Jane Jamison

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Jane Jamison Page 10

by A Wolf's Lust

  “Yeah, but people tend to stick their finger in the icing before actually eating the cake.”

  He laughed, pleased that she had wit and humor. “Not us. We like to take the cake and devour it whole.”

  He touched her cheek, wiping away a droplet of water. “Don’t worry about it for now. We have all the time in the world.”

  “That’s what Victor said.”

  “I’ve got to admit it. Victor’s a smart man. But don’t tell him I said so.”

  He took her other breast and saw a quick reaction of lust in her eyes as he rubbed his thumb over her hard bud. She was so responsive to his touch, so ready to let him do whatever he wanted. His cock ached to plunge inside her pussy.

  He dropped lower and brought her nipple into his mouth. He lavished his tongue over it as she dug her fingernails into his shoulders. She lay her head back, pushing her breasts toward him, and thrust her hips forward to tempt his cock.

  Coming up for air, he wrapped his arms around her and took them toward the shore. As soon as he could touch the pond’s floor with his feet, he stopped, keeping her upper torso above water and giving him the first real look at her breasts. They were full and turned upward, beckoning him to take them. He groaned and brought her legs around him again.

  All his plans to go slowly fled as soon as her hot pussy pushed against his cock. Digging his fingers into her hair, he grabbed her butt and brought her closer. Growling, he plunged his cock inside her pussy.

  She leaned away from him, throwing her head back. Her long, wet hair trailed along her back, and he bent again to take her nipple into his mouth.

  “Rub me.”

  He did as she asked, moving a hand to slide between her folds. Later he would taste her, but he couldn’t have said no to anything she wanted him to do. His thumb massaged the bundle of nerves as she answered his thrusts with her own.

  Sam groaned and flattened her hands against his chest. He rubbed harder, faster, as he slammed his cock deep inside her. Feeling his cock against his hand as he continued to massage her clit sent him even higher, and he had to clench his teeth to keep from exploding. He’d never had a woman make him so hard so fast before.

  Unable to wait for the next time, he had to see her, all of her. Pulling away from her and hearing her guttural complaint low in her throat, he carried her to the large, flat rock. Her clothes were almost dry, but he didn’t care if he got them wet again. He flung them off the rock and sat her down.

  “My clothes.”

  “What clothes?”

  She reached for his cock, taking it in her hand to stroke him. Her other hand found her clit, and she rubbed it as she matched the rhythm to her strokes on his dick. He bent to skim his lips along her neck and brushed her hair away from her shoulders.

  He had to take her, had to make her his as Blake and Victor had done. They’d agreed to stay out of sight, but to have let her face the danger alone would’ve been unimaginable. Just as unimaginable as it was to expect him not to touch her.

  He pushed her back, laying her on top of the rock. The sunlight shooting through the breaks in the trees around them made light and dark patches along her skin. Her hair spread over the rock as she reached for him, reminding him of a sea nymph ready to take the lost sailor into her arms. She bent her knees, opening herself to him.

  He lowered his body, spreading her folds to get his first look at her heaven. She was pink and slickened with her juices. No man alive could’ve kept him from tasting her. He pushed her legs wide and pressed his mouth to her pussy.

  His stomach burned with the need to ram his cock inside her again, but he forced himself to wait. He’d drink of her nectar first.

  Sucking, he drew her aching clit inside his mouth and captured it with his teeth. She cried out and tried to reach for him but fell back against the rock as he sank two fingers into her pussy. Pumping her, he bent his fingers and searched for her sweet spot. He lashed his tongue over her clit, torturing it as his fingers plunged and searched. When he hit the perfect patch in her pussy, she jerked, her body going through the spasms of an orgasm. Her cream gushed over his fingers and he bent lower to drink it up.

  Pulling his fingers out of her pussy, he didn’t give her time to catch her breath. He eased into her, as much to prepare himself to keep control as it was to give her the delight of anticipation.

  But he couldn’t stand it any longer. He slammed into her, pushing in all the way to his balls. Her pussy walls clamped around his cock, threatening never to let him go. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he leaned over her and took a nipple into his mouth.

  She dug her fingernails into his arms and held on, but that small amount of pain didn’t bother him. If she’d sprouted claws and dug them into his chest, he would’ve howled with glee.

  He thrust into her harder than ever, knowing that the brink was too close to deny it any longer. His balls slapped against her butt cheeks, and he vowed that soon he’d take her from behind just so he could watch her pretty, round ass ripple as he plunged his cock into her anus.

  He tightened, his body readying for release as the burn at the base of his cock traveled upward. With a roar, he plunged into her again and lost control, shooting his seed into her pussy. She cried out as another orgasm trembled into her limbs, but she held on, pulling him close as his own shudders powered through him.

  * * * *

  She was happier than she could ever remember. Since coming to Passion, she’d found a close friend in Loren, a job that was hard work but that she actually liked to do, and three men who not only wanted to share her but wanted a long-term relationship. The only thing marring her life was the danger that she could push to the back of her mind but could never forget.

  She glanced around the woods. Was the werewolf watching them now? She moved closer to Reed and was pleased when he laced his fingers through hers.

  “You’re safe with me.”

  “I know.”

  She bumped her shoulder against his. After making love on the rock, they’d gotten dressed, albeit in slightly dirty clothes, and had retrieved her backpack. They didn’t speak much on the way back to the parking lot, but the silence hadn’t been awkward. Instead, the connection between them made the silence special in a way she couldn’t quite define but didn’t care that she couldn’t. All that mattered was having Reed near her.

  “I wish Blake and Victor were with us.” She paused, turning him around to face her. “So that doesn’t bother you? My talking about being with them?”

  “No, and I wouldn’t mind watching and joining in sometime soon.” He pulled her back by his side to continue toward their cars.

  “That still blows my mind. You and the other two guys want to have a foursome. Is it called a foursome? I don’t even know.”

  She loved the way he laughed, putting all of his warmth into it. “I guess so. As long as you’re up for it, I don’t care what it’s called.”

  They kept going, easing onto the rugged trail that would lead them to the parking lot. She couldn’t help but imagine them in a bed big enough to accommodate all of them. To have one man between her legs and one at either breast sent waves of desire spreading outward from her pussy. If they wanted a foursome, she wasn’t about to say no.


  Reed’s exclamation was low but filled with anger. She glanced at him first then scanned the few cars in the parking lot. She didn’t notice anything different about her Jeep, but when she darted her gaze to an older pickup, she saw what had caused his reaction.

  They eased closer to the truck, with Reed checking out the surrounding area and even looking underneath the cars. A clog formed in her throat as she came to a stop in front of his vehicle. Two sets of long scratches ran parallel lines from the hood of his pickup, skipping over the glass to begin again on the top of his truck.

  Whatever had made the marks was strong. She reached out to slide her finger along one of the gouges. It was deep, the cut breaking into the hood as though it were made
of plastic.

  “What could’ve done this?”

  Reed yanked on the car door, found that it was locked, and walked around to check the tires. “Not what. Who.”

  “What do you mean who?” Did he know about werewolves? Could the werewolf that was after her have done the damage?

  But Reed didn’t answer. Instead, he took her arm and led her toward her Jeep. “I should’ve gotten you out of the park instead of…” He ran a hand over his hair. “Get in your Jeep, and I’ll follow you home.”

  “But, Reed, don’t you think we need to call the police?” Yet what would she say? That she thought a werewolf dragged his claws over her friend’s pickup?

  “No. I’ve got a friend in the parks department.” He gestured to the security cameras high in the trees. “If we get lucky, the footage will tell us who did this.”

  She started to tell him about the cameras she’d hidden in the woods but held back. Had the camera at the water’s edge taken photos of them making love? If so, she wanted to see it first. Then she’d decide whether or not to show Reed.

  “You said ‘who’ again and not ‘what.’ Who do you think could make marks like these?”

  He averted his gaze from hers. He’s not going to tell me the truth.

  “I don’t know, but I’m not standing around here any longer to find out. Let’s get going.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Didn’t they tell you not to go back there without one of them?”

  Sam heard the worry in Loren’s voice, but continued to go through the footage from the cameras she’d set up. So far, she’d seen nothing more than a video of a couple of deer and a large raccoon. Fortunately, the camera hadn’t picked up Reed and her having sex. “Yeah, but I couldn’t not go back. What if the cameras got something?”

  “I didn’t say don’t go back at all. I just think you should’ve called them to go with you. Besides, it would’ve given you a reason to be with them.” Loren sank onto the sofa and watched as Sam started the last video.

  Like the others, the motion sensors had caught wildlife foraging in the woods. She was about to give up when a large, dark figure came on the screen.

  “What’s that?”

  Loren leaned closer, squinting at the image. “Looks like a man to me. But his back is to the camera.”

  Was he a hiker? Or maybe one of her men? She lowered her gaze to the floor as the tingle between her legs spread through her body and ended up on her face in the form of a smile. She liked referring to Blake, Reed, and Victor as her men.

  “Oh, damn. Sam, look.”

  She brought her attention back to the screen. The man’s image was blurred, but not enough that she couldn’t see what he was doing. His body changed as he tore off his clothes. His legs shortened as his limbs twisted into different angles. If she’d had audio on the recordings, she was sure she would’ve heard bones cracking as they re-formed. The man was naked now, his back still to the camera, as he dropped to the ground. A darkness spread over his body as a tail grew out of the lower part of his buttocks.

  “Oh, crap. Is that a tail?”

  Sam nodded but kept her attention on the screen. “And the dark stuff covering his body is fur.” In less than a couple of minutes, the man had transformed into a wolf.

  “Holy hell,” whispered Loren.

  “My words exactly. That’s a real live werewolf. If only we’d seen his face.”

  As though he’d heard Sam, the werewolf spun around and faced the camera. Amber eyes glowed at her as it pulled its lips into a snarl. The sound of the growl she’d heard by the pond came back to her, and she knew without a doubt that the growl had come from the werewolf.

  How close had it gotten to her? A shiver rushed through her.

  She ran the video several times, letting the reality of what she was seeing sink into her mind. She’d captured a man changing into a werewolf on video.

  “I have to show the men.” Hurrying, she gathered everything together and placed it all into a large satchel.

  “Why not call them over here?” Loren bit her lower lip, concern clouding her features. “Then you don’t have to go outside. Alone. Wait, and I’ll come with you.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’ll be all right.” She wanted to be alone with them when she showed them the footage, but she couldn’t tell Loren that. Snatching up her keys, she rushed out the door, telling Loren to lock the door behind her.

  Tingling with excitement, she drove to the men’s house. She couldn’t wait to show them what she’d seen. How would they react? They might get upset that she’d disregarded their warnings not to go into the woods alone, but that was behind her. Once they saw the video, she was sure they’d want to go to the media and back her up when she showed everyone the images of a werewolf in the act of transforming.

  She parked the Jeep in front of their home and ran to the front door. Even before she could knock, Blake had the door opened and was waiting for her.

  “How did you know?”

  “Loren called.” He pulled her into the house, where Reed and Victor waited for her. They stood as she entered, their faces strange masks of anger and anticipation.

  “Then she told you what I have.” She was too excited to let their irritation get in her way. Yet even then she could sense the strange allure, the pull of an invisible rope between them.

  “Yeah, she did.” Blake’s jaw was set, and his eyes fired with anger. “What part of ‘don’t go back into the woods without one of us’ didn’t you understand?”

  She dropped her satchel onto the large coffee table. “Look, I know I went against what you guys wanted me to do, but let’s get this straight. I’m my own person. Just because we’ve had sex”—she slid her gaze from one man to another—“doesn’t give you the right to tell me what to do.”

  Victor took her by the arms. “Don’t you get it? We care about you. If something had happened to you, we never could’ve forgiven ourselves.”

  Reed pulled her away from Victor and held her face as he placed a quick kiss on her mouth. “We know you’re a strong, independent woman, but give us a break, will you? You mean the world to us.”

  Blake slid his arm around her from behind. “I wish I could turn you over my knee and give you a good spanking. But I’m just glad you’re okay. Promise us that you won’t do something like that again without at least telling us first.”

  She nodded, humbled by their fervent expressions of concern. How had she come to mean so much to them? And yet, couldn’t she say the same thing? Didn’t they mean the world to her?

  “Promise us you won’t put yourself in danger again, Sam.” Victor’s usual calm reserve was back, but his tone held an edge.

  “I promise.” She touched each of them as though only through touch could she make them believe her.

  Reed let out a sigh as Blake stepped away from her. “Okay, then. Show us what you’ve got.”

  Sam set up her equipment and let the recording play. They gathered around her, their bodies close together. After watching the first time with the men, she sat back to study their reactions.

  Although they were tense watching the man change into a werewolf, they didn’t appear to be disturbed at what they saw. Had they gotten over their initial surprise with only one viewing? Or was it that they’d expected what they’d seen?

  “You know what you’re looking at, don’t you? And trust me, this video isn’t a fake.”

  Victor flipped the power off. “We know it’s not a fake.”

  She looked at them, still trying to understand their reactions. “You know that’s a real werewolf, right? An honest-to-God, movie-type werewolf?” Why aren’t they stunned, shocked…something?

  “We know, Sam.” Reed fell back against the cushions of the sectional.

  “Then I don’t understand. You guys act like you see a man change into a werewolf every day.”

  Her stomach dove toward the ground at the pointed looks they gave each other. “Oh, my God. You do.”

Blake tried to take her hand, but she yanked it away. “What are you guys not telling me?” Did Victor just shake his head at Blake? It was only a slight gesture, one she’d barely caught, but she was sure he had.

  “Sam, please understand. We’ve known for a long time that werewolves exist. In fact, I knew it was a werewolf that attacked you when you were fifteen and then again last week. It was a werewolf that killed my father.”

  She backed away from them. “Then why didn’t you tell me? Any of you? Didn’t you think I had a right to know? I knew there had to be others like me, people who’d seen what I’d seen. I wouldn’t have had to feel so alone if you’d told me.”

  Victor didn’t approach her but crossed over to the front window. He peeked out then turned back to her. “We had a feeling that you’d already guessed it, but we couldn’t be sure. That’s why we wanted you to stick with one of us. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “That’s why I kept seeing you around town, isn’t it? You were following me, keeping tabs on me, weren’t you?” Her mind whirled with varying emotions, questions, and answers.

  “Yes. Although I guess since you saw us, we’re not very good at hiding.” Reed gave her one of his bright smiles that she loved. “Between getting attacked by the werewolf again and then Victor telling us what happened at the diner with Burl or Burke or whatever his name is, we didn’t feel safe letting you run around without one of us nearby.”

  A rush of irritation flooded her but was followed just as fast with a sense of comfort and warmth. When had any man, much less three, cared that much for her? “I don’t know what to think. I’m a grown woman who doesn’t need someone watching over her. Yet, at the same time, I have to admit that having you care about me is nothing short of amazing.”


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