The Quarterback Sneak

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The Quarterback Sneak Page 6

by Liz Matis

  “Keep your voice down. Do you want the judge to hear you?” Her father nodded to the open door. He left Liam’s side to face her. “You either say your vows tonight or you’ll be saying them behind a jail cell.”

  She glanced down at her white dress and at Liam’s dark suit. Her father had manipulated them both.

  She couldn’t even look at Liam. “So I go to jail for a few weeks. Big deal.”

  “Five years,” her father said flatly. “The judge thinks you tried to deceive the court. I assured him he was incorrect. Being a judge, he wanted proof. You’ll marry Liam tonight or receive the maximum sentence.”

  Five years. Tears threatened, but she would not cry for real in front of anyone. She plopped in the nearest chair, defeated.

  Liam stood toe to toe with her father, as if he were taking on the defensive line of an opposing team by himself. “I won’t get married without my mother here.”

  “She’ll be arriving shortly,” her father told him. “I sent my plane for her earlier today.”

  “You were pretty sure of yourself, weren’t you?” Liam asked calmly.

  “I was sure of you, son.”

  Hayden couldn’t believe the two of them. They were talking as if she wasn’t there. As if she had no say in any of this. “You don’t have to do this, Liam.”

  Shrugging, he smiled at her. “I’m not going to let you go to jail.”

  Her father cleared his throat. “First, there is the little matter of the pre-nup.”

  Liam didn’t flinch continuing to hold her gaze.

  She mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s a basic pre-nup,” her father continued. “You keep what you have, she keeps what she has. Your finances are to remain separate. No marital assets. When you divorce, McQueen, you’ll walk away with five million.”

  She wished she had drunk the glass of champagne to take away the sting of it all. She didn’t know why she was surprised. This wasn’t a love match—it was a business deal. “Only five? I’d hold out for ten, Liam.”

  “This isn’t a football contract.” Her father pounded a fist on the desk.

  “You just made it one,” Liam said back with just as much force. She bit her lip as he reviewed the pages. “I’ll sign it, but first I want the judge to agree to lift Hayden’s probation. I won’t have the threat of jail hanging over her head.” He threw the contract onto the desk. “Or mine.”

  Hayden’s eyes widened. She’d never seen anything so sexy in her life. Was it because of the way he stood up to her father?

  “The judge won’t agree to it.”

  “Yes, I will,” said Judge Mayer from the door. “I was already planning on it.” He walked in pulling a document from his suit jacket and handed it to a shocked Hayden. “A wedding present.”

  “Thank you, Judge Mayer,” her father said.

  “My pleasure.” He pulled out another piece of paper. “Of course, let’s not forget the marriage license.”

  Another favor her father would owe to the judge. Hayden’s hand shook as she signed it, but she noticed Liam’s hand didn’t. What was he thinking? Why wasn’t he jumping ship?

  “That leaves the pre-nup,” said the lawyer, handing it to Liam.

  Hayden held her breath.

  Liam scratched out the five million dollar figure and wrote $0.00, initialed the change, and then signed on the dotted line. “I don’t want your daughter’s money.”

  She couldn’t believe Liam did that for her. Tears sprung to her eyes.

  “Idiot,” said her brother.

  “Harry!” Hayden shot him a look, but she wouldn’t let him ruin this moment.

  That Liam stood up to her father made her believe that maybe one day she could too. Her heart swelled with pride for the man she was about to marry. And perhaps it swelled with love too. Oh God, she was in love with her shotgun-husband-to-be.

  “Now I’d like to have a moment alone with my bride.”

  To see her father rendered speechless would’ve been worth the five million dollars, but to see him dismissed was so much more than that. It was priceless.

  Chapter 11

  Liam craved a Scotch on the rocks like a dying man craved one more day of life. With an arrogant smirk, he could face down a 350-pound defensive linebacker intent on crushing him to the turf. Standing up to his billionaire boss/father-in-law took a different kind of courage.

  But it was convincing Hayden to go through with the wedding that struck fear in his heart. What if he failed? What if she insisted on going to jail for five years rather than marry him? But as soon as everyone had left the room, Hayden kissed him like she couldn’t wait until they consummated their union later tonight. At least he hoped she did. Did she realize what he expected? Desired? Needed? Before he could ask, the butler informed them that Mrs. McQueen had arrived.

  An hour later, a bead of sweat broke over his brow as he watched his mother and Hayden together. What were they talking about? He’d told his mother about the engagement, but not the reason behind it.

  He’d worried his mother enough over the years, and he’d sworn he’d never be the cause of concern again or a disappointment. Her learning the truth about the pending nuptials would be worse than taking the drink he so desperately craved. His mother was his rock and never gave up on him. Never blamed him when she had every right to.

  The two women were of similar height, but his mother had the same reddish-gold curls as her son. Hayden’s silky cinnamon-brown mane reminded him of his childhood horse and her blue eyes matched a robin’s egg. He wondered what their children might look like. Did she want children?

  As Liam watched them, Middleton interrupted the conversation and stole Hayden away. Liam’s gut reaction was to follow and protect her. Her father may have signed him when no one else would, but he was a bully with his own daughter, which infuriated Liam. Before he could move, his mother joined him.

  “Liam, she may not be the woman I would have pictured you with, but I can tell she loves you.”

  Hayden deserved an acting award for convincing his mother. But could he live with the lie? “Mom—”

  “I like her spunk and honesty.”

  “What exactly did she tell you?”

  “She told me you came to her rescue that night at the bar. And what a gentleman you were afterward. And that how even after you were engaged you wouldn’t have sex with her. Hence, tonight’s surprise wedding.”

  If Liam had been drinking, he’d spit out the contents. His Hayden did have spunk and knew exactly what to say to his mother to make her believe.

  “Your father would be so proud of you.”

  Tears welled in his eyes. His father wouldn’t be proud.

  “Oh, Liam. Don’t be upset. He’s right here with you.”

  He choked on his emotions but managed to wrangle the words of apology out. “I’m sorry, Mom.”

  “Stop that right now, Liam James.” She wrapped him up in a hug.

  How could such a small woman pack such might into a hug? For a moment he wallowed in the comfort like a five-year-old boy.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” She let go and patted his shoulder before fixing his tie. “This is a happy day.”

  The urge for a drink slipped away with his mother’s words. He smiled so she wouldn’t worry any further.

  The party was in full swing when Hayden returned with her father. Middleton took the microphone from the band and called Liam up to join them.

  Silence filled the room, and Middleton made the surprise announcement. “This isn’t a engagement party. It’s a wedding.”

  At first the silence continued as Liam registered the shock on the guests’ faces. Did they realize Hayden had no choice? Or did they suspect that the rushed wedding had to do with a surprise pregnancy?

  Then Hondo raised up his glass up. “Hey, everyone, Liam’s getting laid tonight!”

  His teammates joined in with hoots and catcalls. Liam expected Hayden to be mad, but she elbowed him in the ribs an
d looked up at him with a big smile on her face.

  “Okay, let’s get started,” Judge Mayer said. “I chose these vows with both of Hayden and Liam’s pasts in mind.”

  “Wait!” Hannah grabbed a centerpiece of flowers, shoving them into Hayden’s hands.

  As they stood in front of Judge Mayer, Liam felt his father’s presence. And his acceptance. A feeling of peace settled into his heart as he repeated the words spoken by the judge.

  “I, Liam James McQueen, take you to be my lawfully wedded wife. Before these witnesses I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live.”

  As the words flowed, he realized he meant every single word. Somewhere along the way he’d fallen in love with Hayden.

  “I take you, with all your faults and strengths.” Liam paused to gather himself before he choked on the next part. No wonder the judge chose this specific set of vows. Both Liam and Hayden had broken pieces and past sins. So wrong for anyone else, perhaps they were perfect for other.

  “As I offer myself to you with all my faults and strengths,” he continued without a hitch. Could he hide his faults from Hayden? “I will help you when you need help and turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life.”

  Somehow he’d make this marriage work. Someday Hayden would mean the words she spoke back to him now. One day she would say, “I love you” for real, he vowed. Then they would repeat the Christian vows of marriage in front of God.

  Hayden smiled, her eyes filling with tears. He hoped to God they were tears of joy and not some act she was putting on or, worse, tears of sadness.

  “I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Every cell of Liam’s body urged him to pull Hayden into a bruising kiss. To mark her as his, knowing the vows weren’t enough. Instead he took a small step closer and ran his thumb along her chin before tilting it up. Her eyes fluttered closed, and her mouth parted slightly in an almost Scarlett O’Hara fashion. He kissed her tenderly, the way a bride should be kissed.

  But tonight he wouldn’t hold back. He’d unleash his desire for his bride. She was no virgin and he no saint.

  And oddly, the thought brought another sense of peace. Was this God’s twisted way of answering his prayer for a partner in life, a wife to share his life with, to grow old with? And, okay, honestly to make love to.

  God created Eve for Adam.

  And I get Hayden.

  He grinned.

  The rest of the party passed in a blur as teammates ribbed him about ‘tapping that ass’ and asked him if he needed any pointers.

  He looked at his watch for the hundredth time. Ten o’clock. Hoping the hour would be acceptable, he asked, “Want to make our grand exit?”

  “Sure,” Hayden said, “but there’s something important I have to take care of first. Wait here.”

  While he waited, he said goodbye to his mother. She reassured him that she was being well taken care of by Mr. Middleton. Liam watched with curiosity as Hayden headed to the band with a sheaf of papers.

  The music ended mid-beat as she tapped the microphone. “Thank you all for coming to the surprise wedding of the year. I have one thing to do before we head out to consummate this marriage.”

  Laughter filled the room. His teammates hooted. If his mother’s smile was any indication, she was amused by Hayden’s antics.

  “This is the pre-nup Liam signed.” She waved the contract in the air. “And well—”

  Hayden couldn’t have shocked him more as she tore the papers into small pieces. Liam turned to see her father’s reaction. He’d never seen his boss so angry, even after last years Championship loss.

  “It must be love,” declared a drunken Charlize. The guests followed the mother-of-the-bride’s lead and cheered.

  Turning back to see Hayden’s smile full of triumph, Liam wondered if her stunt was a really a present for him or a power play against her father. She ran off the stage as people clapped. Throwing the pieces of the contract into the air over them like the traditional rice over a newly married couple, she said to him, “Let’s go.” She grabbed his hand. “Time to make good on those claims you made about your future bride.” She gave him that come-hither smile. “Because for better or for worse, I’m her.”

  Chapter 12

  As they drove away from the marina, Hayden examined the wedding band resting on top of her grand-mère’s engagement ring. How had she let it get this far?

  Because I wanted it to.

  She glanced at Liam’s hand gripping the steering wheel. She noted how the matching band that belonged to her grandfather fit perfectly on her new husband’s finger. Husband? Holy shit!

  “That took balls,” Liam said.

  “The pre-nup?” When he nodded, she added, “I can assure you I don’t have any.”

  “That’s a relief.” Liam chuckled.

  What had possessed her to tear the pre-nup into confetti? Was it about standing up to her father? If so, was pissing him off worth the money Liam could sue for if they divorced? In her heart she knew Liam’s pride would never let him take one dime. Unless her heart was wrong about him, and then she was screwed.

  But who turns down five million dollars? She couldn’t tell him in words how much his actions meant to her. Liam may not love her, but he stood by her when he could have walked.

  Either way, it had felt right in the moment. No, it felt more than right. It felt glorious. She’d live the fairy tale until reality caught up with her.

  Wrapped up in her thoughts, she hadn’t registered the route Liam was taking.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My place.”

  “You think I’m going to live in Tribeca?” Feeling more like herself, she continued, “My place has a view of the park and has actual closets.”

  “A musician used to own my apartment.” He glanced at her. “It’s soundproof.”

  “What difference does that make?”

  “I’m going to make you scream, Hayden. Loud. Over and over again.”

  She involuntarily squirmed, her body throbbing with anticipation. “Then why aren’t you driving faster?”

  Liam laughed and pressed his foot on the gas.

  Reaching the apartment, he fumbled with the keys while Hayden secretly smiled, relieved he was as nervous as she was. She cocked an eyebrow when he waited for her to walk in before him.

  “Oh, right.” He tossed her over his shoulder.

  “That’s not the way a groom is supposed to carry his bride over the threshold.” She knew it wasn’t a real marriage. That this was only for fun, but she still ached for something more.

  “No, but it’s our way.”

  “Put me down!”

  He did as she requested, but backed her up against the entryway wall as he kicked the door closed. “I can’t wait to taste you. Really taste you.” His lips descended on hers with a hunger so unlike the chaste kiss he delivered in front of the guests. And so much better.

  “I’m going to make you come, Hayden. Right here. Right now.”

  Catching her breath, she barely registered his words as he dropped to his knees. He tugged off his suit jacket and threw it aside.

  “Every time you walk through my door you’re going to see this wall and get wet remembering how I made you come.” He pushed her dress all the way to her hips. “It turns me on knowing you don’t wear panties. I love knowing I’ll have easy access to your pussy whenever I want.”

  “Liam,” she panted. It was all she was capable of. Anticipating the warmth of his breath, her pussy slicked with wet heat

  His hands drew around to the back of her legs to cup the place where her thighs meant her ass. He inhaled her and then blew a warm breath over her sensitive skin. Tingles lit up every nerve ending, and he hadn’t even touched her there yet. Sliding his tongue between her inner lips, he hit the nub, retreating, then back and again in a rocking motion that at any moment would split her insides in half from the intense pl
easure of it.

  He nudged her thighs wider so he could lap her with his tongue, curling it at just the right moment. His fingers massaged the back of her legs, intensifying the pleasure. He knew exactly how to bring a woman to the brink of madness.

  Heat pooled between her thighs, her sex swollen with desire. He increased the pressure of his tongue until she jerked back and her head smacked against the wall. She couldn’t come like this. Then she did. She clutched at the wall for support, but there was nothing to hold onto. Her hands landed in his hair. Grabbing a fistful of strands, she tugged him closer. He moaned his approval. The vibration of his mouth sent her into another realm. She let go. Utterly. Completely. Wave upon wave of pleasure pounded through her until she sobbed in relief as the storm ebbed.

  He was right. Every time she walked through that door, the memory of this moment would make her body react. And he’d better be ready to do something about it.

  Liam licked his lips. “You are delicious.”

  Hayden gripped his shoulders as he tried to stand. Her thighs trembled from the release. Hell, her whole body felt electrified. “I can’t stand on my own.”

  “No worries.” Instead of tossing her over his shoulder, he scooped her up, cradling her in his arms.

  “You’re going to throw your back out.”

  Liam smirked. “I could bench press you all day and not break a sweat.”

  “Oh yeah, well how are you at push-ups?’ Hayden wiggled her eyebrows.

  “You’ll see soon enough.”

  Liam put her down at the foot of his bed and turned her so her back faced him. He unzipped her dress and kissed the base of her neck. As his mouth glided over her skin, she bit her lip, trying not to moan. He unhooked her bra, one hook at a time, slowly, like he was savoring the moment. She felt his rough fingertips trace a line down her spine as he tugged the long zipper lower, toward her ass and beyond. The dress, which fit perfectly, clung to every curve. She did a little shimmy to free herself of her bra and the clinging fabric.

  “Now that is what I call a work of art.”


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