Love at Carlyle's [Love on the Rocks 8: Special Edition] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love at Carlyle's [Love on the Rocks 8: Special Edition] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She was getting another group of guys some beers and handing over their change when she spotted Tye Lowe. He came right up, getting high-fives, and people were taking pictures with their cell phones of him. Some other guy was snapping pictures left and right as Tye gave away autographed shirts and pictures to fans. He turned around toward the bar. Man, was he a big guy. Tall, like six-foot-four, thin, muscular, and he had gorgeous green eyes. He locked onto her breasts in the tank top she wore and then slowly roamed up her body to her face and widened his eyes.

  “Hot damn, woman. What is your name and why are you working behind that bar instead of sitting on my lap?” he asked.

  She chuckled. “What can I get you, winner?” she asked and he smiled.

  “A nice cold Bud,” he said.

  She went to the cooler, pulled out a beer, and placed it in front of him. She didn’t accept any money from him. Jake said he paid a pretty penny for the use of Carlyle’s for his celebration party, so he didn’t charge him for drinks, or for a lot of stuff.

  She then took an order from the other guys around him.

  “Honey, where the hell did Carlyle find you?” he asked.

  “He didn’t. I saw a sign and heard about the job and came right in.”

  “And he let you bartend instead of proposing to you?” he asked. The others laughed. She felt her cheeks blush and looked away. Carlyle was no longer at the end of the bar.

  “More pictures,” someone yelled out and they turned to pose.

  “What’s your name gorgeous?”


  “Yes, you sure are,” he told her and took her hand and brought it to his lips.

  “Come on out from behind that bar and get into this picture with me. I’m going to frame it up and then think about the missed opportunity to whisk you away and make a good woman outta you.” She laughed at him and the way he spoke, like some old timer when he wasn’t even in his mid-thirties.

  “Go on and get out there,” Jake told her.

  “We’re too busy.”

  “Nonsense,” Jake said and lifted her up and placed her ass on the bar. The guys all started roaring. The music was loud and people were singing and dancing. She swung her legs around and Tye lifted her up and placed her onto his lap. He took off his cowboy hat and placed it on her head.

  “Smile wide, gorgeous,” he told her and the guys started taking pictures. Then they were surrounding her and cheering, lifting up their beers.

  “Okay, back to work,” she said and slid to her feet. Some guy grabbed her around the waist and brought her onto the dance floor. “I have to work, buddy. Later maybe we’ll dance.”

  He slid his hand along her waist and held her tight. “Please don’t leave me. You’re an angel,” he said and his buddies were all yelling at him.

  She touched his cheek. “I need to work to make money to pay my bills. Please let me go back. I’ll get fired,” she said to him and he scowled. He took her hand, led her back to the bar right past Carlyle and oh shit, Magnum. He lifted her up, placed her onto the bar, and then went back to dancing.

  She took off the cowboy hat and placed it onto Tye’s head.

  “Thanks for the fun, winner,” she said to him.

  “Thanks for the fantasies I’ll be having about you in bed tonight,” he said to her and she shook her head and laughed. He took her hand as if he were going to shake it, then he placed some bills into her hand. He asked his buddy for something, then got a marker and signed his hat. He placed it back onto her head and women screamed and guys roared. “You hold on to that, baby. It’s a collector’s item.” Then he picked up some cute little redhead and brought her onto the dance floor.

  She turned to look at Jake, who grabbed her shoulders, his eyes wide and he appeared shocked. “Holy shit, you just got the best collector’s item of the night. That’s his cowboy hat,” he told her. She laughed then looked down in her hand. Jake was shocked.

  “You put that in your pocket. It’s all yours, Precious,” he told her and gave her hip a tap and went back to bartending. She straightened out the cowboy hat then turned to take new drink orders when she saw Magnum and Carlyle.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Carlyle reprimanded her.

  “What?” she asked as she wiped down the bar and put two coasters there for them. She then got two Buds and placed them down in front of them.

  “Come here,” Magnum ordered. She could see some people watching, but there was something about Magnum giving orders that got her feeling aroused. She couldn’t stop thinking about their conversation, and she knew that he told his brothers about her being a virgin. Carlyle seemed to be licking his lips now as he watched her.

  She leaned closer.

  “No, closer,” he said.

  “Any closer and I’ll be climbing over the bar to sit on your lap.”

  “What a great idea,” he said to her, but then some customers came up to order more drinks. She gave Magnum a wink and as she made the women’s drink orders and shook them up, Carlyle and Magnum watched her like the other men did. She couldn’t believe how disappointed she felt that Cavanaugh wasn’t here tonight, too. She wondered if he was even interested in her like his brothers were.

  “Hey, what are you guys doing here?” Carlyle asked and she looked to see five men join them along with Cavanaugh. They were decked out in T-shirts and jeans. She locked gazes with Cavanaugh’s dark brown eyes and then his friends stared at her. The one tall blond grabbed on to Cavanaugh’s shoulder.

  “Jesus, Cavanaugh, introduce me to this fine specimen of a woman,” he said, and Cavanaugh narrowed his eyes at her.

  “She’s off limits, Cobra,” he said, and the blonde winked.

  “The name’s Cobra, doll. What’s yours?” he asked and reached over to shake her hand. She smiled.

  “Precious, but I can’t shake your hand. They’re all sticky. Excuse me a moment,” she said and walked away, giving Jake a nod. Jake went over to serve them drinks. One glance at Cavanaugh and she knew she pissed him off. Well the hell with him. She didn’t belong to them. To anyone. The thought had her nearly dropping a bottle of vodka as she poured two guys shots. Do I want to belong to them? She felt her heart pound and then she felt a little light-headed for a moment.

  Jesus woman, get your act together. You’ve never needed a man in your life. You certainly don’t need three like that.

  She went to grab some Coors Light out of the cooler and needed to bend over and dig deeper.

  “The Coors Light are on the bottom. Gabe is bringing more up from the coolers downstairs,” Jake told her and she heard the whistles.

  “Shut up!” Jake yelled at a group of guys and then he said he would find some.

  She pulled up two cans. “Here are two. Damn, now my arm is freezing cold,” she said.

  Jake shook his head. “It’s midnight. This is going to go on forever.”

  “Well the tips will be worth it, I hope.”

  “Oh, they will be, but around three, you won’t care about the tips. You’ll want to leave and make everyone go home,” he said and chuckled.

  She brought two of the beers over to the guys and they bitched about needing more.

  “They’re on their way. If you can’t wait, then pick another beer,” she told the one nasty big guy with the beard. She reached for the money his friend put down and the guy with the beard grabbed her hand.

  “Don’t go far. I’m not a patient man,” he said to her. She leaned closer and he stared at her.

  “Don’t push your luck,” she pulled her hand free and his buddies laughed but he gave her the stare down.

  As the night went on she made her way back to Magnum, Carlyle, and Cavanaugh and they introduced her to their friends, some guys who were soldiers and had a biker gang or something, but apparently they were wealthy. At least that was what Jake told her. He also mentioned how rich Cavanaugh was, and Carlyle and Magnum, too.

  “Money isn’t everything, Jake,” she told him.

>   “Hell, honey, I can tell you couldn’t care less, but I have to say, the boss has never looked at a woman the way he looks at you. All three Mather brothers have their eyes set on you. I can’t believe it. Never thought they would ever go crazy for a woman after what one did to Cavanaugh.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “What happened?” she asked.

  He smiled. “So you like them, too?”

  “I’m not looking to get involved with anyone.”

  “That’s when it happens. When you aren’t looking. I shouldn’t tell you the story.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s their story to tell.”

  “It might help me figure out what kind of men they are.”

  “I’ll tell you later. Here comes another group. One forty-five. Mark my words, by three you’ll want to strangle someone.”

  She chuckled and walked back down the bar getting a few orders and then dealing with the nasty guy with the beard.

  * * * *

  Magnum watched Precious all night and wished he could whisk her away from here. Every fucking guy was hitting on her and some big asshole with a beard remained at the seat by the bar all night just drinking and staring at her. He didn’t like it.

  “We see him, too. She won’t be leaving here alone,” Carlyle said.

  “She has her jeep, right?” Magnum asked.

  “No parking. She walked here.”


  “I’ll be right back,” Cavanaugh stated and walked away. The crowd was beginning to disperse. It was nearly three in the morning and they needed to start moving these people out and calling cabs. He saw Precious walk out from behind the bar and toward the hallway. Cavanaugh came back over. “Where is Precious?” he asked.

  “She went to the ladies’ room, I think. She went into the hallway.”

  “Where’s that fucking guy with the beard?” he asked, sounding pissed and worried. Magnum turned to look at the bar where the guy had been all night and he wasn’t there. Suddenly, Precious came out of the hallway and she looked upset. He caught sight of the guy with the beard holding his nose. It was bleeding. He grabbed for her arm as he, Carlyle, and Cavanaugh, plus their friends, hurried over when she counter moved on the guy, slammed his head on the table and then took his feet out from underneath him. He landed on his ass and the few people that were around cheered.

  Magnum saw her ripped strap and part of her black lace bra and breast were showing but she quickly pulled it up.

  “What the fuck happened?” Cavanaugh yelled as the bouncers picked the guy up off the floor. He was dazed, his nose was bleeding, and his forehead was busted open.

  “We have to call the cops and report this,” one of their friends said.

  Magnum looked at Precious as Cavanaugh took her away and Magnum knew what they needed to do.

  “No cops. This guy was drunk. He won’t remember a fucking thing. Get him cleaned up and then get him a cab.”

  “Can’t I leave him on the street corner?” Chester asked.

  Carlyle chuckled. “He doesn’t need stitches, he needs to sleep off his drunkenness.”

  “We’ll take care of it,” Cobra said and gave Carlyle and Mangum a wink. They lifted the guy up and took him out. Carlyle and Mangum headed to the back office.

  “I’m fine, Cavanaugh, really,” she said but he saw that her knuckles were cut and red. He shook his head as he stared at her. She really was fine. She wasn’t teary eyed or shaking. He reached out and stroked her shoulder where she held the strap in place.

  “You don’t belong behind a fucking bar,” he snapped at her.

  She stared up at him. He towered over her and he was feeling too much. “You’re a beautiful, sexy woman, who should be catered to, pampered, and—

  Her lips parted and he couldn’t resist. He snagged her around the waist and he kissed her hard on the mouth. When he felt her hands rub up against him and then around his waist, he cupped her head and hair and kissed deeper, exploring her mouth and pressing her against the wall by the door. She moaned into his mouth and he used his other hand to cup her breast. The breasts other men drooled over and stared at. He wanted her to belong to him and his brothers only. No one else. He felt desperate as he moved his mouth from hers to her neck, her shoulder, pushing down the bra and then licking into the lace-filled cup. He pressed it down and tugged on her nipple. She grabbed his shoulders.

  “Cavanaugh. Oh God, please,” she begged of him and he suckled harder, squeezed her ass, and pulled her against him. He was feasting on her breast when the door opened. She gasped but he kept feasting, sucking on her tit like a newborn cub.

  “Oh lord,” she moaned and he knew his brothers were there.

  He pulled from her breast and then stared down into her eyes. “You’re not walking fucking home. You’re not wearing this fucking tank top ever again, and there are going to be rules, Precious. Serious fucking rules for you to follow. I know you don’t trust easily. I don’t either, but there’s one thing I’m sure of. I want you. I want to share you with my brothers and make you ours. I want to know everything about you. I don’t want lies, no secrets, nothing but the truth. Tell me, tell us, that you want us and that you’re willing to tell us everything.”

  “Cavanaugh, please, this isn’t easy.”

  “Then we’ll base it on sex,” he said, and hoisted her up against his body making her straddle his hips. She gripped his shoulder, her one breast exposed from the cup. She looked at Magnum and Carlyle who now stood next to him.

  “That won’t be fair. You’ve had sex before, many times, I’m sure.”

  “Exactly. Your first time will be so fucking good, you’ll never want to leave us,” Carlyle stated.

  “So you like the clingy type then?” she teased and then adjusted her top.

  “We like you. All of you. Now here’s a new top, and when you work again, tank tops are off-limits.” Magnum told her. Cavanaugh set her feet down and she took the top.

  She gave Magnum a sassy look. “Only the guys wear this shirt.”

  “And our woman,” Cavanaugh said firmly and gave her ass a slap. She jumped and her eyes glistened with desire.

  “Are you ready to head home?” he asked.

  “I have to finish up.”

  “The others will, and since we’ll be leaving with you, they’ll figure out you’re ours, and word will spread quickly,” Cavanaugh told her and traced her jaw with his finger. He clutched her chin and inched closer.

  “Grab your stuff, Precious. You’re coming home with us.” He pressed his lips to hers, then pulled back and turned her around to face the door Carlyle opened and directed her toward the bar. One glance over his shoulder and both Carlyle and Magnum were smirking. He figured his brothers were right from the start. No use in denying it. Precious grabbed his attention on day one.

  * * * *

  She was shaking like a leaf, yet her core burned with desire. She was twenty-five years old. Had waited so long to even think about or justify having sex with a man. To share so much of herself, and to let the walls down and let a man in, never mind three, seemed impossible. The closer they got to their home, the more nervous and panicked she felt. She started to think about her body. She always made sure she was neat and clean down there, and especially lately. She had worked behind the bar all night. She really should shower first. Could she make an excuse? She looked at the clock. Nearly four in the morning. Jesus, she should be exhausted, but instead she felt wired. When Cavanaugh reached over and placed his hand on her knee, she jerked and gasped. He narrowed his eyes at her with concern.

  “Don’t flinch at my touch. I’m going to take things slow. Well, as slow as possible,” he said and eyed her over.

  “Could we stop at my place so I can shower and change?”

  “You can shower at our place, and you won’t be needing any clothes,” he said to her and then moved his hand to shift gears before speeding up the road past her cottage and closer to his home. Behind them, Cavan
augh and Magnum followed.

  She was really starting to panic, yet his words, his control, did something to her. Was that what she needed after all? A man, dominant, powerful, sexy, to direct her, to read her body, to play it like a pro to get her to lower her defenses?

  She glanced at Cavanaugh. He had this look, this aura about him. Tough, smart, wealthy, demanding, and gorgeous. His beard was well trimmed as well as his hair. His body was filled with muscles, and she didn’t think he had an ounce of fat on him. He seemed like the kind of man to work out so hard he could pass out. She gulped. His hands that gripped the steering wheel looked big, hard, and his fingers long. He was a lot bigger than her. All three of the Mather men were. She started to hope they would go crazy over her body. She knew she had big full breasts that men always stared at or focused on. They seemed to focus on her eyes, her lips more. She liked that. It made her feel less like an object.

  Each of the men were not only physically appealing but also had appealing character. Magnum was an expert trainer, a Marine, a good man who took training, learning to fight in self-defense very seriously. Things were going to change even more so in the dojo if she slept with him. She imagined what the other men and women might say. Hell, her sort of new friend Essie pointed out how Magnum was watching Precious and even got angry at some guys who had been talking about Precious’s body. She appreciated him coming to her defense.

  Then there was Carlyle. Light brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes, and always looking so businesslike, as if he couldn’t stand mediocre or anyone who seemed fake. Jake mentioned to her about the other people who applied for the bartending position and how lame they were. The women were clueless and the guys were just looking for action. No work ethic, until she came along. Jake even admitted how surprised he was that she was a bartender. He told her she looked so professional. She would have loved to tell him just how professional she was and how she had made a lot of money in day trading. It was something she loved to do, and once this whole situation was over, maybe she could get back into it.


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