After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2)

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After Church: Walking Worthy....After the Benediction! (The Greatest Love Series Book 2) Page 12

by Genevieve Woods


  As with every Sunday, after church at Mother Ellen’s house was full of life, love, and laughter. She, Tabitha, and Kierra were busy preparing the last of the food. The men were watching sports and the children, including Nikki, were gathered in a room playing video games.

  This was what made Mother Ellen’s life worth living. However, she did have a concern, Carol was not a church today, she briefly saw Gregory but he seemed to have left early as well. She made a mental note to call and check on the Steele family, if they didn’t show for dinner. She was drawn away from her thoughts as she saw that Tabitha and Kierra were speaking to Kevin who appeared to be without Paige.

  Tabitha was taking the to-go container from Kevin and was expressing her concern for Paige as Camille had said she was not feeling well. She also told her it was because she was expecting. Tabitha had grown close to Karen and Paige, not

  as close as she was to her future sister-in-law, but close enough to realize not to let

  Kevin know she was in the know.

  “So Paige, still is not up to coming out?” Tabitha questioned Kevin.

  “No she said she needed to rest up for the work week.” Kevin pointed at the

  to-go container Tabitha had collected from him.

  “She asked if Mother Ellen could pack her something to go. She can eat it tomorrow for lunch or maybe dinner.” Mother Ellen looked over her shoulder with an endearing smile.

  “Of course we will send our mom-to-be dinner to go. Be sure to tell her

  green apples will help settle that nausea she is battling. Many folks don’t know that secret. They think crackers and ginger-ale is the way to go, but green apples work faster.”

  Kevin was stunned speechless as well as Tabitha and Kierra. As an attorney, he knew when to rest his case. He walked over and gave Mother Ellen a kiss on the

  cheek, as she continued cooking as if she had not just dropped a bomb that exploded all in their faces.

  “Thanks Mother Ellen, I will text that to her and let her know. I—I’m going

  to check on my parents and join the fellas in the den.”

  “You do that sweetheart; we will yell when dinner is ready.”

  As soon as he left the kitchen, the ladies burst out into laughter. Kierra went over and hugged her grandmother around the waist saying, “Grandma you too much.”

  “Child please, the last time I saw Paige I knew she was with child, but every life is planned by God. I know Kevin is going to do the right thing by Paige, so I’m not worried.

  Tabitha just shook her head in merriment as she took a batch of Momma Gladys’ homemade yeast rolls out of the oven. Momma Gladys had an employee drop them off every Sunday Morning for the Adams’ dinner. There was none that could come close to the buttery, mouth watery taste, of Momma Gladys’ rolls.

  Kevin had to look in several rooms before he found his mom. She was sitting in the formal living room with Tamala, they seemed to be enjoying looking through one of the Adams family’s photo album.

  Julia sensed her son’s presence and looked around him as she smiled, to see if Paige was with him. Kevin made his way over to the duo that chose to isolate themselves from everyone. He found it odd. His mother spoke first.

  “Kevin, did Paige join you? I was hoping to speak to her and settle some things like you wanted.” He knew she meant to apologize, but it wouldn’t be proper etiquette for his mother just to say she was sorry.

  “That’s good that you want to settle things with her, but she is not well enough to make it, she sends her regards to you and dad.” Tamala, one who needed to be the center of attention, chimed in.

  “Kevin, did you tell Paige about her appointment change with Dr. Whitney?” This question alarmed Julia and put a look of disdain on Kevin’s face.

  “Oh well,” Tamala thought. She had made an immediate connection with Julia, now she needed to start breaking down her opinion of her son’s girlfriend. “What better way to do that then show Paige as mentally unstable?”

  “What appointment?” Julia said with what appeared to be real concern. Before Kevin could speak, Miss Sykes provided the answer.

  “Oh you didn’t know Mrs. Michelson? Paige is in counseling; she has really been through a lot in her life. I am the executive assistant to the counsellors at Liberty and Paige is a regular.” Tamala saw Kevin’s eyebrows meet and knew she had gone too far.

  “Miss Sykes, aren’t you being too liberal with my fiancée’s healthcare information?” Kevin was trying to be polite to this beauty, and not cause a scene in Mother Ellen’s home, but he could just feel that Tamala and his mother were up to something. But what? They had just met.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or Paige.” Tamala looked up at

  Kevin’s strong, chiseled face and batted her long eyelashes while placing a hand

  on his bicep. Kevin jerked away. He couldn’t believe her audacity in touching him in such a familiar way.

  “Just see that it doesn’t happen again.” He then looked at his mom. “Are we going to find Dad?”

  Julia’s mind was too busy reeling over the fiancée announcement to care about Kevin’s reprimand to Tamala for insulting Paige. She would have to school the young lady on subtleness if she and Tamala were to succeed in replacing Paige. Julia thought Tamala was much more suitable for her son. However, she had to

  play nice because her husband had laid down the law in their home, and informed her she had better apologize to their son, if she didn’t she was going to be out with

  nothing. Unbeknownst to her, Judge Michelson had done research on Paige. He started an investigation after the two of them fought. What he discovered was a secret Julia had planned on taking to her grave.

  Steven had uncovered the real reason behind Julia’s dislike for Paige. He knew that Paige wasn’t the real person Julia had an issue with. Paige’s mother had been a rival to Julia. They had been in love with the same man, Paige’s father. Her heart still fluttered whenever she recalled how Steven cornered her and revealed

  the evidence against her. She was floored he would go so far as to threaten divorce, but she believed him. The scandal in the file that he presented to her was all the proof Steven needed to shame her for life.

  Because of his ultimatum, she was here playing the game and acting excited as Kevin announced to his father, and the entire Adams’ clan that he and Paige were engaged and expecting their first child. She didn’t see that one coming, and neither did Tamala, but a baby would not abort her mission to get Kevin Michelson.

  Camille and Karen were in Benjamin’s old bedroom talking about their sisterhood. Camille was so happy that Karen had decided to continue working for her at ITS. After talking everything out and they were going to have a DNA test performed to verify that they were indeed sisters.

  Camille suggested if they did turn out to be sisters they should meet with a family therapist. She confided to Karen about her breakdown and alcohol use, and Karen felt guilty for being a factor in it. Both concluded that their dad was a non- factor in their relationship they would both deal with him according to their personal desire.

  They were about to call Paige when they heard loud noises from downstairs. They took one look at each other, bolted for the door, and made their way to where the noise came from.

  When they arrived, they were excited to see Kevin holding up a tablet with Paige on the screen. Everyone was congratulating her on the baby and pending marriage. They all knew Kevin and Paige were new to the Christian faith, and there was a silent understanding that no judgements would be passed because they were doing the right thing in getting married and having the baby.

  After they had disconnected the video chat, Mother Ellen called everyone in for dinner. In the spirit of tradition, Uncle Jack led the prayer and prayed for everyone in the room, the city, the nation, international affairs, he prayed until Benjamin said, “Amen, thanks Uncle Jack for that beautiful prayer.”

  It was an hour into di
nner and most people were on dessert when the doorbell rang. When one of the cousins answered, Mr. Gregory Steele stumbled in calling out for Ellen.

  “Where is Ellen, I need her.” Mother Ellen heard her best friend’s husband’s voice as she was rocking Nikki to sleep in her rocking chair. Karen immediately took Nikki from her lap so she could go to Brother Steele.

  “Here I am Greg, what’s wrong, is Carol all right?” Mother Ellen could see the despair on his face; he appeared to have aged twenty-years since she had seen him this morning. She knew what his answer was, but she had to hear it. So she asked again with a trembling voice.

  “Gregory is Carol all right?

  “No Ellen she’s not. She killed herself this morning while I was at church.”

  Chapter 7

  If this is the end

  3 weeks later

  Camille was driving in her crimson SUV en-route to Benjamin’s. He had called her earlier in the morning and stated they needed to talk. She would be lying to herself if she didn’t admit this could be bad news for their future. He had been pulling back since Mrs. Carol’s suicide, a suicide that shook the foundation of Liberty Fellowship. Everyone wanted to know why and how could a Church Mother take her own life. Dr. Whitney and her staff were working overtime, administering grief counselling, while they educated the members of the church

  and the community about the dangers of untreated depression and grief.

  Benjamin, had gone through the motions of being there for Mr. Steele, he was a pallbearer at the funeral, and a soloist at the home going celebration. Camille still was bewildered by why they called it a home going. Does someone who commits suicide have a chance of going to heaven? Camille began to think about going through the motions; Benjamin was definitely doing that in their


  Their wedding was two weeks away and they had completed the marriage counseling, where Benjamin answered the questions as if he had been given the correct answers beforehand. Their time together had been limited because a week after the funeral, Kevin and Paige were married.

  Kevin had thrown his proverbial hat into the ring, to run for the District Attorney’s office, and he and Paige had to be married quickly. His father Judge Michelson married them at the Michelson’s Manor in Atlanta, Georgia. That

  weekend had been a tough one. Although Paige was now thirteen-weeks along in her pregnancy, her morning sickness had not let up. When it was time to kiss the bride Paige had to run to the restroom to empty her stomach

  Camille’s mood turned more somber as she thought about the news Paige had just got today from the OBGYN. Some of her prenatal tests were showing early signs that the baby could have sickle-cell anemia. What were the chances of that happening, a biracial father receiving the trait from his African-American mother and Paige having it from one her parents? Paige and Kevin were in good spirits about all things that meant working for the best for their baby’s health. Camille was certainly praying it was so.

  Truth be told Paige had confided to Camille, Karen, and Tabitha that she was more concerned with Kevin’s volunteer staff manager. Tamala Sykes had taken the position, and anyone with eyes could see she intended to take Paige’s

  place. Paige had stated she and Kevin argued over it but she lost because he needed someone fast. Tabitha, who was on the volunteer staff promised to keep her eye on Missus Thang.

  As Camille drove, her thoughts drifted to Karen. Their DNA test had come back ninety-nine percent positive that they were siblings. They received the test results from the lab and opened them together in Camille’s office. Judging from the jumping, screaming, and tears they both shed, no one would have known there were issues in the beginning when Nikki blurted out the secret. She was happy everything was working out. She still had a bone to pick with her daddy when he came back into town for her wedding, but she would deal with that soon enough. She was just happy to have her sister and nieces in her life. Dawn and Autumn

  were now just as much her nieces as Nikki. When they returned from their vacation they were livid with Shayla for the stunt she pulled. Neither of them was speaking

  to their Mom, but there was something else going on with the twins and she knew deep in her gut that was another story to be told.

  Camille pulled into Ben’s garage and her stomach began churning. She gave herself a pep talk. He Loves Me, He loves Me. As a matter of fact, before she got out the car, she put Jill Scott’s version on play and listened to it as she deeply inhaled and exhaled. By the end of the song, she was ready to face whatever Benjamin had for her. Deep inside she was wishing he would be standing in the foyer with his arms stretched out wide to embrace her, like he had done so many times in the past.

  She did not get her wish; Ben was not in the foyer. She found him sitting in his game room in the dark. He looked so different from the man who cared for her after she was hit by a car and suffered seizures from the brain injury. She looked at this bearded stranger and felt like she was losing a game she never wanted to play.

  She had not asked him to sweep her off her feet, in fact she tried to chase him away. She was for the most part content with her life; she had a successful business, great friends, and enjoyed reading her novels. Heck, outside of Paige and Karen, her closest friends were independent authors she supported and her Facebook book clubs. Sure, she wanted to find love and have a family, but the look on Benjamin’s face right now, as he stared up at her—a look of doom—was why she stayed away from relationships. At least, if she didn’t like the hero in the book she was reading, she could delete it from her reader or just put it on the bookshelf and never open it again. But now, what if this Hero doesn’t want her? What if she

  is not the heroine after all? What if Lauren was the one all along and he couldn’t love again although he tried to love her? If this was the end, she was of a mind just to make a run for it before he uttered one heartbreaking word. Before she knew it, she was backing up to make her exit. The next then she knew she was running to

  the garage to escape the hurt.

  Benjamin sat in the game room and watched the love of his life assume the inevitable, the end of the relationship. He expected her to be angry and accuse him of being a liar. He was definitely that. He promised her the moon and the stars and could not deliver any of it. Mrs. Carol’s suicide made him feel like a murderer, a repeat offender at that. He had accepted his fate of living alone for the rest of his life. He couldn’t keep Camille hanging on to hope that their wedding was going to come to pass. He didn’t have it in him to spit on Lauren’s and now Carol’s

  memory by being happy in love.

  However, when Camille started running away from him, his own life flashed before his eyes. One that was dark and filled with empty days and lonely nights.

  He saw himself alone visiting the tombstones of a woman that never belonged to him and a mother that never let go.

  He saw himself witnessing his friends Frankie and Kevin have children and wives that were healthy and happy, while he had memories that were never made.

  When he envisioned Camille living that same desolate life because she belonged to him and no other man would ever take his place, something in his heart and mind burst. He was up running after the love of his life.

  He ran as fast as his over six-foot frame would allow him and he caught her just as she was about to get into her SUV. He pulled her backwards into his body,

  as tears flowed from his eyes into her hair; he bent low so he could whisper into her ear.

  “I love you Cam, I want us. Help me! The grief and guilt inside me is so great, I am struggling to breathe. I can’t breathe” Camille heard his cry and turned to face him in his arms. She wiped the tears from her hero’s face, pulled him down to her, and placed a kiss on his lips, she then whispered to him.

  “Then breathe through me.”

  Benjamin and Camille were back in his game room sitting side by side staring into one another’s wet eyes. Ben had Camille’s hands in his, and
squeezed them gently as he tried to work out the lump that had formed in his throat.

  Camille could see the anguish in his eyes. She could feel his nervous energy transpiring through the sweat of his palms and brow. Her guy was in a dark place and guilt had him paralyzed. She had an answer for his paralysis. He could move through her as she allowed Christ’s strength to move through her…through them. She had received the answer to her question “Was she his missing rib?” She had received a resounding yes when he stopped her from leaving and admitted he was in need. Words were not needed. She would be his rock as he had always been hers. She moved closer, embraced him, and lovingly whispered into his ear Psalm


  “The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. Benjamin, the Lord loves you and me and he has set us on this path together. I’m not meant to be alone and neither are you. Our

  path is a united one and I won’t be getting off of it. I’m here with you.”


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