Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor)

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Fighting Temptation (Men Of Honor) Page 25

by LYNN, K. C.

  Vince smirks arrogantly, “The bitch shouldn’t be behind the fucking wheel. She can’t drive worth a shit.”

  Cooper starts walking over to him but since I’m right beside him I get up in his face first. “Hey! Don’t you talk about my Grams like that!”

  He glares at me and leans in to my face but before he gets a chance to say anything I get reefed back and Vince vanishes before my eyes.

  Big hands steady me when I go careening back, I look over my shoulder to see Cade. “Thanks,” I say shakily. He nods and then I hear something shatter. I look back to see it’s the beer bottle that Vince had. It smashed to the ground when Jaxson knocked it out of his hand and slammed him up against the house.

  “I don’t know who the hell you are, but if you don’t get the fuck off this property in 10 seconds, by the time I’m done with you, you won’t be able to remember your own fucking name.”

  You can tell Vince is considering his options. He’s a big guy and since he’s a bouncer I’m sure he can handle himself well. But he’s no match for Jaxson. I think he realizes this as well when he looks around at all the guys.

  “No problem man, just let me get my girl and we’re out of here.”

  Jaxson releases him but stays close. I look over to see Katelyn crying.

  “Let’s go!” Vince barks out starting over to her.

  I run up and grab her arm before he can reach her. “No! She’s staying here with us.” Katelyn looks at me in surprise, but holds my hand firmly, showing me she wants to stay.

  “I don’t think so bitch, so you better…oomph”

  Jaxson brings his knee up in Vince’s gut, making him double over.

  “Time’s up asshole.”

  “I’m not leaving without my girl,” Vince wheezes out painfully.

  Cooper looks over to Katelyn, “Do you want to leave with him Katelyn?”

  She looks nervously at Vince. I squeeze her hand for encouragement. She stands up straighter and squares her shoulders, “No I don’t. Leave Vince and don’t contact me again.”

  “You heard her. Time to go,” Cooper walks up to Vince’s other side and helps Jaxson drag him out.

  Katelyn walks over to Grams, “I’m so sorry Miss Margaret. I tried to tell him to stop. I feel even more terrible now knowing it was you.”

  Gram hugs her, “It’s alright dear, you have nothing to be sorry about. He is responsible for his own actions.”

  Katelyn looks over to me now, “I’m sorry Julia, I didn’t mean to ruin anyone’s night.”

  I smile, “You didn’t. I’m glad you stayed.”

  “Me too,” Kayla says walking over and giving her a hug.

  “And me,” Grace says following Kayla’s hug.

  “And me,” Sawyer walks up hugging them all.

  Everyone laughs. It’s the one thing I love most about Sawyer he can break tension and make everyone smile while doing it. I look over to see Jaxson and Cooper at the back door. Jaxson’s looking at me with an expression I can’t decipher. But when I give him a small smile, he returns one of his own.

  God I really love him.

  Later that evening, after everyone left, Sawyer and Cade decided to stay and have another beer with Jaxson. Sawyer asked if I wanted to join them but I politely declined. I was exhausted from the day’s events. Actually I had found myself the last few days feeling exceptionally tired.

  I hope I’m not coming down with something.

  Jaxson’s sitting at the kitchen table when I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck. “I’m off to bed, I’m exhausted.”

  His hand strokes the inside of my bare leg sending goosebumps to break out over my skin. “I’ll be up after this,” he says holding up his beer.

  I lean down and kiss him, “That’s fine, take your time.” I walk over to Sawyer and Cade, giving them both a hug, “Good night boys. Take that left-over pie.”

  Sawyer kisses my cheek when I give him a hug, “Night Jules thanks for having us.”

  Jaxson kicks the bottom of his chair, “Lips to yourself asshole.”

  I giggle and shake my head on the way out.

  As I’m getting on my shorts and tank for bed I realize I left my cell down in the kitchen. Wanting to text Katelyn before bed I make my way downstairs. Half-way down I catch glimpses of the guys conversation.

  “I can’t hold the Admiral off anymore Jaxson. We need to make a decision and we need to make one now, are we going to help with this rescue mission or not?” I freeze at the bottom of the stairs, Sawyer’s words filling me with dread.

  “Christ! I don’t know, I mean natural instinct is telling me yes we need to go help, but after what happened… to willingly walk back in to what we just came out of? I just, I don’t know… Cade, what do you want to do?”

  “Like I said, I’ll do whatever you guys want.”

  Not being able to listen to one more word I storm into the kitchen shaking with hurt and anger, “How can any of you even consider this!?” They all swing their heads in surprise at my entrance.

  “Fuck!” Jaxson says shaking his head.

  I stomp closer to him, “What are you thinking!? Haven’t you been through enough? Haven’t you all been through enough!?” angry tears prick my eyes.

  Jaxson reaches out to me, “Calm down baby, come here. We haven’t decided…”

  I step back before he can grab me, “No! How could you keep this from me? What else are you hiding?”

  “Damn it Julia, nothing. You’re over-reacting.”

  “The hell I am! You promised! You promised me you wouldn’t leave again! You lied to me!”

  Before I completely lose it in front of them all, I run back upstairs to my room. Slamming my door, I crawl in bed and curl in a ball. The thought of Jaxson leaving again- and possibly getting hurt or worse- breaks something in me, something that I may never get back… my heart.

  “Well fuck me!” I stand up slamming my chair into the wall.

  “I told you to tell her man.”

  I glare over at Sawyer, “I didn’t want to say anything till we made a fucking decision.”

  “Ya and because of that she just got fucking blind-sided. Listen Jaxson, you need to think hard about this. Is this something that’s worth hurting her over? I feel the same way as you do, I want to help. But let’s face it, if we don’t go, someone else will. It isn’t like the mission will fail if we say no. If we were still part of the Navy then this wouldn’t even be a question, we would haul our asses out there and do what we needed to do. But we aren’t a part of the Navy anymore; for a damn good reason too if you ask me.”

  I run my hand through my hair in frustration feeling pissed at myself. I should have fucking told her. Things have been so good lately I didn’t want to ruin it.

  As they get up to leave Sawyer puts his hand on my shoulder, “Think about it. You know we’ll go along with whatever you want to do. Just remember what I said- someone else will do it if we say no.” Cade nods his head in agreement, slaps me on my back and follows Sawyer out.

  Locking up behind them I head upstairs wondering what the fuck I’m going to find once I walk into the room. Bracing myself at the door I open it and see nothing but darkness. Once my eyes adjust I see Julia curled up on her side of the bed with her back to me. If it weren’t for the quiet sniffles I would think she was asleep. I turn on the lamp, bringing the room to a soft glow.

  “Jules?” I call her name softly as I walk over to her. When she doesn’t answer I get down on my knees in front of her, her face is buried into the pillow trying to hide her tears but I can see the streaks on her one cheek. She’s clutching a tissue in one hand and her shoulders shake from her silent cries.

  My chest tightens painfully at seeing her hurt like this, “Please don’t cry Jules. Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”

  She shakes her head, “No it’s not. It’s not going to be okay Jaxson. You lied to me. You promised you wouldn’t leave me again.”

  “I’m sorry, I should have told yo
u. But you need to know Jules, if we decide to do this, if I leave, it won’t be forever. I’ll come back to you.”

  She snaps her head up and reaches out grabbing my shirt with a strength that shocks the shit out of me, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep! You can’t promise you will come back to me! Something could happen to you. Look at what happened last time,” the sudden flash of her anger disappears and turns back into agony. She drops back down and shakes her head, “Jaxson, I have never asked anything from you. I have supported you in everything you chose to do, even if I didn’t like it. But I’m begging you now, please don’t do this, please don’t leave again. I won’t survive if something happens to you.”

  Her agonized plea destroys me but also brings clarity. Leaning over, I cover the top half of her body with my own. My face becoming wet with her tears when I bury it in her neck. Kissing up her throat I bring my lips to her ear, “Okay, I won’t go.”

  She goes completely still under me, “What?”

  “I said I won’t go. I’ll do anything Jules to have you not hurt like this.” And that’s the goddamn truth, nothing or no one matters to me more than her.

  Suddenly her mouth crashes to mine and she kisses me with a desperation that I’ve never felt from her. My blood runs hot and my body kicks into over-drive. Tangling my hands in her hair I take control of the kiss, tasting her salty tears with every hot, wet stroke of my tongue. Her hands pull at my shirt frantically as she tries to remove it from my body. Sitting up I reach one arm behind my shoulders and rip it off with one swift pull. When I come back to her, she’s sitting up on the edge of the bed, with her legs dangling on either side of me. Her beautiful exotic eyes bore into mine, storming with passion and… something else. Something I’m too scared to acknowledge. Laying her soft warm hand on my stomach she runs it slowly up my body, stopping right over my pounding heart. Licking those sexy fucking lips of hers she whispers, “I love you.”

  Even though her words don’t surprise me, they still hit me like a fucking blow to the chest, sucking the goddamn air right out of my lungs. She covers my mouth with her hand before I can react, “Don’t say anything. I don’t want you to say anything back.” She removes her hand from my mouth and leans her forehead against mine. “I just… I needed you to know that I still loved you. I never stopped Jaxson and I never will.”

  My heart swells so fucking much that it hurts. So many emotions rage inside of me right now: happiness, fear and most of all self-loathing. I have never hated myself more in my life than I do in this moment. She deserves to hear the words back but I’m too much of a fucking pussy to say them; because the last woman I said ‘I love you’ to, left and never came back.

  I let out a heavy breath and shake my head, “I don’t fucking deserve you.”

  She grabs the bottom of her tank and pulls it over her head, baring me to the most beautiful site of my life. “Yes you do. You deserve all of me, including my heart.”

  I become consumed with the need to touch her and since I can’t say the words I feel, I decide to show her. Running my hands up the sides of her smooth toned stomach I bring them around and cup her full firm breasts, my thumbs brushing over their tight tips.

  “Jaxson,” she leans back on straight arms, arching and whimpering my name, the sight and sound of her going straight to my cock.

  “You’re so damn beautiful Julia, every fucking perfect inch of you.”

  Leaning over her I suck a taut nipple into my mouth, grazing it with my teeth. She gasps and brings one hand to my head, curling her fingers in my hair, while the other one still braces her weight. I cup her other soft mound, pinching and rolling the tight tip with my thumb and forefinger. Her hips raise off the bed, her hot covered center hitting my bare stomach. Intense need rushes through my veins and suddenly this isn’t enough. Needing to give her more I wrap one arm around her lower back and the other on her ass, picking her up I turn us around and fall back on the bed bringing her on top of me. A low growl erupts from my throat when she grinds against my hard cock. Grabbing her hips I inch her further up my stomach until she’s sitting on my chest. She looks down at me nervously and I can tell she isn’t sure what I’m about to do. Good! It means that fucking ex of hers never did this to her. I raise my head up and plant a soft kiss to her flat bare stomach, then grabbing the side of her tiny shorts, I rip and shred them from her body. She gasps, grabbing on to my shoulders to steady herself. Her bare pussy is only inches from my face now and I fucking ache to taste her.

  Palming her ass I inch her closer, “Come here baby, grab onto the headboard.”

  She looks down at me with uncertainty, “What are you going to do?”

  I smirk up at her, “You’re going to ride my face while I fuck your sweet pussy with my mouth. “

  Her face flames but her eyes shine bright with curiosity and need. She grabs on to the headboard but takes too long to bring herself over my mouth. I inch down until her soft warm thighs are on either side of my head, my mouth coming in direct line with what I crave most. Raising my head I burrow my mouth into her hot wet flesh and groan when her taste explodes on my tongue.

  “Oh fuck!” Julia’s pleasured curse shocks the shit out of me and almost makes me come in my fucking pants.

  She tangles one hand in my hair while the other one stays braced on the headboard. Her trepidation forgotten, she fucks my mouth with desperation. Her sweet scent penetrates my senses as I work her with my tongue. Fuck me, she tastes incredible! I lick and suck her swollen clit, the nub getting harder and firmer against my tongue. Her breath quickens and her movements become more frantic. Knowing she’s close I bring my hand up behind her and coat my fingers with her lube. Then I slam 2 fingers inside her, and that was it, she shattered. Blissful moans leave her mouth, drowning out any remaining silence that’s left in the room. I keep up my rhythm, drinking every last bit of pleasure that spills from her.

  Her legs begin to shake as she fights to hold herself up. My hands span her hips but before I can lift her like I planned to, she grabs my wrists stopping me.

  Smiling at me seductively she whispers, “Stay right where you are.”

  So I do, because I’m in no fucking hurry to move from this spot. As she inches herself back down my body I trail my mouth and kiss every inch of golden skin that passes my face. When her perfect tits come in line with my mouth I lick and nip at one tight tip as it passes. She moans, digging her fingers into my shoulders, my cock jerks from the sting of her nails. Soon she’s kissing her way down my chest, trailing her tongue along the contours of my body. I thread my fingers in her hair as hot need coils low in my stomach. My cock aches for release and I know if I don’t get inside of her soon I’m going to fucking humiliate myself by coming in my pants.

  “Baby, as much as I love your mouth on my body if you don’t speed this up, we’re going to be in serious trouble.”

  She giggles but thankfully moves with more urgency. Sitting on my thighs she works the button on my jeans and starts lowering them. As soon as my cock springs free, she wraps one warm hand around it and strokes me firmly from base to tip.

  “Fuck me!” my hips jerk off the bed as I pump myself into her hand. My dick charged and painfully hard I can’t wait a second longer to get inside her. “Julia baby, I need inside of you, right fucking now.” My hands span her hips bringing her warmth over my dick. Keeping her hand wrapped around me she positions my cock at her entrance and slowly starts to sink down on me. I groan, digging my fingers into her hips.

  “Fuck! You’re so hot, so tight.”

  Even though it’s only my dick that’s surrounded by her heat, my whole body goes warm, including my heart. Hands braced on my stomach, I watch her as she sinks inch by glorious inch onto my cock.

  And Jesus Christ was she a fucking sight.

  A light sheen of sweat covers her body, bringing her bronzed skin to a glowing effect. Her long hair tumbles around her bare shoulders, framing her perfect tits. Eyes closed, face tilted up, her expression
is soft and sweet.

  A goddamn angel that’s what she is.

  She moans once she’s fully seated on me, “God, I love how you fill me up.”

  Jesus, was she trying to kill me?

  Her movements start out slow and unsure; my teeth grind so hard with restraint that my jaw begins to ache. Reaching up I cup both of her tits, her tight nipples scraping along my palms as I caress them.

  Moaning, she arches into my hands and her speed picks up as she finds her rhythm.

  “Fuck yes, that’s it baby, ride me.”

  I jerk my hips up into her, making her gasp, “Oh!”

  I smile at her reaction, “You like that?” I jerk my hips up again harder this time.

  She whimpers, “I love it. I love everything I do with you. I, I love you.”

  My heart swells with a mix of pleasure and pain at her words. I still can’t believe that I was lucky enough to meet this girl. To have her become my best friend and then to become… mine.

  She deserves better, she deserves more.

  Shooting up, I wrap an arm around her slender back and one at the back of her head, bringing her mouth to mine. Wanting to silence the fucking stupid, but truthful, voice in my head. Ya I know, I’m a selfish bastard. I kiss her slow and deep showing her how much she means to me.

  This is my favorite place to be in the world, being surrounded by Julia. Her taste, her scent, to be inside of her. I constantly ache for her, body and soul.

  We both gasp for breath when I rip my mouth from hers. Keeping my hand on the back of her head I keep her lips close to mine and stare into her seductive eyes, “You own me Julia, every fucking part of me.”

  She cups my face affectionately and gives me one of her beautiful smiles. A smile that always tightens my chest and proves to me that the world can be a good place.

  “I know,” she responds before placing a tender kiss against my forehead, just like the one I’m always giving to her. Then she’s placing one at the corner of my eye, my cheek, and continues peppering kisses all over my face. My throat feeling tight, I bury my face in her chest. Our bodies stop moving, my cock still seated deep inside of her tight heat, as we hold each other.


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