See Me

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See Me Page 12

by Michelle Lee

  Finished, I studied myself and was satisfied overall. I tended to use a natural look when I did wear makeup, and this had covered the vestiges of the dark circles under my eyes. I put my shirt on and decided to add my wrist cuff to my other arm that I had a charm engraved with “Unbreakable” on it. I used it as a reminder to myself that I was a survivor.

  I went back downstairs, filled the cats’ water and food dishes, locked up, grabbed my purse, phone and iPad and walked out the door as my brother was pulling up. “You got this,” I told myself.

  Winnie was in no shape to try and communicate with Ronnie, she had barely enough energy to appear for Airy. She just needed not exist for a bit to recharge. She thought about going back to the river, but she didn’t even think she had enough energy to pop in there. Last night zapped her more than she had thought it would. Airy would be fine. How hard was it really to interview for an empath position?

  Though she might pop in during the interview, but she didn’t know what time it was. Focusing the last of her energy she popped in on Airy and smothered a laugh as she jumped when Winnie asked, “What time is the interview?” Airy held up three fingers, mentally calculated the time difference and popped back out, not failing to notice how cute Airy’s brother was, and to drain some energy off the car battery before she left.

  The energy she took gave her enough to get to the river and she laid there, soaking up the energy. It was alarming how drained she was. She decided to not move until she had to for the interview. She went over the information she learned about Airy and was overwhelmed. She was definitely strong.

  Winnie ticked off, emotional abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse, rape, marriage, addiction (not Airy’s), cancer, divorce, infidelity, betrayal, loss, abilities, selflessness, humble, strength, and so much love. Her capacity to love was incredible. Beyond her wildest imagination. There was no one shred of doubt in her mind that Airy was an angel, she just didn’t know how to convince Airy of that. That girl was humble to a fault.

  She sighed as she closed her eyes. There was a storm moving in, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t like she could get wet. Besides, storms produced a lot of energy that she could draw from. She had seen a memory of a dream that Airy had, Jax was front and center of that dream, and she didn’t think Airy remembered it. The evidence was there though, she was destined to be with him. Winnie just needed to work out the details.

  Still tired, she drifted off as the glowing dark gray bottomed clouds let loose and rain came down in violence, soaking the ground within moments. Thunder boomed and crackled in the distance, echoing in Winnie’s ears like an unrealized premonition of the heavens declaring their intent to the dark forces that they are prepared to fight for their warrior here on earth.

  Smitty pulled up outside Ronnie and Jax’s place and grabbed his overnight bag. As he was heading to the house Ronnie came out and shook his head, “Let’s just go now,” he said. “I want to be gone before Jax gets back.”

  Smitty narrowed his eyes at Ronnie, “You two haven’t talked yet?”

  “Oh no, we did, and that’s why I want to be gone before he gets back. Otherwise he’d argue for coming with us. I need space,” Ronnie said, climbing in and buckling up. “You’re driving.”

  “I gathered that,” he said wryly, getting back in the car. “You booked flights?”

  “Yep, we don’t have much time to get there either, sorry. I didn’t book return flights though, it didn’t feel right,” he said confused. “I’m just going with it.”

  “Alright. I trust you. Can I ask how the talk went?”

  “Sure, ask. Doesn’t mean I’ll respond,” he grunted.

  Smitty reached out and backhanded Ronnie in the chest. “Cut the shit, man. I’m on your side here.”

  “Yeah, I know. Just having trouble processing everything,” he replied, his voice losing the edge it had.

  “So...?” Smitty pushed.

  “It’s between Jax and I. At least for now. He owned up to shit, gave me more details on what I can only describe as some sort of possession with him. Told him I’d research it,” Ronnie said, distracted.

  “That hardly seems worthy of this attitude you’re sporting,” Smitty said caustically. “I’m not saying it’s not deserved, just don’t take it out on me.”

  “You’re right. I’m just... You know...” he kept starting and stopping his train of thought. “Winnie came to me yesterday,” Ronnie blurted out.

  “You serious right now?” Smitty sputtered, stunned.

  “Yep. As a heart attack, which I almost had because my phone started playing music when I wasn’t near it. Happened after out little show down yesterday. Before you ask, no, I haven’t said anything to Jax,” Ronnie started glumly.

  “How do you know it was her? We’ve had attachments before,” Smitty asked very carefully, remembering the moment in the kitchen the night before. He felt like he was on eggshells between Jax and Ronnie.

  “I smelled rain,” he replied softly. “I’m not crazy.”

  Momentarily floored, Smitty waited to see if he’d say more. When he didn’t, he chose his words with care, knowing this was a sensitive topic. “When Aedan and I were cleaning up in the kitchen, we both smelled rain. I don’t know about him, but it felt like something wrapped around me from behind. Cold, but familiar.”

  “It was her,” Ronnie said, sounding totally sure of himself. “I smelled rain first, and then my phone started playing some song I didn’t know. I thought I’d lost my damn mind, and then it would repeat. I listened to the lyrics then searched on them. A song called Haunting by Halsey. I read the lyrics and got chills. She was talking to me. I told her to write on the window and I fogged it up. It was the only thing I could think of.”

  “Pretty ingenious if you ask me, that’s quick thinking,” Smitty told him, impressed. At that moment, Smitty smelled rain, and just like Ronnie said, the radio blared to life, a driving beat blasting through the car. Smitty was barely able to keep the car on the road it scared him so bad. Thank God for stop lights.

  He looked over and saw Ronnie fogging up the car window and sure enough, he watched a message being written on the window. The light changed so he had to drive, but he was stunned. “What’s it say?” He asked Ronnie over the music, afraid to touch the radio.

  “Song for Jax,” Ronnie said tightly. “Gotta be another message. She’s trying to tell us something.”

  Smitty’s skin broke out in goosebumps and he shivered. “Hey sweet thing, we’ve been looking for you,” he whispered out loud.

  “Came Back Haunted is the song. Nine Inch Nails. Reading the lyrics now,” Ronnie said scrolling across his phone.

  “I know the song,” Smitty said, turning the radio down. “I think she’s telling us something is attached to him.”

  “We knew that though,” Ronnie sounded frustrated. “I think she’s referencing a line in the song about it being black, maybe? Or that he’s unable to stop? I don’t know.”

  “Just keep it on the back burner, dude. It will make sense when it’s supposed to,” Smitty suggested.

  The radio blared to life again, this time with what sounded like a love song. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ronnie typing madly into his phone again. “I Don’t Want to Live Forever,” he said.

  “Maybe just listen to the lyrics,” Smitty told him, still dumbfounded by what was taking place in his car. The song started over, so he took his own advice and just listened. He felt like he understood that one when the song was done, and the radio fell silent.

  He heard Ronnie breathing raggedly and glanced at him. His face was pale, and eyes were haunted. He reached over and put his hand on Ronnie’s shoulder. “I think that message was for both of us,” he told him. “We were looking for her, but we never called her out by name, and she just wanted to come home to us.”

  Ronnie nodded numbly, knowing he got a different message than that, but at a loss on how to put it into words. Instead he kept his mouth shut. His emotions had taken one hel
l of a beating the past couple of days.

  “Did you find anything out about the person they are interviewing?” Smitty decided to change the subject.

  “No. We will find out soon enough I suppose,” he said tightly.

  “Keep it together man,” Smitty cautioned. “I can tell we will have some rough road ahead.” All Ronnie could do was nod his agreement.

  Winnie smiled. Her message got across to both in the way she intended with the last song. She knew they’d figure out the first one. She watched the storm play out around her back at the river, trying to understand the message to her she felt was hidden in it.

  Chapter Ten

  I flew first class, which was a nice treat. My e-mail said I would have a car waiting to pick me up, so I followed the signs to the pick-up area and looked around. I smelled rain and smiled in relief; Winnie was finally here. I spotted a sign that said Raven and headed over to the guy holding it. “I’m Airiella Raven,” I told him.

  “Right this way ma’am,” he said motioning ahead of him. I winced at the ma’am part, and hoped Winnie was following. I got in the car and pulled my earbuds out of my pocket so if I was seen talking it would look like I was on the phone. As I waited for the driver to leave, I sent a text to my brother letting him know I arrived, and all was okay as he instructed.

  “Walls up and locked tight Airy,” Winnie said from next to me. “They are going to be trying to get in your head, try reading you, and seeking your power and energy signatures. Give nothing away until the actual tests begin. You won’t be able to hide your glow though. A couple of my contacts on this side of the veil gave me some info on this Spectre group. They test all applicants for their clients via their leaders of the company, which they call a Council. The Council consists of various Shamans, or Medicine Man from tribes that represent different regions. They have a Hoodoo priestess, a Santeria priestess as well, a parapsychologist, a psychiatrist, a Vatican-trained special unit priest for exorcisms, a medium, and there might be a few others, I had mixed messages on that.”

  “Isn’t Santeria another name for voodoo?” I whispered.

  “Yes. But first, the production company will interview you to get a feel for your personality. Just play that like a normal interview, but keep your walls up, don’t let anything in. If you put out feelers, keep them weak. Play everything close to the chest on this but get hired. I keep getting pieces of a premonition having to do with you, but it doesn’t make sense to me yet. The overall message is to be on guard.”

  “Nothing frightening in that statement at all, is there?” Sarcasm just came rolling out.

  “I’m going to try to get as close as I can without anyone sensing me. There are a lot of very powerful people that will be there,” Winnie warned.

  “I’m good. I’ve got it under control,” I promised her. “Well except the glow part I guess.”

  “I think Ronnie and Smitty will be somewhere close by, but I’m not entirely sure,” Winnie added.

  “But not the other two?” I wondered why not all of them, that was curious.

  “I pulled you in this mess, I just want you as prepared as possible,” she explained.

  “Look at me Winnie,” I said quietly, “I’m calm, not really nervous or scared. I’m good. Don’t worry.”

  “I’m not worried about you,” she clarified, “I just don’t want them to know much about you. Your powers far overshadow anyone they have.”

  “You’re worried someone will pick up on my strength and try to use me,” I said, understanding now.

  “Yes. Stay locked down at all times except during the tests and only then allow your powers to be used but keep them out of your head.”

  “No worries,” I agreed.

  “They will try to trip you up too,” she said.

  “I already expected that,” I replied.

  “If you need me, don’t call me out loud, you know the feel of me, right?” I nodded at her, “Send out a strand looking for me only, and I’ll know to come.”

  “Got it.”

  “Knock their socks off, babe,” Winnie said with a smile.

  Head held high, I pulled my earbuds out, silenced my phone and walked in the building.

  They had gotten there about an hour early and were waiting in the observation room that was adjacent to the conference room. The walls of the conference room were all mirrored glass inside the room, and floor to ceiling. One wall had a seam running down that was the door to the observation room, just made to look like it was two large pieces of glass. There was a microphone in both rooms, but the observation room had a mute button for the microphone so that they could speak freely.

  Ronnie couldn’t sit still, kept pacing, then when Smitty got annoyed, he’d sit down, but was restless and fidgety. “What is wrong with me?” He asked rhetorically.

  “That list is too long to start now,” Smitty retorted.

  “Aren’t you just the funny one today,” Ronnie ground out. “Seriously, why can’t I just chill?”

  “It’s just excess nervous energy man, nothing’s wrong with you,” Smitty said, checking his watch. “It won’t be long now.”

  Ronnie sat down for about the hundredth time and tipped his head back over the chair. He snapped forward as he heard someone talking out in the hall and watched the room. Sure enough, the door opened, and the receptionist walked in explaining that the interviewers would be there in about ten minutes. As the person, a female, walked in the room, he had an intense visceral reaction to her.

  His body went completely rigid as it felt like someone pulled all the air out of his lungs. Desire, lust, need, fear and love tore through him like a storm. He hadn’t even been aware he was moving until Smitty yanked him back by the shoulder and stuffed him into the chair.

  “What the hell are you doing?” He whispered furiously, “You can’t go in there!”

  Ronnie visibly shook himself and tried to clear his mind. “I don’t know if I am in love with her, or if I am terrified of her or what, but the reaction I had was fucking intense,” Ronnie tried to explain, not understanding it himself. “I felt her at a base level inside.”

  Smitty watched him warily. “She’s hot, I’ll give you that, but what were you thinking? That you were just going to walk out and introduce yourself?”

  “I don’t know! I didn’t even know that I had moved!” Her hair was brown at first glance, but when the sunlight from the windows hit it, there was a coppery red glow to it, the curls catching the light in an odd way making him think of a sunset. Her body was full of curves, and she was on the short side, but she moved with a natural grace. He wanted to sink his teeth into her lips, that bottom one just begging for attention.

  Smitty turned to study her, and Ronnie got irately jealous that he was even looking her way. “Ronnie, chill the fuck out. I’m not going to eat her,” he told him.

  “I feel insanely protective of her, and I don’t even know her. This is so not normal. I’m also absolutely terrified right now, for no reason,” Ronnie said, dazed.

  Smitty gave him a look and put a hand back on his shoulder, holding him in place. “You are acting fucking crazy right now.”

  They snapped their gazes back to the female as her voice came through the speakers, “What storm? What premonition?”

  Ronnie had a visible reaction again and Smitty tightened his hold on Ronnie’s shoulder. “Holy shit! That voice, it felt like it punched a hole in my soul,” Ronnie said with amazement. He couldn’t even describe the timber of it, there were so many layers to it.

  “Okay, I’ll give you that one too,” Smitty agreed, “it did something to me too.” They looked at each other in wonder for a second and as one they turned back to watch her. “Who is she talking to?” Smitty thought to ask.

  “No clue, dude,” Ronnie stared in fascination. “Why am I scared?”

  “No clue, dude,” Smitty mimicked him. “She’s not even your type.” Both were whispering like they were afraid she would hear them. Exaggerated teenage t
ype whispers.

  She looked directly at them, or at least appeared to and said, “Winnie said to tell Jax to listen to the song she sent you earlier. Now.” Their jaws dropped. She had been talking to Winnie. “She also said to tell him to listen to Let Me Go,” she said, looking at the chair next to her in confusion.

  Smitty leaned forward and tapped the mute button to turn the microphone back on, “By who? There are several songs with that title.” Ronnie stared at him, unable to speak.

  She cocked her head to the side and replied, “Nice to meet you Smitty, my name is Airiella. She said some group that’s named after states. I’m not even sure where she heard it. Sorry.”

  Ronnie reacted like he’d been slapped. “Choose Airiella,” he whispered, shaking his head. His eyes seeking hers out, even though she couldn’t see him. Winnie’s message on the window suddenly making sense to him. He motioned to hit the mute button but Smitty didn’t see him as he was doing something on his phone.

  “Florida Georgia Line?” Smitty asked looking up.

  Ronnie watched as she looked next to her again, and then looked back towards them nodding. “She said to tell him they were from her.”

  “Shit,” Ronnie said. Those eyes were doing something to his heart.

  “Um, hello? Is that Ronnie? Nice to meet you too,” she said, sounding like sex.

  “Hello,” he stuttered lamely. Smitty smirked at him and hit the mute button.

  “You sound like a teenager that just saw boobs for the first time,” he said laughing. “Do I really say that Winnie wanted us to communicate with him to listen to those songs?”

  “Well, I think if we don’t, she’s going to do to his phone what she did to mine,” Ronnie stated. Trying to regain control of his own body and thoughts.

  “It might push him over the edge, but I’ll send the links,” Smitty said, typing on his phone again. He sent the message, and they sat there quietly for about five minutes before Smitty’s phone beeped. “Interesting,” was his response as he leaned forward to un-mute the microphone again. “He replied with Something I Can Never Have.”


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