Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury Page 18

by Shawn Sodman

  “I’m counting on that,” Evelena replies. “With any luck, they will also send for reinforcements from the south.”

  Sven nods his head and grins. “That is good plan.”

  “What do you mean?” Isen says, “We can't fight against that.”

  Kianna says to Isen, “We aren't supposed to.”

  “I’m still confused,” says Isen.

  Evelena explains, “If they send enough forces to deal with an invisible army, it may give King Arioch the advantage in the south.”

  “That is a brilliant plan,” Kianna says.

  “Thank you,” Evelena replies. “I just hope it works.”

  “Are we leaving then?” Ambra asks.

  The others look at Evelena, awaiting her response. “Not just yet,” Evelena finally answers. “I would like to wait and see if they fall for the ruse first, but we should be ready to use the gate stone at any time.”

  Ambra takes off the sandstone amulet around her neck and holds it out to her sister. “Here, Ya'leigh, you take the gate stone.”

  Ya'leigh takes the magical talisman from Ambra and says, “All right, I'll be in charge of this from now on.”

  Chapter 25

  Captain on Deck

  Back in Sheathelm, as the sun begins to set, Ariella sits at a round table within a small tent in the market district. Sitting opposite her is a dark haired woman wearing a bandanna. She has many piercings in her ears and a gold hoop pierced through her nose. Sitting next to Ariella is Fernando, bound in chains. Samantha and Annalee stand behind Fernando, while Fidelma stands next to Ariella.

  The woman with piercings says to Ariella, “I have completed the test that you asked for. So, you wish to know if the two of you are related?”

  Ariella answers, “Yes. What did you find?”

  “The blood does not lie,” the woman answers. “The two of you share the same father.”

  Throughout her entire life, Ariella had lived without knowing her mother and father. She had often wondered if any blood relatives of hers were left in the world. Now, after all this time, sitting next to her in chains, is her half-brother. A myriad of emotions overwhelm her as she covers her lips with her hands and begins to weep.

  Fidelma looks to her companion and says, “Sam, would you please free Mr. Greythorn from his chains.”

  “Yes ma'am,” Samantha replies.

  Fidelma places her arm around her friend and says, “Ariella, congratulations, you have a brother.”

  Ariella wipes her face and looks at Fernando. “I’m sorry I didn't believe you.”

  “You had no reason to,” Fernando replies. “And I am sorry too, for everything that I have put you through.”

  Samantha finishes removing his bindings, and Fernando stands up, a freed man. Ariella stands up as well, and embraces her brother tightly. “It’s not your fault,” she says. “My father manipulated you. Or at least, a man pretending to be my father did.”

  Fidelma asks, “So, you still have your doubts that he was really Red Beard?”

  “I don't know what to believe anymore,” replies Ariella. “I still can hardly believe that I have a brother.”

  Fernando looks at Ariella and says, “And, I can hardly believe that I have a sister. It is a good thing that we only kissed once.”

  “Please,” Ariella shakes her head, “I'd rather not think about that.”

  “The other night,” Fernando says. “We almost...”

  “Nothing happened,” Ariella says, not letting him finish.

  Fernando laughs and says, “It is a good thing you drank too much.”

  Ariella sighs, “I could use a drink right now. I don't want to give it another thought, all right? You are my family, Fernando. The only family I know of by blood.”

  The conversation is cut short as Faye enters the tent and says, “The Red Dawn has just docked.”

  “Good,” Ariella says with a smile. “Now, to see if Torgus can shed some more light on my father's fate.”

  A short distance away on the deck of the Red Dawn, the men finish securing the ship to the moorings. Torgus approaches Seth and says, “You did good out there, boy. Where did you learn to fight with a sword?”

  Embarrassed, Seth smiles and replies, “I learned from my master in West Artos.”

  “West Artos?” Torgus repeats, raising his eyebrows. “Those must have been expensive lessons.”

  “I, ah... did a lot of work to earn them,” Seth answers.

  “Hmm,” Torgus responds, unsure of Seth's answer. “Well, they sure seemed to pay off.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Seth replies.

  “Captain on deck!” John calls out.

  Torgus looks to the starboard bow as Ariella steps off the plank that connects the Red Dawn to the docks below. “Captain,” Torgus says as he walks over to greet her.

  “Torgus,” Ariella greets, “I’m glad to see that you made it here in one piece.”

  “Aye, it wasn't smooth sailing,” he replies.

  Fernando is the next to board, and no sooner does his foot hits the deck than Drake spots him and yells, “Greythorn!”

  The angry man starts towards Fernando before Ariella intercepts him and says, “Drake, calm down. Fernando is no longer our enemy.”

  “What?” he snaps. Drake's breathing is heavy, and his glare at Fernando indicates his hostile intentions.

  Ariella continues to stand between them as she tries to calm him down. “Drake, you have to listen to me. There is something very important you need to understand.”

  Drake looks to his captain and tries to calm himself. “What is it, ma'am?” he asks.

  “I know you will find this hard to believe,” she replies, “I know that I did, but Fernando Greythorn is my brother, or I should say, my half-brother.”

  Drakes anger is quickly replaced with confusion. “What? How?”

  Before Ariella can answer, Torgus asks, “Ariella, are you certain about this?”

  “A seer confirmed it,” Ariella answers. “And when you think about it, it isn't that surprising, really. My mother was on the White Feather, we know that for certain. His father was also on that ship. The sword in my father’s treasure confirms that.”

  “Wait,” Torgus interrupts. “So you found your father's treasure, then?”

  Ariella looks at Fernando. “The story gets a little more complicated,” she says. “We will need to discuss the matter in private.” She turns to Drake. “Fetch Leon and meet us in the lounge.”

  “Captain...” Drake replies as he drops his gaze. Drake does not need to say another word for Ariella to realize that she has lost one of her most dependable crew members.

  “Did he die well?” she asks.

  “He died saving my life,” Drake replies. “He would be alive right now, if we weren't chasing Fernando Greythorn.”

  Fernando, knowing that nothing he can say will help, stands there in silence as Drake eyes him once more. Ariella finally says, “Drake, the orcneas are dangerous and worth fighting. Even if we were not in pursuit of Fernando, we would still be here defending this continent against the orcnea return. I know that you will never like Fernando, but I need to know whether or not you can move past this.”

  Drake looks back at Ariella and replies, “Yes, Captain. You will not have any problems from me. Now, if I may be dismissed…”

  “Of course,” Ariella replies. “Feel free to join us in the lounge if you wish.”

  Drake nods before heading below deck. Annalee, Fidelma and Samantha finish boarding as Ariella says to them, “Let’s go upstairs and get some privacy.” The women, along with Fernando and Torgus, make their way into the captain's lounge. They all sit at the table as Ariella makes her way to a fixture on the front wall that contains a blue orb. She removes it from the wall and places in the drawer of the desk.

  “What did you do that for?” Torgus asks.

  Ariella then takes out the dark tome that once belonged to Corthag and places it on the table. “Torgus,” she says,
“did Corthag ever use this book to cast the Soul Anchor spell on you and my father?”

  “Aye,” Torgus replies, “that he did, and on himself. Of course, we never did get a chance to find out if it worked. None of us were ever mortally wounded in battle.” Torgus ponders for moment, then his eyes seem to light up and he asks, “Are you say'n that it worked? Is your father alive?”

  Ariella looks at Fernando with a smile on her face. She says, “Fernando saw him.”

  “I don't understand,” Torgus replies. “Why haven't we heard from him?”

  Fernando explains, “According to him, it is because Corthag is also alive, and he thinks that as long as Corthag believes that Red Beard is still at the bottom of the sea, then Ariella is safe.”

  “And, Torgus,” Ariella continues, “since my father and Corthag can see through the orbs as well as you, my father has stayed out of sight.”

  “I see,” Torgus replies. “So, that’s why you put the orb in the drawer.”

  “Yes,” Ariella replies. “If we remove all of the orbs from the ship so that Corthag cannot spy on us, then perhaps my father will return.”

  “I will remove them at once,” says Torgus. He begins to head towards the door when he stops and turns back to Ariella. “I’m glad you’re back, Captain.”

  “Thank you, Torgus,” replies Ariella.

  “I'll give you a hand,” Fernando says to Torgus.

  The men leave as Annalee says, “Captain, shall I go gather our belongings from the Sea Griffin?”

  “Yes,” Ariella replies. “Thank you.”

  “I'll go back with her,” Samantha says.

  Fidelma nods to her first mate and soon the room clears with the exception of Ariella and Fidelma. “So,” Fidelma says as she picks up the heavy book from the table, “this is Corthag's dark book.”

  “Yes,” Ariella replies. “The very same book that my father warned us to stay away from when we were young.”

  “What was it like to become younger?” Fidelma asks, referring to Ariella's use of the book to steal the youth from her orcnea captive.

  Ariella gives the matter some thought. She remembers the orcnea screaming out in agony as she drained years away from the helpless creature. “Well,” she finally answers, “I did feel invigorated, but it isn't something I would want to do often. The subject of the spell—the one giving up its years—would have to be a horrible person to deserve such a fate.”

  “I am sure we can find people who deserve far worse than losing a few years,” Fidelma replies. “Besides, after we get a few years back we can always cast a spell that halts our aging.”

  “True,” Ariella replies, “but I looked at those spells and they require several agents that are rare and expensive.”

  “We'll find a way to make it work,” Fidelma says.

  The door to the lounge opens and Chance Na'Moon enters. Ariella is surprised but happy to see him. “Chance!” she calls as she rushes to him. Before he can respond, Ariella embraces him and says, “I am so glad you're here.”

  Chance holds her for only a moment before stepping back and looking at her. He says, “You look different.”

  Ariella smiles and says, “I’m using coconut oil on my skin. Do you like it?”

  “Yes, you look wonderful,” he replies. “But what are you doing in Sheathelm? I thought you were heading to Artos.”

  Puzzled by his response, Ariella asks, “Aren't you happy to see me?”

  “Of course,” Chance replies, trying to remember his manners. “It's just that I am surprised to see you here. The orcnea fleets are strong, and I don't want anything to happen to you.”

  Fidelma quietly stands along the wall and listens to Chance and Ariella. “That’s sweet of you to care,” Ariella says. “But you don't need to worry about me. I’m a big girl now, and I can take care of myself.”

  “I know,” he replies with a nod. “But that doesn't stop me from worrying.”

  Ariella smiles, and blushes slightly. “You really care that much about me still?”

  “Of course I do,” replies Chance.

  Suddenly Ariella remembers Fernando. “Chance,” she says excitedly. “I have some great news.”

  “Really? What is it?”

  “It has been confirmed by a seer, so I know it is true.”

  “What is?”

  “Fernando Greythorn is my half-brother,” Ariella announces.

  The news takes a moment to sink in. Soon he chuckles and says, “So, you kissed your brother, then.”

  Ariella playfully slaps his arm and replies, “We are not discussing that anymore.”

  “Your brother...” Chance ponders. He smiles and says, “I am happy for you.”

  “There’s more,” Ariella says with a grin.


  “Yes,” she says, “my father is alive.”

  The new information takes a bit longer for Chance to digest. “How?”

  “A spell cast by Corthag years ago,” she explains. “It's a long story. The important thing is he’s alive, and now that we know Fernando is my brother, that means you don't have to be jealous of him anymore.”

  “Right,” Chance says, still trying to make sense of it all.

  Ariella puts her arms around Chance again and says softly, “Chance, don't you see, our time has finally come. There is no one standing between us anymore.”

  Chance suddenly thinks of Kristieana, and feels as if his world is tearing him in half. His distant gaze does not go unnoticed by Ariella. She slowly backs away from him. Chance looks at floor and sighs, “Ariella...”

  “No,” she gasps. “Don't tell me.” Her eyes well up with tears as she stands there, shaking her head. “There is someone else, isn't there?”

  Chance is speechless. As strong as his feelings are for Ariella, he cannot help but feel conflicted by his feelings for Kristieana, and as much as he would like to take Ariella's hand and tell her everything is going to be all right, he is unable to do just that.

  The silence is finally broken when Fidelma says, “I think it’s time for you to leave, Chance Na'Moon.”

  Ariella turns to her friend and immediately walks to her side. Chance says to Fidelma, “I am sorry, but have we met?”

  “Not exactly,” Fidelma replies, “but I know who you are.” Fidelma takes a step forward, placing herself between Chance and Ariella. “I have heard all about you,” she says to Chance as Ariella sobs behind her. “I have to admit, I always thought you would be taller.”

  “I get that a lot,” Chance replies. “Who are you?”

  “I was there for Ariella years ago when you broke her heart,” Fidelma answers. “Now here you are, doing it all over again.”

  “I never meant to hurt her,” Chance replies. Then, looking past Fidelma he says, “Ariella, please, I am sorry. I do still love you.”

  Ariella faces Chance, and he can see the pain in her eyes. While Ariella is unable to find the words, Fidelma says, “Your love is quite simply not good enough if she has to share it with someone else.”

  “It's not like that,” Chance insists.

  Ariella, finding her strength, asks, “Then what is it like?” She stares at Chance, who once again cannot find the right words. Ariella says, “That’s why you didn't want me to come to Sheathelm, isn't it?”

  “No,” Chance protests. “I really am worried about you.”

  “Worried about me getting hurt, or worried about me meeting her?” she snaps.

  “She isn't even here,” Chance says hastily.

  Even though Ariella had already assumed someone else was in the picture, Chance's outburst painfully confirms it. “So, you admit there is someone else, then,” she says.

  Chance sighs, “I don't know. I guess so.”

  Seeing her friend struggling with her emotions, Fidelma puts her hand on Ariella's shoulder. Fidelma turns to Chance and asks, “What do you mean, 'you guess so?' Is there someone else or not? It’s not that hard of a question.”

  Chance p
onders what should be a simple answer and finds that that it is not so simple after all. He looks at Ariella and explains, “I kissed her, but nothing else happened. I don't know what my heart is feeling right now. I do know that I love you, Ariella.” Chance is silenced once again, unable to put the tempest of emotions into words.

  Ariella slowly draws in a deep breath. She says, “Until you figure out whatever it is your heart is feeling, I don't want to see you again.”

  Chance drops his eyes. Ariella sits in one of the chairs at the table as Fidelma walks up to Chance and says, “It's time for you to leave.”

  “Please,” Chance begs. He tries to approach Ariella, but Fidelma quickly gets in his way.

  “Are you deaf, Chance?” Fidelma asks icily. “I said, it's time for you to leave.” She pushes Chance towards the door.

  “No,” Chance protests. “Please, Ariella, speak with me alone.”

  Fidelma looks back at Ariella, who shakes her head before laying it down on the table into her arms. Fidelma turns back to Chance and says, “I think you got your answer.” She reaches around Chance and opens the door. “Goodbye, Mr. Na'Moon.”

  Chance turns his attention to Fidelma and asks, “What is your name?”

  “My name,” she replies, “is Captain Fidelma McMurphy.”

  The name sounds familiar to Chance, but he can't remember why. “Are you sure we haven't met before?” he asks.

  “I’m a bounty hunter,” Fidelma replies. “And a damned good one at that. Perhaps you've heard of me.”

  “Perhaps,” Chance replies. “I can tell you are a good friend to Ariella. Thank you.”

  As Chance turns again to leave, Fidelma says, “I AM a good friend to her, and there is nothing I wouldn't do for her.” She grabs his wrist to turn him to face her. She warns, “I don't care who you are, Chance Na'Moon, to me you are just another man, and a sorry one at that. I will not stand by and let you hurt Ariella again. So I recommend that you stay away from her, because if you do hurt her, you will have me to answer to.”

  Chance looks up again at Ariella, who is still sobbing at the table. He nods to Fidelma and says, “I understand.” He then exits the lounge, leaving Fidelma to comfort her friend.


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