After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2)

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After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2) Page 1

by Genevieve Woods

  Copyright © 2016 by Genevieve D. Woods

  All Rights Reserved.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the author is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously. Some places are real but they are not actual events unless cited. Otherwise, any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  About the Author

  First Things First, Fictional love and life resembles reality. It is imperative for me to show how the Lord meets individuals where they are and restores them through His Word for them to become the individuals he predestined them to be.

  I am a believer in Jesus Christ, who is the lover of my soul, so much that He gave His life that mine might be saved from eternal damnation. Therefore, His praises shall continually be on my lips. I give Him Glory & Honor for they belong to Him.

  I am happily married to a wonderful and handsome man who supports me in all things. He encourages me to stand on the promise that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me. He is a solid rock, my muse, the second lover of my soul, and the only lover of my body. I adore him. Song of Solomon 3:4 explains how I adore him, by stating “but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go.” That is Biblical Romance read it for yourself.

  Our union has been blessed with two handsome sons, one beautiful daughter, and a

  Shi-Tzu (dog) we all love and think he is more human than Shi-Tzu.

  I have been called to narrate Christian love stories that reflect the greatest love of all time. That love is Christ’s love for his bride, the church.

  The characters that live these stories do not always start on the right path. Sometimes they fall down, but through the long-suffering of the Heavenly Father and their earthly lovers, they find redemption and happiness (in most cases).

  Love is patient! Love is Kind!


  Readers - Thank you for giving me a chance. I did not set any expectations on All I’ll Ever Ask. I just did my best and prayed the story would touch someone who read it. Words cannot express how thankful I am for the success of the debut novel for Thank you to everyone who downloaded a kindle copy, ordered a paperback, or purchased one at the Booksellers of Laurelwood. However, you meet the characters of the Greatest Love Series; I appreciate you for taking the time to read the story out of my imagination.

  Ms. Melissa Harrison – Thank you for your editing services. I am grateful for every grammatical error you caught and for keeping me technically in line. I appreciate you taking me on and look forward to working with you in the future.

  Hubby – Thank you for all the early mornings you were up with me as these characters’ lives were unfolding. You never complained, you just awakened, wiped the sleep from your eyes, and helped birth these characters. These are our babies and we love them. I love you from the deepest place in my soul to the smile you bring across my lips. I would be lost without you.

  Mrs. LaShawn Vasser –Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read and offer me insight; After Church would not be possible without your encouragement.

  JB Logic Covers – Thank you, the cover is perfect. I asked you for dark and spiritual and you delivered. Who knew I would have a mental battle over one little suggestion?

  Patrick, Debra, Tarsha, Daddy, Phyllis and Albertina, Dee-Dee, Joe Jr – Thank you for becoming book pushers. It means so much to me to have your support. Let’s do it again.

  Pastor Gering – Thank you for allowing me to adapt your sermon Baggage Sunday.

  Parents – To my parents Wade & Martha, thank you for supporting my writing career. Daddy thanks for selling so many books. Mom thanks for challenging my word choice and giving me your opinion on every scene. To my Mother, Father, and Sister in Law, Carlene, Norbert & Angelica, I could not have married into a better family, thanks for allowing Sunday dinners to become strategy sessions. Nana Brenda and Papa Joe Bowen, thanks for encouraging me and buying so many books for family and friends. Papa thank you for taking care of me when I was ill. Aunt Lillie your consistent love for me is an anchor in my life. I love you all!

  Phillip Woods – Thank you for allowing me to use your illness for Nikki, and helping me write the scene. You are such a strong young man. I’m proud to be your mommy.

  Beta Readers – Jasmine Joyner, Mia Cobb Jackson, Kingston Westmoreland, Patrick E. Woods. Thank you for your time and honest feedback.

  Nicole Vinson -, Thank you for allowing me to adapt the boyfriend’s prayer

  for Camille.

  Teety Blue – Thank you for the soul searching instrumental for the book trailer. You are a

  talented young lady, I’m proud to be your big sister.

  To the Savior of my soul, thank you for breathing this vision into me. May the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart, be pleasing and acceptable in thy sight. My Rock and Redeemer!


  This book is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother, Momma Gladys.

  You left us in March 2001 it feels like yesterday.

  You are missed every day of our lives.

  Previously in All I Ever Ask

  Baggage Sunday

  The altar at Liberty Fellowship Church was decorated with luggage of all sizes and colors. Camille looked up as she walked down the aisle and saw the suitcases displayed on stage. There were more in front of the choir and orchestra. She wondered, “What on earth has Pastor Caine planned today?”

  Entering the row where Mother Ellen sat, she was greeted with a warm smile. Standing to the right of Mother Ellen was Mrs. Carol. Camille went to greet her while repeating in her head, it’s nice to be nice…it’s nice to be nice. However, she did not have to worry about speaking to the unfriendly woman. Ms. Carol sat down and started rummaging through her purse to avoid speaking to Camille.

  Mother Ellen compensated for Mrs. Carol’s less than Christian attitude. She took Camille’s purse and bible case. “Daughter that was some wedding you girls pulled off yesterday. It was beautiful. I can hardly wait to see what yours and Ben’s will look like in a few months.”

  That brought out a genuine smile from Camille. She loved how Mother Ellen always referred to her as daughter. Before Camille could respond, Ms. Carol

  looked up from her purse.

  “Ellen, what are you talking about? I heard the cake fell apart. What is beautiful about that?” Mother Ellen’s eyes bulged and nostrils flared. Camille would not have her going there with Ms. Carol.

  “Mother Ellen you are so kind. I am happy Karen has what she deserves

  with Frankie and Nikki. They have both gone through so much. I pray they are

  satisfied with their day. I am certainly looking forward to planning our wedding,

  with your help of course. I am honored Ben believes I am the one for him.”

  “Well believe it daughter, because it is true and I believe it too. By the way, where is that son of mine?” Mother Ellen was turning and looking toward all the entrances for
her son. Camille’s eyes drifted up to the overhead monitor where the media team had the countdown clock displayed. It was twelve minutes until the service began. She had not spoken to Ben since he dropped her off last night.

  “I am not sure where he is, let me text him. I am sure he is in the building somewhere.” As she typed, her attention was drawn to Mrs. Carol who looked as if she had something to add to the “Where is Ben?” conversation.

  “Maybe Ben would like to sit with just his two mothers today, me and Ellen. You have really inserted yourself everywhere in his life. There was a time, before you joined this church and stole him away that Ben would sit between us. Maybe he has come to his senses and this is a sign you need to back off!”

  Mother Ellen turned and said, “Carol that is enough! Ben can sit wherever

  he chooses and he wants to sit near his fiancée. If you can’t keep your responses to yourself, I suggest – you move!” Camille, frozen in her seat, sat facing forward unable to see how Mrs. Carol responded to the scolding. Her ears were burning from being caught off guard and insulted by Mrs. Carol’s jab. How could this lady be so evil in the house of the Lord? Camille looked around the nearly full to capacity sanctuary and spotted Paige near the back. She grabbed her purse and bible. Mother Ellen tried to stop her and she paused. Camille gathered her

  emotions and addressed her with as much respect as possible.

  “Mother Ellen please let me go. I will sit with Paige and Kevin, when Ben comes just tell him where I am.” She kissed Mother Ellen on the cheek and made a mad dash to sit with her best friend. As she greeted Paige, she tried to check her embarrassment and frustration in the aisle.

  The service was to begin in five minutes when Camille noticed Ben entering to sit by his mother. She could not believe it when she saw Mrs. Carol moving over and motioning with her hands for Ben to sit down in between them. Paige calling her name interrupted her eye stalking.

  “Camille, why are you back here, and why is Ben is up there?” “Um, Err… I just wanted to sit with my BFF.”


  “Because Paige, let’s just enjoy the service. The praise and worship team is about to get started.”

  Ben closed his eyes, as he stood singing “Amazing Grace” along with the Praise and Worship Team. He was considering partnering with the music ministry. He needed to use the gift of voice the Lord blessed him with. He was late entering the service because his Sunday school class went over the time allotted for class. They were discussing the life of Apostle Paul and the time had escaped them. Had he known Camille would not sit in her normal seat, by him, he would have left class early. He thought when he texted her where he was she would have sat tight. Her absence was making it hard for him to focus on the worship in the auditorium. There was also something strange going on with his mom. She seemed to be in a bad mood. Not to mention, Mother Carol trying to make him sit in between them; he hated sitting in between them. He was a thirty-something year old man, for goodness sake. He suffered through months of that, after Lauren’s death, and only because Mother Carol was grieving. However, enough was enough. The Lord had healed him and given him another chance at love. His mom and scripture taught him that Christians should bear one another’s burdens but he would not be holding Mrs. Carol’s hand any longer.

  When Elder John completed the welcome and said to go greet someone, he ran to Camille with his I-Pad in hand. Experiencing the worship service and God’s

  word with his lady next to his side was how Ben had started each week for the last several months. Today would be no different. He entered the row and grabbed Camille’s hand. Ben shook it as if she was the queen of England and sang the greeting song of Liberty to her. “Good Morning Sister. The Jesus in me loves the Jesus in you. The Jesus in me loves the Jesus in you, you’re easy, so easy, you’re easy, easy to love.” Camille blushed. What could a girl do after that, but smile and enjoy the remainder of the service.

  Paige watched the two lovebirds as the choir sang. She could not wait to get to the bottom of this musical chair act between Benjamin and Camille. However, for now she had to key into the service. Kevin had given her notice that she had to change. More than his notice, Paige knew she needed to change. This was the best place for her to start. The choir was singing “This Is Holy Ground”. Paige had to admit this choir could really sing.

  No, it’s the anointing, she thought. Paige smirked. Listen to me already feeling a shift within my spirit. She rose to her feet, pulled her hands together to her breast, and closed her eyes as she let the lyrics break up the fallow ground in her heart and mind.

  This is Holy ground,

  we’re standing on Holy ground

  For the Lord is here

  and where he is, is Holy

  This is holy ground,

  We’re standing on Holy Ground

  For the Lord is here

  and where he is, is Holy

  We are standing on Holy ground.

  And I know that these are angels all around

  Let us praise Jesus now

  We are standing in Your presence, on Holy ground.

  With each visit to Liberty, Kevin was drawn into this Protestant way of worship and lifestyle. It was vastly different from his Catholic upbringing, but he could feel the presence of the angels that the choir just finished singing about. He was also blown away by the luggage on display. Kevin was anxiously anticipating what Pastor Caine would lecture about using luggage. In his bulletin, there was a note card with a question, “What is your baggage?”

  Kevin compared the service to a college course. He supposed that this was the best way to deliver instructions that could be applied by anyone who heard. According to Elder John, all the services were televised and streamed online, so there could actually be millions of people hearing the word of God. Kevin sat up in his seat as Pastor Caine came on the stage with luggage chained to his body. The lead pastor was about to fall face forward but he caught himself and began to deliver what Kevin, and most in attendance, considered a timely word. Pastor

  Caine delivered a message about “Traveling Light.”

  “To do that in today’s society is difficult because we are weighted down with baggage. There are 4 types of baggage: 1) Personal, 2) Work, 3) Church, 4) Other People’s.”

  Kevin was intrigued by this analogy. Pastor Caine was on the mark with him when it came to Personal and Work baggage.

  “As individuals we try to be light and happy. We try to leave our unhappiness at the door. As the ushers escort us to our seats, we put on a smile trying to forget our failures, fears, and regrets but the personal baggage is stuck to us like glue. It is chained to us.”

  Kevin could agree to that in his mind, heart, and soul, because his personal baggage was flowing over to his work baggage. It all was becoming too heavy, causing him both doubt and anxiety. As a public figure, he had to be transparent in all aspects of his life. Could he hold on to Paige and continue up the corporate ladder? Could he let go of the regret when perpetrators went free because of the negligence of his office, leaving victims hurting? He wanted to release these burdens but another issue was plaguing his heart. He always understood Peter was the rock that we should lean on for strength to be the Christian example. This is what he learned from the nuns. Jesus told Peter, “Upon this Rock I will build my church.” Kevin shook that off. He assumed that was church baggage he needed to cast away. The more he attended the services and classes at Liberty; the more he believed that Jesus Christ himself was that rock.

  As Kevin pondered those questions, Paige could do nothing but close her eyes as Pastor Caine continued the message that was nothing but the truth for her. Pastor Caine had one baggage for personal. Paige, if she was honest with herself, had dozens of personal baggage chained to her. As Pastor Caine explained how personal baggage came to be, he was telling the story of her life. Her baggage began before she could remember. Her mother was addicted to drugs, causing her to care for herself as a toddler. That began her
need for self–preservation, by any means necessary, to take root. Add to that every family hurt, including being sexually violated, verbally abused and continually neglected—Paige was left chained and bound. Tears began to stream as she received Pastor Caine’s words of redemption.

  He explained 1 Peter 5:7. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” Paige repeated that last phrase silently to herself. “He cares for me.” She had a heavenly father that cared for her and who wanted her baggage. Instantly her mind went to Kevin who wanted her to release the anger, venom, and vicious self-

  protection mask. Now, she knew the Savior above wanted the same thing for her. Paige looked in the bulletin and grabbed the blank note card that read, “What’s your baggage?” She began to write down every heavy burden that was chained to


  Camille was already writing down her baggage. She was weighed down with personal issues. Fear of telling Karen that they were possibly sisters, and the disappointment that her father was not the superman she believed he was all of her life. Her disappointment was leading her to doubt if Benjamin was her Adam or


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