Dancing to the Precipice

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by Caroline Moorehead

  Helvétius, Anne Catherine (née Ligneville), 85

  Hénencourt (château), near Amiens, 73, 80

  Hénin, Adélaïde-Félicité-Henriette, Princesse d’ (Frédéric’s aunt): Lucie lives with, 14, 80; background and character, 71–3; and Lucie’s marriage, 75; and Lucie’s presentation at court, 76–7; and Comte d’Artois, 79; chaperones Lucie, 81; and Lucie’s flight from Paris, 99–100; and outbreak of Revolution, 101; and attack on Versailles, 113; helps Lucie entertain, 114; and Lucie’s place at court, 120; leaves for Switzerland, 123–4; and Lally-Tollendal’s marriage, 125–6; and army mutiny at Nancy, 128; sends letters of introduction to Lucie and Frédéric in America, 201; stays with Mme de Poix, 235; Lucie warns of suppression of monarchist plot, 246; exile in England, 255–6; house in Richmond, 264–5; manner, 266; makes way back to Paris, 277; entertains in Paris, 281; joins Lucie at Le Bouilh, 288–9; on Napoleon’s invasion of Spain, 302; sends surgeon to attend Frédéric, 329; at Château de Mouchy, 341; and Lally-Tollendal’s elevation to Académie Française, 367; death and legacy, 391, 411

  Hénin, Prince d’, 72, 81–2, 175

  Henriette-Lucy (ship), 59

  Hézecques, Comte de, 114

  Holland: Frédéric and Lucie in, 143–4, 146–7; peace treaty with France, 237; incorporated into France, 332; union with Belgium, 373

  Holy Alliance, 369

  Hookman’s Library, London, 270

  Hortense de Beauharnais, Queen of Holland, 299, 315, 326, 356, 359, 397

  Huart (dancing master), 77

  Hugo, Victor, 410, 424, 433; Hernani, 406–7

  Hume, David, 20, 84

  incroyables, 241

  Insurrectionary Commune, 152

  Iroquois (Indians), 205–6, 214–15

  Isabey, Jean-Baptiste, 297, 434

  Italy: French domination, 292; unrest in, 379; unification movement, 384–6

  Jacob Frères (cabinet makers), 286

  Jacobins, 117, 131, 133, 135–7, 148, 168, 172, 176–7

  Jallays, family de, 291

  James II, King of England, 6, 24

  Jansenists, 44

  Jay Treaty (1794), 215

  Jefferson, Thomas, 31, 84, 86, 150, 212, 222–3

  Jeffries (balloonist), 57

  Jemappes, Battle of (1792), 310

  Jerningham, Charlotte, 27, 75, 370, 389

  Jerningham, Chevalier, 251, 267

  Jerningham, Edward, 267, 269, 349

  Jerningham, Frances, Lady, 24, 52, 55, 73, 75, 119, 251, 254–9, 271, 273, 274, 295, 299, 368, 370, 389

  Jerningham, Sir William, 24, 75, 257–8

  Jesuits, 44

  Josephine de Beauharnais, Empress of Napoleon I: friendship with Lucie, 2; social circle, 131; Mme de Montesson acknowledges, 280; occupies Tuileries and Malmaison, 283, 287; accompanies Napoleon, 295–6; coronation, 297; court life, 298; Lucie attends in Bordeaux, 303; Napoleon divorces, 304, 325; and Queen Maria Luisa, 305; acquisitiveness, 318, 325; style, 319; at Fanny-Bertrand wedding, 321; maintains popularity after Bourbon Restoration, 353; pneumonia and death, 353

  Journal de la Mode et du Goût, 116

  Journal de Lyon, 240

  Journal de Paris, 244

  Journal des Dames et des Modes, 240–1, 287, 316, 359

  Journal Universel, Le, 362

  Judith (American slave), 213–14, 227

  Jullien, Marc-Antoine, 190, 192

  Juniper Hall, Surrey, 265

  Kalm, Peter, 252

  Kenmare, Valentine Browne, 1st Earl of, 255

  Kersaint, Admiral de, 270

  Kléber, General Jean-Baptiste, 273

  Knox, Henry, 215

  Koblenz, 146–7, 149

  Kotzebue, August von, 286, 294

  Kourakin, Prince, 327

  Kralio, Louise de, 139

  Laborne, Mme de, 129

  Laclos, Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de: Les Liaisons dangereuses, 3, 60

  Lacombe, Jean-Baptiste, 178–9, 186

  Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de: friendship with Lucie, 2; in America, 32; returns to France, 55; on proposed tax reforms, 91; elected to Estates General, 94; commands Garde Nationale, 101, 108; liberal views, 106; kept prisoner by own troops, 111; and women’s attack on Versailles, 113; revolutionary aims, 118; and revolutionary ceremonies, 122; and army indiscipline, 127; and attack on Hôtel de Castries, 135; attends Assembly, 136; opposes abolition of slavery, 137; deserts to Austrians, 154; Lucie criticises, 221; fall, 223; in Holland, 277; in July Revolution (1830), 408

  Lage de Volude, Marquise de, 186

  Lally-Tollendal, Elisa (later d’Aux), 289, 300–1, 305

  Lally-Tollendal, Trophime-Gérard, 106, 113–14, 123–5, 152, 153, 256, 265, 281, 301, 341–3, 361–2, 367; Défense des Emigrés, 266

  Lamartine, Alphonse de, 433

  Lamballe, Marie Thérèse, Princesse de, 152–3

  La Mesangère, Professor, 240–1

  Lameth, Alexandre de, 73–5, 83, 86, 92, 94, 118, 135, 184, 235

  Lameth, Alfred de, 75, 83, 86, 92, 94, 235, 286, 302, 306

  Lameth, Marquis Augustin de, 73–5, 80, 83, 86, 92, 94, 106, 134–5, 143, 234–5, 274, 277, 339

  Lameth, Marquise Cécile de, 73, 80, 105, 107, 109, 113, 134–5, 141, 143, 150, 157, 167, 232

  Lameth, Charles de, 73–5, 83, 86, 92, 94, 135, 235

  Lameth, Théodore de, 34

  La Motte Valois, Jeanne de, 60–1

  Landor, Walter Savage, 253n

  Langton, Mr (English merchant in Cadiz), 229

  Languedoc: administration, 50

  Lanning, Henry, 213

  Lansdowne, William Petty, 1st Marquess of, 223

  La Revéllière-Lépaux, Louis-Marie, 238, 246

  La Rochefoucault, François, Duc de, 85, 160

  Larousse (Girondin), 175

  La Touche, Alexandre, 51–2, 254

  La Touche, Elizabeth (Betsy), 51–2

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Aymar, Marquis de (Lucie’s son): birth, 300; in Brussels, 309, 324; in Amiens, 339, 341; education, 355, 383; survives pleurisy, 356–7; and brother Humbert’s duel, 372; travels to Turin with

  Lucie, 381; survives, 390; bequest from Princesse d’Hénin, 391; diplomatic career, 394, 398; visits Rome, 396, 398; marriage prospects, 403; supports Vendée monarchist plot, 414–16, 419; escapes to Jersey, 417, 420; and parents’ imprisonment, 418–19; condemned to death in absentia, 420, 422; reunited with parents in Nice, 421; banned from France and Piedmont, 424; in Lausanne, 427, 430; moves to Pisa with mother, 431–2; childless marriage, 435

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Cécile (Lucie’s daughter): and sister Charlotte’s wedding, 36; birth, 276–7; in Brussels, 312; Lucie teaches, 324; in Amiens, 339, 341; qualities, 341; presents flowers to Duchesse d’Angoulême, 349; death, 374, 389; engagement to Mercy-Argenteau, 374; legacy used up, 391

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Cécile, Marquise de (Frédéric’s mother), 71, 279

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Charlotte (Lucie’s daughter) see Liederkerke, Charlotte

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Edward (Lucie’s son): birth and death, 267–8

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Frédéric-Séraphim, Marquis de (earlier Comte de Gouvernet): career, 2; as prospective husband for Lucie, 52–3, 59, 70; background and character, 71, 309; engagement, 71, 73–4; marriage, 75, 79; returns to regiment, 80; influenced by American ideals, 85–6; dislikes Palais-Royal world, 88; disputes with Mme de Rothe, 88; and Estates General, 92, 94–5; liberal views, 92, 205; absence from Paris, 98, 100; takes leave to be with Lucie, 102–3; gives up property and privileges, 106; serves in Garde Nationale, 109; defends Versailles against mob, 110–13; revolutionary aims, 118; as Minister for Holland, 120, 134, 137, 140, 157; organises revolutionary celebrations, 121; posted to Nancy, 127–8; plans army reorganisation, 134; and rescue of royal family, 141; leaves for Holland, 143–4; dismissed from Holland post, 147; reunited with Lucie after Holland, 158; and execution of Louis XVI, 165–6; leaves Paris
for Le Bouilh, 167, 170; flees from Le Bouilh, 181; warrant for arrest issued, 181; sends messages to Lucie in hiding, 184; in hiding in Bordeaux, 187–90; escape to America, 190–2, 194–5, 197–9; inherits title on father’s death, 204n; settles in America, 206–8, 211–12; meets George Washington in Philadelphia, 221, 224; and daughter Séraphine’s death, 225; returns to Europe from America, 227–31; sequestered property restored, 227; questioned by President of Department, 231–2; inspects family properties, 234; travels to Paris to arrange family affairs, 234, 238; second exile in England, 247–8, 250–1; money problems in England, 263, 268–9; moves to Richmond, 265; tour of England, 272; returns to Europe from England, 274–6; social life in Paris, 281; buys distillery, 288; reads aloud to household, 289; attends Napoleon’s coronation, 296–7; meets Josephine, 301–2, 304; financial difficulties, 303, 391, 410; appointed Prefect of Brussels, 306, 308–9; receives Napoleon and Marie-Louise in Brussels, 327–9; and British invasion of Belgium, 329–30; tumour renoved from ankle, 329; differences with Paris over administration of Belgium, 332–4; dismissed from Brussels post, 336; appointed to post in Amiens, 337–9; resists royalist movement, 340–1; and restoration of Bourbons, 344–5, 348, 350–2; awarded marquessate, 351; as ambassador to The Hague, 352, 370, 373–5; as delegate at Congress of Vienna, 354–5, 360; travels to Toulon on Napoleon’s escape from Elba, 360–1; reunited with family in Brussels, 363; loyalty to Louis XVIII, 368–9; votes for death of Ney, 368; and Humbert’s duel and death, 372–3; negotiates treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, 376, 378; named Ambassador Extraordinary to Spain, 379; as Ambassador to Turin, 380–3, 386–7, 394–5, 398; on unrest in Italy, 385–6; marriage relations, 391; visit to Rome, 396–8; seventieth birthday, 403; revisits Paris (1830), 404–6; retires, 407; and abdication of Charles X, 409; banished from Chamber of Peers, 410; supports Bourbons against Orléanists, 410, 412; and arrest of son Aymar, 415; defends Aymar’s part in Vendée rebellion, 417, 419; jailed in Fort du Hâ, 417–20; chest infection, 421; final illnesss and death, 425–6; letters to grandson Hadelin, 425–6; family dies out, 435

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Humbert-Frédéric (Lucie’s son): birth and childhood, 120, 129, 157; leaves Holland, 158; leaves Paris with mother, 167; in hiding with mother, 182; on voyage to America, 197–8; childhood in America, 217, 219, 225–6; returns to Europe, 228, 230; thrives in France, 234; exile in England, 250, 255, 267–8, 271; inoculated against smallpox, 259; returns to Europe from England, 275; travels to Le Bouilh, 288; as secretary to M. Malouet, 298, 301; studies for Council of State, 313; studiousness, 324; escorts Napoleon in Brussels, 327; Napoleon appoints to sub-prefecture of Florence, 329–30; transferred to Sens, 336; at sub-prefecture of Würtemberg, 341; escapes from Würtemberg to Paris, 344; Talleyrand’s advice to, 344, 348; as lieutenant in Black Musketeers, 354, 361, 363; and death of niece, 356; as aide-decamp to Maréchal Victor, 370; killed in duel, 371–3

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Jean-Frédéric, Marquis de (Frédéric’s father): appearance, 74; Lucie meets, 74; elected to Estates General, 94; on fall of Bastille, 101; appointed Minister of War, 105–6, 114, 128; offers carriages to Louis XVI, 111; sends food to Lucie, 122; and army disaffection, 128, 133; escapes to England, 152; returns to Paris, 157; in hiding, 158; arrested and imprisoned, 167, 171, 192–3; builds Le Bouilh, 169–70; property sequestrated, 171; testifies at trial of Marie Antoinette, 173; reveals whereabouts of son, 181; executed, 203

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Louis, 420

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Lucie-Henriette, Marquise de: appearance and dress, 1, 29, 50, 53, 69, 73, 395, 430; writes memoirs, 1–3, 380, 383, 426, 428, 431–2; birth and family, 2, 5, 7; letters, 2; life and character, 2–3; shyness, 7, 69; childhood and upbringing, 15–18, 21–2; reading, 16, 23, 46; social milieu, 21; at Hautefontaine, 23–5; breaks leg hunting, 23–4; religious scepticism, 23; education, 27; musical talents, 28, 86, 89, 183, 389; attendance at court, 36–8, 63, 79, 88; and mother’s health decline and death, 42–3; grandmother tyrannises, 45, 47, 53, 69; practical skills, 46; accompanies Archbishop on trips to south, 47–50, 58; knowledge of English, 49, 55, 86, 89, 200; studies physics, 49; and father’s second marriage, 51–2; marriage prospects and suitors, 52, 59, 68–70, 173; betrothal, 70–1, 73–4; Marie Antoinette meets after engagement, 74–5; marriage, 75–6; presentation at court, 76–7; pregnancies (including miscarriages), 80, 88–9, 145, 156, 167, 178, 226, 229–30, 259, 272, 275, 299; social-intellectual circle, 82–3, 87; and American ideas, 86; studies under Mme de Genlis, 87; at Versailles for Estates General meeting, 95–7; attempts flight to Berny, 99–100; fears serious unrest, 99; takes break in Normandy, 102; takes charge of Ministry for War household, 105; devotion to Frédéric, 107, 324; third pregnancy and birth of son, 107, 120; and court life at Tuileries, 115; leaves for Switzerland, 123–7; riding, 134; with Frédéric in Holland, 143–5, 147–8, 156–7; returns from The Hague, 157–8; and execution of Louis XVI, 165–6; leaves Paris for Le Bouilh, 167, 169; at Canoles, 171, 177–8, 180, 182; birth of daughter (Séraphine), 179; Bonie offers refuge, 182; meets Tallien, 188; organises escape to America, 190–2, 194–9; in Boston, 199–200; moves to Albany, 202, 206; sells possessions in America, 202; settles and farms in America, 211–16, 219, 225–6; acquires slaves, 213–14; malarial attacks, 218–19; visit to New York and Philadelphia, 219–21, 224; leaves New York, 224; and daughter Séraphine’s death, 225; returns to France from America, 227–8, 231; sequestered property restored, 227; gives birth to Charlotte, 233; visit to Paris, 234, 238–41; second exile in England, 247–8, 250–1; visits Mme de Rothe in England, 255; legacy from M. Combes, 263–4; money problems in England, 263, 268–9; moves to Richmond, 264–6; returns to Europe from England, 264–7, 279; and birth and death of son Edward, 267–8; proposed trip to Paris abandoned, 272; travels in England, 272; and birth of daughter Cécile, 276–7; resumes social life in Paris, 281; declines post as lady-in-waiting to Josephine, 298; and birth of Aymar, 300; and Humbert’s leaving home, 301; meets Napoleon, 302–3, 316; financial difficulties, 303, 391, 410, 415, 420–2; attends Maria Louisa of Spain, 305–6; moves to Brussels with Frédéric, 306–7; social and official life in Brussels, 311–13, 324; at Fanny’s wedding with Bertrand, 314–15; friendship with and advice to Claire de Duras, 320–4; devotion to children, 324; receives Napoleon and Marie-Louise in Brussels, 327–8; and birth of Napoleon’s son, 331; offends Archbishop of Malines, 333; seeks to advance Humbert’s career, 336; persuades Napoleon to transfer Frédéric to Amiens, 337; moves to Amiens, 339–41; strong-mindedness, 339–40; depressions, 341; and restoration of Bourbons, 344–5, 348–50, 352; death of granddaughter Marie, 356; leaves for Brussels on Napoleon’s return from Elba, 361, 364–5; on Waterloo defeat, 365; and Humbert’s death in duel, 373; and death of daughter Cécile, 374; travels to Turin, 381–2; life in Turin, 383, 387–8, 389, 394–5; and daughter Charlotte’s death, 390–1; happy marriage relations, 391; rheumatism in knee, 394; on women’s political intriguing, 394; visit to Rome, 396–8; lacks close friends, 398–9; on Claire Duras’s fiction, 399–400; prefers rule by noble families, 403; returns to Paris and Versailles (1830), 403–4, 406–7; treated with leeches and bled, 403; sixtieth birthday, 404; and July revolution (1830), 408; learns to cook, 411; life at Le Bouilh during Frédéric’s retirement, 411; and Vendée monarchist plot, 415; stays with Frédéric in Fort du Hâ prison, 418–20; revisits Paris in later years, 422–3; moves to Lausanne, 425; and Frédéric’s death, 426; widowhood in Lausanne, 426–9; attends granddaughter Cécile’s wedding, 428; moves to Pisa, 430–1; death and burial, 434; letters and papers, 435

  La Tour du Pin Gouvernet, Séraphine (Lucie’s daughter): born, 179; in hiding with mother, 182, 191; on voyage to America, 196; in Boston, 199; childhood in America, 219, 225; death, 225

  Laudebaudière, Château de, 412, 414–15

  Launey, Bernard-René de, 101

  Lausanne, 425–6, 428

  Lauzun, Amélie, Duchesse de, 24, 65, 81, 265–6

  Lauzun, Armand
Louis, Duc de, 24, 31, 45, 62, 74, 82, 92, 175, 249

  Laval, Maréchal de, 70

  Laval, Marquis Adrien de, 68, 70, 395

  Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 293

  Lavoisier, Mme, 293

  Law, Mr (former Indian official), 211, 219–21, 224, 227

  Lebrun, Charles-François, 274, 296

  Leipzig, Battle of (1813), 344

  L’Enfant, Major Pierre Charles, 222

  Le Nôtre, André, 38–9, 80

  Leo XII, Pope, 397

  Leopold, Holy Roman Emperor, 149

  Le Tourneur de la Marche, Charles, 238

  Liancourt, François, Duc de, 101

  libelle literature, 93

  Liederkerke, Charlotte (Lucie’s daughter): birth, 233; childhood, 233, 247; exile in England, 248, 250, 267; inoculated against smallpox, 259; returns to Europe from England, 275; and Elisa Lally-Tollendal’s wedding, 301; and Humbert’s departure to work for Malouet, 301; sees Napoleon, 302; moves to Brussels with parents, 307, 309, 312; Lucie teaches, 324; Auguste de Liederkerke courts and marries, 336, 338; moves to Amiens, 339; pregnancies and children, 341, 344, 354–5; death of daughter, 356; in Brussels before Waterloo, 361, 364; and mother’s loss of son and daughter, 374–5; birth of daughter Cécile, 376; in Berne, 381; Lucie writes to from Turin, 383; visits Lucie in Turin, 389; health decline and death, 390

  Liederkerke-Beaufort, Auguste de, 313, 327, 336, 338–9, 354, 362, 364, 381, 390, 396, 419–22, 424, 428

  Liederkerke-Beaufort, Aymar-Marie-Ferdinand, 435

  Liederkerke-Beaufort, Cécile (Charlotte’s daughter), 376, 389–91, 394, 403, 407, 411, 420–2, 424, 426–9; engagement and marriage, 428; death, 434

  Liederkerke-Beaufort, Comte de, 313

  Liederkerke-Beaufort, Comtesse de (Auguste’s mother), 403

  Liederkerke-Beaufort, Hadelin (Charlotte’s son), 389–91, 411, 419, 421, 426, 428, 432, 435

  Ligne, Charles Joseph, Prince de, 14

  Ligne, Princesse de, 21

  Loménie de Brienne, Cardinal Étienne Charles de, Archbishop of Toulouse, 91

  London: character and conditions, 251–3, 261, 267; French émigrés in, 262


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