Wizard Dawning

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Wizard Dawning Page 8

by C. M. Lance

  Arthur’s expression changed to a shy smile, “I wouldn’t mind sampling more of your cooking while we stay.”

  She smiled warmly. “I’ll do some menu planning.”

  Sig and Rick exchanged glances. Rick raised his eyebrows. Sig shrugged.

  Just what she didn’t need - speculation on her private life by teenagers.

  She knew Sig was uncomfortable with the thought of leaving her. They’d gone through much together, first his father, then her father, now her grandfather. She could tell he wanted to stay and support her, but also that the thought of learning more about himself and his powers excited him.

  She certainly couldn’t teach him anything about his powers, and it didn’t look like Grampa Thor would be able to. Now Professor Herman held the key to unlocking that door.

  With a Dark Mage trying to kill him, that door had better open soon.

  Chapter 19

  Meredith agreed to Sig’s departure, on the condition that he arrange with the high school to allow him to graduate in absentia. Arthur delivered a letter of recommendation to the school principle from the Northwestern Physics department. Sig’s teacher consented to send assignments necessary to complete his coursework.

  Rick helped Sig pack and make a list of necessary items. He also filled him in on college life. Rick’s descriptions, made Sig even more eager to arrive at Northwestern.

  Sig mentioned that Czar wasn’t ever around when Rick was.

  “That isn’t a surprise,” said Rick. “Werewolves and dogs have been in a pissing contest for all of written history - at least back to Sanskrit.”

  “Why don’t dogs and Weres get along?”

  “I can’t speak for dogs, but Weres don’t have a big issue with dogs. It’s mostly the other way around. Dog’s just don’t like us.”

  “You don’t have a big issue?”

  “OK, I don’t like the way they are always fawning over their masters. Adoring eyes, coming when commanded, silly tricks, collars and leashes… Yessh. C’mon get your own life!”

  “You say dogs don’t like you. Why do you think they don’t?”

  Rick pursed his lips while he thought. “I think we’re confusing. We’re part master and part them. It doesn’t matter what form we take, we still radiate the other aspect. Maybe they think we ate their master. I don’t know. Maybe if we could sit down over a beer and talk about it. Oh, that’s right, they don’t talk. Poor ignorant bastards.”

  Sig laughed and they went out to tend to Bjørn. They ended up sparring in the arena. Rick’s speed and strength made him a match for Sig’s martial arts training - after Sig learned not to let Rick grab him. When he caught Sig, Rick picked him up over his head and threw him into a wall ten feet high.

  They didn’t spar in their supernatural forms. Both were too deadly. When finished, they had a collection of bruises, a healthy mutual respect, and appetites that demolished the large pan of Chicken, Sausage, and Seafood Paella that Meredith prepared for the evening meal.


  Professor Fiona Balcescu cruised into the farmyard the following morning at precisely 10 a.m., as she forecast to Arthur. She arrived in her blue convertible Jaguar XKR. ‘R’ signified that it had the 510 HP supercharged engine.

  Rick opened the car door, handed her out, and then offered to park it for her. Her eyes twinkled as she replied, “Park it for me by way of Omaha, I think you mean. No, I think it will be fine right where it is and I’ll know where to find it.”

  She looked over the convertible top at Sig. He was drinking in the Jaguar in with his eyes. Flashing a wide smile she said, “You must be Sig. You fit the description, you handsome devil.”

  Sig blushed as he looked up from the car to the Professor. He took in her mass of shoulder length dark curls, flashing black eyes, dusky complexion, and was reminded of a gypsy fortuneteller. An embroidered blue leather vest over a yellow silk blouse and a vibrantly patterned red scarf around her throat heightened the effect. As he walked around the vehicle to shake her hand, he saw that she wore a blue leather split riding skirt and black mid calf boots. Up close, she was his height, with her boots on. She took his hand in both of hers and held it while she looked into his eyes. A tingle like an electric shock traveled up his arm. He almost jerked free. Her eyes widened. Perhaps she felt it too. With a wry smile, she patted his hand before setting him free. “Shall we go meet your mother?”

  Sig surprised himself by offering her his arm. She took as if her due.

  Arthur and Meredith were chatting in the kitchen when Sig and Fiona walked in. “Arthur I am so glad you called me. This young man is gorgeous and I feel such potential.”

  Arthur swung around and spread his arms wide to embrace Fiona. “Good to see you dear. How has your sabbatical been up to now?” Then, with his hands on her shoulders, he held her at arms length and asked, “Dare I ask you – potential for what?”

  “In response to your two questions, it’s been dreadfully boring, but things are looking up and of course, I meant his magic potential dear. What did you think I meant?” She batted her eyelashes at him.

  Arthur chuckled. “Meredith may I present Professor Fiona Balcescu, esteemed professor of Economics at Northwestern and scion of a long line of Romanian and Irish Gypsy fortunetellers. Anything you hear about her predatory practices I am sure all possess at least a modicum of truth.”

  Fiona elbowed Arthur, none too gently, on the way to greet Meredith. “I am so pleased to meet you.” She took Meredith’s hand in both of hers and pulled her close for a hug. She stepped back with a measured look and a nod. “Yes, I see what Arthur means.”

  Meredith’s eyes widened while they embraced. A bewildered look crossed her face as she stepped back.

  Fiona winked at her, “Girl, we need to talk, but we’ll have time for that. I see where Sig got his vivid blue eyes. Do the girls follow him around?”

  Recovering slightly, Meredith smiled fondly at Sig. “I don’t think he’s noticed it yet.”

  Arthur smiled benignly. Sig glanced at each of them in turn with a perplexed look.

  Meredith asked, “Have you had breakfast? We held off brunch until you arrived.”

  “I’m famished. I’ve heard of your cooking from Arthur. I fasted all morning in preparation.”

  As if on cue, Rick walked in. “Alright, let’s eat.”


  The next day they packed Grampa Thor into the back of the gray van along with Sig’s college paraphernalia.

  Before they left, everyone walked across the road to the abandoned farm on the other side of the road to describe to Fiona what had transpired. All the spider carcasses as well as the basilisk had vanished. Sig said, “I guess scavengers finished them off, but I’m surprised there aren’t any remains.”

  Fiona snorted, “No animal would have anything to do with them.”

  Arthur shook his head. “They returned to the nether world of their existence.”

  Sig asked, “How could they, if we shut the portal down?”

  “They can’t exist in this world without a positive force. The portal supplied the initial impetus. Once in this world, their life force kept them here. After that expired, they faded away, perhaps through the spaces between atoms. Maybe they roam the world as ghosts. We don’t know. We still have much to learn.”

  “Just like I have a lot to learn before I can face evil creatures on my own, and I need to learn before one kills me.”

  Fiona looked fondly at the Professor. “Arthur will help you if anyone can.”

  She canted her head. “I can feel that they were here, but gone now. The world is a better place now that you’ve shut the portal. Meredith and I can deal with this.”

  The two women walked back across the road, arm-in-arm chatting. The men followed.

  After lunch, the men bid a fond adieu to the women, who acted like fast friends. Fiona promised to ride Bjørn for Sig. Meredith and Sig had been pleasantly surprised to find that, although not at their level, Fiona w
as an experienced equestrian. Meredith offered to trade magic training for dressage training.

  Sig hugged his mom goodbye while the others left them alone. No one said anything to either one about the moisture in their eyes when they parted.

  Chapter 20

  Sig moved into Professor Herman’s home. Rick helped. The Professor pointed out that it would be safer than student housing, and had the additional benefit of not endangering other students around Sig if the Dark Mage attacked. Afterwards, Rick took Sig for his first culinary experience at Northwestern’s campus eateries. “It’s not nearly as good as you’re used to at home, but you can get mass quantities at reasonable prices and some of it is actually good. We’re early; there may be pie left. They make one of the all time great cherry pies.”

  “I love cherry pie.”

  “Get it when you get the rest of the food. If you come back later for dessert, it’ll be gone.”


  “I haven’t decided whether I would rather live on pizza, burgers, or hot wings.”

  “No salad or vegetables?”

  Rick turned and looked seriously at Sig. “Salad and vegetables aren’t food. It’s what food eats.”

  Sig chuckled. “That’s right. I forgot; you’re a carnivore.”

  “To the core. I always get the four-meat pizza, only because they don’t make five-meat pizza. The cheese and crust hold the meat together for my convenience.”

  Sig smiled as he dished up Caesar salad to go with his four-meat pizza.

  Rick snorted derisively at the salad as they moved down the line to the desserts. “Look, there’s only one piece of cherry pie. You take it this time since you’re the guest - today. Next time I’ll fight you for it.”

  Sig bowed from the waist and said with a smile, “Thank you.” As he reached for the pie, a rough push from behind shoved him away from the counter. He almost dropped his cafeteria tray.

  When he caught his balance, he turned and found himself facing a wall - a wall clad in a denim jacket and holding the last piece of cherry pie. He looked up, and up, to see a large homely face sneering down at him. “You dwarves don’t need this. The football team takes priority.”

  He was the biggest person Sig had ever seen.

  As the giant turned away, Sig set down his tray and started to follow him. Rick grabbed his arm and said in a low voice, “Don’t. He’s part troll and mean as a stepped-on-snake. You could make mincemeat out of him in your supernatural form, but not in this shape even with your black belts.”

  Sig looked down at Rick’s hand on his arm. He started to pull away and Rick pulled harder. “Not a good way to start your college career.”

  “Being pushed around isn’t a good start.” Then he cocked his head and gave Rick a quizzical look. “I thought you said that the rule was not to give away your magic, what about him?”

  Rick shook his head. “I don’t know if he knows.”

  “If you know how can he not?

  “I got some of his hair and a friend ran DNA tests. It was a ‘research’ project. I didn’t say where I got the hair. Only Professor Herman and I know.”

  “Why did you run tests?”

  “My project involved categorizing the characteristics of non-normals. I got to wondering about him… he fit a profile. We go to the same barber. He finished when I showed up for a haircut. On impulse, I swiped some of his clippings.

  “The DNA tests say that what you see there is what you get when you cross a human and a troll. He’s Northwestern’s only first team All America defensive tackle – as a freshman. Six-feet-ten and three hundred and seventy-five pounds. He’s only half troll; he passes for human.”

  Sig glanced over at the tackle laughing with three other very large people. “Just barely… he just barely passes for human.” He looked back at Rick and grinned. They both laughed.

  “Oh, let me tell you the good news. He also works in the physics department. You’ll get to be buddies.”

  Sig groaned, “Great. I knew I shouldn’t have backed down.”

  “Don’t worry about it. He’s an asshole to everyone. Who knows, you may get a chance to go head-to-head in your other shape. Don’t forget, that’s the only shape he has. It must be boring when you can’t turn into an elegant wolf with a lustrous pelt whenever you please.”

  Sig raised one eyebrow, nodded, and shrugged.

  After finishing their meal, they drove Sig’s pickup to the Game Room near the main campus. Three of the tallest women Sig had ever seen together preceded them into the room. They were all gorgeous if you like tall, shapely, and well muscled. Sig decided that he did. He certainly did. Rick watched with an amused smile as Sig’s eyes followed them.

  Sig had never dated. He missed his only opportunity when he declined an invitation to the prom. He wasn’t interested after Dad died. Now he felt interest stirring. Something stirred.

  The sensation Sig had went beyond physical attraction. He had a feeling in the back of his skull, similar to the reaction the zombies and demon caused, but pleasant this time.

  Rick said, “Women’s volleyball team. They’re Amazons.”

  “You’re telling me. They must be six-two or three.”

  “No, I mean they’re members of the Amazon tribe, women warriors.”

  Sig’s head whipped toward Rick. “Holy crap, is Northwestern full of circus freaks like us?” Maybe that explained the feeling he got from them.

  “There aren’t that many. We frequent the same places. I guess we ‘circus freaks’ maintain a low profile together away from the normals. It makes it a bit easier and, after all, we do have things in common.”

  “Do they like guys?”

  “Oh, yeah. They seem to, but Weres don’t appeal to them. We get along OK, but no action. They seem to like big guys. You’ll see them with basketball or football players.”

  “Not martial arts or fencing guys?”

  “I understand some of them practice martial arts, but that’s just from overhearing talk. Maybe you can find out more.” Rick said with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. “Best two-out-of-three falls with them could be fun. Do you want to be on the bottom or the top?”

  Sig rolled his eyes and swatted Rick’s arm.

  “You like them, I can tell.”

  Sig scoffed. “Yeah? How can you tell?”

  “You’re blushing and your heart rate has picked up.”

  Sig’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Rick.

  “It’s hard to hide emotional swings from the senses of a Were.”

  Sig shrugged and nodded toward the women, “They look like they have the full complement of breasts. Aren’t they supposed to cut one off for archery?”

  Rick smiled, shook his head, turned, and flicked his finger over his shoulder for Sig to follow him as he sauntered over to the table where the three women sat. The blond looked up and nodded to him with a smile. The other two glanced up expressionlessly.

  “I hear that y’all play around in martial arts. Can anyone get in on that?”

  The one who had smiled shook her head. “Sparring with an untrained fur ball who can lift the front end of a car isn’t my idea of a good time. Now if you want to compete with bow and arrows or spear; that might be better.”

  “Oh, I’m not asking for me. I’m asking for my friend here.” He indicated Sig with a thumb over his shoulder.

  Three sets of eyes zeroed in on Sig. The blond said, “Do you have any training?”

  Sig nodded. “Karate and Kendo.”


  “Third black in Karate.”

  Her eyebrows rose. “Kendo?”

  “They don’t have belts in Kendo. I just received my fourth Dan. I’m now qualified to teach.”

  She gave him a quizzical look. “Only fourth?”

  Rick chimed in, “He won the State Fencing Championship too.”

  “High school?”

  Sig nodded. “Yes, and open.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Open? For the state?

  Sig smiled. “We have a small state.”

  The brunette leaned forward with a feral smile. “I’d like to try out the pretty boy with a sword.”

  The redhead, who’d been silent, said dryly, “I think she means fencing.”

  “Of course, what else would I mean?” She said with an innocent look.

  The blonde, who’d done most of the talking, smiled and said, “If he can learn to ride, maybe we’ll adopt him.”

  Rick nudged Sig, “Tell them.”

  Sig frowned at him.

  “Tell us what?”

  “I think he means that I ride Intermediare level Dressage, two rungs below the top level. I won third in state in Eventing.”

  “So you do Dressage, Hunter Jumper, and Crosscountry.”


  “Of course. Have a seat. We might have to adopt you.”

  Rick laughed when Sig blushed again.

  “Why don’t you sit down too, fur ball. Maybe we can find a use for you. Perhaps you could lead the hounds in a fox hunt.”

  Rick glanced at Sig, “See, no respect; I get no respect.”

  They chatted and Sig set times to spar; karate with Arianna, the blonde, and fencing with Bella, the brunette. They exchanged information about hometowns and Sig discovered that two of them came from Minnesota. Sig started to tell an ‘Ole ‘n Lena’ Norwegian joke when he received a rough push from behind. “Get up or move over.” He turned to see the same massive denim jacket, from the cafeteria line.

  Rick stood and grabbed Sig’s arm. “We were just leaving.”

  Sig looked at him with frustration.

  “Come on buddy. We need to get back to Professor Herman’s and finish getting you settled in.”

  The hulk in denim turned and looked Sig over as if to record his face.

  Sig frowned, nodded, and let Rick lead him out.

  Chapter 21

  Outside, Sig grabbed Rick’s arm and pulled him back. “Why do you keep making me back down? Are you afraid of him?”

  Rick bared his teeth in a smile and shook his head. “I can take him. I’m afraid I might kill him. What she said about lifting the front end of a car; I can do that - but only a mid-size car. I don’t think he can. All he has on me is weight and length. I believe I’ve got him on speed and strength – and that’s in this body.”


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