The War of the Roses

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The War of the Roses Page 33

by Timothy Venning

Clarendon Park, Wilts

  Clifford, John, thirteenth Lord

  Clifford, Thomas, twelfth Lord

  Clifford, Sir Robert

  Claudius, Emperor


  Collingbourne, William

  Commignes, Philippe de

  Conway, Sir Hugh

  Conyers, Sir John see also ‘Robin of Redesdale’

  Cook, Sir Thomas

  Copponi, Papal legate


  Cornish rebellions (1497)

  Courtenay, Henry (ex. 1468)

  Courtenay, William see Devon, Earl of


  Cressener, Thomas

  Cromer, Norfolk

  Cromwell, Ralph, Lord

  Croyland Chronicle

  Dacre, Lord


  Daubeny, Giles, Lord

  Daubeny, William

  David II, king of Scots

  David/Dafydd, Prince of Gwynedd (d. 1240)

  Deal, Kent

  Debenham, Sir Gilbert

  Desmond, Maurice Fitzgerald, ninth Earl of

  Despenser family

  Devereux, Sir Walter

  Devon, Humphrey Stafford, Earl of

  Devon, William Courtenay, Earl of (d. 1527)

  Dmitri, son of Ivan IV of Russia

  Dorset, Thomas Grey, Marquis of

  Douglas, Archibald, Earl of Angus (‘Bell-the-Cat’)

  Douglas family


  Dudley, Sir Edmund

  Dunstanburgh Castle

  Edgecote Field, Battle of

  Edgecumbe, Sir Piers

  Edmund, Earl of Kent

  Edmund of Langley, Duke of York

  Edmund (Tudor), Earl of Richmond

  Edmund, Earl of Rutland

  Edward I, king

  Edward II, king

  Edward III, king

  Edward IV, king

  Edward V, king

  Edward Balliol, king of Scots

  Edward of Woodstock, Prince of Wales (d. 1376)

  Edward, Prince of Wales (k. 1471)

  Edward, Prince of Wales (d. 1484)

  Edward, Earl of Warwick

  Eleanor of Provence, Queen

  Elagabalus, Emperor

  Elizabeth I, Queen

  Elizabeth Woodville, Queen

  Elizabeth of York, Queen

  Etaples, Treaty of

  Evesham, Battle of

  Exeter, siege of

  Exeter, dukes of (Holland family)

  Fabyan, Robert

  Fastolf, Sir John

  Fauconberg, William Neville, Lord

  Fauconberg, the Bastard of

  Feodor (Theodore) I, Czar

  Ferdinand II, king of Aragon

  Fiennes, Lord

  Fitzgerald, Sir Thomas

  Fitzhugh, Lord

  Fitzwalter, Lord

  Flamank, Thomas

  Flodden, Battle of

  Flushing, Holland

  Fortescue, Sir John

  Fox, Bishop

  Francis I, king of France

  Francis II, duke of Brittany

  Francke, Edward

  Frederick I, king of Denmark

  Frederick III, Emperor

  Geoffrey ‘Plantagenet’, Count of Anjou

  George, Duke of Clarence illegitimate son of

  Gipping Hall, Essex

  Gloucester, Gilbert de Clare, Earl of (d. 1295)

  Godunov, Czar Boris

  Gof, Michael

  Gordon, Lady Katherine

  Grafton Regis, Northants

  Gravelines, conference of

  Gregory, Philippa

  Grey, Sir John, husband of Elizabeth Woodville

  Grey of Codnor, Lord

  Guildford, Sir Richard

  Guisnes Castle


  Hall, John

  Hammes Castle

  Hardyng, chronicler

  Harold II, king

  Hastings, Sir Edmund

  Hastings, William, Lord

  Hastings, Battle of

  Henry I, king

  Henry II, king

  Henry I, king of Castile

  Henry III, king

  Henry IV, king (Henry of Bolingbroke)

  Henry V, king

  Henry VI, king

  Henry VII, king (Henry Tudor)

  Henry VIII, king

  Henry, Earl of Lancaster (d. 1345)

  Heraclius, Eastern Roman Emperor

  Herbert, Sir William (Earl of Pembroke)

  Heton Castle, Northumberland

  Heworth Moor, Battle of

  Holland, Mary, Duchess of Clarence

  Holland family

  Hood, Robin

  Hope (Hawkins), Anthony

  Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester

  Hussey, Dr. William

  Isabella of Angouleme, Queen

  Isabella, Queen of Edward II,

  Isabella of Castile, Queen

  Isabel (Neville), Duchess of Clarence

  Jacqueline of Holland, Countess/ Duchess of Gloucester

  Jacquetta of St. Pol, Duchess of Bedford/ Lady Rivers

  James II, king (VII of Scots)

  James II, king of Scots

  James III, king of Scots

  James IV, king of Scots

  Jarman, Rosemary Hawley

  Jasper (Tudor), Earl of Pembroke/Duke of Bedford

  Joan of Navarre, Queen

  Joan, Princess of Wales/Countess of Kent

  John, king

  John Balliol, king of Scots

  John II, king of Portugal

  John, Duke of Bedford

  John ‘the Fearless’, Duke of Burgundy

  John ‘of Gaunt’, Duke of Lancaster

  John, illegitimate son of Richard III,

  Juan, Prince of Spain

  Juana, Queen of Castile

  Juana, Princess of Portugal

  Kemp, Cardinal/Archbishop John

  Kendall, John

  Kendall, Paul Murray

  Kennedy, Bishop James

  Kenilworth Castle

  Kenninghall, Norfolk

  Kildare, Gerald Fitzgerald, Earl of (d. 1513)

  King, Bishop Oliver

  Landois, Pierre

  Langley, Bishop Thomas

  Langton, Bishop Thomas

  Leeds Castle, Kent

  Leicester, burial and discovery of Richard III at

  Lewis, Dr.

  Lincoln, John de la Pole, Earl of

  Lionel, Duke of Clarence

  Lisle, Lord (Arthur Plantagenet)

  Llywelyn ‘Fawr’, Prince of Wales

  Llywelyn ‘the Last’, Prince of Wales


  Baynard’s Castle


  Crosby Hall

  Fleet Street

  London Bridge

  St. George’s Fields

  St. Martin-le-Grand, Church of

  St. Paul’s Cathedral

  St. Paul’s Cross

  Tower of London, the

  St. John’s Chapel

  White Tower, the


  ‘Lose-Coat Field’, Battle of

  Louis VIII, king of France

  Louis XI, king of France

  Louis XII, king of France

  Louis, Duke of Orleans (k. 1407)

  Lovell, Francis, Lord

  Lovell, Sir Thomas

  Lucy, Elizabeth

  Ludford Bridge, Shropshire

  Ludlow, Shropshire

  Lytton, Edward Bulwer

  Malory, Sir Thomas

  Mancini, Dominic

  Manuel I, king of Portugal

  Margaret of Anjou, Queen

  Margaret of Guelders, Queen of Scots

  Margaret (Tudor), Princess

  Margaret of York, Duchess of Burgundy

  Margaret of Habsburg, regent of the Netherlands

  Markham, Sir Clements

  Marshal, William, Earl of Pembroke and Regent of England

p; Martina, Eastern Roman Empress

  Mary I (Tudor), Queen

  Mary, Duchess of Burgundy

  Matilda, Empress and ‘Lady of the English’

  Maximilian of Habsburg, Emperor

  Mayne, John

  Meno, Pregent

  Metcalfe, Thomas

  Middleham Castle, Yorks

  Minster Lovell, Oxfordshire

  Moleyns, Bishop Adam

  Molinet, Jean, chronicler

  Montague, Henry, Lord (ex. 1539)

  Montague, John Neville, Marquis of (also Earl of Northumberland)

  Montfort, Simon de faction led by

  Mortimer, Anne, Countess of Cambridge

  Mortimer, Edmund

  Mortimer’s Cross, Battle of

  More, Sir Thomas

  Morton, Archbishop John

  Mountford, Sir Simon

  Mowbray, Anne (titular Duchess of Norfolk/York)

  Nancy, Battle of

  Nankivell, John

  Nero, Emperor

  Neville, Cecily, Duchess of York (d. 1495)

  Neville, Archbishop George

  Neville, Sir Humphrey

  Neville, Sir John

  Neville, John see Montague, Marquis of

  Neville, Richard see Salisbury, Earl of

  Neville, Richard see Warwick, Earl of

  Neville, Thomas (k. 1460)


  Norfolk, Elizabeth, Duchess of

  Norfolk, John Howard, first Duke of (k. 1485)

  Norfolk, John Mowbray, third Duke of (k. 1461)

  Norfolk, John Mowbray, fourth Duke of (d. 1476)

  Norfolk, Thomas Howard, second Duke of/Earl of Surrey (d. 1524)

  Norfolk, Thomas Howard, third Duke of (d. 1554)

  Norfolk, Dukes of (Mowbray family)

  Norham Castle, Northumberland


  Northampton, Battle of

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, first Earl of (k. 1408)

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, second Earl of (k. 1455)

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, third Earl of (k. 1460)

  Northumberland, Henry Percy, fourth Earl of (k. 1489)


  Oldhall., Sir William

  Ormond, Sir Thomas

  Oxford, John de Vere, thirteenth Earl of


  Paston family

  ‘Paston Letters’, the

  Peasants’ Revolt, the (1381)

  Pembroke Castle

  Penman, Sharon

  Percy, Henry ‘Hotspur’

  Percy, Henry see Northumberland, Earls of, first to fourth

  Percy, Sir Ralph

  Percy, Sir Robert

  Percy family, the

  Philip II, king of Spain

  Philip ‘the Good’, Duke of Burgundy (d. 1467)

  Philip of Habsburg, Duke of Burgundy/Count of Flanders (d. 1506)

  Picquigny, ‘summit’ at (1475)

  Pius II, Pope (Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini)

  ‘Plantagenet. Richard’, of Eastwell, Kent

  Pleshy Castle, Essex

  Plessis, chateau of

  Pole, Edmund de la see Suffolk, Earl of

  Pole, Geoffrey de la

  Pole, Lady Margaret, Countess of Salisbury

  Pole, Sir Richard

  Pole, Richard de la

  Pontefract Castle

  Poppelau, Nicholas von

  Poynings, Sir Edward

  Ratcliffe, Sir Richard

  Ratcliffe, Sir Robert

  Ravenspur, Yorks


  Rennes Cathedral

  Rhys ap Thomas

  Richard II, king

  Richard III, king

  Richard, Duke of York (k. 1460)

  Richard, Duke of York (d. 1483?)

  Richard, Earl of Cambridge (ex. 1415)

  Richmond, Colin

  Robert I (Bruce), king of Scots

  ‘Robin of Redesdale’ see also Conyers, Sir John

  Ross, Charles

  Rotherham, Archbishop Thomas

  Rothwell, Thomas

  Rous, John

  Roxburgh Castle

  Russell, Bishop John

  St. Albans, abbey of

  first Battle of (1455)

  second Battle of (1461)

  St. Michael’s Mount

  Salisbury, Richard Neville, Earl of (k. 1460)

  Salisbury, Thomas Montague, fourth Earl of (k. 1428)

  Sandal Castle, Yorks

  Sante, Abbot John

  Santiago de Compostela

  Schwartz, Martin

  Scott, Sir Walter

  Scrope of Bolton, John, fifth Lord

  Scrope of Masham, Lord

  Sforza, Bianca

  Shaa, Friar Ralph

  Shakespeare, William

  Sheen (Richmond), Surrey

  Sheriff Hutton Castle, Yorks

  Shore, Elizabeth (‘Jane’)

  Shrewsbury, Battle of

  Shrewsbury, John Talbot, Earl of (k. 1453)

  Sigismund, Duke of Tyrol

  ‘Simnel. Lambert’,

  Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of (k. 1455)

  Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke of (k. 1471)

  Somerset, Henry Beaufort, Duke of (k. 1464)

  Somerset, John Beaufort, Marquis of (d. 1444)

  Stafford, Sir Humphrey

  Stafford, Sir Thomas

  Stanley, Thomas, Lord (later Earl of Derby) (d. 1504)

  Stanley, Sir William

  Stephen, King

  Stillington, Bishop Robert

  Stoke, Battle of

  Stony Stratford, Northants

  Strange, George Stanley, Lord

  Strange, Sir Humphrey

  Suffolk, Edmund de la Pole, Earl of (ex. 1513)

  Suffolk, Elizabeth of York, Duchess of

  Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, Earl of (d. 1386)

  Suffolk, Michael de la Pole, Duke of (d. 1450)

  Sutton, William

  Symons/Symonds, Richard

  Taylor, John

  Teme, River

  Tewkesbury, Abbey of Battle of

  Tey, Josephine

  Thomas, Earl of Lancaster (ex. 1322)

  Thomas, Duke of Gloucester (k.1397)

  Thorpe, Thomas

  Thwaites, Sir Thomas

  ‘Titulus Regius’, Act of (1483)


  Towton Moor, Battle of

  Trent, River

  Tripcony, Walter

  Trollope, Sir Andrew

  Troyes, Treaty of

  Tudor, Owen

  Tyler, Wat

  Tyrrell, Sir James

  Vassily II, Grand Duke of Moscow

  Vassily Shuisky, Czar

  Vaughan, Sir Thomas

  Vergil, Polydore

  Vignolles, Bernard de

  Walpole, Horace

  ‘Warbeck, Perkin’ relatives of in Flanders

  Warkworth, John

  Warwick, Anne, Countess of

  Warwick, Henry Beauchamp, Earl of (d. 1446)

  Warwick, Richard Beauchamp, Earl of (d. 1439)

  Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of (‘the Kingmaker’)

  Warwick Castle

  Wauvrin, Jean de

  Welles, John, Lord (marr. Princess Cecily)

  Welles, Lionel, Lord (k. 1461)

  Welles, Richard, Lord (rebel 1469)

  Wenlock, Sir John

  Westminster Abbey

  Westmoreland, Ralph Neville, Earl of (d. 1425)

  Wheathampstead, Abbot Richard

  Wileflete, William

  William III, king

  Williamson, Audrey

  Wiltshire, James Butler, Earl of

  Winchester Cathedral

  Windsor Castle

  Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas

  Woodstock Palace, Oxfordshire

  Woodville, Sir Anthony, Lord Scales/Rivers

  Woodville, Sir Edward

  Woodville, Bishop Lionel

  Woodville, Sir Richar
d, Lord Rivers (ex. 1469)

  Woodville, Sir Richard, Lord Rivers (d. 1491?)

  Woodville family, the

  Woolfe, Bertram

  Worsley, Dean of St. Paul’s

  Wykeham, Bishop William of Winchester

  Yonge, the Duke of Yorks’ attorney

  York, city of

  Micklegate Bar





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