Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)

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Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Page 20

by LYNN, K. C.

  “Holy shit! You guys thought we were both fucking her didn’t you?”

  I don’t bother to confirm.

  He shakes his head and laughs bitterly, “This is too fucked up, even for me. I’m going to bed,” with that he turns and walks upstairs, without another word.

  After locking up I crawl into bed but I can’t help being worried about Kayla. I send her a quick text telling her to call if she needs me then I cry myself to sleep.

  I don’t know if it was from the fucked up night that happened earlier with Kayla and Cooper or from Sawyer bringing up what the Admiral wants from us, but somehow I knew nightmares would plague me that night and I was right.

  I’m back in that fucking hell hole, the cold damp cell reeking of blood and death. My wrists are chained above my head, as my broken body burns and aches from the pain I had endured earlier. Christ! A part of me almost wishes they would pump those fucking drugs in us that they did at the beginning, at least then I would be too fucked up to feel all this.

  No. It’s good they stopped, I need to keep a clear head if I’m going to get out of this. I look over at Sawyer and Cade. Shit! If I look as bad as they do, then no wonder why those assholes think they don’t have to worry about incapacitating us with those fucking drugs anymore.

  Sawyer groans and looks over at me, “You look like shit!”

  I grunt, then immediately regret it, “Ya well, you don’t look too fucking pretty either.”

  I’m hoping Cade comes around soon. They really did a fucking number on him after what he did to that sick fuck who was rubbing Faith in his face. I drop my head down, feeling too weak to hold it up. Panic floods my system when I look down at my chest.


  Sawyer looks over at me, “What?”

  “My fucking chain, it’s gone.”

  “They ripped it off you,” a quiet female voice says.

  My head snaps up in surprise at the cell to my left. There’s a girl chained to the fucking bed. Jesus Christ! When the hell did she show up here?

  “How long have you been here?” I ask her.

  “I don’t know, I think a few hours,” her voice is shaking with fear, I also realize she’s American and she sounds fucking young.

  “How did you get here?”

  She starts to cry, “I don’t know. I’m travelling with my school, a friend and I snuck out at night to go to the beach. These boys were trying to take my friend home, she was drinking and something didn’t seem right with her. I was only drinking pop but now I don’t remember anything and next thing I know I woke up in the back of a van and I haven’t seen my friend since.”

  “Your school travelled to Iraq?” Sawyer asks the question I was just thinking. What school travels to a fucking war zone, something doesn’t make sense.

  “Iraq? No we are in Thailand.”

  Jesus Christ! Knowing that she was shipped here from Thailand confirms my original suspicion, that were smack fucking dab in the middle of a human trafficking ring.

  She whimpers when I don’t say anything, “We, we, aren’t in Thailand?”

  I let out a heavy breath, “No, you’re in Iraq.”

  “Oh my god, they’re never going to find me, I’m never going to see my parents again,” she starts sobbing, her fear robbing her of breath.

  My chest constricts at the sound of her agony. And something builds up in me that I haven’t felt in a long time… protectiveness. “Hey it’s alright. Listen everything’s going to be okay. What is your name?”

  “A, Anna.”

  “Hey Anna, I’m Jaxson and these are my buddies Cade and Sawyer.” I’m hoping she doesn’t consider addressing Cade since he’s still out of it. “We’re Navy Seals, do you know what that is?”

  Her cries start to settle, good the distracting is working. “I think so, isn’t that like soldiers?”

  “Ya kinda…”

  “Except we’re way more bad ass.” The girl giggles at Sawyer’s interruption, but soon she quiets and I hear her crying again.

  “How old are you Anna?”


  Fuck me!

  “Well Anna, we have every intention of getting out of here and I promise we won’t leave without you okay?”

  Christ! Please let me be able to get her the fuck out of here.

  “O, Okay.”

  “Where are you from?”

  “I live in South Carolina.”

  “No shit?” Fuck! I shouldn’t have said that. “So am I. What part?”


  “That’s only a few hours from where I grew up.”

  She goes silent again and I leave her be, thinking she fell asleep. But she proves me wrong when a few minutes later she says, “It was the fat smelly one.”

  Huh? “What’s that?”

  “The guy who ripped your necklace off. He’s fat, smelly and his teeth are disgusting. Do you know which one I’m talking about?”

  “Ya,” and I did know, the dick whose nose I broke when he took my picture of Julia and made his goddamn remark about fucking her.

  “Was it special?” she asks quietly.



  Me fucking too.

  “What are they going to do to me?”

  Her fearful question hits me like a blow to my chest, “Nothing if I can help it.”

  After that she did fall asleep. I look over at Sawyer, “You need to keep working on Irina. She’s our only hope of getting the fuck out of here.” I whisper, making sure not to wake Anna.

  Sawyer nods, “Ya, I know.”

  We doze off and wake up some time later to a fearful scream.

  “No, don’t touch me! Ow stop!”

  I look over and see two guys grabbing Anna, one of them the perverted fuck whose nose I broke and took my chain. The mother fucker has her by her hair.

  “Come on bitch, we have a customer who can’t wait to break you in.”

  Oh fuck. No!

  Anna screams louder, “No! Jaxson help me! Please, help me!”

  I shoot awake drenched in sweat, my heart pounding so loud in my fucking ears it’s all I can hear.

  I fall back down till I get my heart under control again. Looking to the clock I see it’s 5:00 am. Knowing I won’t be going back to sleep I get up and hop in the shower and try to wash the fucking guilt away.

  The next morning I wake up and look at my phone, hoping Kayla texted me back, she didn’t. I send her another one asking her if she’s alright, then I get out of bed and throw on my robe before I head downstairs. Jaxson is up already sitting at the kitchen table with coffee and the paper. He doesn’t look at me as I walk in and it makes me want to cry all over again.

  I walk over to him tentatively. Grabbing his face in my hands I make him look at me, “I’m sorry, please don’t be mad at me anymore,” I whisper sadly.

  He lets out a breath and pulls me down on his lap, I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his neck. “We didn’t know Jaxson, all the evidence pointed to what we thought.”

  “I know Jules,” he shoves his hand under my robe and rubs comforting circles on my upper thigh.

  Looking up I rest my forehead against his and stare at the cut on his lip from the fight. I touch the wound gently, “This is my fault,” then I press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.

  His eyes heat and his grip tightens on my thigh, “No it’s not baby.”

  Suddenly the doorbell rings.

  “I’ll get it, you get yourself something to eat,” Jaxson kisses my forehead before I get up to let him answer it.

  A few seconds later Kayla comes barging into my kitchen in her pajamas. Her eyes look the same as mine- red and puffy, but she has a huge smile on her face.

  “Oh my god!” I run up and hug her, “I’ve been so worried about you. Are you ok? How’s Cooper?”

  At that Cooper comes walking in sporting a busted lip, with Jaxson trailing behind him.

  Cooper nods at me, �
��Hi Julia.”

  “Hi Coop,” I whisper nervously.

  I look back at Kayla who still has a huge smile on her face, “Everything is ok,” she lifts her hand showing me her finger. I gasp and grab her hand studying the massive rock. “We’re getting married!”

  I look back up at her face, my own smile spreading, “You’re getting married?”

  She nods her head with a huge infectious smile.

  I hug her tight, “I’m so happy for you guys.”

  Stepping back I look over at Cooper. He gives me a small grin, telling me we’re ok and it causes me to break down. I walk over and wrap my arms around him. “I’m so sorry I thought you were a cheating bastard Cooper,” I say blubbering into his chest.

  He snickers and hugs me back tightly, “It’s alright Jules. Sorry I told you to shut the fuck up.”

  Kayla comes over and Cooper lifts his other arm to pull her in tight too.

  Kayla backs away first, “Don’t you have something else to say Cooper?” She asks, flicking her eyes back and forth towards Jaxson.


  “Cooper, apologize to Jaxson too,” Kayla whispers harshly.

  I look over at Jaxson and see him smirking at Cooper.

  “No fucking way.”

  Kayla glares at Cooper’s response.

  Coop lets out a deep breath then walks over and puts his hand out to Jaxson, “Sorry asshole,” he mutters under his breath.

  “Cooper!” Kayla scolds and I can’t help but giggle.

  Jaxson grabs his hand smugly.

  “Jaxson don’t you have something to say back?”

  He glares at me, “Why the fuck should I say sorry?”

  “For punching him.”

  He scoffs.

  “It’s ok Julia, I’m used to being the bigger man,” Cooper says with a smirk.

  Jaxson grabs him in a headlock, which Cooper gets out of easily, and they start play wrestling.

  Kayla and I roll our eyes at their barbaric way of apologizing. Then she looks at me with a huge smile again, “Will you be my maid of honor Jules?”

  I start blubbering again, “Of course I will.”

  When we step back and look at each other we can’t contain the excitement anymore, we start squealing and jump up and down.

  “This is going to be so fun!”

  “I know! I’m so fucking excited!” Kayla saying laughing as we continue to jump around excitedly.

  We settle down and see Jaxson and Cooper staring at us like we’re crazy.

  Whatever! Guys don’t get stuff like this.

  I turn back to Kayla, “We can reschedule our girls night if you want. I completely understand if you want to celebrate with Cooper.”

  “No Coop has to work for a bit tonight anyways, so you, Grace and I can celebrate. Katelyn told me about this great club that just opened in Charleston.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Jaxson grunts, “How are you guys getting there?”

  I shrug, “We’ll take a cab.”

  “Coop said he will come get us after.”


  We make our plans and decide to get ready together here at my place.

  Cooper cuts in, “Alright lets go. I have plans for you for the rest of the day,” he picks up a giggling Kayla and hauls her out of the house.

  “See ya later!” I yell laughing before he closes the door.

  I turn around to Jaxson, a beaming smile on my face, “Oh my god Jaxson, they’re getting married!” I scream excitedly and launch myself in his arms, “Isn’t this so exciting?”

  Jaxson catches me and laughs at my excitement. “I’m going to go call Grams.” I push out of his arms and bolt upstairs to my room.

  Later that evening Kayla, Grace and I are in my room getting ready with our favorite new drink- Twisted Tea.

  Kayla pulls a short black cocktail dress out of her bag, when she puts it on it hugs her body in all the right places. There’s a strap that goes over one shoulder and her long blond hair flows in big curls down her shoulders.

  “Wow,” Grace and I say in unison.

  “Thanks,” she still has a beaming smile and her face glows with her happiness.

  Grace looks at me timidly now, “Um Julia, do you think I could borrow a dress from you? I don’t really have anything nice enough for the club we are going to.”

  I instantly feel bad. Kayla and I should have thought about that and asked her earlier.

  “Of course, I have a couple you can choose from.”

  She ends up choosing a yellow silk strapless dress which looks stunning against her golden skin. Grace is an incredibly beautiful, yet simple woman. Most of the time her long blond hair is tied back and her face free of makeup. One of her best features are her eyes. They are a unique, warm, amber color, almost the same color as whisky.

  I suddenly get an itch to do a makeover, “Grace, can Kayla and I do your hair and makeup?”

  “Sure, my makeup selection is pretty sparse though,” she says, embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry, we got you covered,” Kayla says pulling out her massive makeup bag.

  With that we start on our creation.

  “I still can’t believe you’re getting married Kayla. I am so happy for you,” Grace says while I curl her hair and Kayla does her makeup.

  We told Grace earlier about our little escapade last night. We were all able to chuckle about it, even though last night it wasn’t very funny.

  “Thanks Grace. I was hoping you would be a bridesmaid? I’d really like both you and Julia beside me.”

  Grace gasps with excitement, “Oh my gosh, really? You want me to be a bridesmaid?”

  Kayla nods.

  “Oh I would love to! Thank you Kayla for asking me,” Grace gets emotional and hugs her.

  “I want to have a celebration supper for you and Cooper with some friends. Are you free two weeks from now? Grace, is that enough time for you to book it off?”

  “That would be great, thanks Jules! I’ll make sure Coop books it off.”

  “It works for me too. I’ll make sure I book that day off from the diner and then I can help you prepare.”

  All of a sudden we hear my door bell ring. Grace and Kayla look at me in confusion.

  “It’s probably Sawyer and Cade. I think they’re hanging out with Jaxson tonight.”

  Kayla’s smile brightens, “Ah the famous Seal boys I have yet to meet. Glad I’ll finally get the chance. They’re all I have heard about all week from clients who have spotted them around town.”

  “Oh they’re something alright,” Grace mutters under her breath.

  I giggle at Grace’s remark and I remember Sawyer at the diner… “I think Sawyer has a crush on you Grace.”

  Grace scoffs but her cheeks turn pink, “I think Sawyer is the type to have a crush on anything with boobs.”

  I laugh again and don’t deny the accusation. He does seem that way but there’s something I saw in him, the way he looked at Grace at the diner. It bothered him that she didn’t melt into a puddle like every other girl does when he’s near them.

  “Anyways, I’m not his type, at least not anymore.” Kayla and I look over at each other when we hear the sadness in her voice.

  I tread carefully wanting her to open up, “Oh and why would you say that?”

  She shrugs, “I can just tell. He’s a confident guy, which means he’s into confident girls. Girls who know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it. Not girls who are damaged.”

  I can tell she wants to open up but she’s nervous. I don’t say anything but move to sit behind her on the bed and put my arm around her, offering her silent comfort. Kayla does the same on the other side and we wait for her to continue, which she does.

  She takes a big breath, “There’s a lot I haven’t told y’all.”

  “You can tell us anything Grace, you can trust us.”

  I nod my head at Kayla’s words.

  “I told y’all that I lost my m
other when I was 17, but I didn’t tell you how. She was raped and murdered.” Kayla and I both gasp at her admission, but we keep silent and hold her tighter, not wanting to interrupt. “We were really close, and she was all I had. I came home when it happened; they almost killed me too.”

  The tears I’ve been trying to hold at bay start sliding free. I look over at Kayla and see one escape her too. “I’m so sorry Grace. I know what it’s like to lose someone you love so much.”

  She smiles sadly at me, “I know you do Julia.” She takes another big breath, “The men who hurt her, hurt us, they’re in prison back in Florida, that’s where I’m originally from. The whole reason I came here was to find my father; I have never met him. My mother told me his name and where he lived last so it wasn’t hard to find him, he lives in Charleston. I haven’t had the courage yet to contact him. He’s kind of a big deal, he’s the lieutenant governor.”

  “Holy shit! Your father is John Weston Jr.?” Kayla asks in shock.

  Grace nods, “Ya, that’s why I’m nervous. He knows about me but he has a family now- a wife and 2 other daughters. I’m just scared of what his response will be to me.”

  I interrupt her now, “No matter who he is or what his job is, he’s lucky to have a daughter like you Grace.”

  “Damn straight,” Kayla adds.

  Grace smiles, “Thanks, I’m really glad I met y’all, you both have come to mean a lot to me.”

  I choke up again at her thoughtful words, “We feel the same way.” Kayla and I both hug her now.

  “Oh darn, we need to stop this,” Grace says sniffling, “I didn’t mean to put a damper on our girls night. I’m sorry.”

  “You didn’t, don’t be sorry. We’re glad you opened up to us. I know there’s more you probably haven’t told us.” The look in her eyes confirms my suspicions. “Know we are always here for you and you can trust us with anything Grace.”

  “Thanks,” she whispers quietly.

  “Alright let me fix your makeup before we take you to a mirror,” Kayla says. I decide to touch mine up too since I’m blotchy from the tears.

  When we finish we walk Grace to the bathroom with Kayla covering her eyes, then we reveal her.


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