Convey my best wishes to your parents.”

  As Sari released him, Karein faced him and shot him a serious look. They didn’t hug. They didn’t even touch. Hareem didn’t know why, but the dark knowledge in Karein’s gaze made him uncomfortable, more so than Sari’s quiet kindness.

  “Good luck,” he said simply. “And, most of all, be careful. Watch your back, no matter what.”

  In response, Karein bowed lowly in a display of obedience that he normally only ever put up while in public, under the watchful gazes of draechen nobles. “I live and die by your command,” he said.

  When he met Hareem’s gaze, there was no submissiveness in his eyes, but rather, a quiet command, like he was ushering Hareem to do something in specific. Hareem’s guess was confirmed seconds later when Karein said, “And you stop punishing yourself for something that’s not your fault. All right?”

  Hareem didn’t answer, but Karein didn’t look like he’d expected it. Taking Sari’s hand, Karein bowed again, then turned on his heel. Without another word, he abandoned the throne room, leaving Hareem alone with Talrasar and Kaelezrin.

  Aware of the gazes of the two princes on him, Hareem turned toward them and arched a brow. “Well? Are you going to berate me, too?”

  The question probably came out more biting than he’d have liked, but the two men didn’t call him up on it. “It’s not our place,” Talrasar replied carefully. “I just don’t want anyone else to make the same mistake Kael and I made.”

  “Do you truly think it was a mistake?” Hareem asked, knowing he was being unbearably tactless, but unable to help himself. “You saved so many people.”

  “Maybe, maybe not,” Prince Kaelezrin answered. “But to this day, we ask ourselves whether or not we couldn’t have found another solution, one that wouldn’t have implied so much sacrifice, and not only from us.”

  “There was a lot of loss, from many other people who might not have deserved what happened,” Talrasar reminded Hareem. “We did the best we could under the circumstances, but all the tragedy that followed will always make us doubt.”

  “Not to mention that nothing, nothing is worth losing your mate.” Kaelezrin’s expression darkened as he spoke, and his hold on Talrasar’s waist tightened. “Take my word on that one, Emperor.”

  Hareem nodded. “Thank you for your advice. I will consider it.”

  He’d have liked to apologize for prodding, but he didn’t know how to do it. Emperors simply didn’t do so, even if the person he was talking to had as much right as him to lead Ornoz. Perhaps for that exact reason, Hareem couldn’t address Kaelezrin with humbleness. It was unfortunate, but his current position distanced him from people he admired and genuinely liked, from his own family.

  Likely, the couple must have sensed his discomfort, because they mimicked Karein’s earlier gesture and bowed slightly. “We’ll take our leave now, Your Majesty,” Talrasar said. “There’s still much to be done, and I want to have a word with Sari before he boards.”

  Hareem nodded and murmured a soft, “Of course.”

  As the two princes departed, the cavernous room seemed so much colder. Hareem plopped down on his throne and buried his face in his hands. Karein didn’t understand, not really. His decision to push Taryn away had no connection to self-flagellation. He just realized all too well that he was poison for Taryn, and the werewolf was much better off without him. Sadly, Hareem had never been able to surpass his own interest to the extent of fully letting go of the hope that one day, he and Taryn would be able to reunite.

  Perhaps it was that hope that made his loneliness so much more acute. The throne itself seemed uncomfortable and wrong, like there was something missing. It made Hareem feel like he was in an iron maiden. It was just too easy to remember how much reassurance Taryn had brought him when he’d curled on his lap, here, on this very throne, supporting him with his warmth, his generosity, his kind heart, and his love. Truly, Hareem didn’t deserve Taryn. He’d only ever hurt the werewolf from the very moment they’d first met.

  * * * *

  A few months earlier

  “You can’t be serious.” Hareem arched a brow at his younger brother, unable to believe his ears. “The werewolf is questioning your right to your future fiancé?”

  Karein grunted. “I’m not certain of anything. I just sensed something between them, when they first saw each other.”

  “Well, I suppose it can’t hurt to pay him a visit,” Hareem mused. “I’d very much like to meet your supposed rival.”

  His sibling shot him a dirty look, but Hareem ignored it. They were already headed toward the basement of the building, where Karein had imprisoned the prisoners he’d caught during his latest incursions against the ninth caste. Earlier, the group had been put on display, but Hareem had missed the show, which was quite unfortunate, given the fact that, according to Karein, the entire thing had been quite eventful. Karein’s future mate, Caelyn Sutharlainn, had apparently shown interest in one of the imprisoned werewolves, an Alpha named Graham Powers.

  Karein zeroed in on a cell in particular, but as they walked, Hareem had the feeling that he was missing something. His dragon reared away from their destination, guiding him to a cell nearby.

  Hareem frowned, pushing back the strange feeling and forcing himself to focus on what his brother had told him. As they stopped in front of Graham Powers’s cell, one of the guards warned them, “He’s been quite anxious.”

  “Understandable,” Karein commented simply. He gestured for the soldier to open the door, and the draechen did, rushing to comply with Karein’s command. Normally, Hareem would have almost been amused at the fear Karein managed to strike in the hearts of their people, but today, his dragon was restless and not inclined
to consider anything funny.

  As they entered the cell, Hareem’s gaze fell on a tall muscular man. He lay curled on the small cot in the cell, but in spite of his position, Hareem guessed his height might actually be comparable to Karein’s and Hareem’s. It seemed remarkable for a werewolf, as did the fact that he didn’t even move when they came in. He just pinned them both with furious brown eyes, and Hareem could read the authority and aggression in that simple look.

  Other shifters would have gotten up and faced Karein and Hareem from an equal position. The fact that Graham hadn’t done so showed his belief in his own abilities and his disrespect toward the draechen.

  Hareem’s already confused dragon responded to the challenge. “So, you’re the famous captured Alpha,” he said with a sneer. “You don’t look like much.”

  That was a lie, but Hareem wouldn’t have admitted being impressed by his opponents even under more favorable circumstances. “Well, I’m sorry to disappoint,” the werewolf answered, his glance never wavering. “I just don’t know how I’ll live with myself now. Perhaps if you’d arrived earlier, you wouldn’t have missed the show.”

  Karein took his cue to intervene. “Fancy you mentioning that. Do you think I’m an idiot? I saw how you looked at my fiancé. He’s so high above you that you won’t ever be able to touch the soles of his feet.”

  His voice sounded completely toneless, but Hareem knew his brother too well to be fooled. He heard the restrained anger, the leashed power that bubbled under the surface of Karein’s façade of aloofness.


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