Emperor's Consort [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 5] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Emperor's Consort [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 5] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 25

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  His brother slowly approached him and gave him a concerned look. “Taryn?” Monroe asked. “Are you all right?”

  Taryn shook his head but didn’t speak. He couldn’t say anything. If he did, he’d just start screaming, and that was hardly conducive to good results.

  He wasn’t all right. He never would be again, at least if he didn’t get some good news on his mate. With every second that passed, the likelihood of this happening seemed more and more unlikely.

  Taryn had felt every second of Hareem’s ordeal. He’d practically heard Hareem’s heartbeat start to fade, even if the dragon was unconscious. The pain that Taryn had experienced then could only be compared with the one he’d felt upon believing his son was dead. Ironically, it had been the same creature who’d caused this tremendous hurt that had kept Hareem from dying. But now that the Ancient Horror had vanished, Hareem had to fight his own battle. He had been brought into the temple in Rose Noire after the first attempts to wake him had failed. No one would give Taryn a straight answer regarding the reasons behind this, and the priestesses had forbidden him to join them in Hareem’s room, arguing that Taryn was in no condition to witness the healing process.

  That really didn’t help Taryn stay calm. If anything, it made him even more anxious. He already knew that the process was unlikely to be very smooth, but his imagination was making it all even worse.

  He wasn’t sure if his son was responding to his anxiety or something entirely different, but Galyn’s cries just about broke his heart. At the same time, his baby was the only reason why he hadn’t collapsed in a depressed heap on the floor. His son needed him to be strong. If the worst thing happened and his mate died… Truly, Taryn didn’t want to think about that possibility, but that didn’t change the fact that it was there. He needed to keep that in mind, because no matter what happened, Galyn would always need a father.

  Taking a deep breath, Taryn pushed back all thoughts of scenarios of destruction and focused on his child. Ignoring everything else, he started humming a lullaby tune. He was doing it to calm Galyn down, but as he looked into his son’s mismatched eyes, he found his own heart settling a little. He needed to believe in Hareem’s strength, in the strength of their bond. Hareem wouldn’t abandon them. He’d tried to find the right solution for everyone, but most specifically, for Taryn. It hadn’t always worked out, but they’d done their best with the knowledge they had at the time. Most importantly, Hareem loved them, so he would fight to come back to them.

  Obviously sensing Taryn’s change in mood, Galyn settled down, sniffing slightly but no longer crying. It eased Taryn’s heart a lot, although he still feared for his mate. He just had to focus on the fact that they had a lot of allies on their side. They weren’t alone in this, and Hareem had the best possible care.

  A voice snapped him out of his thoughts, as if in response to his trail of thought. “Mr. Lovington.”

  Taryn looked up, only to see High Priestess Eanera Myrthylar standing in front of him. “Your Holiness,” he greeted her, “how are you feeling?”

  Those were empty words, and Eanera surely realized that in the grand scheme of things, Taryn couldn’t have cared less about her well-being. In fact, he resented her for having escaped the Ancient Horror’s clutches at his lover’s expense. Sure, it wasn’t a rational emotion, but he and Hareem had tried reason many times. Too often, it put them in the position to suffer because of everyone else’s choices.

  “I’m much better, thank you,” Eanera replied.

  This was Taryn’s chance to find out exactly what had happened. “Is the Ancient Horror gone?” he asked. “Will Hareem be all right?”

  A painful shadow seemed to pass over Eanera’s face. “The creature was my powerful than any of us expected. I tried to beat it, but unfortunately, his hold on his previous host remained strong, stronger than we believed possible. But worry not, Mr. Lovington. He is gone now, and I’ve come to lend a hand to your mate.”

  “But are you well enough for that?” Taryn inquired. He had to admit he hadn’t expected that, although in hindsight, he probably should have. The fae priestesses, Eanera included, had repeatedly proven their selflessness, more so that Taryn ever wanted to.

  “I’ll be fine,” Eanera said. “Remember I’m a healer.”

  Taryn had no intention to argue with her. She did look very normal for someone who’d been on death’s door a few hours ago. “I want to come with you,” he said.

  “Very well,” Eanera said after a brief pause, “but you’d have to leave your son with your brother.”

  Taryn winced. He really didn’t want to give Galyn to anyone, no matter how much he trusted Monroe. But in his heart, he knew that his presence would help Hareem. Meanwhile, Galyn was only a baby, and he’d had a very traumatic birth. He needed to rest and sleep, not to be carried around like a comfort blanket.

  With a great deal of reluctance, Taryn handed Galyn to Monroe. The child started to fret, but Monroe held him expertly, shushing him. “Go,” the older werewolf told Taryn. “I’ll watch over him for you.”

  Taryn threw his brother a weak smile and made a mental note to thank Monroe for all his help after all this was over. Truth be told, he still couldn’t figure out what he would say that would ever express what Monroe’s support meant for him. Gods, Monroe had even left the pack in their beta’s care, just so that he could be with Taryn.

  For the moment, he just brushed a kiss over Monroe’s cheek. His brother understood his gratitude, and no words needed to be said, at least not right now, when Taryn’s presence was required somewhere else.

  As Eanera opened the door and stepped into the room, Taryn followed. Instantly, his gaze zeroed in on the bed. Exhausted priestess surrounded the massive four-poster, and a pale Hareem lay on the mattress, motionless.

  Taryn wanted to rush to his side, but Eanera signaled for him to stop. Frustrated, he nevertheless complied. He didn’t want to be in the way and make the healing process harder.

  Eanera didn’t look at him. She approached the bed as if in a trance. The priestesses moved aside to let her pass, bowing slightly in spite of their fatigue. Apparently, even if Eanera had just awakened from a coma, the trust of the other healers in their leader was unshakeable.

  The High Priestess sat on the edge of the bed and took Hareem’s hand. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then, much to Taryn’s surprise, Eanera called out to him. “Come closer, Mr. Lovington. Touch him. It’ll help. But brace yourself. This might not be easy.”

  Taryn didn’t wait to be told twice. Breathless with hope, he knelt on Hareem’s other side and held onto Hareem’s palm. The contact didn’t feel like enough to his dissatisfied wolf. Before he even knew what was going on, he found himself shifting into his animal form. He curled up against Hareem, nuzzling the draechen’s cheek with his snout. He kept his eyes on Hareem, although he occasionally stole peeks at Eanera. Finally, the gem in the center of Eanera’ forehead began to glow. Bright blue light engulfed all of them, and Taryn felt it all the way into his body, heart, and soul. He sensed it echoing through his bond with Hareem, which was a good sign, because he hadn’t felt the magic of the other priestesses. And then, at last, their connection flared to life. Hareem groaned and stirred, his pain and fatigue exploding through their bond. Ironically, it was the best thing Taryn remembered feeling, because it meant that Hareem was back. Injured, but back.

  To point that beautiful fact out, the first word Hareem uttered was, “Taryn?”

  Taryn released a little yip and licked his lover’s chin. He then decided that this shape limited the displays of affection he could express. He melted into his human form and brushed a kiss to his mate’s parched lips. “I’m here, Hareem,” he said. “I’m here with you.”

  Hareem’s arm went around his waist, his hold on Taryn both possessive and reassuring. “What happened?” he inquired. “I just… The last thing I remember is…”

  He trailed off, obviously not wanting to remind Taryn of that. Taryn was thank
ful for it, but at the same time, he knew he wasn’t likely to forget about it anytime soon. Swallowing around the sudden knot in his throat, Taryn answered, “You tried to destroy the Ancient Horror, and yourself in the process, but Rachen found you before it could…well, you know.” He couldn’t actually say the words, but Hareem understood what he meant. How could he not? “Anyway, you don’t have to worry about it.”

  Opening his mind, Taryn conveyed to Hareem what the others had told him. He still didn’t fully understand what had happened, of course. How could a sprite bring back a ghost, then send him back where he’d come from? Where did ghosts even go? The entire thing unsettled Taryn, especially since Elusians were renowned for having powers over illusion, not the realm of the dead. However, both Karein and Rachen had witnessed the entire thing, and they’d guaranteed that the Ancient Horror was gone. Naturally, they couldn’t be sure that he wouldn’t come back, but few things were certain in this life.

  “You’re right,” Hareem said through their bond. “But I do know one thing. I love you, Taryn, and I love our son. This is going to be our second chance, and I’m not letting it go to waste.”

  He was already getting up, looking completely decided. “Hareem, what are you going to do?” Taryn inquired, a little alarmed.

  Hareem just smiled. “Don’t worry about it, baby. This time, I understand what’s needed of me.”

  Just like that, Taryn’s concern melted. He knew he should have probably been a little more worried, but right then and there, Taryn didn’t give a damn. The only thing he wanted now was to take his son in his arms and hold him close. Oh, he didn’t kid himself. Life might not be perfect. But under the circumstances, it certainly seemed like the gods were on their side.

  For his part, Taryn had no intentions to question his good fortune. Yes, his future might be uncertain, but in Hareem’s eyes, he saw that they would no longer have to face their foes apart. Today was, plainly put, the first day of the rest of their lives. A cliché it might be, but it was the truth, and Taryn would be happy to prove it.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A few days later

  Hareem’s return to Draechenburg was far more discreet than his position warranted. Once they were sure that both Hareem and Galyn had recovered and travelling wouldn’t hurt them, a plane was brought in. It hadn’t been easy for them to decide what to do, but in the end, they’d agreed that they had to face this challenge as a couple. That meant returning to Draechenburg together and revealing the secrets Hareem had struggled to contain.

  Hareem didn’t regret any of it, and yet, when their plane landed on the Draechenburg runway and he looked at his mate and child, he couldn’t help but feel apprehensive. Taryn shot him a small smile. “Don’t worry. We’ll be fine. I’m sure that it won’t be half as bad as you expect it.”

  He was probably right, but in his heart, Hareem would always worry about his mate and child’s welfare. In the end, he just nodded and brushed a kiss over Taryn’s lips. “Come on. I made sure that we wouldn’t be intruded on right this moment.”

  Taryn laughed softly. “I can only imagine how Monroe would have reacted if he’d been here.”

  Hareem wasn’t fooled. There was a dose of sadness in Taryn’s voice, but also acceptance and maybe even, relief. After a great deal of hesitation, Monroe had finally decided to return to his pack, but only because Taryn had promised he would keep in contact with his brother. The young werewolf had known that it would be hard for Monroe to withstand the pressures of Draechenburg. It was better for Monroe to pursue his own relationship with the elven prince somewhere they could be alone. Hareem couldn’t have agreed more, although he knew the separation had been hard on both Taryn and Monroe.

  As Hareem thought this, a wave of affection flowed into their bond. “I think he has his mate now, and so do I,” Taryn said. “But we’re no longer separated like we were before. We’ll see each other soon.”

  Hareem nodded. He had no intentions of allowing Taryn to suffer because of Monroe’s absence. Once things settled down, Hareem planned to bring draechen closer to werewolves anyway.

  They exited the plane with Hareem leading the way and his mate following, carrying Galyn. Behind them came their companions, Hareem’s two brothers, as well as Sari and Alwyn. Now that Eanera had awoken, Sari’s presence in Rose Noire was no longer needed, so they had returned to Draechenburg with Hareem. In fact, it had been preferable for him to go, since the fae were dealing with the aftermath of their queen shooting the king. It had become obvious through information Eanera provided that the Ancient Horror had needed Onyerre as a host to penetrate the shields surrounding Rose Noire. Furthermore, the extent to which the queen had been controlled by the creature when she’d shot Selbrian remained a mystery. Onyerre insisted that she had never actually wanted Selbrian to get hurt, and Eanera agreed to a certain point. However, the only person who could have provided a clear answer—the Ancient Horror himself—was gone. Now, King Selbrian was struggling with making a decision regarding his wife, and he didn’t need any distractions from Hareem and his party.

  Prince Kaelezrin and his mate were waiting for them on the otherwise empty runway. “Welcome home,” Kaelezrin said simply.

  One look into Kaelezrin’s eyes told Hareem that his instructions had been followed to the letter. Hareem had told the older Tersain that he didn’t want his arrival home to become a spectacle. He had no idea how Kaelezrin had managed to contain all the nobles who’d undoubtedly intended to greet him in hope of seeking his favor, but he’d certainly done a brilliant job.

  “Thank you,” he said. “I trust everything’s been all right in my absence?”

  “Actually, quite well,” Kaelezrin answered. “As you’ve probably been told, Elina Eretar and her accomplices have been captured and are currently in the dungeons, awaiting your decision. Fallon Hanover has awoken. He and his father wish to see you as soon as possible. The benandanti are itching to inquire as to how exactly you made that happen, although Mark Connors already left. It seems that news of your injury might have gotten out and unsettled certain layers of the paranormal world.”

  Hareem groaned. He really didn’t want to see anyone else except his mate. Sadly, as emperor he had…

  He stopped himself before he could even finish the thought. No, he wasn’t falling into that again. He’d made a decision, and he’d stick to it. Right now, Taryn and Galyn were his priority. He must have been insane to even consider fulfilling that request.

  In the end, what good came out of being an emperor if, at times, he couldn’t even focus on his own personal life? “Later,” he said. “I’m going to see everyone later. Right now, I’m going to take my mate to our quarters.”

  Kaelezrin gave him an approving look, and Talrasar smiled at him. Rachen squeezed his shoulder, while Karein said, “Go. We’ll start making arrangements for what we discussed later on.”

  Hareem didn’t delay in doing exactly that. He smiled and guided his mate inside. He did pass by a lot of guards, but they just bowed at him and gave him space, having obviously been drilled by Kaelezrin beforehand. Of course, there were other soldiers who carried their bags, mostly gifts from Eternelle, but also Galyn’s supplies. They reached the imperial wing with no incident, at which point Hareem noticed Kaelezrin had also tightened security in this area. Hareem appreciated that, although he guessed it wasn’t only for his benefit.

  Hareem was very pleased when they finally got to their quarters. As soon as they were behind closed doors, both Hareem and Taryn released twin sighs of relief. “So far so good,” Taryn said.

  “Like I said, you don’t need to worry,” Hareem answered with a grin.

  Taryn arched a brow at him. “I thought I was the one who said that.”

  “Yes, well… I was thinking it.”

  His joking around was rewarded when Taryn burst into laughter. The crystalline sound of his chuckles woke Galyn, who up until this point had been dozing comfortably in his birth father’s arms. Instead of starting
to cry, though, Galyn began to giggle, too. The infant seemed to have a peculiarly strong connection to Taryn and Hareem’s emotions. Naturally, his good mood didn’t last, because he soon began to sniff and release little cries of protest. Taryn immediately lost interest in Hareem and focused on their son. “He’s hungry,” he said. “Give me his bottle.”

  Hareem retrieved the item from their bags and obediently handed it to Taryn. His mate smiled at him as he took the bottle. “Thank you.”

  Really, Taryn didn’t have to thank Hareem for something so small, but his mate’s words weren’t really connected to what Hareem had done just now. There were too many feelings between them, and they’d struggled so much to reach this point that Hareem felt pretty grateful himself.

  He just smiled back and kissed his mate’s temple. Taryn leaned against him, and they just stood like that as Taryn fed their son. When Galyn had enough to eat, Taryn put the bottle away and wiped the baby’s chin. He tapped the baby’s back to burp him, and as he watched them, Hareem’s heart swelled with love.

  Together, the three of them entered the bedroom. An ornate crib had already been prepared for them, just waiting for Galyn. They had a nursery in this wing, but Hareem didn’t want his son out of sight, not just yet, and Taryn had agreed.

  Taryn set Galyn into the bed and tucked him in, covering him with a blanket to protect him from chill. Finally, Galyn fell asleep, allowing the two of them to focus on each other. Hareem wrapped his arms around Taryn and kissed his nape. “Maybe we should retreat to bed as well,” he suggested.

  Taryn chuckled and turned into his embrace. “Somehow, I doubt that what you have in mind is sleeping.”

  Hareem nuzzled Taryn’s ear, drawing a soft gasp from the werewolf. “You know me too well, sweeting,” he whispered.

  Back in Rose Noire, there had always been countless people around, not to mention that both Hareem and Taryn had been recovering from serious injuries. Therefore, even if they’d been together for quite a while, they hadn’t had sex since their reunion. Suffice it to say, Hareem’s dragon was protesting this injustice.


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