Building Forever

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Building Forever Page 5

by Cary Hart

  “Yeah, I ran into a few already,” I mumble, meaning for him to hear. I think. Not sure if I’m ready to face this conversation.

  “Twat did you just say? I cunt hear you.”

  “OMG! Seriously? You didn’t just say that did you?”

  “Say what?”

  “You know…the C U Next Tuesday word.” I stand with my hands on my hips, waiting for his next smart-axe reply.

  “THE WHAT? Seriously, Nat, you won’t go to hell for saying cunt.”



  “Seriously, Colin that is just the worst word EVER!”

  “OK fine, but I’m sure there is a worse word out there.”

  “I beg to differ, but how about we agree to disagree?” I spit on my hand and hold it out for him to shake on it. Kind of childish, but I couldn’t help it. I haven’t really been around Colin since our senior year. The year he broke my heart and I ran away.

  He repeats the process and grabs my hand for a firm shake, but instead of the childish ritual we had, heat takes over. I can see it in his eyes and feel it in his grip.

  My body reacts. I hear myself whispering his name while he forcefully pulls me to him. I throw my hand up to keep some distance between us, but my hand fails miserably and collapses underneath. Now all I feel is the hard ridges of his abs.

  “Nat, look at me.” He tilts my chin up so I meet his gaze, forcing the connection I was trying to avoid.

  “I dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up four-wheel drive…” My phone rings and breaks the connection.

  “Sorry.” But I’m slightly relieved for the interruption. “Gamms must have changed my ring tone again.” Frustrated with her, I send the call to voicemail. Whatever it is can wait. I don’t need her daily updates right now. Sending her a text seemed like the best option, but before I could type it out Bimbo Barbie comes waltzing through the ballroom, stalking toward Colin like she is hunting for her prey.

  “Hey, there you are.” A slow smile creeps up on her makeup-plastered face. “You must be Natalie Russo. Ferris has told me so much about you.” Great, so Bimbo Barbie is bonking the boss. Say that five times fast.

  “T, glad you could make it.” Colin rushes over to her and kisses both of her cheeks. Then stands by her with his hand on the middle of her back. Hands that were just on me. Whatev, they didn’t feel that good anyways. Who am I kidding?

  “Natalie, this is Tatiana. Tatiana, this is Hampton Enterprises’ newest employee, Natalie Russo.” I reach for her hand to shake it but Colin interrupts. “Do you care to give Ms. Russo the rundown on what is going on with the interior, I’m afraid I wouldn’t do it justice by giving my version.”

  She leans into his side and places her hand that was just reached out to me on his arm and giggles. “Oh, Colin, I’m sure you would manage just fine. If I recall, you have a way with words as well.” She gives his arm a squeeze, then mouths something to him.

  Forgoing the obvious clearing of the throat, I opt to just to break up their moment. “Well, I’m ready when you are!”

  “Er…um…sure let’s go.” She turns on her heel and heads for the doors.

  I quickly follow her, looking back to solidify what I already know, but when I turn it’s not what I expected to see at all. Colin isn’t looking at the sway of Tatiana’s butt, but at me.

  Guilt. That is the look plastered on his face. I’m sure he knows I’m on to him. Involved with Daisy while having a harem of women on the side. Practically a whole freaking alphabet’s worth. I’ve already met letters K and T.

  “Natalie, I have a meeting in twenty minutes.” He looks at his watch, breaking contact. “Do you care to walk back to the office?”

  “Not a problem. See you there.”

  “Actually, I’m cutting out after the meeting.”

  “Tomorrow then.”

  He nods and walks away.


  The walk back to the office is pretty nice. The sun is shining, a breeze is blowing. I do have to say, California has the best weather.

  Opening the door to the office, I notice Ferris sitting on Daisy’s desk questioning her about something, but the door slamming behind me draws their attention in my direction.

  “Well, well, Ms. Russo.” He pushes himself off Daisy’s desk and walks over to me.

  “Ferris, the Oakwood Project—”

  “Mr. Hampton, all my employees call me Mr. Hampton. I don’t care that we went to the same school. You will show me respect, and speaking of respect, you not showing for the meeting today shows me that you are not taking this job seriously.” He pauses, “Did you change clothes?”

  “Yes, er um, I had a coffee accident this morn—”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck about a coffee accident! I want to know why you didn’t show for the meeting with the team. Colin is only here until Tanner Construction is done with the project. I hired you because legal wanted an engineer, with a degree, to sign off on all future orders.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Hampton, It won’t… Wait? What meeting?” I have no clue what he is talking about. Daisy loaded my calendar with all upcoming meetings and important events and today was not on there. I knew she had it out for me.

  “The meeting on your calendar.” He looks to Daisy then back at me. I’m not sure what is going on there, but she gives me a quick apologetic look.

  “It won’t happen again.”

  “Damn straight it won’t happen again.” He turns and walks away, saying over his shoulder, “Last warning Russo.”

  I wait until he shuts his door. “Daisy, what’s going on? Why was that meeting not on my calendar?” Better yet, why did Colin leave me at the site to go to the meeting?

  “I don’t know, Natalie. I uploaded the project calendar that was given to me. I promise.” She is looks through her emails then compares two calendars on her screen.

  “Holy shit! I’m so sorry.” She pauses, looks over a few more emails, then her facial expression changes. “I uploaded the wrong one.”

  “Daisy, I realize that you must have a lot going on being the secretary for two very demanding men, but I expect the same respect. Missing that meeting could have cost me this job and my career is the only thing I have going for me right now.”

  “It won’t happen again.”

  “No, it won’t.” I look her in the eyes, showing no fear, wondering what game she is playing. Maybe she heard that Colin and I had a past and is trying to get me out of the way. Needless to say, it’s not me she has to worry about, but the Alphabet Gang.

  “I sent you the correct one, just accept it and you will be in the know.”

  “Will do and thanks.” Grabbing my clothes and bag, I head to the door. “I’m just going to call it a day.”

  “I wish I could say the same.” She points in the direction of Ferris’ office. “Tonight is my late night.” She sighs giving me a weak smile.

  “Well try not to work yourself to death.” I wave as I walk out and head to Gamms’ house. I’m sure I’ll have to hear it for sending her to voicemail.

  Chapter 7


  “Natalie Isabella Russo! Is that you?” Gamms calls from the back yard.

  “Gamms, you know it’s me. You watched me pull in.” I saw her head peak around the back of the house then scurry away like a kid up to no good when I got home.

  She ignores my dig and says, “Come out back and grab the bottle on your way out.”

  Looking around I find two open bottles, so I grab both, then drag my feet to the open sliding door. The curtain is blowing in the breeze and I take a minute and remember what it was like when I was a kid, coming for the summers. This was normal. This was our routine. A talk was coming on. The only difference…I get wine this time.

  “Why did you send my call to voice mail?” Gamms doesn’t look at me but continues watching Cocksucker chasing the hens. I can think it, I just won’t say it.

  “Sorry, Gamms, I wasn’t where
I could talk.”

  She pours me a glass of the red wine and pats the empty seat next to her on the worn-down porch swing my Gramps built her years ago. It needs a coat of paint and some repairs, but she says it takes someone with passion like “her dear sweet Paulie.” Every handyman I have had come out here, she turns away.

  “No worry dear, I just had some news and needed you to hear it from me first.”

  My chest tightens. She is sick. She’s leaving me. Gulping, I get the courage to speak, but she beats me to the punch.

  “Stop worrying that pretty little head of yours. I’m not dying, but your dad…”

  Those three words, “but your dad,” are not words I want to hear. “Gamms, please just spit it out. Just rip it off like a band aid.”

  “Baby girl.” She stops the gentle glide of the rocker, turns to me and places a hand on my leg. It’s supposed to be comforting, but instead fills me with dread. This band aid is going to hurt. “He wants to see you.”

  “No! Just no! I can’t do this with him after what he did before Mom died.”

  “I know Nat, that is something none of us can forgive, but he just wants a chance to explain himself and spend some time with you. He assures me he doesn’t want a thing.”

  “Sure he doesn’t,” I mumble.

  “Baby girl, would I ever put you in a situation that would hurt you?”

  “No, Gamms, but…”

  “Honey…” she interrupts, pleading with me. I know she misses him. He’s her only son and she had to choose between him and us, and she went with the tough love role and chose us.

  “Gamms, please don’t make me do this,” I plead with her. “I can’t set myself up for another letdown. I get my hopes up every time, thinking he has changed and I’ll get the daddy back that I had before the addiction took his life.” He is living, but the alcohol and gambling took him from me. He bet everything he was worth and then some and lost.

  Momma loved him desperately, always giving him another chance, taking him back.

  Their love was far from a fairytale. She was a high school senior when they met and he was engaged to a family friend’s daughter, Ginnifer Giordano aka GiGi Romano aka the mother of mean girl Jessa Romano.

  Gamms and Gramps adored my mother and accepted her with open arms. After all, they had a similar story. She was a fierce, fiery redhead with fair skin and Gamps was a smooth talking, typical Italian boy who was an heir to the Russo family fortune. Their love story wasn’t easy. She wasn’t accepted and for that he left his family and went out on his own, starting Rising Son Vineyard with just a few vines. It took years but he created an award-winning Cabernet Sauvignon called “Simply Red.” It was his nickname for Gamms, and the wine was her favorite. He later expanded and bought a few of the struggling vineyards in the area and built an empire.

  “Nat, I can’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. You are twenty-nine years old and can make decisions for yourself.” She looks away with hurt in her eyes. I know the one thing she would want more in this world is to have what family she has left together.

  “I just can’t believe he went through you to get to me.” Actually, I can, since the last time I told him to leave I accused him of killing my mom. I thought he would stay away, but apparently it wasn’t enough.

  “Well, he came for his monthly visit.” She looks guilty. Maybe because this is the first I have heard of these visits and we tell each other everything. “We have lunch the second Monday of every month.”


  “And…he saw the dry cleaning bag with your name hanging on the door.” Taking another sip of wine, she sets her glass down, turning to me. “I know he has hurt you and your mother time and time again. He was sick…”

  “Is sick,” I correct her.

  “Yes, he is sick, but he has been getting help. He hasn’t had a drink since your mother died two years ago.”

  “That may be the case, but I’m not sure if I can forgive him.”

  “You can’t even make that choice if you don’t talk to him.” She places her hands on either side of my face and looks me in the eye. I see the hurt there. I know it’s not only hurt for herself, but pain for me as well.

  “OK, Gamms, I’ll listen to what he has to say.” A lone tear slides down my cheek. She catches it and pulls me in for a tight hug. I cry. Hard. Everything floods back whenever he shows up.

  “Thank you,” she whispers in my ear. “Gammy loves you, baby girl.”

  We both turn to finish watching the sunset. I take in the scenery that is my Gamms’ yard. A once-white picket fence, now painted with bold rainbow colors. A greenhouse made from old windows and doors. I’m sure that was a Pinterest project. Then I look over to the chicken coop and notice Cocksucker strutting around with blue knitted shorts. WTH!

  “Oh my god! GAMMS! Is he...” I point wildly toward the coop, “…wearing shorts?”

  “Why of course,” she replies in all seriousness. “He was scaring the hens off with his goods. So, I knitted something that would hide the family jewels.”



  “Well, OK then. So what’s for dinner?”

  “Meatloaf and mashed potatoes!”

  “My favorite!”

  Gamms smiles.

  I smile.


  Lexi: I thought you said you were going to call when you got home???

  Lexi: You mad at me?

  Lexi: Nat, you better have a good excuse for not calling.

  Lexi: The only reason I’m not blowing up your phone is because I’m not sure where you are at and who knows what ringtone Gamms set this time.

  Lexi: OK… I’m getting worried.

  Lexi: There better be aliens involved.

  Lexi: OHHHH I SEE DOTS (…)

  Me: Hold your horses. I had a little family drama when I got home.

  Me: Stalk much?

  Lexi: She lives!

  Me: Can you talk?

  Lexi: OMG…have you not read my texts?

  Me: Calling now.

  “Soooo, how was your first day?” Lexi picks up on a half ring.

  “It was, sooo crazy, Lex.”

  “Crazy like how? Crazy busy? Crazy good? Crazy working with Colin Palmer, the love of your life, the one who got away?”

  “Real subtle Lex.” Knowing she was going to grill me on the day, I settle in between the blankets and wrap myself up, leaving a leg out for the cool factor. I get hot.

  “Well, can you blame me? I knew Tanner Construction was in Santa Barbara working for Hampton Enterprises, but that project should be wrapping up in the next few weeks, so I never thought in a million years you two would be in the same office.”

  “LEXI! Why didn’t you tell me?” I’m surprised she knew and didn’t tell me.

  “Nat, we don’t talk about Colin. Remember? We agreed once I decided to stay in St. Helena and expand the Sweet and Savory Bistro that Colin would be off limits.”

  “I know.” Defeated, I continue. “Colin and I had a moment today, which was confusing as hell.”

  “Did you say hell? Because I’m pretty sure you think that is considered a bad word.”

  “Yes, hell, hell, hell!” I smile and try to finish my story. “We had this moment and I wanted to kiss him. There I said it. Are you happy?”

  “Tell me more about this almost-kiss?”

  “My hand was on his chest and let me tell you, by the way, he is all man now.” I take a moment to relish the memory. “I bet he has a six pack under there.”

  “So all this is crazy how?”

  “No, what is crazy is that he is screwing the alphabet gang while he is dating Ferris’ secretary. Gosh, Lex, she is so young and pretty. I bet she is barley twenty-one and blonde, but not bottle blonde, natural blonde with soft natural waves.”

  “The waves that were a Pinterest fail?”

  “Yep.” I agree. “Those are the ones. Oh and I think she is jealous of me. Maybe Colin told h
er about us? What do you think?”

  “I think you need to tell me more about why you think she would be jealous.”

  “Not hundred percent and I don’t have any evidence, but I think she uploaded the wrong calendar and I missed an important meeting today.”

  “Noooooo! She didn’t?”

  “She had to have. She is the one who shared it to my email.”

  “Maybe you should talk to her, make it known that you are there for a job and that Colin is not on your radar. Unless, he is on your radar? There is that near-kiss.”

  “Not a near-kiss. I said I wanted to kiss him.” I try to clarify, but I know it’s no use. Lex knows me almost better than anyone. If the phone wouldn’t have rung, that kiss would have been a for-sure thing. “But she wasn’t there for that.”

  “Tomorrow, get to know Daisy. Make it your mission to befriend her. Maybe the calendar situation was just an error.”

  “I miss you, Lex. I thought you said Marco had business to take care of here?”

  “Speaking of which, it’s next weekend. It’s the Legends Gala that raises funds to support the Santa Barbara Culture Community. I heard it’s going to be AMAZING!” Her excitement radiates through the phone. “I hear Hampton Enterprises and Tanner Construction are major sponsors.”

  “Ferris didn’t say anything about it. I wonder if I’ll be expected to go.” Panic starts to set in. “Lexi, what if they do expect me to go? I have nothing to wear and I’m low on funds.”

  “Don’t worry. We got this.” I hear Marco in the background now, which means she will be getting off the phone any minute. “Hey, Nat!”

  “Hi! Marco!”

  “Tell Lexi bye, daddy wants some sweet lovin’.” I hear Lex laughing excitedly in the background. Oh my God is that the sound of air out of a can? Whipped cream!

  CLICK! This is becoming a habit.

  By the way Lex, my dad wants to see me.

  Chapter 8


  “Thank God it’s Friday!” I blurt out when I open the door to my temporary office. No one is here — six a.m. is a little too early for the suits of this business, but I like to go meet with the guys and get a rundown of what is in store for the day. To make sure we are staying on schedule.


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