Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)

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Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Page 10

by LYNN, K. C.

  “Another one?” Wyatt asks charmingly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  I really want to say no. I’m trying to be good company but my thoughts are consumed with Jaxson, which makes me mad. Over the year I’ve worked hard trying to dismiss him from my thoughts. I went from thinking about him every second of the day to only once or twice a day. Wyatt and I have only been here a half hour and I don’t want to be rude, “Sure, maybe one more. Thank you.” I’m hoping he catches on to the one more part.

  Wyatt waves my empty glass at the waitress letting her know to bring another. “I have to say Julia, it surprised me to find out you’re a beer girl.” He doesn’t say it rudely, but something about the way he says it seems like he disapproves. If he only knew why I like it…

  “So have you heard back about your interview yet?” he asks, pulling me from my traitorous thoughts.

  “Not yet, I’m hoping soon though. I know summer vacation just started but if I don’t get in I’ll have to look into a different school. Which wouldn’t be so bad, I just have my hopes set on Foothills. I really enjoyed doing my practicum there and I want to teach elementary. I would really like to stay here in Sunset Bay.”

  “I’ll get my dad to talk to the principal for you,” Wyatt says catching me off guard.

  “Oh no! Really that’s not necessary, but thank you.”

  “Why not? He’s in a position of power Julia, let him use it.”

  I completely disagree with that statement but I tread carefully, not wanting to offend him. “No really Wyatt, it’s important to me that I get it on my own. I want them to hire me because they want me there, not because of your father.”

  “Alright, suit yourself,” he shrugs, seeming annoyed I turned down his offer.

  Feeling uncomfortable I change the subject, “How’s work been going for you?”

  “Great!” he says smiling easily again, “I just landed a big client from Charleston. There were three of us fighting for this company and I received the call yesterday that I got it. I’m getting quite the reputation already,” he says proudly. Wyatt has just started up his own private practice, specializing in Corporate Law.

  “That’s really great Wyatt. Congratulations.” I’m about to ask another question but the words get stuck in my throat when my gaze lands on the 3 people walking in: Jaxson, Cooper and Kayla.

  What the hell?

  Wyatt notices my shock and turns around, “You’re fucking kidding me.”

  Kayla looks at me apologetically as they take a seat at the bar. Jaxson sits with his back to it and I can feel him staring at me. When our eyes meet my heart starts to pound from the intensity of his gaze. I hate that after all this time he can still make me feel this way.

  “You told him we were coming here!” Wyatt asks accusingly, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Jaxson takes his eyes off me when Wyatt turns around. They glare at each other and you can feel the hatred roll off them in waves. It causes my stomach to fill with dread.

  “Maybe we should just go,” I say apprehensively.

  “Fuck that, we aren’t going anywhere. If that asshole wants to watch then let him, he’s going to have to get used to it anyways.”

  His last remark adds to my anxiety. I have to be up front with Wyatt tonight. I feel awful, but I don’t want to lead him on. He already thinks this is more serious than it is.

  Kayla gets up from her chair and nods her head for me to follow. “I’ll be right back, I’m just going to head to the ladies room.”

  Wyatt nods distractedly while texting someone furiously on his phone. I get up and trail behind Kayla. As soon as we enter the bathroom she turns to me quickly and starts apologizing, “I’m so sorry Julia.”

  “What the hell is going on Kayla?” I know something has to be wrong because not much can make Kayla squeal, she’s a tough one to crack.

  “Listen Jules, Jaxson went ape shit, like I mean crazy! He and Coop got into a fist fight over this.” My stomach sinks, hating that he and Cooper got into a fight because of me. “He was demanding to know where you guys went. Of course I gave him a piece of my mind and told him to go to hell. But… both he and Coop say you’re in danger Julia. I know they’ve said it before but, this time was different,” Kayla pauses for a moment looking worried. Then she shocks me when she says: “Jules they told me that Wyatt physically abuses the girls he’s with.”

  “What!?” I look at Kayla like she’s crazy.

  “I know, I told them that he has never laid a hand on you, but they’re both swearing it’s only a matter of time. Please don’t be mad at me, I didn’t know what to do. I was worried about you.”

  “I’m not mad at you. I just don’t know what to think. Wyatt has never even attempted such a thing. It has to be a misunderstanding,” I say, desperately wanting to believe that. He’s always been so calm with me, although I have seen some stuff tonight that surprises me. But still, can I really see Wyatt physically hurting a woman?

  “I don’t know Jules, if this was just Jaxson then maybe. But we both know Cooper, most of the time, is pretty reasonable. I don’t know why they never told us before. Even now it seems like they’re holding something back.”

  “Well you guys don’t need to worry about me because this is going to be the last date for us. I really tried to have feelings for him Kayla but they just aren’t there,” I say feeling guilty.

  “Don’t feel bad Julia, you can’t change what you feel for someone.”

  Isn’t that the truth.

  “Anyways Cooper and I are here to make sure Jaxson doesn’t cause trouble. He promised he wouldn’t.”

  “Ya right, him just being here causes trouble,” I sigh tiredly, “I’m going to get Wyatt to take me home after our drink, which will hopefully be soon. Please try to contain Jaxson, I don’t need anymore drama tonight.”

  “I will. I’m really sorry again Julia.”

  I hug her tight, “Don’t be sorry, I understand. I would have done the same thing,” I give her an easy smile showing her I mean it.

  “Ok, let’s get back out there, before all hell breaks loose,” Kayla says opening the door.

  I feel Jaxson’s gaze on me the moment I follow Kayla out the door but I ignore it and don’t look over in his direction. Wyatt watches Kayla return to her seat. “Everything alright?” he asks with annoyance.

  I try to think of something fast to say. I don’t want to tell him the real reason why Kayla told Jaxson where we were.

  I nod and try to paste a reassuring smile on my face. “Yes everything is fine. Unfortunately Kayla just got bullied into telling them where we went.” Which isn’t a lie… it’s just not the whole truth.

  Wyatt grunts angrily, “It’s none of their fucking business.”

  I stiffen from his comment, he reaches over and grabs my hand, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Can we just ignore him? I don’t want this to ruin our night.” He’s stroking my hand with his thumb and I can feel Jaxson’s gaze burning a hole in my back.

  I give Wyatt an easy smile and remove my hand from his making it look like I need it to grab my beer. “Yes, of course.”

  I take big gulps of my beer, wanting desperately to finish it and get the hell out of here. When I finish I put the glass on the table and feel a good buzz. I haven’t eaten much today and I still rarely drink. I look at Wyatt’s glass to see his still half full of whisky.


  “Another?” he asks hopefully.

  “No I better not, I’m getting up early to go visit Gram at the senior home tomorrow morning. They’re having a pancake breakfast to celebrate her birthday.” It’s actually more of a brunch, so it’s not that early, but he doesn’t need to know that.

  Wyatt looks disappointed but asks, “How old is Margaret turning?”

  “Seventy,” I say smiling proudly. One would never guess her age, she looks at least 10 years younger.

  I notice Wyatt looking around distractedly,
it’s as if he’s looking for something. I follow his gaze but don’t see anything out of the ordinary.

  “Everything ok Wyatt?” my question startles him out of his distraction.

  “Yes, sorry… so I have some big news to share. My dad has decided to run for Mayor,” he says proudly.

  Wyatt’s dad running for Mayor scares me a little to be honest, especially after his earlier comment about his position of power. But I keep that to myself.

  “Wow, that’s great. Are you going to help with his campaign?”

  “Of course.” He starts to tell me what their plans are when something catches my attention out the corner of my eye. I look over at the others and see none other than Melissa Carmicheal rubbing herself against Jaxson like a dog in heat. Wow! This night just keeps getting better and better. The black cocktail dress she’s wearing is a few sizes too small and her heels are so high she can barely stand in them. Melissa used to be very pretty in high school, but the last few years have not been good to her. She’s Jaxson’s age, so 2 years older than me, but she looks 10 years older. I’ve heard rumors that she has a drug problem and the way she’s gone downhill it wouldn’t surprise me. I watch her whisper suggestively in Jaxson’s ear and I hate the instant jealousy I feel. Jaxson’s disinterest should make me feel better, but it doesn’t.

  “Go figure, those two are made for each other,” Wyatt grunts, annoying me with his comment.

  I turn my gaze away from Jaxson not wanting to watch if he decides to go home with her. Just the thought of them together makes me feel sick.

  My attention reverts back to them though when I hear Melissa raise her voice.

  “Come on Jaxson! Don’t you remember how good we used to be?”

  “Enough! I mean it. Go home and sleep it off,” Jaxson says, trying to shrug her off.

  “Come with me and I’ll show you what you’ve been missing.”

  I roll my eyes at her arrogance, someone needs to put her in her place. The 2 beers I just drank is making me think I should be that person.

  Leave it alone Julia, this isn’t your problem.

  “I’m serious Melissa, leave! You’re only embarrassing yourself!”

  This pisses her off and she turns into a bitch. “Heard you couldn’t cut it in the Navy Jaxson. I guess you’re not as tough as you thought.”

  I gasp hurtfully at her comment to him. Okay that’s it! This bitch is going down! I stand up from my chair purposefully.

  “What the hell are you doing Julia? Stay out of it!” Wyatt shouts furiously under his breath. Ignoring him, I march over to them and stand in front of Jaxson protectively.

  “Back off! He said he’s not interested, so stop trying to whore yourself out and take a hint!” I try to keep my voice as low as possible, not wanting to draw more attention to us. I notice her eyes are glazed over and she has a wet white substance on the bottom of her nose confirming the rumors I’ve heard.

  “Mind your own business bitch,” she says giving my a hard shove, knocking me into Jaxson. So much for not drawing attention…

  Jaxson grabs my shoulders to steady me. “Don’t put your fucking hands on her again Melissa!” Jaxson threatens.

  “Of course! We wouldn’t want anything to happen to your precious Jules. Would we now?” She spats and moves her glare from Jaxson to me, “Do you really think you’re any different to him than the rest of us?” She smirks and leans close, “After we were done fucking we used to laugh at how pathetic you were. Why do you think he left in the first place? He couldn’t wait to get rid of you.”

  I hate that her words hurt me. Jaxson tenses then leans over me, grabbing her arm roughly and for a moment her smug expression turns to one of apprehension. “You’re a fucking liar and she knows it. Don’t try to pull that shit. We had one night together, one that I regret. Don’t make it out to be more than what it was. Now get the fuck out of here before I force you out.”

  She rips her arm angrily out of Jaxson’s grasp, “I think you forget where you come from Jaxson. You think just because you joined the Navy you’re a better person? You’re still nothing but trash, you always have been and always will be.”

  I take a menacing step towards her, “The only trash here is you, so do everyone a favor and go back to whatever street corner you came from tonight. And while you’re at it, wipe your nose,” I pick a napkin up off the bar and throw it at her. I hear Kayla cough trying to cover up her laugh.

  Melissa touches her nose realizing what’s there. Instead of being embarrassed like most people would she turns into more of a bitch. She leans in close to my face, her expression filled with so much hatred it causes a shiver to run down my spine. “You think you’re better than everyone else. You’ve fooled many with your innocent little act but I’ve always known better. You’re nothing more than a whore, just like your dead mother was.”

  I hear Kayla gasp and before I can control myself I pull my fist back and punch her square in the face causing her head to snap back. I hear a sickening crunch and blood pours between her fingers where she cups her nose.

  I go to jump on her but Jaxson catches me mid-air before I can reach her. “How dare you bring my mother into this you bitch!” I scream trying to kick free of Jaxson’s hold. I hate that tears are streaming down my face showing her just how much her comment hurt.

  “I hate you! Why does it always have to be you?” Before she can say anymore Wyatt grabs her arm and drags her out of the restaurant.

  Jaxson carries me out and takes me to the opposite side of the parking lot from where she is. “Let me go Jaxson, I’m not done with her yet,” I say still trying to kick free. I’m so insane with rage all I wanna do is hit her again.

  “Easy Julia, she’s not worth it. Let it go baby,” Jaxson whispers soothingly in my ear. I slump in his arms and sob as hurt takes over my anger. “I can’t believe she said that about my mother.”

  “She knew it would hurt you, don’t let her win Julia.”

  He’s right. I settle down and try to get myself under control. Jaxson turns me around so I’m facing him. He puts his hand under my chin forcing me to look at his face and wipes away my tears affectionately.

  Then he surprises me when he asks: “When the hell did you turn into Mike Tyson?”

  I burst out laughing through my tears and he smiles back. I can only imagine how I looked, I’ve never hit anyone before. I’m a little embarrassed but I don’t regret it. My laughter dies when I think about her comment about my mother, “She deserved it,” I whisper sadly.

  He nods his smile fading, “Ya, she did,” then he pulls me to him and wraps me in his arms. I wrap mine around his waist and breathe in his familiar scent. Being up against his hard, warm body brings a familiar comfort that I’ve missed. I hug him tighter and forget about our problems, just for a little while. “You didn’t have to come to my defense Jules,” he whispers in my hair.

  “Yes I did, she was way out of line. And it’s not like you can hit her. Plus I had two drinks, so I felt like it was my place.”

  He chuckles and rubs my back in comforting circles then leans down and kisses the top of my head.

  “What the hell are you doing? Get your fucking hands off of her!”

  Oh shit! Wyatt’s rage breaks our moment. Jaxson tenses and pushes me behind him.

  “Wyatt calm down!” I say panicked.

  Jaxson and Wyatt start towards each other when Cooper and Kayla come running out of nowhere.

  “Easy Jaxson,” Coop says standing in between them with his hand on Jaxson’s chest.

  Kayla runs up and hugs me tightly, “Jules are you alright?”

  “Yes I’m ok,” I hug her back, wondering where they have been this whole time.

  She steps back, “I can’t believe what that bitch said! If you hadn’t broken her nose I sure the hell was going to.”

  Wyatt interrupts us, “Let’s go Julia, we’re leaving right now!”

  “Watch your tone asshole!” Jaxson leans over Cooper and shoves Wyatt.
  “It’s ok Jaxson, I wanna go home anyways,” I hug myself feeling cold without his body heat anymore. I go to walk around him when he puts his arm out, stopping me.

  “You don’t have to leave with him Julia, come home with us.”

  A part of me wants to do just that, especially since Wyatt seems so angry at me. But I’ve already made myself too vulnerable with Jaxson and I need to be up front with Wyatt and end whatever it is he thinks this is.

  I don’t look at Jaxson when I answer, afraid I will back down if I do, “I need to go with Wyatt, I’m sorry. We’ll talk later, I promise.”

  I start to walk away when Kayla puts her hand on my shoulder, “Julia are you sure?” she looks at Wyatt worriedly.

  I give her a reassuring smile, “I’ll be fine Kayla.”

  I don’t miss Wyatt’s smug smile at Jaxson before he turns around.

  I look up at Jaxson as we drive away and guilt tears into me at the expression on his face.

  “What the hell were you thinking, Julia, getting involved with that shit?”

  I whip my head around and look at him in shock. Before I can say anything he continues, “You completely embarrassed me. I have an image to uphold, especially for my father.”

  Oh my god! He might be the most arrogant person I’ve ever met. “I can’t believe you’re mad at me for standing up for myself. Did you not hear what she said about my mother?”

  “She wouldn’t have said anything if you would have minded your own fucking business,” he shouts back at me.

  “I was standing up for my friend. She needed to be put in her place.”

  “Right! The same friend who threw you away a year ago!”

  Ok, that stings. I wish now I would have never told Wyatt about that. Tears prick my eyes at what an asshole he is.

  “You know, Melissa didn’t say anything to him that was untrue. Jaxson is a fucking loser, I don’t know why you can’t see that.”

  “He is not a loser! Don’t talk about him like that,” I scream at him, angry and hurt. He grips the steering wheel harder and glares at me, sending a jolt of fear through me.


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