Home > Other > EVOLVED > Page 14

by Jessica Gomez

  Boldly, I pick up the fish and my remaining water, and move in Asher’s direction. Our chains are still close enough for us to move between each other’s areas. If Jeff really didn’t want Asher helping or talking to me, he’d have moved our chains far enough apart that we couldn’t touch.

  When Asher reaches out to take my offerings, Jeff growls louder. Asher retracts his hands, not excepting the food unless Jeff agrees. It’s not that Asher is afraid of him. He’s protecting me, by insuring Jeff doesn’t kill him. He can’t help me if he’s dead.

  I turn my steely eyes back to Jeff. “Stop. I’m only giving him food, same as any other night. Please, finish with the bed. I’m tired.” I yawn to show him the truth. I’m distracting him, sure, but I am getting tired.

  His growl slows to a loud purr as his eyes penetrate mine, before running down my body to my belly. The brown in his eyes lightens even more, to an almost human color, giving me time to help Asher. Once I’m done, Jeff helps me sit down, and then returns to his chores.

  The unintelligent are huddled together at the other end of the cave, fast asleep, snoring. A leftover human trait. Even though Jeff shows signs of his humanity at times, the unintelligent infected have no hope; they’ll never resemble humans again. They’re deformed with their infection, leaving them with mutilated faces and bodies. Jeff and the other intelligent infected are a different story. I glimpse traces of human behavior. Their infection doesn’t seem to spread past the discoloring of their eyes and skin, dumbing them down at first, but also giving them the capability to relearn their human sides. Jeff’s humanity surfaces when he deals with me or the baby. We’re some sort of trigger. Wendy causes the same effect on Mr. Mom, but Big Bully and Farmer Joe are a completely different story. They’re infected and learning like the other intelligent, but they’re malicious. At this point, I don’t know if this trait comes from who they were as humans or part of the disease. What I do know is that they’re soulless. Jeff has an internal struggle, as if one part of his brain and body are fighting against the infection. Same with Dane. Once he realized what he’d done to his wife, he ended his torment. He’d said they were talking to him, twisting his thoughts along with the infection. This would have inevitably been Dane’s fate had he not acted and ended it.

  “Hey.” Asher bumps my shoulder. “You doing okay? You’re spacing off pretty good over there.”

  “Sorry. Just thinking.” I sigh. Biding my time doesn’t seem like its working at all. He’s never going to let me out of his sight. I’m without a clue as to how I’m going to escape.

  Asher glances around the room, aware of Jeff’s nearness, knowing we should avoid talking as much as possible. “What’ve you said to him? He’s acting different…nicer.” His words are barely above a whisper, but I know Jeff can still hear them. I sense it.

  “I wanted to make sure you had dinner.” I attempt to signal him with an eyebrow lift, relaying that he can hear his words. I don’t want to talk about Jeff when he can hear us, he knows too much already, being smarter than some humans.

  Asher nods, letting me know he gets it. Our time together has taught us how to understand each other silently.

  Jeff is facing away from us, giving me an opportunity to mouth the words, “Be nice.” to Asher. He looks confused at first, wondering why I’m asking this of him. “Trust me.”

  He doesn’t hesitate this time, he trusts me implicitly. “Thank you,” Asher says out loud, drawing Jeff’s gaze. Asher tilts his head, letting him know he’s talking to him.

  Jeff looks confused for a moment, tilting his head, trying to understand his motives. When Asher remains silent, Jeff nods and turns back around to deal with the last few pieces of wood. When he finishes, he makes his way to me, grabbing me around the waist. He tugs me softly back over to our pallet. “Softer,” he says. “You sleep. Tired. He, tired.” He places his hand on my stomach, enticing Sweet Pea to do his nightly exercise. Jeff begins to purr, like he does every time he feels the baby. He sits on the lip of our bedding and pulls me close, my belly directly in front of his face. He places the tip of his nose against my stomach, the vibrations exciting the baby.

  My arms are lifeless against my sides. He’s done this so many times, the repulsion I used to feel has drained out of me. I go through the motions each day, detaching myself as much as possible while keeping my sanity. Curiosity provides my next question. “How do you know the baby is a boy?” My voice is loud, even though its silent, only between the two of us. Asher has laid down, pretending to sleep. I know he doesn’t usually go to sleep before me, staying up to make sure I’m safe.

  Jeff looks up past my swollen belly and growing breasts. He closes his eyes and scents me before opening them. “Smell him.” His purring picks back up as he pulls me down to the newly made bed. “Sleep.”

  Sitting on the edge of our blankets, a commotion pulls my attention to the entrance of the cave. Farmer Joe trudges in and grabs one of the female infected huddling in the sleeping pile. She shrieks when woken, but quiets when she realizes who has her, submitting immediately. He tugs her to his bed and rips her bottoms off, plunging himself deep inside her.

  Ripping my eyes away from them, I find Abbey. Her face is tinted blue, a split lip trickles blood down to her chin, and her shirt is torn, revealing too much skin. I can hear the chattering of her teeth from across the room. My body tenses, readying myself to stand, only to have a tight arm cinch around me.

  “No.” His word is simple and commanding.

  “She’s hurt.”

  “Not mine,” he replies, pulling me back down.

  Abbey’s eyes harden as she watches us. Normally, I wouldn’t care what people think about me, never have. But Abbey believes I’m in cahoots with the infected. I’m not, of course, far from it, but I want her to trust me for some reason. Clearly, from the hatred in her eyes, I’m not the best friend forever type.

  “Please help her,” I beg.

  “No.” His word, though silent, is final. “Not mine.”

  Big Bully pulls her down to their pallet and scents up her neck. She holds my eyes as his hands begin to wander. Asher said the infected only have sex with other infected, but I know what I’m seeing, and I don’t know how to stop it. Abbey’s lower lip begins to tremble before she steels herself, locking all emotion away. He turns her away from me, blocking her from my view, his back toward us. Fabric rustles, and then his ass is visible.

  I can’t let this happen. I shove away from Jeff, knowing the element of surprise is all I have. It’s not as if I can stroll over there and bash him over the head. “Stop!” I scream. Abbey told me to stay out of it, that I’d only make it worse, but nothing is worse than what he’s about to do. “Get your fucking hands off her, you fifthly piece of shit!”

  Jeff is at my back, a roar ripping from his throat, followed by one across the room. Jeff’s body is larger than life, seeming to grow with his anger. Staying solid in my stance is hard to do when I know he’s pissed as hell. But when I turn around, his anger is directed across the room and not at me. With a large, swift step, Jeff has swept me behind him, protecting me from a growling Big Bully.

  Focusing back on the original problem, I see Abbey forgotten, scrambling away. She’s pulling her clothes back into place, horror transforming her face when she locks eyes on me. It’s then I realize the situation’s shifted. I’m the center of attention. Big Bully’s eyes are tracking me as if I’m the prey.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, Jeff.

  But it’s not his voice that answers. “Mine. Take.” Even silent, his words are menacing. Somehow, Jeff’s opened his connection so I can hear Big Bully challenge him.

  “No. Mine.” Jeff refutes his claim over me. His arm circles around his back, pulling me tightly against him.

  “Holy shit.” I’m so stunned, the words tumble from my lips.

  “What’s going on?” Asher growls next to me. He moves as close as possible to us, blocking me in on the other side.

taking his eyes off his challenger, Jeff pushes me closer to Asher, pulling Big Bully’s attention away from me. His eyes are flicking back and forth between Jeff and me, wondering if he can get to me before Jeff stops him. Jeff’s roar draws his attention and this time it remains.

  Asher pulls me back, tucking me behind him, much like Jeff did moments ago. He glances at me over his shoulder. “What’s going on?” he asks again.

  My attention fixes on the two infected now circling each other, getting ready to fight over who owns me. The sudden realization has me shaking. What if Big Bully wins? “Big Bully challenged Jeff for me.” My words are shaky as they leave my lips. “He did this on purpose. He knew I’d say something. He waited until he had a reason.” I meet Asher’s gaze with wide eyes. “Whoever wins gets me.”

  “Fuck that,” Asher growls, turning back to the fight. His posture is tight and protective. Asher would die before he let Big Bully have me.

  The two circle each other, both larger than life. It’s Big Bully who makes the first move and attacks. The two slam together, snarls and growls ripping from their lungs as they claw at each other like wild animals. Jeff lets out a pained grunt, as Big Bully snaps his teeth closed over his shoulder, tearing at the skin through his shirt. Jeff retaliates by slamming his head sideways into Bully’s, knocking him senseless. Jeff takes the moment to pounce, shredding his shirt and the skin underneath, causing Big Bully to roar in pain. He stumbles back, clutching his chest, blood running over his fingers. He glances around the room, realizing no one is coming to his aid. His attention lands on Abbey longer than the rest of us. He turns to flee, grabbing Abbey by the hair, trying to drag her from the room. Abbey’s scream reverberates throughout the small firelit room.

  “No! Don’t let him take her!” I scream, reaching over Asher’s back. He won’t let me out from behind him, but my voice carries throughout the room. Wendy’s pleas are now as loud as mine, begging for help.

  Mr. Mom is across the room seconds later, grabbing Abbey’s foot before she’s dragged from the cave. Big Bully doesn’t pause in his escape, but Jeff’s in hot pursuit and out the cave. The angered roars grow quieter the farther away they move.

  Mr. Mom places Abbey back on her bed and moves back to Wendy, proud of himself. Abbey’s actively crying, her hands covering her face, while trying to keep her clothing together.

  “Abbey, are you okay?” She doesn’t answer me, so I ask her again.

  Her hands slam down on the rock ledge next to her. “Leave me alone!” she screams. “Just leave me alone!”

  My heart breaks and plummets to my stomach. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. Obviously, there’s nothing I can do. She’s suffered because of me, even if I didn’t mean for it to happen.

  She turns over, away from us, and pulls her small blanket around her. Her actions catch in my throat, choking out my own emotion as a sob escapes. Sensing no threat, Asher turns to me, pulling me into his arms.

  “Shh, it’s all right.” He squeezes me as I tremble.

  “It’s not, though. Nothing is all right,” I whisper into his neck.

  Asher’s arms disappear seconds later, as Jeff tosses him aside. Jeff is now in front of me, searching my body and baby bump for injury. “Okay?” he asks silently.

  I nod and sniff again. “Yes.” He’s covered in blood and ripped clothing. Leading me over to our pallet, I don’t argue. The day has been exhausting. I climb under the bearskins, numb. Jeff tucks the blanket around my belly before sitting down. “Is he dead?” I ask in hope.

  “No. He went in lake.” Jeff begins to pet my arm, trying to soothe me. His touch only draws more goose bumps that scurry across my skin. I squeeze my eyes shut, praying for freedom. The closer I get to having my Sweet Pea, the more I realize we can’t survive here.

  “Is he going to come back?”

  “No.” His voice is sharp, protective. “You. Baby. Mine.” He just defended us. A fact that I’m grateful for, but also rebelling against.

  Chapter 15


  After several days of searching the mountain, we’re no closer than we were on day one. We’ve searched a good twenty-five-mile radius. Frustration always has its claws in the back of my neck, twisting and tearing at my determination. By the end of the third week, I tear off my shoes and go straight to bed after eating. Azami is staying with James tonight, giving me a much-needed reprieve from blocking my thoughts when she’s with me. I slip a pair of shorts on, bearing my chest before I stoke the fire, the flames warming my icy skin.

  I’m finally beginning to thaw my sore feet when footsteps sound in the corridor. When we’re out each day, I stretch my emotional senses in search of her, helping my sixth sense grow stronger. I know who’s entering my room before they reach for the curtain.

  Luke, Mason, and Michael file into my small space, made even more cramped by the three six feet, two hundred-pound men staring at me. I take a seat on the edge of my bed, running a hand through my hair. I sense a lecture.

  “How can I help you?” Might as well get this over with.

  “You’re pushing yourself too hard. You’re going to damage your feet again.” Michael, always the blunt and honest one of the group. He’s studying my feet that are finally tingling with new feeling.

  I may have pushed too far today, staying out too long. I woke before dawn and didn’t return until dinner. Willpower is the only thing fueling me at the end of each day. “I know,” I concede.

  “We don’t want to hear it.” Mason begins, but then pauses, looking at me as if I’m crazy. “What?” he asks, confused.

  I can’t help but chuckle at his dumbstruck look. “You’re right, I’m being stupid. My feet are just now thawing. I’m only hurting myself if I keep pushing this hard.”

  “Well, you’re making this way too easy.” Luke smiles. “Besides telling you to stop being a dumbass, we want to go over a map of the surrounding areas. I dug through some of the stuff we brought back with us from town the last time and found a map. We used Mason’s search locations against this map to gain a better idea of where and what we’ve already searched. On top of that, we’re going to move to the next stage of the search. We’ve checked all the caves, nooks and crannies all over this side of the mountain. The snow is mostly gone and travel is getting easier on both sides. If we don’t move farther out now, we may give them the chance to slip away.”

  I sit up straighter. “What’s the plan?” I ask, willing to listen to all their suggestions.

  Mason sits down next to me as the others squat, pulling the map out. “This is all the areas we’ve searched.” The map has so many black search lines on it, my heart swells. We’ve scoured these mountains like ants for her. “Since most of the snow is gone, traveling is moving quicker. Now, they could move, try to get farther away from us, but I don’t think he will. He knows Lil is pregnant. He’ll either stay where he is until the baby is born or move to a new location so the baby can be born.” He concentrates before speaking again. “I believe he’s hunkered down for the winter. The night they ran, they couldn’t have traveled too far with her, but they move fast, much faster than us. They’re also resilient in this weather, giving them an advantage, allowing them to double or triple their distance. I’d say they’re between thirty to fifty miles away from our cave. That’s too far for us to accidently run into them, but also places them around this area here.” He points to several rivers and a lake on the map. “Like I said before, I don’t think their catching big game, leaving fish as their main resource. The lake is the best place for that. It’s close to fifty miles away and is higher in elevation, so they’ll have more snow than us.”

  “When are we leaving?” I ask, all but ready to leave now.

  “Easy,” Michael warns, already the voice of reason. “Our snow is just now receding to a couple of feet, but we can get more dumped on us at any time. These mountains by the lake get more snow and we don’t have the gear to send you all out in this weather. I know this isn’t what you want to h

  I cut him off and snap, “Sitting here, waiting, is not an option.”

  Michael puts his hands up in a calming gesture, but Luke answers for him. “Ian, think about it. You’re half frozen from searching in this smaller perimeter. If we try to travel that far without the proper supplies, we may not make it. Besides, we’re not even sure she’s there. These are just assumptions.”

  His words trigger a surge of emotion. Jeff’s smarter than I gave him credit for. This is what I would do if I were him. I’d stay hidden by the lake, wait for Lillie to have the baby before moving again. But the guys are right about our supplies. We have boots, but nothing waterproof for hours on end. Eventually, they’d leak. They were also right about not knowing for sure if she’s there. I couldn’t chance walking right by her to go to this lake on a hunch. “We’ll continue to search farther out of our perimeter, looking for clues, and work our way in that direction. I don’t want to miss her because of a hunch.”

  Luke and Mason nod, but Michael’s lost in thought. Mason catches his attention when he slugs him in the shoulder. “Bro? What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Thinking.” Michael laughs.


  “About your equipment,” he replies seriously.

  Mason looks down at his dick. “There’s nothing wrong with my dick. What the fuck are you talking about?”

  Michael makes eye contact with Mason before laughing, setting off a chain reaction for myself and Luke. “Not your dick, dumbass. Winter equipment. Snow boots, socks, clothes. Didn’t you say that white house on your last raid has vacuum sealed clothes?”

  I’m sitting straighter, liking where this is going. “Yes,” the three of us say at the same time, light bulbs going off.

  “There was a small shed out back too,” I reply. The idea takes root. “We should go there, get more supplies.”


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