Runefell_The Tempest's Fury

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Runefell_The Tempest's Fury Page 39

by Shawn Sodman

  Fidelma smiles at Chance. “I think we have a deal. We can go to my quarters and you can pay me the gold there.” She turns to Faye. “You can release Mr. Greythorn.”

  “Yes, ma'am,” Faye replies.

  Chance says to the twins, “Next summer I think you may want to find different work. This doesn't suit the two of you.”

  Janette, humbled by his presence, drops her gaze and replies, “Yes, sir.”

  “Follow me,” Fidelma says. She leads Chance through the doorway to her quarters. She points to the desk and says, “You can count the gold there.”

  Chance walks over to the desk and sits down. He pulls out a pouch and turns it upside-down, spilling coins onto the desk. Chance begins to count them as Fidelma places her hand on the back of his head. As she tries to cast a spell on him an agonizing pain overtakes her, and she stumbles back.

  “I told you I came prepared,” says Chance as he stands up. “What were you trying to do, take over my mind so that I gave you all the gold?”

  “No,” she replies as she regains her composure. “I just wanted to see inside that head of yours so I can know what your true feelings are for Ariella.”

  “Why is that a concern for you?”

  “Because I don't want you to hurt her again.”

  Chance holds back his laughter and replies, “After everything that you have done to her, why are you worried about me?”

  Fidelma replies, “Ariella and I will get past this, I promise you. We will look back someday and laugh.”

  “Well, I have no intention of hurting her,” says Chance. He looks at the small garden on the table at the stern of the ship beneath the windows. He spies a white flower. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “I don't know,” Fidelma replies. “What do you think it is?”

  “Unless I am mistaken, this is a Passion Blossom.”

  “What of it?”

  “This particular flower has been banned in Sheathelm and in Artos.”

  “Banned? Why?”

  Chance looks at her, puzzled, and replies, “I am surprised that with your knowledge of plants you don't already know this, but it is banned because it is used by the brothels to make the women more amorous.”

  “That certainly sounds like something they would have,” says Fidelma. “But why is it banned?”

  “Because of its strength,” answers Chance as he walks over a takes a closer look at the blossom. “If consumed, it makes the subject lose all self-control and leaves them with no memory of anything that happens until they wake the next day.”

  “What did you just say?” Fidelma asks.

  Chance, repeating himself, says, “It makes the person lose all self-control.”

  “After that,” Fidelma says.

  “It leaves them with no memory of the night before,” Chance explains.

  Fidelma thinks back to the first time she saw this blossom. It was the night before she was to be married to Sven. The serving wench, Ami, was holding it when Fidelma came in to talk with Sven. Fidelma says under her breath, “All these years, I thought that Sven had gotten her that flower, but it was her who got it for him. She must have used it in the Ogre's Mead, but then Ariella ruined her plan.”

  “What are you talking about?” Chance asks.

  Fidelma, realizing that she was thinking aloud, says, “It’s nothing.” She walks to the door. “Thank you for coming all this way, Chance, but I have something I must attend to.”

  Confused by her sudden urgency to get him to leave, Chance says, “I left two hundred gold pieces on the desk.”

  Fidelma barely gives the table a glance before saying, “Yes, yes, thank you. I trust it's all there. Tell Ariella that her brother is safe and we will try to meet with her soon. Now if you'll excuse me.” She pushes Chance out the door and closes it.

  Chance is left standing at the base of the stairs to the upper deck. Samantha looks down from above and asks, “Where’s Fidelma?”

  Chance, still unsure why Fidelma's demeanor changed so rapidly, replies, “She is in her quarters. She said she had something she had to attend to.” He climbs the stairs. “I guess I am leaving now.”

  Vindalia stops playing her fiddle. “Fly safe.”

  “I will,” he replies as Samantha heads below deck. Chance walks to the railing of the ship and steps over it. He dives off the edge as Vindalia rushes over to watch. By the time she looks over the railing, Chance has already transformed into an eagle and is flying swiftly over the trees below.

  Below deck, Samantha opens the door to Fidelma's quarters. There are books and scrolls scattered everywhere. “Captain, what are you doing?” she asks.

  Fidelma, nose buried in a book, says, “I found it!”

  “What did you find?” Samantha asks.

  Fidelma explains, “Chance said that this white flower is a Passion Blossom. He said it’s used in potions to make someone aroused, but that’s only part of what it does. It also makes them forget the night before. Does that sound familiar to you?”

  “It sounds like what happened to Sven,” replies Samantha. “Do you think Ariella drugged him?”

  “It wasn't Ariella who used it,” answers Fidelma. “It was Ami, from the Smelter's Inn. I can't believe I never figured it out before now.” Fidelma points to the book and says, “This must be what she used on him. It's the ninth love potion on the list and uses the Passion Blossom as the main ingredient.”

  “So now that you know the truth, what are you going to do?” Samantha asks.

  “I’m going to test it,” Fidelma replies.

  “Why?” asks Samantha. “I’m sure it works. Besides, who would you test it on, Fernando?”

  “No,” she replies. “We wouldn't be able to tell the difference with him, anyway. I need to try this on myself to know for certain what Sven experienced.”

  “But what if you don't remember anything?” asks Samantha.

  “That’s exactly what I need to know,” says Fidelma. “In the meantime, set a course for New Waterford. I have someone I need to visit there.”

  Chapter 52

  Under the Influence

  Hours later, as the sun sets in the western sky, Fernando is on the deck of the Sea Griffin looking at the orange and red clouds. Vindalia is at the wheel, while Faye is next to the brazier in the center of the ship.

  Janette comes up from below. “Mr. Greythorn, the captain would like to see you.”

  He smiles. “Thank you Janette.”

  Fernando climbs down the stairs and knocks on the door to Fidelma's quarters. He hears her voice from the inside say, “Enter.”

  He opens the door and walks inside. The room is dimly lit with candles, and Fidelma is sitting at the table. Her clothing is strewn about the floor and she is wearing the silk gown that she sleeps in. Fernando says, “I am sorry, Fidelma, there must be some mistake. Janette told me that you wanted to see me.”

  Fidelma stands and replies, “There is no mistake. I did send for you.”

  “Clearly, you are getting ready to go to sleep,” Fernando says as Fidelma approaches him slowly. “I should leave you alone now.”

  He turns to leave, but as he opens the door, Fidelma uses her magic to close it again. Fernando pulls on the handle, but the door doesn't budge. “Where do you think you're going?” Fidelma says as she continues to hold the door closed with her spell. Her arm is extended and her palm is facing forward as if she were holding it shut herself. Fidelma motions with her fingers as if she were twisting something invisible within her grasp, and Fernando hears the sound of the door locking. Fidelma continues, “I thought this is what you wanted. Don't tell me that you've changed your mind.”

  Fernando turns and replies, “You have continuously rejected me, yet now, you seem more than willing to be with me. If there is one thing I know, it is when something is not right.”

  With the door now locked, Fidelma puts down her arm. “It has come to my attention that I have not been a very good host. I have decided to make it up t
o you.”

  Fernando, still doubtful of the situation, asks, “I see. And just what did you have in mind?”

  Fidelma replies with a sly grin, “I’m more interested in what is on your mind. If you let me in your thoughts, I can make all your dreams come true.”

  “I do like the sound of that,” Fernando says as he puts his arm around her waist. He leans in and smells her breath.

  “What are you doing?” she asks.

  “I was checking to see if you have been drinking,” he replies.

  Fidelma laughs, “I am not drunk, I promise, but I do have something for you to try.” Fidelma walks over to her desk where a mug sits next to an open book and one of the flowers from the Passion Blossom. She picks up the mug and offers it to Fernando.

  Fernando asks, “What is this?”

  “It’s something amazing,” Fidelma replies. “Drink this and I promise you will have the best night of your life.”

  Fernando glances at the desk and sees the Passion Blossom. Recognizing the flower, he says, “Please, tell me that you did not make a drink with that flower.”

  Fidelma laughs. “I don't see what all the fuss is about. I had some and I feel wonderful. If you don't believe me, I'll show you.”

  She tries to take a drink from the mug, but Fernando grabs it from her. “I do not believe that you need any more of this.” He sets the mug down on the table. “You really should be alone right now.” He hurries to the door. “Please, unlock this now.”

  Fidelma, grinning playfully, says, “I have the key. Why don't you come and search me for it?”

  Fernando replies, “My darling, under normal circumstances I would love to search your entire body, but considering you are under the influence of that flower, I cannot. A gentleman never takes advantage of a woman who is not in control of herself.”

  “Oh, I am in control of myself,” she insists. “In fact, I have more control over both of us than you realize, and since you are not going to take advantage of this situation, I will.” Fidelma extends her left arm once again, and a magical force pushes Fernando against the wall next to the door.

  “What are you doing?” he asks nervously.

  Fidelma replies, “If you’re not going to search me for the key, then I’m going to search you.”

  “But I do not have the key,” he says.

  “I don't care,” Fidelma replies. With her left hand continuing to channel the spell that holds Fernando against the wall, Fidelma uses her right hand to unbutton Fernando's shirt, even though she is half way across the room.

  Fernando cries out for help. “Samantha! Someone, help me, please.”

  Fidelma says, “Samantha can join us if you’d like, but I don't know if she'll want to.”

  “I am not calling her for that,” he replies as he struggles to keep his shirt from being torn from him.

  Fidelma says, “I can't believe you’re resisting me. I know it's what you want.”

  There is a knock at the door, then Samantha's voice from the other side asks, “Captain, is everything all right?”

  Fidelma replies, “Everything is fine, Sam. Fernando and I are playing a game.”

  “Samantha, don't go,” Fernando says urgently. “Fidelma has taken an elixir that is affecting her judgment. I have tried to leave, but she has locked the door.”

  Fidelma, exhausted from the spell casting, releases her magical hold on Fernando and sits in the chair by the table. She says, “You are no fun at all.”

  Samantha unlocks the door with her key and enters. She says to Fidelma, “I told you not to use that potion without me present.”

  “I’m fine,” insists Fidelma. “I am in complete control of my actions.”

  Fernando says, “That is what the Passion Blossom does. It will make you feel incredible and at the same time you are clear headed and coherent.”

  Fidelma says, “All right, I'll admit that I’m having a strong urge to rip his clothes off.”

  “That is exactly what you were doing,” says Fernando.

  “But other than that,” says Fidelma, “I’m the same.”

  Samantha looks at Fernando and says, “Thank you for calling me.”

  “Of course,” Fernando replies as he buttons his shirt. “I will go now.”

  Fernando turns to leave as Fidelma says, “No, don't go.”

  Samantha walks over to the desk and opens a drawer. She looks back at Fernando and says, “I'll make sure she’s all right.” Fernando leaves and closes the door behind him while Samantha takes a vial from the drawer before closing it. She turns to her captain. “Drink this.”

  Fidelma replies, “I don't want to sleep right now. I’m fine.”

  “I know you are,” Samantha lies. “If you take this and get some sleep, I promise to make sure that tomorrow night you and Fernando are not disturbed. If you’re truly unaffected by the Passion Blossom, then you’ll feel the same in the morning.”

  “All right,” Fidelma relents. “I'll do it just to show you that I’m right. Then, tomorrow night, I am going to do things with Fernando that will have him calling out my name and not yours.”

  Fidelma takes a drink from the vial as Samantha guides her to her bed. Samantha says, “I am sure you will have a wonderful time.”

  “Remember,” Fidelma says as she starts to feel drowsy, “you promised not to disturb us.”

  Samantha replies, “Don't worry, Captain, even if he calls for help, we’ll leave you alone.” Fidelma lays her head down on her pillow and instantly falls asleep. Samantha covers her friend and leaves the room.

  Outside the door, Fernando is waiting. He asks, “Is she asleep?”

  “Yes,” Samantha answers.

  “She should be fine by morning.”

  “I hope so.”

  “Well, goodnight, Samantha.”


  “What is it?”

  “Mr. Greythorn, I think I owe you an apology.”

  “For what?”

  “You could have taken advantage of her, but you didn't.”

  “I told you that I am not like any other man.”

  “Well, I’m sorry if I misjudged you.”

  “It's all right. I know what women think of me, and most of the time they are not wrong.”

  Samantha smiles and says, “Well, thank you for looking out for Fidelma.”

  “Of course,” replies Fernando.

  “Goodnight, Mr. Greythorn.”

  “Goodnight, Samantha.”

  Chapter 53

  A Matter of Honor

  In Sheathelm it has been an uneventful day. At the Amazon encampment within the courtyard, Lyra is pacing in front of the tent that she shares with her companions. Her friends are sitting around a small fire.

  Yentroc inquires, “Lyra, what’s wrong? You’ve been walking around for over an hour.”

  Lyra replies, “I have to talk to him.”

  “Who, Sven?” Yentroc asks.

  “Who else would she be talking about?” Gelana replies.

  Kristieana says, “I understand your desire to confront him, but that is exactly what he wants. He needs you to get angry with him to ease his guilt.”

  Gelana says, “She’s right, you should just continue to ignore him.”

  Lyra stops and looks at the others. “If it’s me getting angry with him that he wants, then that is exactly what he'll get. I am going to tell him exactly how I feel, and when I’m done, he will wish that I had ignored him.”

  Yentroc stands up and says, “I'll go with you.”

  “No,” Lyra replies. “All of you have been there for me today, and I appreciate your support, but I must do this alone.”

  “Very well,” Yentroc replies as she sits once again.

  Kristieana says, “Don't be gone long. Remember, Mother Elder wants us all to rest well tonight in case the orcneas attack a day early.”

  “I’ll be back soon,” Lyra replies as she starts towards the gate. As she walks, Lyra begins to think about what she will say
to Sven. She remembers the morning clearly, and the look of delight on Va'leen's face when she opened Sven's door and saw her. With each step that she takes, Lyra feels more enraged. She mutters angrily under her breath, “You want me to hit you, Sven? I can do that.”

  Lyra walks down the streets of Sheathelm until she reaches the King's Shield Inn. She stops outside, and her anger is quickly replaced with nervousness. She takes a deep breath before entering the Inn. Once inside, Lyra looks around the crowd for Sven. With the imminent orcnea attack now less than two days away, it is a more subdued crowd than usual.

  The blonde serving wench, Lee, greets Lyra. “Good evening, can I help you?”

  Lyra replies, “Yes, I am looking for a Goliath man. His name is Sven.”

  “I saw him leave just a short while ago,” says Lee. “I’m surprised you didn't pass him.”

  “Thank you,” replies Lyra. She turns to leave, but runs into an enormous man. “Excuse me,” she says without looking up at him.

  With an unmistakable Goliath accent, the man says, “Shouldn't you be at home with your parents?”

  Lyra looks up at the man, who is over a full head’s height taller than Sven, and says, “I am not a child.”

  The red haired Goliath laughs. “Well then, do not leave now. You just got here.”

  “I’m sorry,” says Lyra, “but I’m looking for someone.”

  “Yes,” he says, “I heard. You are looking for Goliath man. Gregory is twice Goliath dwarf Sven is.”

  “He’s my friend,” says Lyra. “Or at least he was.”

  The half-giant named Gregory takes Lyra by her arm and says, “Come, sit with Gregory. We will have good time together.”

  Lyra tries to pull away, but his grip is too strong. “I really need to go now.”

  The Goliath sits down and pulls Lyra onto his lap. “You can go after we have had drink together.”

  Lyra jumps up from his lap and tries to leave again, but Gregory grabs her wrist. Instinctively, Lyra turns and hits the half-giant with an open hand across the face. “Let go of me!” she commands.

  Gregory releases his grip, only to strike her with the back of his massive hand. The blow knocks Lyra to the ground. She wipes the corner of her lip with her fingertips and sees blood on her hands. Lee yells at the half-giant, “Gregory! What are you doing?”


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