Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)

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Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Page 15

by LYNN, K. C.

  “I’m not going anywhere baby, I promise,” he whispers thickly. Then he leans down and kisses my head, “Good night Julia.”

  This time I let him go and fall into a blissful sleep.

  I lock up Julia’s house on my way out and do a quick walk around to make sure the windows and other doors are locked, the back door isn’t. I shake my head pissed off, the damn woman is going to start keeping them locked at all times. I hop into my truck and adjust my painfully hard cock. I need to find some control and stay focused on fixing the mess I’ve made, not getting in Julia’s panties. But god do I ever want to get in her panties again.

  I pull back up to the police station and see Cooper’s truck still here.

  As I walk through the doors the receptionist from this afternoon stands up quickly and eye fucks me as I get up to the front desk. “Hi Jaxson, back so soon?” she purrs, leaning over to give me a view of her cleavage that comes from a great pair of fake tits.

  “Uh ya, is Coop still around?”

  “He’s in his office, go right in.”

  “Thanks,” I go to walk away but she grabs my arm before I can make my escape.

  “I’m off in an hour, wanna hook up?”

  I actually think about it for a split second. I haven’t been with anyone since Iraq, it’s been a really long fucking year without sex. But I know from experience that fucking any other girl won’t do anything to get my intense need for Julia out of my system.

  “Maybe another time,” I say noncommittally.

  “Just let me know.”

  I nod and walk into Coop’s office. He’s bent over a file looking pissed. There’s coffee and a half eaten donut next to him. Typical.

  “Hard at work with your coffee and donuts?”

  Coop’s head shoots up, “Jesus, I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  That’s one way of knowing he’s upset about something. “What has you looking like you’re ready to shoot someone?”

  Cooper lets out a frustrated breath and pinches the bridge of his nose, something he always does when he’s stressed. “Nothing, just some shit I found on someone’s past I wish I didn’t know.”

  “Anyone I know?”

  “No, but you will probably meet her. She’s a friend of the girls. Now shut up and don’t ask me anymore questions because I can’t answer them.”

  “Is it something Julia can get hurt from.”

  “No lover boy, so calm down.”

  I glare at his ‘lover boy’ comment.

  “So what brings you back here? Don’t tell me you’re turning yourself in for murdering Jennings.”

  I grunt, “I wouldn’t turn myself in, I would know exactly what to do with that prick’s body so he was never found.”

  “Fuck Jaxson, don’t say shit like that to me.”

  I chuckle, love getting a rise out of him. “I’m wondering if you can help me drive Julia’s car home for her. It’s still at the beach, I gave her a ride home earlier.”

  He grins, “So you finally found her… I was right, wasn’t I? She was hiding from you.”

  “No asshole she wasn’t. I found her sleeping on the fucking beach.”

  Coop loses his smirk, “Seriously? What the hell is wrong with her?”

  “Believe me I said the same thing… a little more pissed off. It didn’t go over well at the beginning.”

  “Ya I bet not.”

  “Speaking of which, what have you been teaching your girlfriend?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “She’s been constantly threatening to kick my ass and she seems to think she can do some serious damage to me. She says you have been showing her stuff. Whatever the hell you’re doing tone it down.”

  “Jesus!” Cooper shakes his head, “I showed her how to get out of a few holds if someone ever tried to attack her. She seems to think she’s Rocky now or some shit.”

  “Ya well I swear she’s more pissed at me than Julia is.”

  “Ignore her. I think she’s PMS-ing or something. She seems pissed at me lately for something too and I don’t have a fucking clue why. I don’t know what’s going on in that head of hers.”

  I can tell Coop seems bothered. “Everything ok with you guys?”

  He shrugs, “It will be. Let’s go, I’ll help you take Julia’s car home.”


  As we walk out of Coop’s office the receptionist stands up quickly again shoving her tits out for us to notice.

  “I’m gone for the night Jenny, you can transfer calls to my cell.”

  “You betcha darling. See ya around Jaxson,” she winks at me as I walk out.

  “Jesus, that’s quite the receptionist you have there. Has Kayla met her yet? Maybe that’s why she isn’t talking to you,” I chuckle.

  Cooper grunts, “Ya she’s met her. Trust me Kayla put the gears to her when she started, the girl barely made eye contact with me for the first month and honestly I liked that better. Be careful with her, she’s a persistent one. And she’s been banged more times than a snooze button on a Monday morning,” Coop looks over at me with a smirk before we both burst out laughing.

  Damn! It’s kind of good to be back!

  I wake up the next morning feeling almost like myself again. My ribs look really terrible but thankfully don’t feel as bad as they look. After my shower I put on a pair of black capri leggings and an off-the-shoulder hot pink shirt that’s loose and comfortable, then throw my natural curly waves into a high messy bun. I have no idea what time Jaxson’s coming, all he said was morning, so I don’t want to take too long getting ready. My stomach does a little flip at the thought of getting to see him again so soon.

  I begin making my usual green smoothie when my doorbell rings. I expect it to be Jaxson so I’m surprised when I open it that it’s Grace.

  “Grace! This is a pleasant surprise.”

  “Hi Julia,” she leans in giving me a gentle hug, “I heard what happened, are you ok?”

  “You heard already?”

  “Ya Kayla told me.”

  “Oh good at least I know you got the right story then,” I giggle and so does she.

  “Come in, I’m just making myself a green smoothie, want one?”

  “Sure,” she follows me into the kitchen and sets a pie down on my counter. “I made you this, it’s fresh from this morning.”

  Grace is an amazing baker, her specialty is pies but she can bake anything. She creates and names them all herself.

  “Grace, it’s only 9am and you baked this for me this morning?”

  Grace shrugs like it’s no big deal, “Ya, I had an itch to create something and when Kayla told me what happened I created something with all your favorites.”

  My heart warms, “That’s really sweet, thank you Grace,” I say hugging her. “What did you call it?”

  She looks at me with a straight face and says, “I named it, ‘Wyatt-is-an-asshole pie’.”

  We both burst out laughing, “That’s a great name.”

  Grace’s smile fades, “You know Julia, I’m happy you ended things with Wyatt. After your guys’ first date he came into the diner and the way he acted with me… well it scared me a bit,” she admits nervously.

  “Oh Grace, why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  “Well I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, I thought maybe I took it wrong. You and Kayla grew up here with him, I figured you knew him better. I’m sorry, I wish I would have said something now.”

  I hug her again, “Don’t be sorry, just know you can always tell me anything.”

  All of a sudden my front door opens and slams. Jaxson comes storming into the kitchen angry as hell. Grace gasps and grabs on to my arm, looking scared spit-less.

  “What the hell did I tell you about locking that goddamn door!”

  I glare at him, “Well good morning to you too, ya jerk. Why on earth would I lock it? I’m home for heaven sakes.”

  “Christ Julia, it doesn’t matter if you’re home.
If anything that’s why you should lock the damn thing!”

  I roll my eyes at him, “Give it a rest and watch your mouth. I have my friend here and you’re making a terrible first impression.”

  For the first time Jaxson looks over at Grace. Her grip has loosened a little on my arm now, realizing I know him and we have nothing to fear. I notice she’s quite shaken up though.

  I narrow my eyes at him, “Jaxson this is my good friend Grace.”

  “Shit! Uh I mean, nice to meet you. Sorry about that, but the damn woman doesn’t listen about locking her doors,” he says as an explanation while glaring at me.

  Grace stares frozen for a few seconds, I watch her eyes roam Jaxson. There’s still some fear in her expression but also appreciation. I can’t help but smile at that. She waves at him shakily and clears her throat, “Um hello. Ah what was your name again?”

  “Jaxson,” we both say at the same time.

  Grace whips her head at me, “Jaxson?” she asks in shock, then she leans over and whispers, “the Jaxson?”

  I guess Kayla left that part out this morning. I nod and tell her silently with my eyes that I’ll explain everything later, she gets the memo.

  Jaxson interrupts our silent exchange, “Are you ready to go to the station or should I come back?”

  Grace jumps in, “Oh no, I need to get to work, I just stopped in to check on Julia and give her this pie.”

  I grab Grace’s arm, “Wait! Did you walk here or take a cab?” I know it’s one or the other, because she doesn’t own a car.

  “I walked.”

  “You walked here!?” Jaxson asks in exasperation.

  “Um yes?” Grace says it as more of a question, looking nervous again.

  “Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?”

  I roll my eyes, “Jesus Jaxson, lay off. What are you the safety police?”

  “Julia, you live in the damn country! She’s walking on a gravel road.”

  “It’s not that far,” Grace says defensively.

  Jaxson shakes his head, “Whatever. I’ll drive you back in and drop you off wherever it is you work.”

  Grace looks taken back and a little pissed, “No that’s alright. I enjoy walking.”

  Jaxson glares at her, I decide to take pity on Grace, “Trust me Grace it’s an argument you won’t win. Just let us drive you back, we are headed that way anyways.”

  “Alright, thank you,” she mumbles.

  I grab two to-go cups and fill them both with the green smoothie for Grace and I, then hand one to her.

  “Thanks,” she says smiling again.

  We start walking to Jaxson’s truck when Grace grabs my arm stopping me. She leans in and whispers: “Wow Julia. You and Kayla weren’t kidding, the man is sexy. A little scary and arrogant, but damn sexy.”

  I burst out laughing, “I know.”

  Jaxson is at the front door now with his eyes narrowed waiting impatiently for us to follow, so we snap out of our giggling and get moving.

  Once we pull up to the station Jaxson comes over and helps me out of the truck. He seems to be in a better mood since I promised him on the way here that I would start locking my doors at all times. My stomach twists with dread as we start towards the entrance. Jaxson notices and surprises me when he grabs my hand and links our fingers together. When I look up at him his gaze is warm and intense. He leans down kissing my forehead, “It will be alright Julia, you’re doing the right thing.”

  I nod not feeling very convinced. As we enter through the front doors Jenny quickly stands and smiles flirtatiously at Jaxson.

  “Hi Jaxson, miss me already?” I tense with jealousy. She looks down at our joined hands and glares at me, “Julia, what are you doing here?”

  Before I can reply Jaxson jumps in, “That’s none of your business, we’re here to see Cooper.”

  I smile and stand a little taller at the way Jaxson puts her in her place. She says nothing but keeps glaring at me. Then she points towards Coop’s office.

  As we start walking to Coop’s office I can’t help but rib Jaxson, “Wow Jaxson you have been busy. First Gladys now Jenny.”

  Jaxson quirks a brow at me, “Jealous Julia?”

  I scoff, “Ya right…”

  Before I can finish Deputy Wilkinson comes out of Coop’s office.

  “Well hello Miss Julia, you’re looking lovely today,” he gives me a wink, something he always does when I have come in here; he’s the biggest flirt.

  I feel Jaxson tense and I can’t help but feel smug. I rub it in just a little bit, “Why thank you Trevor, you’re not looking too bad yourself today either,” I wink back.

  Jaxson growls and propels me forward, I smirk at his glare, “Jealous Jaxson?”

  He shakes his head, “You’re pushing it Julia.”

  I giggle as we walk into Cooper’s office.

  “Hey!” Coop says looking exhausted.

  “You look like shit,” Jaxson points out rudely.

  Cooper grunts, “Thanks asshole.”

  Seeing Cooper like this reminds me of how sad Kayla was yesterday. My heart squeezes hoping everything is alright between them.

  “Hi Cooper. Thanks for driving my car home last night with Jaxson.”

  “No problem.” He gets out of his chair and points for me to sit in it. When I do he puts a pile of papers in front of me. “I need you to fill all this out.”

  I take a deep breath and put a hand to my stomach, feeling sick now. I try my best again to get out of doing this but Cooper and Jaxson won’t hear it.

  “Trust me Julia when I say this is necessary.”

  I sigh giving in, “I do trust you, I’m just scared this is going to make things worse, but I’ll do it.”

  I reluctantly fill out the paperwork. A half hour later I get up and hand the papers to Cooper.

  “It takes anywhere from 24-48 hours for this to process. I will speed it up as quickly as I can. You need to make sure you tell us right away if he tries to contact you after this. I mean it Julia.”

  I nod silently, not looking at either of them.

  We walk out of Coop’s office and I have a moment of panic when I see him hand the paperwork to Jenny. “I need you to fax this to the number attached right away.”

  She looks down at it then looks up at me in shock, “You’re putting a restraining order on Wyatt Jennings? Aren’t you dating him?” she asks snottily.

  My stomach twists at her outburst.

  “Jenny, you have no right to ask questions. Do I need to remind you what your job is?” Cooper asks heatedly.

  She swallows nervously, “No of course not. I understand.”

  I shake my head and storm out of the station. Jaxson comes up from behind, spins me around and holds me tight. “Everybody is going to think what she just said,” I mumble sadly into his chest.

  “Who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks? You did the right thing Julia.”

  I shake my head, “Can you just take me home?”

  “Ya come on,” he says slinging his arm around me.

  We pull up to my house and Jaxson leaves his truck running which tells me he isn’t staying, much to my disappointment.

  “What are you doing tonight?” he asks helping me from the truck.

  “Nothing right now.”

  He clears his throat, “Want to go out for supper?”

  I can’t help but smile when he shifts nervously, “Ya, I’d like that.”

  “I’ll pick you up at 6 ok?”

  I nod then feel nervous with what I’m about to say, “You know Jaxson, you don’t have to stay at the hotel, you could stay here with me if you wanted to.” I see him tense and before he gets the wrong idea I rush to say, “I have more than enough room, I have three spare rooms.”

  I know the answer before he even responds: “I don’t think that’s a good idea Julia.”

  I look down feeling embarrassed, “Ok,” I say quietly. Then I shrug, acting like it’s no big deal, “Just thought I’d offer. I�
��ll see you at 6.”

  I turn to leave when Jaxson wraps his arms around me from behind and pulls me back against him. He leans in putting his mouth close to my ear, “I appreciate the offer Julia, but the problem is, your bedroom door will do nothing to stop me from coming into your room at night and sinking into that sweet hot pussy of yours.”

  Oh lord! My panties become soaked from his rough erotic whisper in my ear and before I can stop myself I push back against his erection and whimper from the contact. Jaxson groans at the same time and his grip tightens on my hips. “Be a good girl Julia and go into the house before I lose control and fuck you right here on your driveway.”

  I try to move, I really do, but I’m completely rooted to my spot. He growls then quickly turns me around and crushes his lips roughly to my forehead, “I’ll be back at 6,” then he’s back in his truck before I get my feet moving. I walk quickly into the house and close the door, leaning my forehead against it. Holy crap! My back still burns hot from where he was pressed against me. I look at the lock on my door and I can’t stop the smile over-taking my face when I click it in place.

  Later that afternoon as I’m folding and putting my laundry away I get a knock on the door. I look at the clock wondering if it’s Jaxson, but it’s way too early. I walk down and open the door to a crying Kayla.

  “Kayla, what’s wrong?” I ask worriedly, pulling her in from outside. Tears are pouring down her face and her eyes are swollen telling me she’s been crying for a while. She’s hugging herself as if trying to keep warm. I usher her to my couch with my arm wrapped around her.

  “Oh god Julia!” is all she manages to get out.

  “Kayla what is it? You’re scaring me to death.”

  She looks at me with devastation, “I’m pretty sure Cooper is cheating on me.”

  “What!?” I ask in shock, “No! No way Kayla, he would never do something like that to you, he loves you.”

  She shakes her head, “I have suspected something for a couple of weeks now, but I shut the thought down because, just like you, I thought he would never do that to me.” She takes a deep breath trying to get words out through her tears, “But I’ve caught him lying to me. The other night he called me at 6, told me he was working late at the station, I decided to surprise him and bring him supper. When I got there he wasn’t there, Jenny said he had left at 5. Julia he didn’t get home till 10 that night,” she starts crying harder and I rub her back trying to soothe her.


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