After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2)

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After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2) Page 3

by Genevieve Woods

  Mario’s promise to her to come true, everything was ok. Karen smiled again

  feeling the impact of the lyrics streaming through her earbuds. She entered into the luxury condo where her family was sleeping with a heart full of gratitude. She was singing, “I can never repay You Lord for what You done for me. How You loosed my shackles and you set me free. How You made a way out of no way, turned my darkness into day.”

  Chapter 2

  A Balm

  2 Weeks Later

  “Camille, I can’t thank you and Ben enough for allowing us to store these gifts here.” Karen and Frankie were at Benjamin’s house to open up the hundreds of wedding gifts they received. She and Camille were now stacking the duplicates and questionable gifts in Benjamin’s basement. Camille had made the evening a family night. Dawn, Autumn, Tabitha, and Kierra were over for the gift- unwrapping, but Paige and Kevin could not attend. Paige was in her weekly counseling session and Kevin had taken a trip to Atlanta to visit his parents.

  “Well, we will both have to thank Benjamin, it’s his house.”

  “It will be your home in a couple of months. I noticed you have already

  started making décor changes.”

  “I had to— this place was a serious bachelor’s pad. I couldn’t continue to visit and look at all the lion décor he had around here and the black and brown in every room was not working. The first thing I threw out was that picture of the black man holding the world on his shoulders. No one has asked a black man or any man for that matter, to hold the world up with his bare hands. Then it was like The Lion King in here, at any moment, I felt Simba and Nyla would come running

  through the room, singing “I Just Can’t Wait to be King.” They both fell into fits of laughter. The basement door opened, and they looked toward it to see who was coming. Tabitha, Ben’s cousin who was raised with him after her parents were killed in a car crash, along with Dawn were coming down with more gifts to store. Camille went to assist Tabitha, and Karen grabbed the boxes out of Dawn’s hands.

  “Tabitha, thank you so much for helping us.” Camille said, as she took a box from her. There was an image on the box of an ugly, white, ceramic figurine. Camille scrunched up her nose at the gift. She thought, would it be rude to only ask for gift cards at my reception? Yeah, that would be rude. She would talk to Benjamin about asking their wedding attendees to donate to a charity on their behalf, maybe a breast cancer foundation. Or one of the sickle cell anemia foundations or juvenile diabetes, one of those in lieu of gifts. If she was ever in need of a crockpot, skillet, coffee pot, teakettle, picture frame, or books about marriage, she could just come downstairs. Karen had received too many of them. Tabitha, calling her name, interrupted her wedding planning thoughts.

  “Camille, don’t be silly. You and Karen would be here all night storing these gifts. The guys are up there playing pool, like they don’t see us hauling these boxes down these stairs.” Tabitha set the boxes down and took a seat on a trunk to catch her breath.

  Dawn chimed in. “I’m happy to bring these gifts down. I would rather do manual labor than watch Frozen again. I love my little sister, but I can’t take one more viewing of that movie.” They all laughed. “I can’t believe Nikki can watch that movie non-stop. It’s to the point where I’m about to break baby girl’s heart

  and tell her we will never be able to build a snowman. We live in Memphis we get ice, not snow.” Everyone in the basement was full of laughter, but Dawn was serious. Autumn had the patience for the movie watching and coloring. She would leave that to her and just take the little diva shopping.

  Karen was still laughing as she looked around the basement. Their gifts had taken up quite a bit of space. Dawn and Tabitha had gone back up and were now coming down with another handful.

  “I didn’t expect to receive so many gifts, although some I have no idea why anyone would purchase. Nonetheless, I am grateful that we were thought of, and people wanted to celebrate our union. I was amazed when I looked at the registry book and saw close to three hundred people attended. I have been alone for so long, just me, then Camille came into my life as a boss, and quickly became my best friend. I have never had a friend like you before.” Karen looked directly at Camille as she made the declaration. “Then Nikki, who was a shock but a wonderful blessing. Now, I stand here with a husband, family, and friends, it is all overwhelming.” Karen jerked tears from all the ladies with her emotional speech. Dawn went to hug her stepmother.

  “Karen, you are such a beautiful person. I’m happy dad has you in his life.” Karen hugged Dawn back as the tears fell from her eyes, into Dawn’s long wavy auburn hair. Karen had quickly developed a close relationship with both of Frankie’s daughters. Camille and Tabitha looked at the stepmother and daughter with their own tears flowing.

  Camille’s heart started to race. Karen had more family under this roof then she knew, as Camille herself was holding hostage the secret of Karen’s paternity. She knew she needed to tell Karen, but she was afraid of her reaction to the news. Benjamin had scolded her earlier for procrastinating. He insisted she tell Karen the truth as soon as possible. He thought tonight would’ve been the perfect opportunity, and was furious with her when she invited more guests to attend. He told her she invited the others as a diversion to avoid telling Karen the truth. Camille did not think Benjamin understood what she could lose if Karen didn’t take the news well. Karen’s friendship was important to her; she only had a few people in this world she could not imagine life without. Karen was on that list. What would happen to their friendship? Would she quit I.T.S? Would she keep Nikki away from her? Benjamin had told her if she really loved Karen and valued

  their friendship she would tell her sooner rather than later. Camille told him she was afraid. Ben had the audacity to say to her, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear.” Camille could not believe he threw a scripture at her,

  and then he left her alone in the kitchen while she was preparing their dinner. What she really wanted to know was who argues quoting scriptures? Camille was snapped out of her thoughts as Karen called her name.


  “I’m sorry, I drifted off.”

  “Is it okay, if Dawn and Autumn come over to get the things they need for

  their new apartment?”

  “Sure, just let me know when.” Camille turned to speak to Dawn. “I heard you and Autumn transferred to the local university.”

  “Yes, we wanted to be near our family, especially since our…umm… our mother, she is… she is not.” Karen saved Dawn the trouble of finishing her thoughts.

  “Yes, Dawn and Autumn are so thoughtful, their mother is not handling Frankie marrying me well. I think it is wonderful that they care so deeply for their mother to move home to help her adjust to our blended family. I can only hope that Nikki, will have such dedication to me when she is older.” Dawn was grateful for the save. She took Karen’s hand while speaking to the group.

  “Karen, we did not move back home only to keep an eye on mom. We love you and Nikki as well. We want to spend as much time with our family as possible. I’m proud of dad and happy he has this new beginning.” Karen embraced Dawn. The night was turning into nothing but girl mush.

  The mush turned to hysteria, as Benjamin ran down the stairs, screaming.

  “Cam, Karen, come up stairs, something is wrong with Nikki!”

  Karen jumped up and pushed passed Benjamin as she made her way up the basement stairs. When she entered the den, where Frankie held Nikki, Autumn was trying to force liquid anti-histamine down Nikki’s throat, but failing. She froze. The sight of her baby’s limp body dangling in Frankie’s arms stopped time for Karen. Nikki’s eyes were open but she could not see her pupils, her face was swollen, and there were hives on every visible part of her little body. Suddenly, Karen felt her limbs become free from paralysis. She grabbed Nikki out of Frankie’s arms, checked her mouth and saw her tongue was swelling. Before she could react, she
heard the sirens of the ambulance. Great, she thought, someone called 9-1-1!

  It seemed like hours but it was only minutes. The paramedics gave Nikki an antihistamine injection that stopped the swelling. The innumerable amount of hives that formed on Nikki’s small body was frightening but they were disappearing. The paramedics asked, “Who are the parents of the child?”

  Karen spoke up. “I am her mother.” She pointed in Frankie’s direction.

  “This is her father.”

  “Has your daughter experienced a histamine attack of this nature before?” “No, not like this. We were recently in Hilton Head, South Carolina, and she

  got hives. I took her to the doctor when we got back. The doctor told me to give her over the counter antihistamine. She said it may have been the freshness of the seafood.”

  “Ok, well we think you should make an appointment with an allergist as soon as possible. A few more minutes and Nikki could have been in a calamitous situation.”

  “Ok, we will.” Karen said, while holding Nikki so tightly, Frankie thought she would suffocate her.

  “Yes thank you all, for coming out so quickly. We will be sure to make an appointment tomorrow. Are you sure she doesn’t need to go to the Emergency room?” Frankie asked the paramedics as he walked them out.

  “Only if she appears to have another histamine attack. That should not be the

  case though; we have given her an ample dose of anti-histamine.” “Ok, thank you again.”

  “Have a nice evening sir.”

  Frankie closed and locked the front door. He headed back to the den where everyone was doting over a now responsive Nikki. He was grateful to see his baby girl doing better. He thought he was going to have a heart attack when Kierra ran in the game room screaming, “Nikki is not breathing.” He said a prayer of thanks for Jesus being a healer and balm tonight. They would have to get Nikki into a specialist’s office first thing tomorrow morning.


  The tension was palpable as the kitchen staff was serving the Michelson’s family. Kevin couldn’t remember eating a meal his mother, Julia, had made in his life. His chest was tight from the anticipation of the pending conversation and he had no appetite whatsoever. He was ready to get this over with. He had driven six-hours into town to speak with his parents about Paige.

  It had been three weeks since he and Paige decided to reconcile. Paige was at her second counseling session tonight, to start working on her demons as she termed it. Kevin was hopeful, that she would find the resolve or deliverance she needed to lose her Raige persona.

  He was here tonight to address his parents or more accurately, his mother’s

  concerns regarding Paige. However, his mother being the epitome of the classical

  southern lady insisted they have a proper family dinner first. She also made it clear that the dialogue could not begin until the staff was out of hearing range. Kevin

  was always baffled how his mother could pick certain etiquettes to follow, while neglecting others. It was entertaining and frustrating to watch a woman, who would literally spit on another human being, forbid any conversations regarding

  family issues in front of the help. What made her imposed rule more ridiculous was that, the help had worked for the family for decades.

  Kevin thanked Mrs. Louise for serving him the Cornish hen, green beans, and scalloped potatoes. If truth be told, Mrs. Louise is the one he should call mother. Growing up, her face was the first one he saw when he woke each morning for school. She picked him up from his afterschool activities, made sure his homework was complete, and cooked his dinner. His own mother was always

  busy being the wife of a successful attorney then judge. That was neither here nor there now. He came here with a purpose and that was to set the record straight with his mother concerning his affairs with Paige.

  Surprisingly, his father spoke first, which never happened. All of Kevin’s life, his father let his other half control the dinner conversations and everything else at the Michelson’s manor.

  “Son, how is everything going at the D.A.’s office?”

  “It’s been busy and trying dad, but I’m hanging in there.”

  “Any important cases? I try to check on you as much as possible. However,

  my own docket has been full the last month or so.”

  “Nothing major since we got the conviction and sentencing on the massacre that happened on Phoenix Street. That case almost took the life out of me. Hopefully and prayerfully I won’t have to prosecute anything that atrocious again.”

  “Hopefully not. I’ve never had to experience a defendant as wicked as that one. But you proved why you are next in line to be the District Attorney.”

  “Kevin did not need that appalling case to prove his worth.” Mrs. Michelson interrupted, deciding to drop her vow of silence. “He is the best attorney that tacky city could ever dream of having to protect them.” Before Kevin could thank his mother for the backhanded compliment, she went on. “Speaking of tacky, I am so happy you ended that terrible relationship with Paige. Now you can find a more appropriate companion.”

  “And it begins,” Kevin thought. He glanced at his father but as usual, he did not take his eyes off the Cornish hen. Why couldn’t he be Judge Michelson under his own roof? Instead, he allowed his wife and son to argue their cases without a mediator.

  “Mother, I know I told you a few weeks ago that Paige and I ended things. That was temporary. We are back together now and I will be asking her to marry me soon. My reason for coming is to make you and dad aware of my decision. I also need to ask you to call a truce with Paige.”

  “Steven Roger Michelson, please tell me you didn’t hear your son say he was considering marrying that—hussy.”

  “Mother, there is no need for dad to answer that question. I said, I will be asking Paige to marry me. I am not considering it; it is a promise that I will deliver.”

  “Kevin Anthony Michelson, you do recall that she attacked me? I did not press charges because you said that was the end of your sordid affair with that wretched girl. You can’t, and won’t, be giving common trash our name. I simply won’t have it.”

  “Mother, how do you suppose you will stop me?” “I will press charges against her.”

  “I will get her the best attorney.”

  “She will never be welcome here, in my home.”

  “If that is the way you want it mother, fine! Paige won’t come to your home again and neither will I!” Kevin used the cloth napkin to wipe his hands and mouth. He rose from the table to retrieve his coat. He was done with this conversation and visit. Julia stood when she realized he was leaving and scurried behind him.

  “Kevin, what are you saying? Are you choosing her over your own mother and father?”

  “Mother, you are choosing your prejudice over me. Dad has never expressed any dislike regarding Paige that is all you. You speak as if you had no contribution in your fight with Paige. She told me how you degraded her deceased mother. For heaven’s sake mom, you spat on her.”

  “Yes, I did. She called me a fake, female dog, only she used the B word.” “Mother, you provoked her. You don’t know Paige’s story because you have

  never given her a chance. I am telling you now; I will honor your wishes by staying away if Paige is not welcomed here. However, I. Will. Marry. Her. I am done discussing it. I was hoping you were willing to work it out with Paige, for me. Clearly you are not, so I know where I stand.” Kevin already had his jacket on and was heading to leave.

  Mrs. Louise was passing through the foyer; she had a look of remorse on her face, as if she could feel his pain. Kevin hurried to her and hugged her whispering in her ear. “I will call you soon.”

  She gave him a motherly kiss on the cheek and said, “Be careful and I

  couldn’t be more proud of you, son.”

  Kevin looked over his shoulder to his father. “Dad I’ll check on you when Paige and I are in town. I will call your office to schedule a ti
me for us to see you.” Kevin did not wait for a response; he knew his father would not utter one word that would upset his wife. As he opened the front door, his mother rushed behind him

  calling out his name. He stopped and turned, hoping against hope she had a change of heart.

  “Kevin, you mark my words, hooking up with that vile girl will be the worst mistake ever. Nothing good can come from her. Nothing!” Kevin could not believe his mother’s words. What was wrong with her?

  “Mother, I have heard your warning, you need to heed mine! Don’t. Mess. With. Paige. If you do, the only thing vile will be coming from me to you. Have a nice life mother!”

  Kevin stormed out, slamming the door so hard the windows rattled. He got into his car, secured his seat belt, and slammed the car’s door shut with so much force the driver’s window shattered. He looked at the fallen glass in his lap, let out a frustrated groan, and wept in the circular driveway in front of his childhood home.


  “Paige, let’s go over your assignment from last week. You were to make a list of your top five strengths and three areas you wanted to improve on your character. Do you have those?” Dr. Whitney Ann Kimball, who preferred to be called Dr. Whitney, was a beautiful forty-something year old woman. Paige admired how she always looked so put together. She wore a short bob with bangs; her hair was a strawberry blonde that went perfectly with her light caramel skin.


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