Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury Page 20

by Shawn Sodman

  Red Beard reaches for the door when Ariella says, “Actually, father, there is another matter I would like to discuss.”

  Red Beard sighs, and replies, “I figured there might be.” He turns to Ariella and is met with a slap across the face.

  “How could you keep those letters from Chance and me!” she yells. “You had no right.”

  “I had every right,” he replies calmly. “I wanted to protect you, and I didn't trust him.” Ariella takes slow deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself. Flustered, she has no idea what to say. Red Beard says, “Ariella, I don't blame you for being angry. You have every right to be, but now you can do whatever you wish. I saw he came back to you. That’s all that matters now.”

  “He didn't come back to me, father,” she explains. “He was only investigating the missing ships.”

  “Aye, he was,” he replies, “but when he came back and destroyed that orcnea ship, he was doing that to protect you.”

  Ariella cannot help but smile, knowing that her father is correct. As quickly as it came, her smile fades. “Chance may still care about me, father, but there is already someone else in his life.”

  Red Beard sighs and takes Ariella's hand. He says, “Sometimes, the love in our hearts is like the down of a bird. It is swayed, this way and that, by the breezes, and its final destination is unforeseeable. Every so often, our hearts can go through a whirlwind of love and emotions. Spinning so fast it almost makes us ill. If we are fortunate, those who we long for shall have their love carried to us on the air's currents. When the winds subside, if your lover's heart comes to rest gently on your branches, take hold of it tightly, lest it be carried away by the next gust, for no matter how much we may wish it, we cannot change the direction of the wind.”

  Ariella looks at her father and says, “I thought the winds of fate had brought him back to me, father, but then he was gone again before I even had a chance to hold onto him.”

  “Have faith, Ariella,” he says as he pats the back of her hand, “the winds have a funny habit of changing direction when we least expect it.”

  Chapter 28

  The Retreat

  To the distant north, Princess Kianna and the others continue on their journey through a torrential downpour of rain. Those with shields hold them over their heads while a few of the others try their best to take refuge beneath them as well.

  Kel'ana and Ja'noa are keeping themselves dry with the use of magic. The landscape is once again devoid of trees, but the rolling hills make it difficult to see very far ahead unless they are on one of the peaks.

  Ja'noa looks up at the sky and says to Evelena, “I think this is a magical storm.”

  Evelena nods and says to the others, “Everyone be on lookout.”

  Undaunted by the rain, Sven leads the way without even attempting to stay dry. The group continues to follow the road up a hill when Sven puts his fist in the air and signals for the others to stop. Everyone watches as Sven looks to the sky and turns his head as he listens for something. Suddenly he turns to the group and yells, “Drake!” Sven dives to his right just as a blue scaled beast appears through the storm. The drake is moving fast, and as it passes over the group, it attacks with its icy cold breath. Sven makes it to safety as Gelana puts up her shield, Infragilis. The drake’s freezing jet of cold air instantly turns the water on the ground into ice. Gelana watches as the drake passed overhead toward the others. Ja'noa easily dives to safety as the drake flies past her. Isen grabs Ambra and Kelik in his arms and dives out of the way just as the drake reaches them.

  Those who are able ready their weapons and take aim, but as quickly as the drake came, it disappears back into the low-lying clouds of the storm.

  Everyone looks nervously at the sky. Evelena asks, “Ja'noa, can you see it?”

  Ja'noa closes her eyes as she begins to channel her strength into a spell. When she opens them once more, her eyes glow with blue light. She looks to the sky and, after a few seconds, she points up and yells, “There it is!”

  Everyone stands ready with their weapons and spells aimed at the sky were Ja'noa had pointed. Garrin rushes over to Kelik and Ambra and says, “Stay behind my shield.” They simply nod and do as they’re told.

  Ja'noa reaches for her Star Steel daggers, but thinks better of it. She then casts a lightning bolt as the drake begins another approach. She says to the others, “It's coming in fast!”

  The drake appears again, and its cold breath freezes the ground before it. Rehma dives for cover just as the ground beneath her feet is frozen by the drake. Ja'noa throws her bolt of lightning and it strikes the enormous reptile. It screeches in pain before it begins to climb higher into sky. Kel'ana fires her bow, Glacies, but the arrow does no damage. Ya'leigh shoots her bow as Lyra tries to strike it with a bolt of light. Gena throws a bolt of lightning, and Yentroc tries to hit it with a Death Bolt spell. The drake is moving so fast, however, that all four women miss.

  As it ascends back into the clouds, Ja'noa points and says, “It’s preparing to make another pass.”

  Evelena drops her shield and begins to use both of her hands to summon a large stone. She says, “Ja'noa, just keep pointing at it. The rest of us will have a much better chance to hit it.”

  Kel'ana says, “My arrow didn't seem to have any effect.”

  “Use your ice dagger spell,” Gelana suggests.

  Kel'ana slings the bow over her shoulder and begins to cast the ice dagger spell. Ya'leigh draws back the bow string of Incendia and takes aim in the general direction that Ja'noa is pointing. She waits as the rain continues to pour down, making for low visibility.

  The whole group anxiously watches and listens for the drake. “Get ready.” Ja'noa warns.

  The blue creature appears suddenly, and Ya'leigh releases her bow string. The fiery arrow rips through one of its wings as Kel'ana's ice dagger hits the other. Then Evelena throws her spell, and the injured drake is unable to avoid it. The hurling stone acts as a missile and collides with the flying beast. The drake goes limp and begins to fall.

  The drake's momentum carries it toward the group, and everyone scatters out of the way. Gelana ducks down and holds Infragilis out to block the incoming threat. Even though the drake is more than ten times the size of an average human, the magical shield deflects it, completely protecting Gelana. The drake comes to a stop and does not move.

  Evelena asks, “Is everyone all right?”

  Kristieana and Yentroc look around for anyone who may be in need of their healing spells. Ya'leigh looks to her brother and sister to make sure they are uninjured. Kelik walks towards the downed animal. “I can't believe that we just killed a drake.”

  “Be careful,” Ya'leigh warns. “It may not be dead.”

  Kelik nods and steps back as the others look on, in awe of the marvelous creature.

  Sven says, “We should keep moving. We are almost at top of hill.”

  Evelena agrees and says, “All right, everyone, let's keep going.” She turns to Ja'noa and says, “Ja'noa, keep a watch for more.”

  “I will,” she replies.

  The group eventually reaches the top of the hill. Sven is the first to reach the peak and as he looks out over the next valley, he turns back to the others and says, “It is time to go now.”

  “What do you mean?” Isen asks. He looks out over the valley as the others reach the top, and sees hundreds of orcnea troops. They are walking side by side separated by only a couple paces, in a line that stretches as far as the eye can see. Other small groups of orcneas on horseback ride behind them. The orcneas are about a quarter of a mile away, and are moving toward Evelena and the others.

  “What are they doing?” Isen asks.

  Evelena replies, “They’re looking for an invisible army.”

  Gelana looks at approaching enemy and says, “Then your plan worked.”

  “It would appear so,” says Evelena. She turns to Ya'leigh and says, “Now would be a good time to use that gate stone of yours.”
/>   In a near daze as she stares out at the legion of orcneas, Ya'leigh replies, “Of course.” She reaches for the stone necklace, but suddenly realizes it isn't around her neck. She suddenly becomes concerned and asks, “Ambra, do you have the gate stone?”

  “No,” she replies, “I gave it to you at Ogres Mead.”

  Princess Kianna asks Ya'leigh, “You don't have it?”

  “I don't have it on,” Ya'leigh says as she feels around her neck in a panic. “I remember now, I put it in my backpack last night. I must have forgotten to put it on this morning.”

  Sven says, “Well, then you may want to get it now.” He points to the orcneas and says, “Look.”

  The group looks out at the approaching army. Ten orcneas on horseback begin to charge towards them as the other orcneas on foot run behind them.

  Evelena says, “We've been spotted. Hurry, Ya'leigh, find that gate stone.”

  “I will,” Ya'leigh replies as she takes off her backpack.

  Sven draws out his massive two-handed ax and takes a few steps in the direction of the charging enemy. He says, “Isen and Garrin, come and help hold them. Rehma and Gelana, you will help us. The rest of you should shoot as many as you can before they get here.”

  Kel'ana takes aim with Glacies and volleys several shots at the rapidly approaching cavalry. Only one of the orcneas is hit as the other nine continue to charge.

  Ja'noa says, “They are too far away for most of our spells to be effective.”

  Sven looks back and can see the concern on the others’ faces. Even Rehma looks to be less anxious for this particular battle. Kelik and Ambra look terrified as Ya'leigh continues to search for the gate stone in her backpack. Sven says to the troubled warriors, “Everyone just remain calm. We will not have to fight all of them. Ya'leigh will find the gate stone before most of them reach us. This is no different than in Copper Pass.” Sven looks at Evelena and gives her a reassuring nod.

  Evelena takes a deep breath. With a new found confidence, she says, “Lyra, when the riders get close, I want you to blind the horses with your flash spell.”

  Lyra nods. “I can do that.” She walks up and stands next to Sven.

  Evelena says, “Everyone else, hold your spells until then. There are only a few horse riders to deal with. After that, we will be leaving.”

  Ya'leigh, still digging through her backpack, says, “I remember putting it in here. It may just have fallen to the bottom.”

  Ambra cries, “Hurry.”

  Evelena turns her attention back to Sven and the others. The orcneas are now only one hundred paces away. She says, “Kel'ana, keep shooting. Everyone else, be ready.”

  Kel'ana's shots are now more direct and less lobbed. She manages to take out two more orcneas as they come within thirty paces. The riders have maces with long handles, and are prepared to swing them.

  Evelena says, “Any time you’re ready, Lyra.”

  Lyra moves her hands around as part of the spell, and suddenly a flash of light is generated in the palms of her hands. The sudden burst startles the horses, and they immediately stop their cantor only fifteen paces away.

  Evelena orders everyone to fire, and soon the seven remaining orcneas are easily dispatched by the barrage of spells and arrows. The horses flee as the first of the foot soldiers are now within one hundred paces and sprinting towards them.

  Ya'leigh yells out, “I found it!”

  Everyone is relieved as the swarm of orcneas begin to close in. Ya'leigh says, “Let's hope this works.” She closes her eyes and crushes the sandstone talisman in her hand. As it crumbles, the spell is activated, and a magical gateway appears.

  Princess Kianna says to Ambra and Kelik, “Follow right behind me.” Kianna then enters the gate, followed by the two children.

  “We’re leaving now!” Evelena yells. Kel'ana and Ja'noa enter, then Gena.

  Ya'leigh calls out, “Hurry, the gate won’t last much longer!” She then enters, followed by Garrin.

  Sven and Isen head back to the gate as Kristieana looks out at the oncoming army. Isen asks, “What are you doing?”

  Kristieana replies, “Since they like storms so much, I’m going to give them one to remember.” She holds out the staff that was given to her by Lunarus. She concentrates, and the two large sapphires at either end of the storm staff begin to glow brightly. Over the stormy valley, an even darker cloud begins to appear.

  Gelana looks at Rehma and says, “Let's go.” Rehma nods, and the two of them head through the gate.

  Sven says to Lyra, “Go. Sven will be right behind you.” Lyra enters the gate, followed by Sven.

  Yentroc enters next as Evelena turns back to Isen and Kristieana and yells, “Come on! You two are the last ones.” Evelena then makes her escape.

  Isen and Kristieana watch as dozens of lightning bolts begin to descend on the valley below. Kristieana grins and says, “I like this staff.” She and Isen reach the gate and she says, “Go, I'll be right behind you.”

  Isen replies, “No, you go first.”

  “Why?” she asks. “Just because I am a woman?”

  “Yes,” Isen replies with a smile.

  “That’s ridiculous,” she argues.

  “All right,” Isen relents. “We’ll go together.” He picks her up over his shoulder and carries her through the gate.

  Chapter 29


  In Sheathelm, Isen and Kristieana appear on the other side of the magic gate. They are in the courtyard of the castle, and there is a small crowd of royal guards nearby. With Kristieana still over his shoulder, Isen is rushed off to the side by two of the guards.

  Princess Kianna announces to the guards, “That is the last of us.”

  The guards quickly surround the gate, pointing their spears at it. Isen sets Kristieana down, and they watch as the gate flickers before vanishing.

  More guards come out to the center of the courtyard, and soon several Amazons of the Silver Moon begin to make their way out to the group, including A'ranah. The scene is a chaotic one. Princess Kianna is busy explaining to the guard in charge what is happening.

  Ya'leigh is giving a hug to her brother and sister.

  Everyone is talking about the close call they just had. Sven, now sweating, says, “It is much warmer here than in north, Sven will have to change what he is wearing.”

  Kristieana turns to Isen and asks, “Why didn't you just go through the gate?”

  “Because,” Isen answers with a grin, “I wanted to make sure that you made it back.”

  “I didn't need to be carried,” says Kristieana.

  “The gate wasn't wide enough to go side by side,” he says, “and I wasn't about to walk through that gate before you.”

  “You are a fool, Isen,” she says with a grin. “But sometimes you are sweet.” Isen puts his arms around Kristieana. He leans in and their lips meet.

  Isen and Kristieana continue to kiss each other until they are interrupted by the sound of Ambra's voice calling out, “Father!”

  Kristieana looks up. A few paces away, Chance is standing there looking back at her. The expression on his face is one of shock and bewilderment. Kristieana cannot help but drop her gaze. Chance's stare is only broken by the embrace of his younger daughter. He gives Ambra a hug and says, “I have been so worried about you.” Ya'leigh and Kelik join in on the family embrace. Chance cannot hold back a smile as he says to them, “You all are in a lot of trouble when this is all over.”

  “Yes, father,” Ya'leigh replies. “We’re sorry.”

  Chance embraces them tightly again and says, “For now, I’m just glad you all are safe.”

  King Arioch joins the group and embraces his daughter. “Good work out there,” he says.

  Kianna, confused by his response, asks, “Aren't you angry with me?”

  “Oh, I’m furious,” he laughs, “but that doesn't change the fact that you did well.”

  Kianna hugs her father and says, “I’m glad to be back.”

  Isen looks at Kristieana and notices her glancing at Chance and his family. He says, “Come on. I'll introduce you.” He starts towards Chance, holding Kristieana's hand leading her over. Isen says, “I think the two of you will get along nicely.”

  A short distance away, Gelana nudges Kel'ana and says, “Come on, this should be interesting.” Kel'ana looks up and can see Isen leading Kristieana over to Chance. Gelana starts to make her way through what is now a crowd of people towards Chance as Kel'ana follows behind her.

  Chance looks at Ambra and Kelik and says, “Now, I want the two of you to gather all of your belongings. You are going to Elonfar when the lunar gate opens.”

  “Yes, father,” Ambra replies.

  Kelik and Ambra make their way to their rooms as Isen joins Chance and Ya'leigh. Isen says, “Chance, I have someone I would like to introduce you to.”

  Chance looks at Kristieana, who stands slightly behind Isen to one side and continues to stare at the ground. Ya'leigh notices the uncomfortable look on her face.

  Isen says, “Kristieana, this is Chance Na'Moon. Chance, this is Kristieana.”

  Ya'leigh looks at Kristieana and says, “Do you remember him now?”

  Kristieana forces a smile and looks up at Chance. Chance asks Ya'leigh, “What do you mean by that?”

  Ya'leigh explains, “The others had said that the two of you have already met. But she told me that she doesn’t remember ever meeting you. So, have you two met before, or not?”

  Chance takes Kristieana's hand from Isen and says, “Of course. I could never forget those eyes.” He kisses her hand as Kristieana holds back a smile. Chance says to Kristieana, “But, I cannot blame you for forgetting. It was a long time ago, and I am sure that our encounter was hardly memorable to you.”

  Frustrated, Kristieana opens her mouth to speak, but, finding herself unable to say what she is truly feeling, she refrains. She would surely slap Chance across the face for such a comment if not for everyone around. Gelana whispers to Kel'ana, “I think she’s going to kill him.”


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