A Breath of Innocence

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A Breath of Innocence Page 21

by K. A. Merikan

  Griffith relaxed and said bye to the kids before leading Mark along the longest wall, toward the next room where he’d earlier spotted his parents. “I’m sorry about Charlotte. She’s been high-strung lately.”

  “I’ve given up on trying to fix whatever she thinks of me. I just wish it was different for your sake.”

  Griffith wanted to ask more questions, because to him, none of that drama made much sense, but he didn’t want to spoil Mark’s mood over something as petty as his insecurities. So far, Mark hasn’t given Griff a single reason to doubt his sincerity.

  Mum and Dad were in the midst of a lively discussion with a couple Griffith didn’t know when they spotted him. They must have excused themselves, because moments later they met Griffith and Mark in the middle of the library, which currently served as a quieter space for conversation. Both dressed their best yet conservatively, and their polite smiles were in place for Griffith’s new friend.

  This was the moment of truth.

  “Mum, Dad, this is Mark, who I told you about. Mark, my parents.”

  Mother nodded. “Oh, that’s right, your neighbor, the photographer. Nice to meet you.”

  “It’s good to know Griffith has a more mature friend to look out for him in Bristol,” Father added.

  Mark shook their hands. “Thank you for having me. The house is beautiful.”

  “It’s our pleasure. Griffith said your family is all the way in South America. Is that right?”

  “Yes, it would have been tough to visit them for just a couple of days.”

  Father cleared his throat. “Judging by your accent, you likely weren’t raised there. Did your parents move for work?”

  Griffith flushed with heat, suddenly worried. Would Mark consider the questions rude? He hadn’t felt at ease here from the moment they’d arrived, and Griffith worried that too many questions could spoil his mood entirely.

  But Mark didn’t even pause, as suave as ever in his stunning suit and a glass of Mother’s punch in hand. “They do intercontinental shipping.”

  Griffith’s mouth dried when he realized that despite Mark repeatedly telling him he used to help his parents in their business from a young age, he had never found out what kind of business it was exactly. It made him embarrassed that he always talked so much about himself and forgot to ask more questions.

  Mother smiled with a bit more interest. “Oh, what kind of goods?”

  “All sorts. They’re more on the logistics side of the business.”

  Father nodded, looking perfectly immaculate in his gray suit. “I see. Do you plan on joining the family enterprise in the future?”

  Mark made a pause and sipped some punch. “Family is very important to me, so if I’m needed, I would go back. I’ve been very hands on in the past. It’s only last year that things have become smoother and I got to pull away.”

  Mother shook her head. “Looks like your friend is very headstrong.”

  Griffith chuckled. “He is a great motivator.”

  Mother sipped some punch and glanced at Mark amiably. “I’m sure you are popular with the ladies then.”

  Mark chuckled. Griff couldn’t take his eyes off the little flush barely surfacing on the dusky cheeks. “I’ve had my share of adventures. I’m now waiting for someone special. That one person who’s really worth it.”

  It was as if thunder silenced the noise around them, and a lightning bolt speared its way through Griffith’s body. Was Mark talking about him? What if Mark was still making up his mind, because Griffith was a kid, who couldn’t give him all the things he needed in a relationship? Or was he perhaps still searching for that one special person?

  Please, let it be me.

  But no one liked a needy guy, so he laughed along with everyone, too absorbed with his own chaotic thoughts to understand what was going on when Mother urged him back to the hall.

  Right. It was time for food.

  “Mark? Can we talk after dinner?” Griffith asked in a hushed voice.

  Chapter 16 - Griffith

  The wind managed to push its way through Griffith’s woolen coat, scratching him with icy claws. The bitter, damp cold tousled his hair and blew into his ears. But his hand? It was warm in the pocket of Mark’s jacket, resting against Mark’s palm. Their fingers intertwined once they’d walked farther away from the house, treading along the line of trees close to the stable.

  It was a beautiful evening. With the air crisp as an apple and the bright moonlight providing just enough light, Griffith gradually leaned closer, seeking out Mark’s warmth while his conflicting thoughts still lingered at the dinner table conversation back in the main house.

  Once Mark had gotten out of his shell, he managed to charm everyone in their part of the table with some outrageous stories from South America and yet another fake tale of how he’d lost his eye, which gained so many layers by the end of it that everyone knew they were being duped and wouldn’t stop laughing.

  Once Charlotte excused herself with a migraine, there had been no one to spoil the mood.

  Griffith could see his life at Mark’s side looking like this. Fun, exciting, full of laughter and adventure.

  “The food was amazing. I love Seth’s cooking, but this was a really different set of flavors and spices.”

  Griffith chuckled and squeezed Mark’s hand tighter when yet another blow of cool air pinched his cheeks. “My mother is going through a Korean cuisine phase right now, so there was a bit of inspiration with that on the menu.”

  “Pretty original for a Christmas dinner, but yeah, I like to mix things up.”

  Griffith took a deep breath. He’d been itching to say something throughout the dinner, but now that he had all the opportunity, the words wouldn’t pass through his mouth, always getting stuck in his throat like a fishbone. “Is that because of your dad’s cooking?”

  No matter how nice chatting was, this wasn’t what he’d wanted to say to Mark. Come on, Griff, choke it out.

  Unaware of his dilemmas, Mark smiled. “Yes, his cooking is very Italian, but he likes to play around with different influences.”

  “I wish I could taste it one day,” Griffith said, yet again failing to gather his courage. What was up with him? Wasn’t it the whole point that he needed to stop being a kid and take the bull by the horns?

  Soon enough they would be back home with nothing having gone the way he planned.

  Mark leaned closer and kissed Griff’s cheek. “That could be arranged.”

  “Hey, what about that panettone?”

  Mark pulled away and scrunched his nose. “Sorry, ate it.”

  “Oh no. How do you keep that amazing shape?”

  “Lots of pushups. And then I sweat a lot when I think of you at night.” Mark chuckled and nudged Griff with his elbow.

  Griffith gave a shaky exhale and met Mark’s gaze, so warm and dark in the sparse light. Heat flashed along his spine before radiating all the way to the tips of his toes. “Do you want to have sex?” he blurted out.

  Mark stopped walking and stared at Griff for a moment of prolonged silence. “I mean… Not even gonna get me flowers?”

  Within a split second, the fresh air became choking, and Griffith pulled his hand out of Mark’s pocket to hide his face. Mark was right. Mark was so right. That hadn’t come out right at all, and now Griff had blown the atmosphere. Why would an amazing guy like Mark want to be with him—an eighteen-year-old virgin who couldn’t handle romance without making things weird?

  “I just... I wanted to make sure we’re clear on consent. Last time, I stopped you, so I didn’t want any doubts this time, but... oh, God, this is so awkward. I should have done this the old school way!”

  “What’s the old school way? Like this?” In one quick move Mark slid his arm to Griff’s back and dipped Griffith backwards until most of his weight rested on Mark’s arm. Griffith went stiff as a log at first, but once he felt Mark’s strength keeping his head above the ground, his back relaxed, and he slid his hands around Ma
rk’s neck.

  “Yes. Just like this.”

  Mark gave him the gentlest kiss, barely a whisper against Griff’s lips, and pulled him back up. “I consent. Just so that we’re clear,” he said with a silly grin.

  Still lightheaded after the sudden change of position, Griffith pushed close to Mark and kissed him again, getting to his toes and whimpering when strong, capable arms pulled him in. He was doing this. “I consent too.”

  Since they’d kissed at the ice rink, Mark had kept his hands above Griff’s waist, but now that would change. Mark squeezed Griff’s ass with a groan that shot up arousal all the way to Griff’s dick.

  “I love the sound of that. Consent. So sexy. Sends a shiver down my spine,” Mark whispered with a smirk.

  Griffith erupted with laughter and hugged Mark, feeling to completely at ease in his presence. “I should talk about it more often then.”

  Mark’s hug became even tighter as he kissed Griff’s ear. “Did you deliberately wait with this until we’d be somewhere where we can’t actually do anything about this consent? As lovely as you are, and as much as I want this, we can’t have your first time in my car.”

  Griff buried his nose in Mark’s jacket. Mark was right. There had been plenty other times that would have been more convenient. Like yesterday, when they could have just turned to Mark’s flat for privacy. But yesterday, Griff was still on the fence about progressing their relationship to sex. Today, he knew he needed to show Mark that he could be the special person he’d been waiting for.

  “I didn’t know how to broach the subject.”

  Mark snorted, but never took his hands off Griff’s ass, which was both arousing and slightly intimidating. “You’re killing me, marshmallow. Let me think…” He took a deep inhale right by Griff’s temple, which sent a series of delicious shudders down Griffith’s body, as if Mark’s fingers were somehow moving all over him.

  He swallowed, suddenly so overcome with need he could hardly think straight. “We could go to the gatehouse. They never lock the back door.”

  Mark backed away enough to look into Griff’s eyes. “Now you’re talking. Is there something that… put you off last time?”

  Griff hated the way that sounded. As if Griff was so fragile Mark needed to walk on eggshells around him. But as frustrated as that question made him, he understood why Mark asked. After all, he didn’t want to end up rejected yet again.

  “I panicked. It just happened so suddenly back then that I wasn’t sure where I wanted it all to go. But now I’m prepared, and I promise I won’t back out,” he said, swallowing hard as he looked up at Mark.

  Mark caressed Griffith’s cheeks with his thumbs and gave him a kiss so tender it literally took Griffith’s breath away. It was what Christmas was made for, and Griffith didn’t even need to know what kind of present Mark had gotten for him.

  “You can always back out, okay?” Mark whispered against his lips, but moment’s later, the perfect gentleness of the kiss turned into something more as Mark slid his hand between Griff’s thighs and gently rubbed his balls through the suit. Within a split second, Griffith’s body throbbed with liquid heat from waist down.

  They needed to get to the gate house ASAP.

  The reassuring words relaxed Griff despite the stress that made him itch as if fine fabric had somehow become rough to the touch. He trusted Mark. He chose to believe him over Charlotte. “I like you like this. Taking the lead,” he whispered, remembering all those moments when he longed for more than just kisses but wasn’t able to bring himself to initiate it.

  The wolfish grin was back on Mark’s lips. “Oh, babe… I can so do that.”

  But after moments of teasing touch, Mark grabbed Griff’s hand and pulled on it, leading them down the driveway. They were doing it. They would be having sex.

  In the fancy suit Mark was like modern day royalty, a prince leading Griff to his castle. Hands wandered as they made their way through the shadows, toward the colorful lights illuminating the arched windows of the gatehouse. Every step was bringing Griff closer to seeing Mark naked, and he hadn't even realized until now just how much he needed that in his life.

  The back door was located in the small garden belonging to the house, and by the time they passed the low stone fence protecting the little herb and vegetable plots, Griffith felt like he was about to take that final step and dive into the void with only the bungee rope to keep him from falling to pieces.

  But the moment he reached the small green door and pressed on the handle, anticipation turned into defeat.

  It was locked.

  He looked up into Mark’s handsome face with dread.

  “What?” Mark asked and pressed the flimsy garden door handle. “There’s no alarm in there, right?”

  “No, but—”

  Griff’s eyes went wide when, without much hesitation, Mark pulled off his coat and used it as a buffer to punch his way through one of the glass panels.

  “W-what did you do?” he uttered.

  Mark shrugged and reached through the newly created opening to unlock the door. “It’s not like we’re gonna steal anything.”

  “Yes, but... they live here. They’ll think one of our guests did this,” Griff said, slowing down with every next word, because that was exactly what happened. Then again, there would be more than enough time to replace the glass before Uncle Stephen and Aunt Aurelia returned from their holiday. Maybe he should learn to think more outside the box after all. “Oh well... I suppose what’s done is done.”

  Mark grinned and opened the door. “That’s the spirit. After you. Keep the lights off so no one notices something’s changed. There’s enough sparkle in here from the tree anyway.”

  Griffith exhaled and met Mark’s gaze before entering the cozy kitchen decorated with lots of fake dried vegetables and aromatics that his aunt had gotten at a sale in TK Maxx. They looked so real though that Griffith had once tried to eat one of the peppers.

  But now he was here with Mark, invading his aunt’s space. He tried to ignore the guilt nipping at his stomach. “I... do you think we need anything from the kitchen?” he asked softly, standing still in the dark as Mark shut the door behind them.

  Mark snorted. “Like what? Are you… thinking lube or something?” He pulled Griff against him and placed a kiss on his jawline. His scent, so rich with its wooden and musky notes, made thinking extremely difficult.

  “It was a spontaneous decision,” he admitted but let his head drop fast when Mark’s lips climbed up his throat, leaving behind a trail of heat.

  “I’m a spontaneous guy, but I like to be prepared.” Mark nipped on Griff’s skin and pulled him along toward the green, blue, and yellow lights of the sitting room.

  Did Mark mean he carried lube around just in case Griffith made up his mind about having sex? He didn’t dare to ask, but then again, they had been dating for a while, so Mark’s strategy did make some sense.

  In the sitting room, which looked as cozy as the kitchen with its low ceiling and plush sofa, the Christmas tree was the sole source of illumination, and the colorful little lamps attached to its branches created a pleasant fuchsia shade that bathed the entire space in its warm glow.

  “That’s good to know, because I’m not,” Griffith said, trying to calm down the anticipation that kept his body tense.

  Mark stilled and watched Griff for a moment, unnerving him even more. “What excites you most about this? You know I’m crazy about you, right?”

  Griffith chuckled nervously, but the compliment—or at least that was how he chose to understand Mark’s words—made him warm on the inside. He was desired by the man he wanted, and that gave him power he wasn’t sure what to do with yet. “You. I really like you,” he said, somewhat embarrassed that there wasn’t much more he could offer. Maybe once he learned the ropes, he would know in more detail what kind of thing he enjoyed most in sex, but right now he wanted to try anything and everything.

  Within reason.

  He didn
’t want it to get weird. Like last time.

  Then again, it had been nice to have his feet kissed and adored.

  Mark closed the kitchen door because more and more cool air was filling the sitting room, but as soon as their comfort was secured, he took hold of Griff’s hand and guided it to the front of his trousers, never once looking away. “You ever fantasize about this?”

  Griffith followed his lead like a thirsty sheep, and gasped when his palm cupped Mark’s groin through the smooth fabric of his trousers. His brain was boiling over.

  Taking a deep breath, he looked up and gently squeezed the flesh that he so wanted to see. “Yes. I remembered you on top of me in the dance studio. And I thought of the way your muscles work when you do your pull-ups as if you wanted to tempt me into coming over and giving you a sponge-bath.”

  Mark leaned in and bit on Griff’s ear. “Wow. That was exactly what I wanted you to do.”

  Griff’s heart picked up its pace when he felt Mark’s cock twitch in his hand and stiffen quicker than Griff anticipated. All for him.

  His heart was heavy, as if it contained more blood than it could process. “I could... if you want that,” Griffith said, glancing toward the staircase.

  “We could block out the window with a blanket,” Mark offered before stealing another kiss with those smooth, plump lips.

  Griffith let go of Mark’s groin and pulled him closer, overwhelmed by this freedom to touch. This was not how he’d imagined his first time. Somehow, his brain always told him he would be shown what to do, not allowed to roam, but he rather liked the opportunity to explore so freely.

  “The bathroom has no window. It’s safe,” he said and pulled Mark toward the stairs.

  Mark was happy to follow and pinched Griff’s ass, urging him to run, and they ended up racing to the bathroom.

  Tiny and in need of a refurbishment, it wasn’t much to look at, but Griffith didn’t care, because this would be where he would see Mark naked for the first time and right now it was all that mattered, so he turned on the tiny electric radiator in the corner to coax his lover out of his fine clothes.


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