The Will to Conceive: A Fertile Hotwife Adventure

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The Will to Conceive: A Fertile Hotwife Adventure Page 2

by Sylvia Redmond

  Chapter 4

  “So what have you been up to for the last ten years Kelli? Tell me about yourself. Tell me about this lucky husband of yours.”

  I was standing in his apartment, watching him root through the kitchen for anything to offer me that would have qualified him as being a good host. I looked at his arms as he spoke, impressed by the fact that he had no doubt kept himself in the physical shape that had made him such an athlete in high school. He had obviously added a couple of tattoos to his collection too. There was something etched in ink on his generous bicep trying desperately to peek its head out at me.

  He turned to look at me, reminded me that I owed him an answer to his question.

  “Mark – I mean, my husband’s name is Mark. We’ve been married for six years now, we met in college.”

  He nodded at me and smiled before turning back to the cabinet. He produced a box of wheat thins, which was as far as he was apparently going to get with his show of hospitality. He pulled a bowl from another shelf in his counter and filled it with wheat thins, and then gestured for me to sit on his couch.

  “That’s great” he said, offering what I thought was genuine sincerity. “How about kids? Do you guys have any kids?”

  It was the first question that anyone who hadn’t seen you in a while would ask. And it was the question that struck the most exposed emotional nerve that I had. I was surprised that the bad boy I had known from high school would even think to ask such a domesticated question.

  “No, we don’t have kids” I said, offering nothing further.

  He looked at me and nodded, the smile never quite leaving his face. I took the opportunity to do anything to change the subject.

  “So what about you? What have you been doing? This is a nice apartment but I have a hard time believing you’ve been living here since high school.”

  He laughed while reaching out to grab a couple of wheat thins from the bowl on the table. I suddenly realized I had rudely ignored his offer of hospitality and grabbed a couple myself.

  “Are you saying this doesn’t look like a swinging bachelor pad to you?” he laughed, tossing back both crackers.

  “No, I didn’t mean it like that, I just…”

  “Relax, I’m kidding” he said, and he reached out to put his hand on my arm.

  I hadn’t realized just how close he had been to me until he touched me. The movement caused the rest of his bicep to extend out from under his shirt sleeve, exposing the tattoo underneath.

  It was an eagle that had been poking its head out to look at me…

  “I’ve lived here about a year” he said. “I was also married for about six years but apparently our marriage didn’t have the staying power that you and your husband must have. We started having problems about three years ago and finally called it quits last year.”

  “Oh shit, I’m sorry” I said, slightly embarrassed for his compliment of my own marriage.

  He waved his hand dismissively.

  “Don’t be” he said. “We had some differences in the marriage, that’s all. Same shit that happens to everyone.”

  He paused when he was done speaking, looking me directly in the eyes. It was a piercing look that felt like it went right through me.

  “You look great” he said simply, and I was suddenly aware of how close he was to me again.

  “What kind of differences?” I blurted out, anxious to change the subject back to anything while he gazed at me.

  He laughed softly while smoothing back a lock of his dark hair over his ear.

  “I’m sorry” I said, immediately regretting my question. “That’s personal, it’s none of my business.”

  “That’s ok” Billy said. “Look, you and I dated for a long time, I still consider you an intimate friend. If anything its just a little embarrassing. The truth is, I really got to the point where I wanted kids, and she wanted nothing to do with it. Things just went downhill from there. It was just a weird thing I guess we never talked about before we got married.”

  I laughed impulsively before managing to put a hand over my mouth. It was nervous laughter – I knew that. The fact that he said he considered me an intimate friend while creeping an inch closer to me on the couch had made me a little jumpy. But it was the fact that he apparently shared in my frustration to make babies that caused me to bubble over briefly.

  “Did I say something funny?” he said, while cocking his handsome face.

  “No, it’s stupid. It’s just – well, the truth is that Mark and I talked about having kids the entire time we were dating. And for some reason now he has completely changed his tune. Talking about it gets me nowhere and when we make love…”

  Now it was me going too far, and I caught myself before finishing my thought. Billy was leaning closer though.


  “It’s just that – look its stupid, but all I have left now is trying to trick him into getting me pregnant in the bedroom. I try to trap him into having unprotected sex with me – and it’s almost worked a couple of times.”

  It did almost work last time, and I could feel my body responding just thinking about it…

  “But for whatever reason he’s changed his mind since we got engaged so it’s all in vain. There you go – TMI, I know.”

  “Jesus Kelli, I’m sorry” he said.

  Part of me was relieved to say out loud what had been bothering me privately for years. The other part of me was embarrassed to be telling a high school boyfriend who I had not seen for so long. I was trying to think of something clever to say when he spoke first and broke the awkward silence.

  “It’s actually kind of hard for me to imagine” he said.


  “The entire time you and I dated I was trying to sleep with you and you wouldn’t. And here you are telling me your husband won’t complete the deal with you in the bedroom – that’s all. It just seems kind of ironic.”

  “Honestly” I said to him, and this time it was me putting my hand on his arm, “It wasn’t that I didn’t want to sleep with you. In fact, I had every intention of doing it with you. It’s just, the first time we got really intimate in your car…”

  The words were coming out of my mouth faster than my brain could moderate them. I realized I was telling him more than I was comfortable with, and I suddenly cut myself off. I still had my hand on his arm, and as if he sensed my apprehension he place his over mine, keeping me from pulling away.

  “What? What is it? Tell me?” he said.

  I suddenly felt like an embarrassed high school girl again, sitting in the back seat of that damn mustang with him. And when that thought came into my head, so did the image of his big, hard cock. I thought about how it had felt in my young hands, and how I had been so worried about it. I was worried about its size, and the thought of it getting me pregnant – all things that were not worrying to the frustrated, married woman that I was now.

  “Your cock” I said to him, aware of the fact that my voice was raspy. “I was a kid. It was bigger than anything I had seen before, it scared the shit out of my in all honesty.”

  I laughed as I said it to him, but looked away at the same time. I was looking at the bulge in his jeans now, but I was thinking about the cock I had sucked all those years ago. It had scared me back then, before I was experienced enough to know just what I was holding in my hands.

  “It was just too big” I said again, not really talking to Billy, as much as remembering all those times in the car.

  I felt him move closer as he placed his hands on my body. I felt the warmth of his body, and I knew it was a situation that was slipping quickly out of my control. I thought about all of those times he tried to fuck me in high school, and how I had succeeded in fighting him off. I thought about how I had been so scared to have something that big inside of me. And how I was scared that something that big would certainly get me pregnant…

  Chapter 5

  I felt his breath on my neck as he pulled me closer and I rea
lized I was still thinking of that giant cock of his. I could feel my body responding to him, although I knew it had been responding to the memory of him as soon as I walked through his door. I felt the wetness between my legs, reminding me that I was as fertile now as I was ever going to be.

  I could feel his hands on my body as soon as he started kissing my neck. I realized he was being tentative – I was a married woman after all, and hadn’t seen him for nearly ten years. But as I sat there with my wet pussy, thinking about that big cock of his, I also started thinking that this was the opportunity I had been looking for to finally get pregnant. I decided to tell him the only thing that he had ever wanted to hear from me all those years ago.

  “Fuck me Billy – fuck my now.”

  He pulled back with a hesitation that told me he wasn’t quite sure he had heard me right. But I wasn’t going to wait to say it to him again. My hands went directly to the zipper of his jeans and started fumbling, desperate to release the cock that I was certain could get me pregnant. His expression changed from surprise to amusement as he realized he had heard me correctly and my hands tore desperately at his jeans.

  “Whoa, easy girl” he said laughing.

  “Fuck me Billy – I want you to fuck me with that big cock of yours. I want you to cum inside of me. You can do it for me – you can get me pregnant!” I told him, trying to ignore the fact that I was begging him for it.

  He smiled and put his hands on mine, tearing them away from his jeans before standing up. For a moment my heart sank as I prepared mentally for him to kick me out of his apartment.

  “Get undressed” he said.

  It was a command more than a request which had thrilled me even more. I pulled my shirt over my head without a moment’s hesitation, and followed quickly by removing the bra which had suddenly felt like it was constraining my excited breasts. I felt the cool air of the room hit my nipples as I bared my chest to him, thrilled by the fact that he hadn’t taken his eyes off of me. He had seen this all before – he had handled my tits with the excited hands of a teenager all those years ago.

  “Keep going” he said, as he lifted his t-shirt over his head.

  His torso was different than I had remembered it. It had more muscles and tattoos than it had ever had in that mustang. It was the muscled midsection of a man – a man I knew would get me pregnant. And all I wanted to see now was that mighty cock of his that was still hidden from my view. But he was waiting – staring at my naked tits and waiting for me to be completely naked.

  My hands got to work, excitedly fumbling with my own zipper and wrestling my pants to my knees. I was stripping like it was my first time getting undressed, frantically trying to tear my own clothes off like they had caught on fire. I got my pants off and tossed them beside me and then peeled off my panties, not missing the fact that they were wet beneath my fingers. As I got myself completed naked I drew my knees to my chest and hugged them, looking back at him expectedly, with only one thing on my obviously one-track mind.

  He laughed as he unbuckled and pulled his jeans down, exposing to me the big bulge I had remembered all those years ago. He stepped out of the jeans with far more grace than I had shown removing my own. And then he hands went to his briefs, ready to give me the money shot I had been waiting for.

  He pulled the fabric over his erection, and I was suddenly as awestruck as I had been as an inexperience teenager. I shouldn’t be feeling this way, I told myself. I was a married woman, far more experienced than I had been when dating Billy Cooper. But the years that had transpired had not made his cock any less intimidating. The only thing that had changed was the fact that I now knew that he was going to be fucking me with it.

  I instinctively moved forward, grabbing at it with both hands as if worried it would run away. I pulled him towards me, unwilling to release it but only wanting to put it in my mouth. The thought of all the times in his car sucking on it – making love to it with my mouth – was as fresh in my mind as if it had only been a week ago. I stroked its head quickly, like a soft greeting, before opening my mouth to taste him once again.

  “Oh god yeah Kelli” Billy said, moaning as I stroked his enormous organ.

  I sucked on his big cock lazily, remembering all the times I had done it to him years before. I wanted to make him feel good – and I wanted to make him want me all over again. I started to bob my head up and down, feeling his breathing quicken from my efforts. And as soon as I had started to increase my tempo, I felt his hands on me, stopping me.

  “Stop” he said in a voice that was husky. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

  Chapter 6

  The words had barely left his lips and I was on my feet following him. I couldn’t take my eyes of the sight of his gigantic cock bobbing as it clumsily led us down the hall to his bedroom. As we cleared the door I passed him, leaping onto his bed and feeling the rustle of his sheets beneath me. I could feel the simmering between my legs as I spoke to him, making a plea to him again that we both knew wasn’t necessary.

  “Fuck me – fuck me now with your big cock. I want you to cum inside of me!”

  He remained wordless as he moved towards the bed. I felt the bed depress as he kneeled onto it, his big cock dangling above the sheets. I could see the tiny drops of precum glistening on its large purple head, and for a minute I worried irrationally that they would drop onto the bed, forever lost to me. But my fear quickly slipped away as he scooted forward, and that glorious organ of his was only inches from my wet sex.

  I started to move my legs, lifting them to give him better access. But he stopped me, speaking for the first time since we had entered the bedroom.

  “Stop – let me Kelli. It will go easier if you let me do it”

  He ran his hands up the underside of my legs as he said it, sending shivers up my already excited body. I felt him hook a hand under each knee as he spread my legs, and I watched as his cock continued to bob back and forth between my legs. He removed his hand from my right knee long enough to grasp himself and move forward between my legs, and in a moment I was rewarded with the sweet touch of his rock hard cock.

  “I’ll just go easy” he said as he pushed forward, easing the big tip into my desperately waiting pussy.

  He was talking gently to me, as if I was my first time, and in many ways it was. I felt his big cock sliding into a pussy that could not have been any wetter, and still there was a resistance that I hadn’t expected. He went slowly in a way that only made it worse, driving me crazy with the desire to feel his big cock deep inside of me. I started to twist and move in a vain attempt to push downward, only to hear him speak to me again.

  “Relax” he said. “I’m telling you, it will be easier if you take a deep breath and relax.”

  He was directly over me as he said it, looking into my eyes as he spoke. I stopped moving, heeding his suggestion, and took a deep breath before exhaling. I felt my body relax slightly, and Billy nodded as pushed his hips forward. I could feel my pussy open up as I felt the delicious ridges of his giant shaft moving forward inside of me.

  “That’s it, that’s it Kelli” he moaned, as he big cock continued its long, slow crawl inside of me.

  I felt my body twisting again, but it was a movement different than what I was doing before. My body was moving involuntarily, and for a moment I couldn’t tell if it was trying to get away from his big cock or trying to force itself further onto it. My mind was a twisted mess as I grappled to comprehend it and when I opened my mouth to speak all I heard was a moan.

  “Atta girl” Billy said, and I could feel his pulsing cock pushing further. “Just relax and let old Billy fuck you.”

  The crudeness of his comment took me momentarily by surprised but I hardly had time to digest it. I felt a bump underneath me and I realized that the base of his big dick was pressing up against me. My body was grinding down on it, accentuating a feeling of fullness that I had never felt before in my life. I heard myself moan again as I realized his was pulling his big cock out.

  “That’s ok” he said. “I’m not going anywhere. Hold on tight honey, it feels like you’re ready.”

  I wanted to reply to him but couldn’t muster anything more than a moan. I instead answered him by raking my nails across his back as I felt his gorgeous cock sliding slowing back out of me. I was able to cast a glance down, and was rewarded with the sight of his long cock dragging back out of me, wet and shiny from my own maternal juices. I clawed at his back more, desperate to get him back inside of me, as I felt his tempo start to change.

  His next thrust inside of me was harder and faster, a stark contrast to the gentle treatment he had given me only minutes before. I hadn’t been ready for it, and I felt the breath rush out of me as his balls slapped up against me again, driving me into the mattress. He pinned me for only a minute, impaling me on his big cock, before pulling it out again. And then his hips started moving in a consistent, driving blur.

  “OH…MY…GOD” I blurted out as I felt him pounding me with his giant babymaker.

  My fingers had stopped dragging across his back but I could feel my arms flapping as he continued fucking me. Orgasms with my husband were a long, drawn out affair – often coming long after he had finished sealing the deed. I could feel myself gasping, making noises I had never heard myself make before, and I knew that this time the orgasm was bearing down on me like a runaway train.

  “That’s it baby” Billy said.

  His tone was authoritative but his breathing was every bit as fast as mine. I knew that it was coming closer – I knew that he was going to be giving me the one thing that I wanted. I could feel his huge cock inside me, touching parts of me that had never been touched, and I knew that he was moments away from filling me with his seed.


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