Building Forever

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Building Forever Page 11

by Cary Hart

  Daisy seems quieter than usual. We offer her a drink to loosen her up, but she declines, saying she’s just tired from the crazy week and it’s catching up with her.

  Ferris needs to ease up on her. He runs her ragged constantly. He had a personal assistant, but let her go a week after Daisy was hired. She is definitely taking on more than what she signed up for.

  The limo starts to slow, bringing our attention to our surroundings.

  “We’re here!” Lexi bounces in her seat.

  “Is there a line of limos?” Daisy asks.

  “Yes, the sponsors get red carpet treatment. We have to wait in line until it’s our time,” Colin says. “Along the red carpet you will see the press, they may stop you to take a photograph. Tell them your name and what company you are with, but don’t say anything else. Image first.”

  “What if they ask what we are wearing?” Lex asks.

  “Lexi, this is the Legend’s Ball, not the Oscars,” Colin cracks up.

  “Looks like we are up.” I turn, smiling at Colin.

  The driver comes around and opens our door. Colin, being the perfect gentleman he is, hops out and offers his hand to Daisy and I, when Lexi starts to get out, he stops her.

  “Not today, babe.”

  “What?” she looks hurt.

  “Lex, don’t get your panties in a wad. I’m just following Marco’s orders…he has a surprise for you.”

  “Care to give me a little hint?”

  “Nope…see you soon.” And he shuts the door.

  Walking the red carpet isn’t as glamorous as I once thought. It’s blinding, with all the flashes that go off at once. Looking here when shouts are calling you to look there, all while trying to keep the perfect smile in place and lipstick off your teeth.

  Coming up to the end of the carpet I see Ferris standing by a familiar-looking woman with his hand on her lower back, whispering in her ear. His actions speak like they are intimate, but after working side-by-side with him the last few weeks, I know there is nothing intimate about this, but forced. Looking up, Ferris takes notice of me watching him.

  “Hey, it’s about time you showed up.” He waves us over. “Natalie Russo, I would like you to meet, Lillian Daniels.” Daisy’s sister!

  “Hampton! Hampton! Over here! Can we get a picture?” The paparazzi shouts.

  Ferris and Lillian strike a pose, but he directs Colin and I to get in the shot. Forced to get closer, I notice Daisy off to the side. “Daisy, get in this.”

  Hurrying over, Daisy takes position beside Ferris. He looks at her for a moment, but doesn’t react. He just puts his arm around her waist and pulls her in closer.

  “Ferris! FERRRRRIS! Look this way!” A shrill voices breaks the crowd.

  Oh God! Please tell me it’s not!

  We all look in the direction of the voice.

  Click! Click! Click! Click!

  After waiting until the pictures stop, making sure I don’t make a scene, I walk over to her. “Gamms, what are you doing here?”

  “Just taking a few pictures for our local gossip column.”

  “Since when do you work for the paper?”

  “I don’t. It’s for the Bitty Beats Facebook’s secret!” She looks up from her camera and winks.

  “Gamms you just can’t come here and rush the red carpet in hopes of a picture.”

  “I wasn’t hoping. I thought my favorite granddaughter would be ever-so-thoughtful and pose for a few pictures. Especially since I let said granddaughter’s future husband take my favorite vintage dress, which said granddaughter wore to prom, and cut the living daylights out of it to create her a special, one-of-a-kind gown…”


  “Oh nothing. Here…look at this picture.” She shoves the camera in my face. “I’ve got skills.”

  She forces me to look at the picture. Colin and I are standing close. He has his arm around my back, giving me a tiny squeeze. Something he did with every picture to get me to relax and smile.

  Next to us, Ferris is standing between Daisy and Lillian. His body is turned towards the perfectly polished Lillian, but his arm is possessively gripped around Daisy’s waist, pulling her in close...way too close. The craziest thing about this picture…body language makes you think it's Lillian who has his attention, but his face tells a different story. Ferris is looking down at Daisy, and she is gazing back up at him. I’m not sure what to make of this.

  “Hey, there you are.” Colin comes up to Gamms, kissing her on the check. “Looking good today, Gamms.”

  “Thank you, my boy! Now you guys go and have fun…shake a tail feather or whatever it is you do,” she calls over her shoulder, as she rushes away to use her camera on other unsuspecting guests.

  “What do you say, Nat? Ready to take this inside?” He whispers in my ear, nodding towards the door.

  “I thought you would never ask.” I beam at him.

  Chapter 18


  When we get inside, Colin is stopped by a potential client so I set off to find our table. I find Marco and Lexi are already seated.

  “Hey, how did you bypass the pop?” I ask, wondering why we didn’t do the same thing.

  “Marco took us through the back.” She looks at him, smiling. “He has connections.” She leans in to give him a quick peck on the check, but he turns to sneak in a real one.

  It’s cute, playful and everything I’ve ever wanted in a relationship. Lord knows I never had that with Evan.

  Just then, Colin finds us. “Where did you go?” he asks.

  “I thought I would leave you to talk business and find our table.”

  Kissing me on the forehead, he pulls out my chair. “Please don’t take off again.” He pleads. “I wanted to introduce you.”

  I’m not use to this. Evan and I always went our separate ways. I was the brains and he was the social one. It’s what we did, and I was okay with that.

  Colin seems to want me around. Something shifted in our relationship and I’m not sure exactly how that happened. I’ve come back from the friend zone, but for how long?

  “Sorry, I’m not going anywhere, you have me for the rest of the night.”

  “Just for the night?” He asks as he sits down next to me.

  Glancing over to him, I smile, but I’m confused. Where is all this coming from?

  Thankfully, Daisy walks up with Ferris and Lillian trailing behind her. She sits down next to me, Ferris beside her and Lillian on the other side of him. This is just getting weird and Daisy looks uncomfortable.

  “Daisy, I can’t get over how much you are glowing. Every man was looking at you when you walked by.” I take a sip of my water, waiting for someone to bring the champagne.

  The mention of “every man” makes Ferris cringe, but he hides it well. He says something to Lillian, then moves over to sit in the empty seat next to Marco, probably to talk shop. Something is up with that situation too. I’ll have to call Lexi later to find out the scoop.

  Lillian watches Ferris for a moment, but soon brings her attention to her sister. “Daisy, you really are glowing. The dress is cute, too. Did you order it from David’s Bridal?”

  Daisy glares at her. “No, I think an event like this requires something a little classier than David’s Bridal.” Looking at me then back to her sister, she adds the icing to the cake. “Ferris had it ordered for me when he was visiting Italy.”

  Well-played Daisy, well-played.

  “Hey,” Colin whispers, brushing his lips against my ear. “Are you hungry?”

  Looking at him, I shiver and he smiles. I go to speak, but nothing comes out so I nod.

  “You cold?” He smiles knowingly.

  This man is going to drive me insane. I have wanted him since the first time I felt him on top of me, on the hill. We were just teenagers, but my hormones were in full bloom. I would have done anything with him, all he had to do was show some interest other than friendship. When I left, I never thought I would have another chan
ce to be with Colin Palmer. I left and lived my life, him doing the same.

  Life went on, but I didn’t know until now how wrong I was. I wasn’t living, I was surviving.


  After we finish dinner and the table is cleared, there is a silent auction followed by dancing.

  This evening is awkward. Daisy and Lillian have some secret sibling rivalry going on, and Ferris is irritated with Daisy. Lexi and Marco seem to be having a good time, until Ferris takes Marco’s attention and talks business for most of dinner. Colin and I are in our own little world talking and flirting. Maybe even a little dirty talk here and there.

  After watching a few of the couples wander out to the dance floor, Colin pushes out his chair, tosses his napkin on the table and downs his whiskey.

  “Natalie Isabella Russo, would you like to have this dance?” He asks as he takes a bow.

  “Are you sure? You hate to dance.”

  “Just play along,” he replies.

  “Okay.” I down my third or fourth glass of champagne. “Why thank you, kind sir, I thought you would never ask.” I give him my hand and he pulls me up.

  When we hit the dance floor, the tempo changes from upbeat to slow. Colin grabs me and pulls me close, and we move to the music. Placing my hand above his heart, I steady myself as we move back and forth.

  Couples around us look as if they have taken lessons. Ballrooms around the area have

  “Dancing With the Stars” to thank for that for the increase in business.

  When the song changes to Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight,” Colin pulls back.

  “You really do look wonderful tonight.” He winks. “You like the way I worked the title into the compliment?”

  “Why yes, thank you. You look pretty delicious yourself.” I can’t believe I just said that.

  “You think I’m delicious? Because the feeling is mutual, babe.”

  “It’s just the dress.”

  “Don’t do that.” He twirls me then brings me back to him. “You make the dress beautiful.”

  “Speaking of the dress…you did this.” It’s a statement, not a question.

  “I tried to find you the perfect dress, but nothing was good enough. Then they brought out this green one that reminded me of the one you borrowed from Gamms…I had never seen you more beautiful than you were that night.”

  “Thank you, but how did you make that dress into this?”

  “I have connections.” He swings me around again only to pull me closer to him.

  Sighing, I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. Colin may think he’s not romantic, but this right here is one hundred percent romance. He doesn’t dance, he doesn’t do compliments, he doesn’t buy presents, but he’s done all that for me.

  I don’t know if it’s the champagne, the scent of him or the glow of the candlelight, but I want to take this back to the hotel.

  “Feeling is mutual sweetheart.”

  “Did I say that out loud?” I feel the bulge in his dress slacks grow tighter, making me want to sway my hips harder.

  “You sure did and if you keep dancing like that, I’m not going to be held responsible if we don’t make it back there.”

  Plotting our exit, I share my thoughts. “Let me hit the bathroom and say goodbye to the girls, then we can go. Meet you in the foyer?”

  “Sounds like the perfect escape.”

  As I turn to leave, Colin grabs my arm and pulls me back to him. He crushes his lips to mine and I relax in his embrace, waiting for more, but it doesn’t come. Pulling away, he gives me a final peck on the forehead and pushes me toward the ladies room.


  Walking into the bathroom, I find a stall open on the end. Quickly using the facilities, I stand and fix my dress. As I’m adjusting, I hear someone come into the restroom.

  “Did you see who Colin Palmer was with?” says girl one.

  “I know! He must have gone through all the women in Santa Barbara to slum it with a girl like her,” girl two spits back.

  “Guys, maybe it’s his sister or a cousin or sister-cousin,” girl three cracks. It’s actually kind of funny.

  “There was no way that was his sister, did you see them on the dance floor?” girl one retorts.

  “Totally! Can we say awkward?” girl three says in a high-pitched, whiney-as-hell voice. “That’s cute, can I borrow some of that?” She’s now slipping from likable category. Funny factor has now been eliminated.

  Not letting these girls bother me, I start to unlock the door to leave, but then I hear footsteps and a familiar voice.

  “Hey girls!”

  “Hi Lillian! We were just talking about the new girl with Colin Palmer.” Girl one speaks up again.

  Standing still, I wait to see what Lillian has to say. She wasn’t very friendly at the table and a total witch to her sister.

  “I don’t think you have to worry about her. He’s already moved on and is getting cozy with Katrina out in the hallway. Hey is there a stall open?”

  Taking that as my cue, I open the door and make my presence known.

  “Ladies,” I say sweetly as I walk by to wash my hands and freshen up. “Lillian, it’s all yours.” I’m trying to act like I don’t care when in all reality, my heart just broke. Again.

  When I free myself from the gates of hell, I rush out of the restroom hoping to find Colin and clear up this whole mess, but instead, what I see stops me dead in my tracks. It’s true.

  I watch them from a distance. They seem to be just standing there talking. I can deal with talking. I talk. Then she takes a step in, places a hand on his cheek and kisses him on his other. I can’t watch this.

  I run as fast as I can down the hall, but fail miserably. Falling over my feet, I try to reach out to grab something, anything, but all I can find is a vase.

  Wrong move.

  The vase comes down and shatters around me. I try to get up, but the glass is poking into my skin and blood is starting to surface.

  Praying that no one saw, I look back, but see blue eyes staring back at me. That’s right I caught you.

  “Nat, don’t move!” Colin shouts, running down the hallway after me.

  Standing, I try to take off, but start to fall forward again, and my ankle twists. Before I hit the ground, Colin catches me.

  “Hey, what’s going on? Are you okay?”

  Wrong question, buddy.

  “No, I’m not fucking okay. This is like prom all over again. I go to the bathroom only to be tormented by listening to some bitches talk about you and that girl you’re with. That is not okay Colin! Then I come out to find you making out with one of the mean girls. Seriously…you are supposed to be my best friend, you were supposed to like me enough to want to kiss me. ”

  “Baby, calm down.” He tries to pull me in for a hug, but I push him away.

  “Calm down? You played me again. Except this time, I come out to find Katrina, Kat, K or whatever the hell you call her, all up in your personal space right after you kissed me and told me you wanted to take me back to your hotel. What happened, Colin? Get bored with me so soon?” My voice cracks as tears pool in my eyes. “Colin, I hate you! You made me love you not once, but twice.” I confess my feelings, knowing after this I will never see him again. His project is done and he will be moving back to St. Helena. There is nothing for me there. Not anymore.

  “Nat, I don’t know what you saw, but it wasn’t what you think. WAIT! Did you just say you loved me?”

  “Don’t change the subject Colin. Just let me go, so I can go home.”

  “So you can run? That has become your specialty, hasn’t it?” He moves in closer.

  “I’m not running, I’m surviving.” I try to scoot back as far as I can to create some distance, but the wall blocks my escape.

  “You ran then and you are running now.” He is so close I can hear his heart pounding in his chest. “This is me stopping you.” His mouth crashes to mine.

  The kiss is punishi
ng, not passionate. Claiming what is his, what he wants. His hands fly up to my hair yanking it back to free my neck.

  I try to hit his hands away, but he doesn’t stop. Nipping his way down to my neck he attacks, sucking, biting, marking me.

  “Did you mean it?”


  “Did you fucking mean it? Do you love me?”

  Lick. Bite.

  “Answer me! God damn it. Answer me!” He holds me in place by taking my hands above my head, and putting a knee between my legs.

  “I can’t think…” The feeling of his knee between my legs is distracting.

  “Think harder.” Colin becomes aware of what is distracting me and slowly begins to move. It’s torture, but I have to stay strong. He can’t just take what he wants with whomever he wants.

  OH GOD! Right there!

  I can’t take it anymore. I snap. “Yes! I meant it! I loved you then and I love you now.” I free myself from his grasp and push him back against the other wall. “Is that what you want to hear? And for what? Huh? What does it even matter?” I glare into his eyes, then hang my head, defeated.

  “Sweetheart…” He lowers his face to get me to look at him. “It matters to me because you matter to me.”

  “Colin…” I start to cry. “I can’t.”

  Picking me up, he heads down the empty hallway and out the backdoor. With a quick adjustment, he grabs his phone and calls a car.

  “This is not going to end before it even has a chance to begin.” He shifts me in his arms cradling me, caring for me. “Let’s go get you cleaned up, then we talk.”

  Chapter 19


  One minute I’m ready to walk away, the next I’m in Colin’s hotel bathroom watching him pick glass out of my body.

  “You really need to go to the hospital.” He looks up at me as he pulls another shard of glass from my knee.

  “Really I’m fine. You almost have all the glass out of my knees and this little buddy right here…” I pick the last piece out of my palm and drop it in the bowl. “…is the last one.”


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