INVASION USA (Book 2) - The Battle For New York

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INVASION USA (Book 2) - The Battle For New York Page 13


  “Negative,” the general replied. “We are prepared for their arrival.”

  “They seem to have disappeared into what I think is an underground parking area. No, they have come out the other side. They are still all together in a convoy. Another person has been shot and several civilians are running for cover. They have gone into another building and we have lost sight of them. I don’t believe they can hear us— the wind is gusting down the streets about 20 to 25 miles an hour from the north and we are south of them. We are in a holding pattern and will keep watching. Over.”

  “Let us know if you get visual again. Out,” replied the general. “We still have time. I would like Carlos’ friend Lee Wang to come up and tell us his complete story. Mr. Wang, you have 20 minutes and this, Mr. President and all of you, is going to blow you away!”

  For the full 20 minutes, Lee told them his whole story, from his degrees obtained in China, to the first day he met the cleaner, to Zedong Electronics in Nanjing and its new building. He described the special private island belonging to Zedong Electronics across the river from Shanghai where they lived and were taught how to be Americans, and then how he dissected the small electronic part for a Toyota engine’s computer system. He explained his job in America, and how he got into private companies to steal, copy or describe new inventions about to go to market. It was necessary for Zedong Electronics to get this information so they could produce cheaper parts for the world to buy. He then explained how Zedong Electronics had so many different departments and virtually took over the world’s manufacturing of every electronic part and/or unit. He explained his duty to Zedong Electronics for his daughter’s education. He had worked at Microsoft, Qualcomm, Intel, Acer, IBM and Apple—twenty-five years of work. He thought that he was doing good work, so that the electronics giant would be successful for China and its people, and would bring China into the forefront of the world, and that his work would mean a better life for all Chinese. He never realized, until the termination squads started killing all the operatives like him, that something was wrong.

  Lee Wang finally explained about meeting Carlos, hearing from friends about the danger they were all in, and the attack on him and his family. He said that he and his family were lucky to be alive, and then he sat down.

  General Allen asked Carlos to come up and explain what he and Lee Wang had completed in Salt Lake City. Carlos introduced himself and his qualifications and got straight down to business.

  “Lee Wang did not tell you that Zedong Electronics have the only three still-working satellites covering the globe for communications. These hit squads, or whatever you want to call them, are being ordered around through the use of these satellites. Lee and I sourced communications going both ways from the United States and Western Europe into the area around Nanjing, China. If we still had an Air Force, the headquarters of Zedong Electronics would be the first building to be taken out. If we could do so, it would destroy their whole communication set up. We cannot do it from space.”

  For the next several minutes, Carlos told the audience about the Navistar P—a secret project spearheaded by the Air Force in the 1980s. Because it was sent into space such a long time ago, as well as being subject to simpler computer communications using DOS, he and Lee found older computers to communicate with it. Carlos explained how it had been lost and that he had found it by mistake. “Through the satellite, we can now see the United States as well as a sea boundary. I will be working to increase our range out to a 500-mile boundary, but remember the digital footage is antiquated and the screens we can use are also antiquated. The zoom on the camera lenses is only treble magnification, which means the further we send her out, the less detail we can see. Currently, we could see a large ship enter the viewing area 200 miles out to sea. One thing I did see, moments before we packed up to come down the mountain, was a large storm over Canada and northern areas. It’s a bad one and it is flowing south out of the Arctic. We rode in on it and these winds are the result of the arctic blast, as the weather men used to call it. I would hate to be north of here. It’s getting very cold up there.”

  Carlos paused for a moment and looked over at the man, he now called friend. “To continue, Lee Wang should be complimented on his willingness and ability to help us in our time of need. Through the satellite communication relays from Navistar P, we have found three areas of space where communications are being transmitted, to and from. Unfortunately, Navistar P should have been armed with lasers and then we could, like in a James Bond movie, blast their communications satellites out of the sky. However, in the 1970s when this thing was being designed, lasers were only just being researched.

  “So, with television trucks and their satellite-feed systems juiced into simple television screens, again from the 70s, we think we can set up a range of communication tools across the country. A large national system will take several weeks and that is not most important yet. The current pictures from space will be our first alert of any attacks on the United States—any long-range aircraft headed our way, etc. We need every television truck, every Hughes two-way communication dishes that are placed on homes or businesses, every working pre-1985 computer, every two-way radio that works, and every old television set we can find to carry out this project. Lastly, any old civilian camcorders or film cameras will give you visual as well as audio communications. Within a week, we hope to have communications with several military bases in the country and might have some troops ready for repelling insurgents.”

  “Great work, guys,” applauded the president. “It seems that we are going forward after all, and it was well worth my visit.”

  “Thank you, Mr. President. And thanks to all these guys who have worked nonstop since the beginning of this year—three days ago,” applauded General Allen, getting up to stand next to Carlos.

  “I know that for most of us, it already feels like a month, but let me conclude this meeting with MY report. So far, thanks to these guys here, we have radio communication with Andrews AFB, Edwards AFB, Hill AFB, and our own Strong Air Force Base right here, pun intended. We will not install our temporary Air Force sign at the front entrance on the main road until our soon-to-arrive visitors have been dealt with. So far, we have four C-130s flying, we have three fully operational F-4s now at Andrews. We will have several more C-130s operational in a day or two, most stationed at Hill in Salt Lake City and Edwards in California. Another HC-130 tanker should be operational in Yuma, and I‘m heading down there tomorrow. As far as more flyable aircraft, two Hueys that have been in museums until now are being made operational at Andrews. A lot of you know that we have over 50 air force bases here in the United States. Several of the bases on what we would call the front line have only the most modern equipment, so I will visit them last. Tomorrow, I’m flying the president back to Washington, and then I will be spending three days continuously visiting bases to find anything I can that is flyable.”

  The general looked over at Sally and Jennifer. “Captains Powers and Watkins will be coming north with me tomorrow. We will fly in formation back to Andrews. Once we repel this attack, that I believe will happen tomorrow morning, I can concentrate on getting a big defense force together. Since I know all my bases and museums well, I believe that we could end up with a dozen C-130s, of which three are fuel tankers. I know there are another dozen or so helicopters around. I must find them as well as several other types of aircraft. As Carlos reported, our current aircraft could give us a long arm into Asia to take out the enemy’s headquarters. Now, whether or not all of China is involved, I don’t know. If it is, and their Air Force is operational, the boys and I would not return from such a mission. If only Zedong Electronics is the enemy, and the Chinese Air Force is grounded, then we’ll have a chance to blow their headquarters apart, and the HC-130 tankers can refuel us and get us back to friendly soil. This mission should take about a week.

  “Here on U.S. soil, we have the three F-4s as our first line of defense or attack. They can still be refueled in-f
light with one of our Vietnam-era HC-130 fuel tankers. Our second line of attack or defense will be the three P-51 Mustangs and the P-38 Lightning. All four of these aircraft can be fitted with 500-pound bombs, and their .50-caliber machine guns are fully operational. The P-38 can carry two 1,000 pounders—she has pylons that we can modify and fit two sidewinder missiles on each wing, and all her cannon and machine guns are operational. Behind the second line, are the three Huey helicopters, which we can arm with four air-to-ground rockets and a 20mm Minigun each, if needed. It is not a lot, but it’s a start.

  “I will be meeting with the Army and Navy this week, as well. I believe the best we can expect from the Navy is six operational submarines and four destroyers—all World War II era. The army has a lot more potential with artillery than the Navy. The only Army weapons, apart from the men and their carbines, will be manually controlled artillery pieces, which is still a powerful force to be reckoned with for sea and harbor defense. We believe they have dozens of older trucks, or troop carriers to drag these old howitzers by the dozens to defend against any sea attack. The range of some of these weapons is as good as five miles out to sea, and any Chinese ship’s intricate missile systems could be blocked by hundreds of ingoing artillery rounds from bridges, beaches, and even the tops of buildings. We can lift these howitzers anywhere with the larger lifting helicopters that I must still locate. I saw them in operation less than a year ago, in San Diego, I believe. The Coast Guard will have a couple of old C-130s and, in total, our potential to drop paratroopers at a moment’s notice in a dozen C-130s will be a maximum of 900 troops and I will be preparing for this.

  “The last thing I want to get to is what Ms. Wallace mentioned—civilian aid. We have been primed for a year now to send maximum numbers of supplies overseas. Our, now defunct C-17s have been working around the clock to take food supplies and ammunition to the vast numbers of troops over there. Our bases, especially on the east and west coasts are full to overflowing with rations and could potentially keep a large number of our American population alive. We must set up distribution centers at Bragg and Seymour Johnson to deliver quantities of food on a regular basis in this area. We can use all of our aircraft, which aren’t needed for troop movement and firepower in this endeavor.

  “Can we help the whole country? No, not for a few months, it’s not possible, but we must help as many people as we can. Survivors from the north will logically head south over the next couple of weeks, and we must help people in rural areas with military supplies which we will also fly in on a regular basis. I’m thinking that we should deliver to an area of the country that is below a specific line across the country, say from Washington D.C. to Salt Lake City and then down to Edwards in California. Under this line there will be a greater chance of survival than further north.

  “We cannot go and get the people—they must first migrate south, where we can provide some food and use large buildings for shelter. If the remaining American population can hold out until spring, then I believe the United States of America has a chance of survival. Any questions?”

  “What are the chances of our current Air Force going up against the best of the Chinese fighters, if they are flying?” Preston asked.

  “Suicide if we attack China, since about 80% of their military is for defense and not offense,” answered the general. “The Chinese have a very small Blue-Water navy. ‘Blue-Water’ navy refers to the ability to travel over any ocean and attack a foreign country. I believe that they only have five to seven ships that can legitimately be called ‘Blue-Water’ capable. Our understanding is that the Chinese military was never expected to cover global action until 2009 when more ambitious programs went into build mode, and as far as we know everything is still in build mode except for their one aircraft carrier purchased from the Ukraine.

  “We were told last year that this aircraft carrier was nearly operational. In other words, they have very few aircraft or naval ships that can travel over the Pacific and attack the United States and then fly all the way back again. Actually, no aircraft in the world can do that. All aircraft must either refuel in the air, or refuel on land for their return flights, or land on an aircraft carrier. Our only real defense is non-guided rockets or missiles, and I believe we still have a lot of those that are still operational. I’m hoping that the Army can come up with enough old rockets to fire from batteries on shore to keep the Chinese anti-missile machines busy long enough for us to either drop bombs on them, or sneak up and attack. I will let you know about that tomorrow.”

  The general stopped for a moment. There was so much information to present and review that he was worried that the mixed crowd in the room might be on overload.

  “Now I believe everybody in this room is as prepped for war as the president. Our main question is where they will attack first. Of course, the West Coast or Hawaii would be the closest, but Washington D.C. will be the real prize. I’m sure that they think we are already on our knees and on the verge of begging for mercy, but this country will not go down without a fight. Everyone knows that. This weather rules out any attack from the north or around our northern cities. The attacking force would need to bring in too much gear.

  “Maybe they will attack in the spring, after more of us have starved or frozen to death. They don’t want us—they more likely just want our land. The Russians and the Chinese have enough people to transfer over and start a new life. Americans will just get in the way. Hence, I don’t expect a full-scale attack during the coldest time of the year. The weather will do more damage than they ever could.

  “I would like to get tomorrow’s hostilities over with first, hopefully capture a few of their satellite telephones, and then we can get Carlos and Mr. Wang to tap into their communications and figure out their future plans. Then I want to destroy their building in Nanjing. It will show them that we still have guts. Ghost Rider, Easy Girl and the tankers are the only aircraft that could make the trip at this moment, but I believe a third gunship is operational. I just have got to find her. Ghost Rider, two other gunships and several normal C-130s were especially prepared to be refueled in flight during the later days in Vietnam. These aircraft have the same refueling nozzles as the Vietnam Hueys and F-4s have, and I’m lucky we planned to keep a few around.

  “The United States needs to get every ship we can over to the Middle East and bring as many troops back here as possible, much like the retreat of Dunkirk during World War II. Then, I want to destroy the people, who have caused the deaths of millions, and maybe billions of the world’s population— even if we have to declare war on China, Mr. President. A declaration of war would be our last resort, and only upon your orders.”

  The room was deathly silent as General Allen then walked over to the radio and called up Ghost Rider to return for a “sitrep.” Nothing had changed. The enemy convoy seemed to be holed up in the city for the time being and Ghost Rider would be landing at the Strong AFB in 15 minutes. Preston automatically went over and turned on the runway lights already repositioned for maximum runway length.

  “I would like Mr. Wang and family, the newcomers, all non-American citizens, and all Air Force personnel to leave the room for a few minutes, if you don’t mind,” the general instructed. “I believe that what I’m about to say is not for your ears yet.” People, including the ambassador, got up and shook the hand of the president. Pam Wallace escorted them into the house and Martie suggested they make fresh coffee while they waited. The soldiers left to go back to their duties, a guard was placed outside the side and front doors, and the general continued. “The reason for talking with you separately, is that if we are able to break into communications in China, Carlos, Mr. Wang might need to interpret on our behalf and I don’t want him to know our all our details. Also, this would normally be just between the president and me, but in these circumstances, I need you to be aware of more than you would normally be authorized to know. What I’m about to say cannot go further than the walls of this hangar!” Everyone in the room nodd
ed affirmatively.

  “If we find out that all of China is planning to attack us—in other words, if this situation is directly attributable to the Chinese Ruling Party—we have an old set of Bay of Pigs/Vietnam war-era active nuclear missile silos in the Dakotas. If I am right, they are still active, purposely forgotten through all the disarmament treaties with the old Soviet Union. Much like Japan and the Second World War in the Pacific, a couple of these dropped on Moscow, Nanjing, and Beijing could end this attack on us and the rest of the world.”

  “If I do not return from our trip to China, we will initiate this last scenario. If Carlos can get us in touch with the Russian or Chinese governments first, then we can introduce them to the fact that we are still a country with a mean bite and if we are going to go down, we will make sure that we take as many of them as we can. We have a total of six atomic weapons on quality rockets that I believe can still reach any targets we provide for them, without any modern satellite guidance.”

  There was silence as the truth dawned on them that there was little chance that the world would ever be the same again, and that Armageddon might still be possible. Unfortunately, nobody had much to lose here anymore, and being Mr. Nice Guy was not going to be part of the procedure.

  “Thank you for your time,” the general wrapped up. “You are as up-to-date as the president, and by the way, I like Ms. Wallace’s idea. Preston, get with the Southwest captain when you can, and commandeer any private aircraft you wish to, to begin organizing the distribution of food under direct orders from the President of the United States.”

  The president stood to add something.

  “I completely support the ideas stated here in this room and I give all of you the authority of my position as Commander-in-Chief to commandeer anything you need from the military, National Guard, and civilian organizations to assist the American people in any way you deem fit. I will get a letter drawn up for you as soon as I get back to my office,” added the President, facing Preston and the group.


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