Blackmailed For The Billionaires Pleasure

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Blackmailed For The Billionaires Pleasure Page 7

by Marie Kelly

  “So how long are you here for” Ben asked Kira conversationally

  “Only a few days” she had answered him truthfully, as the two had looked disappointed

  “Will you be back soon” his wife had asked “We could have you both over”

  Kira had swallowed noticing Craig’s silence

  “Sorry, I don’t ….”

  “Kira lives in London” Craig cut in. She noticed him frowning into his drink

  “Yes” she replied dropping her eyes from his, ending the conversation as the other two had looked at each other in surprise.

  Soon afterwards Ben and Heather had made their apologies

  “OK lover boy. Take me home” Heather cried out and they had noisily made their way out of the villa.

  After they had said goodnight to the couple, walking with them to the helipad they watched as they had disappeared out of sight.

  Shivering slightly as a gust of wind tugged at her Craig had put an arm around her warming her, Kira smiling enjoying the feel of him against her.

  “Want to take a walk” he asked softly as she nodded smiling brightly

  Walking along the beach hand in hand they had talked animatedly about different subjects. Both enjoying each others company. As the sun set lighting up the sky with burning colours of red, oranges and pinks he looked down at her, moving so that they faced each other.

  “Today was good” he said

  She nodded in agreement

  “I can’t believe you would remember the rose” she had laughed “I was a complete mess that day, oh and by the way I was not lying flat on my back”

  He laughed “You took pity on me huh” he said before adding softly

  “You were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen”

  She gasped, biting her lip, as she looked up at him seeing the passion in his eyes before he bent his head to kiss her. Winding her arms around his waist her body had flattening against his, as his hands gently held her face, kissed her so deeply that she moaned with desire.

  “I want to make love to you right now” he breathed against her mouth as she groaned with a matching need, before her eyes fluttered open

  “We can’t” she sighed

  Craig held his hand level with her face dangling a small packet in front of her eyes as he continued to kiss her

  “I never get caught out twice” he sighed against her mouth

  “Thank God for that” she whispered as they both sank down into the sand their needs driving them forwards to wonderful heights of pleasure which left them both shaken and panting in each others arms.

  That night they lay in bed together their arms wrapped around each other. Their love making had continued once more erupting when they had moved back to the bedroom. In the shower, which they had shared they had washed each other their hands exploring each others bodies feeling the water sensually flowing down between them, before moving to the bed where they had once more come together in wonderful mutual desire. After many hours with their bodies entwined together, sleep had finally overtaken them. Kira, had not known such happiness for many years, but the knowledge that it was to be so fleeting ate at her, bringing a look of sadness to her lovely face which he had noticed as she fell asleep against him.

  The next morning she awoke early, and quietly so as not to disturb him she had crept out of the bed to stand outside on the balcony, enjoying the dawn rising over the horizon while listening to the sea below and the birds noisily crying overhead, feeling contentment to her very soul. She ached a little from the feel of his body and his possession of her the previous night, but for the first time in many years she felt complete and Kira had sighed gently, a small smile playing on her lips.

  On waking, Craig had looked for her in the bed beside him and when he had not found her there had looked around for her, missing not feeling her in his arms and frowning at his need to have her there. The thought that she would be gone in a few days caused him to lay back deep in thought. He had brought her here a victim of blackmail to use and humiliate her, to get revenge for the past, and yet he had found that he no longer wanted to destroy her, feeling cold at the thought that soon she would be gone. Their love making had been intense, familiar and he was confused. He knew that she was a liar, but surely nobody could lie that well with their body. She had wanted him with a hunger which matched his own.

  Thoughts had filled his head of her staying in Vegas. It would make more sense if she was there rather than in Britain. Staring up at the ceiling, he knew that a few days was not enough to get her out of his system, knew he needed more time. Lying back he wondered how he could keep her there for longer, perhaps they could look at a more agreeable arrangement. This time it would be different, this time he knew what she really was, he had no illusions about her and he could make sure that she didn’t cause him any real problems. He had not had any serious involvement with other women since her, preferring to keep the relationships casual 1, 2 weeks at most before moving on. However, she excited him in a way no other woman ever had, and he began to think about how he could keep her in his bed. After all there were great benefits to being the mistress of Craig Kent.

  This time with her had been wonderful, he had not felt so relaxed in years, in fact not since they were last together he thought wryly to himself. He would buy her a home somewhere close to the strip and visit her whenever he could. He already knew that that would be often - Kira Black fascinated him. With this thought gaining momentum he went looking for her, finally seeing her standing on the balcony her crumpled hair blowing gently with the sea breeze.

  Kira smiled as he came up behind her moving her hair away from the nape of her neck so that he could kiss it. Pleasant tremors instantly passed up and down her body as she groaned gently.

  “What do you want to do today” he asked his breath soft against her neck

  Giving a gentle laugh she responded

  “What happened to … at your beck and call” she chuckled

  Moving his arms around her slender waist and lifting her slightly off her feet he began moving back into the bedroom

  “Well in that case” he said in a husky voice “back to bed”

  She squealed in delight as together they fell back onto the bed their bodies instantly entwining with each other.

  When they finally rose, Craig had smiled mischievously

  “Now given the need to conserve energy, I really think that we should carry on with our good practice started last night and share this shower” he had laughed throatily.

  She had chuckled back

  “mmmmmmmmmm for the sake of the planet that is very tempting…..but I have to make a phone call”

  She noticed the change in his face, as he moved into the bathroom, a small frown on his replacing the relaxed happy smile.

  Sighing softly she placed the call spending the time he was in the shower on her phone.

  Seeing her just calling off as he came out with a towel wrapped around his long lean body, his hair still glistening with the shower water he looked at her carefully

  “Are you going to tell me who you’re phoning?”

  “Please Craig… don’t” she answered with a pleading tone in her voice

  He closed his mouth a serious look in his eyes as he turned away slowly retrieving clothes from one of the drawers in the large white chest of drawers.


  Relieved she made her way to the bathroom to shower herself.

  In the shower she thought about the phone calls. If she were to tell him it would make the whole situation worse. He had wanted her here for a few days. He had seen her as somebody to spend the time with relaxing with no strings attached. She had made it so easy for him, offering no resistance, she groaned at how quickly she had melted against him, how she had let him take her to such passionate heights and how she had kissed and caressed his body with abandon. Yes, telling him would make everything so much more difficult.

  When she was showered she found Craig sitting out on t
he balcony. Wearing a pair of Khaki shorts and a coral tea shirt and sporting a pair of dark glasses, he looked content as he looked out over the sea.

  Kira had pulled out blue shorts and a pink sleeveless silky shirt which gave her an air of innocence as he looked at her. Seeing her hair fall down her back he once more admired her.

  “We had better go” he said huskily

  “Looking like that you might not ever get out of this room”

  Kira smiled sweetly

  “Why do you think at your age you could catch me” she mocked him. He leapt up to chase her, and giggling she ran out of the room and down the stairs before she felt herself being lifted in his arms

  “Care to say that again” he laughed down at her

  Laughing back she shook her head

  “Not me… I know when to shut up” she smiled before pulling his head down to kiss her

  He moaned before placing her back on her feet.

  “OK breakfast it is” he stated placing a soft kiss on her smiling lips

  “Then fancy going out in the boat”

  Her enthusiastic nodding caused him to flash her another dazzling smile

  In the kitchen Maria busied herself making them a delicious breakfast, which they both enjoyed greatly, having expounded so much energy the previous evening. As they were finishing their coffee and in Kiras case Tea the housekeeper rushed into the kitchen

  “I am sorry Mr Kent there is a phone call for you – the caller says that it is very important. It is Mr James”

  With a worried frown Craig strode quickly out of the kitchen and into his study leaving her alone.

  For 30 minutes Kira waited for his return sipping her tea slowly savouring the taste of the now luke warm liquid. When he returned his mouth was tight, his face grim and his body stiff with a barely contained anger.

  “I’m sorry Kira, I have to cancel” he said. However, his mind was elsewhere and the look he gave her was one containing some of the old anger

  “I need to go back to Las Vegas” for a second he watched her thoughtfully

  “Is everything OK” she asked the note of concern in her voice making him look strangely at her

  “Want to come” he finally asked her as casually as he could manage

  “What’s wrong” she asked

  Frowning he sat beside her

  “A few years ago somebody tried a hostile take over of my company” he said watching her as though he was expecting some kind of reaction

  “I fought back and to cut a long story short won” he paused for a second “now the same guy is going after a good friend of mine”

  Kira mumbled something supportive, but it seemed to make him frown only deeper.

  “I need to go and speak with my friend, see what help I can give him. He seems to think that if I beat him then maybe we can come up with a plan” looking closely at her he finished “lets hope so”

  “Of course I’ll come” she said “But will I be in the way”

  Craig smiled gently “No, in fact you might be the perfect cover for me”

  Kira looked at him in surprise

  “He’s throwing a garden party this afternoon and inviting friends and family….I wasn’t planning on going because I planned to be here….but now it seems I need to go after all. Taking you along will look like we are only there to join in the festivities.”

  With a tightening of his mouth he continued

  “This man has a track record of using others to gather information about those he’s after….so if you’re along I’ll just look like I’m there for a bit of fun”

  He smiled at her.

  “Sorry about the boat trip”

  Kira shrugged “Doesn’t matter” she said “I’ll just go change”

  He nodded

  “Kira do you have business cards with you”

  Surprised she nodded

  “Bring them with you… there are going to be a lot of key hotel owners there …. Might do you and Bill some good”

  Surprised Kira nodded her head

  “OK” she said her voice showing her surprise

  He had originally not planned on asking Kira along, but it seemed an ideal opportunity for her to see how being his mistress would be beneficial to her career before he brought up the subject that night.

  “I’ll change in my room” he said much to her surprise, “I need to make some private phone calls and I’ll meet you back down here in 15 minutes”

  She wondered why the secrecy, but reminded herself that she was only a guest, and an employee at that. It was strange that this fact had never really sunk in to her until that moment.

  15 minutes after they had separated on the upstairs landing, Kira had made her way back down to the hallway. She could see Craig already standing waiting for her dressed in khaki chinos wearing a black short sleeve polo shirt, which accentuated his broad shoulders and long lean back. Kira was once again reminded of how masculine he was as he stood leaning against the wall one foot crossed over the other, his hands deep within his trousers pockets watching her as she made her way down the stairs. His eyes were appreciative of the way she looked and his smile was already causing her to have to fight down sudden impulses which flared up within her body.

  She wore a simple summer dress the colour of soft cornflower blue. It clasped from behind at her neck and then the A line shape fell softly to her knees. The simple shape of the dress added to its effect when worn by Kira who seemed oblivious to how beautiful she looked as the material barely skimmed her wonderful body while the shorter length allowed her wonderful legs to be seen to their best. To finish she had a matching colour pair of blue shoes with low heels, and a small bag which hung from her shoulder.

  As she reached the bottom of the stairs he moved forward taking her arm as he guided her out of the house placing her gently into his sports car which he had moved to the front of the house.

  “You look wonderful” he said, his eyes mirroring his words.

  Kira flashed him a warm smile while pulling a small scarf from her bag and securing her hair remembering the previous day.

  They drove the 15 minutes to the airfield, where she once again found herself seated in the plane she had arrived in 2 days ago. How different everything was now she thought remembering the awkwardness of that journey. Now however, he sat talking with her, laughing as she leaned in against him. She was aware of how he looked hungrily at her long legs which were crossed in front of her and how she longed to feel his hands on her body.

  After just over an hour they landed. Kira had been surprised, as they had not landed on the same runway she and Craig had left from but one which was part of the large estate they were visiting just outside Vegas. As they alighted from the aircraft a large stretch limo moved forwards to meet them, taking them the half mile or so to the main gates of the estate itself. Kira couldn’t help but be impressed by the style in which she was being transported, although Craig seemed almost used to it.

  “Who is Mr James” she asked softly as she sat at one end of the large car

  Craig lost in thought looked up at her “Paul James” he offered her with a smile

  “When I bought my first hotel, it was Paul who financed me….got me started” he said

  “Oh” she said softly “I see”

  “He always took an interest in me, helped me….he didn’t have to…but he did. You’ll like him Kira”

  She smiled warmly “I already do” she said looking into his eyes

  “Will you be able to help him” she asked

  Craig looked warily at her not speaking for a second before answering

  “I think so….. As I said he came after me a few years ago and I beat him…. I know how he works”

  “Who…” she began before the car drawing up took the question from her mouth

  Craig exited the car holding her hand as she came out. She found herself looking at a magnificent house, with a driveway which swept up to the front of the entrance and then circled back a
round to rejoin the main driveway. From close by she could hear music and the sound of people laughing and talking. However, it was the man who came forward to meet them who most caught her attention. Paul James was nearly as tall as Craig and despite his salt and pepper hair was still an attractive man. He greeted Craig warmly as did Craig him. They embraced in the way that men did smiling warmly at each other. Kira had stood back shyly until Craig pulled her forward his hand gently in hers.

  “Paul I would like you to meet Kira Black”

  The older man smiled warmly at her

  “You are very welcome Kira” he said “It is a pleasure to meet you”

  “Kira is the interior designer for the Superior” Craig added looking into her eyes

  “Indeed” Paul James added looking interested “I have some hotels needing to be remodelled ….. We should talk later” he smiled

  Kira smiled back, not entirely sure if he was just being polite. However, she had the distinct impression that Paul James like Craig never wasted time on meaningless pleasantries.

  The three of them had then moved around to the back of the house, where Kira could see about 100 people all milling around talking and laughing. Waiters moved around the guests distributing snacks and drinks as requested and a band played soft music in the background. Craig introduced her to several of his friends, all hotel owners and all interested in her line of work. While Kira was deep in talks with one man John, a cheerful man who had recently bought over an off strip hotel with plans to turn it into a themed one, Craig had excused himself. She watched as he, Paul and two others moved back into the main house, their faces serious. She continued with her discussion listening to John’s problems and offering potential solutions, finding that he seemed genuinely impressed with her ideas, soon taking her business card with a promise to phone her the following week. Kira soon found she repeated this with many different people and was amazed to realise that she had made more potential business leads in 2 hours than she and Bill had been able to do in several years. The power of networking she thought to herself with an ironic smile.

  Suddenly feeling a little tired after two hours of talking, Kira had moved to the edge of the party, ready to escape to a quieter seated area, only to find herself face to face with a man who introduced himself as Ben. Her senses had prickled uncomfortably as he lifted her hand to kiss it, his lips dropping on her skin for several seconds more than necessary. Finally it was Kira who moved her hand from his pulling it forcibly from his grip, smelling the drink on his breath. Ben was taller than Kira and was slightly overweight, and at that moment he was looking down on her with greedy eyes which openly admired her as they travelled all over her body.


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