Get Cozy, Josey!

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Get Cozy, Josey! Page 23

by Susan May Warren

  “Me, cake!” Justin is sitting at the table, his grubby little fingers just itching to take a swipe out of the chocolate frosting I’m layering on the twins’ birthday cake. I can’t believe they’re four.

  Or that I made a cake from scratch. It’s not unlike cookies, despite what I previously thought.

  Most of all, I can’t believe that four years ago today, I learned that God loves me in ways I never imagined. And it seems He hasn’t slacked off, either.

  The plastic is off our windows and they’re open, allowing in a breeze smelling of jasmine and lilac, overturned garden dirt and the fresh start that spring brings. Chloe is dressed all in pink, in short sleeves, her hair in high curly pigtails. She’s trotting around the yard whinnying. I think I miss the kitty.

  “Olya sent over a salmon pie,” Chase says, walking into the house with a plate covered by a towel. He’s looking cute and American in a pair of faded jeans and a long-sleeve pullover that makes his blue eyes shine. Yeah, I’m still crazy about the man who stole my heart in the sandbox. “She said she’ll send Vasilley over in a bit with sok.”

  Because a party is not a party without prune sok.

  But I am glad for the help with Chloe and Justin’s birthday party. Besides the cake, I’ve baked eight-dozen peanut-butter cookies (thanks to Maggie and Dalton’s re-supply gift), pretty much exhausting my kitchen repertoire.

  Chase sets down the pie. “I invited Nathan.” He looks at me, gauging my response.

  I give him a nod. “I hope he brings Maya.” I’m proud of Chase, seeking out Nathan and apologizing. The fact is, Nathan asked the right questions and made Chase see his potential losses, as well as his hidden gifts—every guy needs a friend like that.

  Even if the friend needs to work on his boundaries. Like not giving flowers to other people’s wives.

  I finish the cake, put it in the center of the table and go outside. Chase has set up a long picnic table with benches. I cover the table with a sheet and decorate it with orange flowers I find growing along my fence.

  Already, the potatoes are sprouting through the dirt we furrowed. Hopefully, when Anya and Misha move back in, they’ll be pleased by the garden. Not to mention Chase’s award-winning outhouse.

  Chase comes up beside me, puts his arm around my waist and kisses me. “Just think of the garden you’ll have in Gull Lake.”

  I touch his hand and then turn, twining my arms around his neck and laying my head on his chest. We’ve decided to turn down Maggie’s offer. The last thing the twins need is more time away from Mom. I’ve taught Olya the ins and outs of the Internet, and she’s taken over most of the eBay responsibilities of Secrets of Siberia. Chloe and Justin are back to half days at detski-sod, and both of them are “error”-free and keeping their sign language to themselves.

  Even Vasilley and some of the elders have joined the business, making bread boxes and cutting boards. I’m amazed at their skill. And their new willingness to be partners.

  As for Maya, she lost everything in the fire. The town has banded together and not only furnished a room for her at detski-sod, but also given her clothing. I’m not sure she likes the clothes, but I know she loves the grace she’s been given.

  I’m also able to spot the grace I’ve been given. I like life in this village. The crow of the rooster in the morning, the low of the cows, the smell of coal smoke. I love that when I go to the post office, I always see someone I know.

  In fact, perhaps Bursk isn’t so different from Gull Lake.

  “Hey there, lovebirds, none of that in front of the young’uns.” Nathan’s voice makes me smile, and I give Chase a quick kiss before I greet him. Nathan is holding Maya’s hand, and I recognize a smile on her face that I know comes from healing.

  “Want a cookie?” I loop my arm through hers as she laughs.

  Before we can go into the house, more people come through the gate—Ulia and her brother, Misha and Anya and the Banya Girls, who I now have begun to recognize fully dressed. Olya and Vasilley arrive with little Albena, who breaks away and runs to find Justin and Chloe.

  All the commotion attracts Lydia’s attention, and she tries to force her body through the fence, barking her hellos. I toss her a cookie as I turn and greet our guests.

  Everyone’s brought goodies—sauerkraut, pickles, sala, salad and bread.

  “Congratulations!” Olya says as she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  “Why congratulations?” I receive a kiss from Vasilley.

  “We congratulate the mother on the birthday of her children,” Olya says. She’s still glowing, as if Albena just arrived home yesterday. Or maybe it’s because in about six months, she’ll be accepting congratulations for number two.

  I hear a shriek followed by pounding feet, and Justin flies out of the house, followed by Albena.

  “Mommy! Chloe ate the cake!”

  Of course she did. But I can see that Justin’s far from innocent, because he’s wearing a beard of chocolate frosting.

  I roll my eyes and turn, but Chase stops me. “I’ll handle it.” He gives me a wink.

  “So have you guys decided what you’re going to do?” Nathan asks as Olya and Maya lay out the treats on the table. I frown at him, and he looks confused. “Apparently Chase hasn’t mentioned it to you.”

  Uh-oh, here we go again. “Hasn’t mentioned what?”

  “I’m headed stateside to finish seminary.” He lowers his voice. “I’m going to put it off just a bit longer.” His gaze flashes to Maya, and I see tenderness cross his face. “But eventually I’ll need someone to take up the reins of this ministry. Someone with a heart and understanding for the people of Siberia.”

  My throat is tight. And not because Chase has kept this question from me but because I suddenly realize how much he loves me. Chase knows how much I miss Gull Lake. And he wants to give me my home.

  I’m wondering, though, if I’d miss Bursk as much as I’ve missed Gull Lake. Because maybe it’s not where I live, but how. And with whom.

  And I want Chase to be everything God intends for him.

  “You told me once, Nathan, that I’d make a good pastor’s wife. But all I’ve ever wanted to be is a good wife. One who loves her husband. And if God wants to do this amazing work through Chase, I’m going to help…by not standing in the way.”

  Before Nathan can say anything, Chase appears. He’s clutching Justin under one arm and Chloe under the other. They’re both covered in chocolate and giggling.

  Because Chase is also covered in chocolate. When he tries to give me a kiss, I laugh and dodge him.

  But he’ll catch me. He always does.

  And as I watch him chase the other kids around the yard, our little weapons of chocolate destruction under his arms, I know in my heart that it doesn’t really matter where we live.

  Because, together, we’re already home.


  Ready, Set…Go!

  “Are you ready?” I’m crammed into a Radio Flyer wagon, perched atop Bloomquist Mountain. Below, Gull Lake sparkles under a perfect summer sky.

  “Josey, really, this is crazy. I’m going to win, and you’re going to get hurt.” Chase is sitting in a matching wagon, all grins. He looks just as cute as he did twenty-some years ago, in his cut-off T-shirt and faded jeans. And here I am again, poised to race him down a gravel hill. I might turn over into the ditch. And yes, I might even get hurt.

  But I know I’m going to win.

  “I can’t believe it’s our last day here.” I’m stalling for time as I eye the descent.

  Chase has his legs over the side and is rocking his wagon back and forth. The sun has browned his face and arms. He’s been working at Berglund Acres over the past year with Dad, getting it ready for the new ownership, namely my brother, Buddy, who is moving with his fiancée back to Gull Lake.

  Has it already been a year since we left Bursk? I can still see them—Olya, Vasilley and Albena, waving to us from the dock, along with the clothed Banya Girls. And Uli
a, standing with Sasha and her children. Last I heard Ulia was living with her daughter-in-law while Anton serves his sentence for arson. And I can still see Maya and Nathan at the Khabarovsk airport as we fly out, thank you very much, courtesy of Chase’s insisting that Voices International treat us to plane tickets.

  It’s been a contemplative but busy year, ending with our commissioning service last week at the church.

  Buddy is already manning the coals for the big Berglund Acres barbecue. Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Bert have probably arrived, along with H, who is already starting to show, a cute lump under her hot-pink maternity shirt. (It’s hard to tell which is glowing more—her shirt, her hair, or her face.) I knew she could do it.

  So they’re all here. One family ready to send us back to the other.

  “Caleb and Daphne called this morning,” Chase tells me. “They’ll meet us at the airport in New York. Apparently Caleb wants to show her Central Park.”

  “It’s the last glimpse of mowed grass they’re going to have for four years,” I say. “But I have a feeling that Daphne is going to love Bursk.”

  I reach over and grip his arm. “Say it again.”

  “Indoor plumbing, I promise.” He grins. “I’ve already contacted Vasilley, and he says they’re working on it. And not just for us—they’re contracting for plumbing for the whole town. He makes a great mayor, if you ask me.”

  I finally dredged up the courage to ask Olya about her black eye—and she looked at me a long time, dumbfounded, until she burst into laughter. “Lydia!” she said, and explained how Lydia had taken out the fence, and Olya had wrestled her back to their side of the yard. “And Olya is fine. She and the kids send their love. You were smart to put her in charge of Secrets of Siberia. She has to fight for dial-up time with Maya, however, who spends all her free time online, chatting with Nathan. Apparently, Maya’s coming stateside for Thanksgiving this year. Nathan told me last time we talked that he might pop the question.”

  I’m so glad Chase still has Nathan in his life. I wonder what else they talk about. Like, the Bible classes Chase has been taking? Or perhaps the way he is devouring God’s word? He went through Ephesians in just a week! It took me…oh, never mind.

  The breeze stirs the pine and poplar trees, reaping the last smells of summer. I can’t believe it’s nearly over.

  “Your parents are probably back from the pool with Justin and Chloe. I know they’ve loved all this grand-parenting time. They’re starting to get the hang of instant messaging, and I already installed the webcam. I tried it on Jasmine last night. She and Milton said they’d leave for the barbecue right after church.”

  “She’d better be bringing kringle.”

  “She mentioned that, and bagels.”

  I laugh. See, the people who love me won’t forget, regardless of how far I roam.

  “We’d better get going if we hope to get any ribs.”

  I stare down the hill again. It’s not as steep as I remember—more of an incline, really.

  “Are you sure about this?” Chase says, also looking down the hill. His smile dims, and I see the same uncertainty in his eyes that I saw the day we received our acceptance letter from Mission to the World.

  Dear Chase and Josey Anderson,

  We’re pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as career missionaries…

  “I’m sure about this,” I say, grasping the handle of the wagon. “But can you keep up?”

  His smile is back, part danger, part challenge. My stomach does a small roll of delight.


  “Go!” I yell, and push off.

  Chase is behind me, laughing.

  And my face is to the eastern wind.


  Josey has been married for a few years when the book opens. Her plan is to go camping with her husband so he’ll be willing to move back to Gull Lake. Do you think spouses “bargain” like this? How effective is it?

  Why do you think Josey agrees to go to Bursk? Would you have gone?

  Josey takes the train across Siberia. What is the longest trip you’ve ever taken as an adult? Did you have children with you? Did you have any crazy moments? What were they?

  Chase promised Josey a house. Have you ever moved someplace, sight unseen? What would you have done if you’d discovered you had no indoor plumbing?

  Do any of Chloe and Justin’s antics remind you of children you know? Who, and how?

  Josey thinks that Olya is being abused by her husband. Have you ever been in a situation where you suspected something like this? What did you do about it?

  Why does Josey enroll her children in detski-sod? Do you think that was a good idea? Why or why not?

  Josey struggles with her sister’s success, despite her happiness for her. Have you ever had someone close to you experience success? Were you jealous? How did you deal with those emotions?

  What was your reaction when Chase brought his Christmas present for Josey?

  In Russia, it is quite common for guests to drop in and stay for a while, as Nathan does, with Josey and Chase. Do you have a friend that drops in the way Nathan does? What do you think Josey should have done, given that Chase invited him?

  Have you traveled or lived abroad? What is your favorite foreign dessert or delicacy?

  Why do you think that H could see Nathan’s effect on Josey, but Josey couldn’t? Do you think Josey would have cheated on Chase if Nathan had been after her heart?

  What is Josey’s epiphany in the story? How does she change and grow? If you’ve read either of the two previous novels (Everything’s Coming Up Josey and Chill Out, Josey!), how has she matured?

  Have you ever wanted to have a blank slate and start over again? What would you do with your life?

  Why don’t Chase and Josey take the job Maggie and Dalton offer them? Do you think they’ll live happily ever after? Why, or why not?


  ISBN: 978-1-4268-2104-2


  Copyright © 2008 by Susan May Warren

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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