Invasion from Uranus

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Invasion from Uranus Page 13

by Nick Pollotta

  "None, sir!" the king cried. The forest leaves rustled around them, alive with the sounds of nature unleashed in the fullness of spring.

  Now standing with his legs splayed, Merlin made a complex gesture in air, his fingertips leaving glowing contrails behind. Suddenly, the king was bathed in a whirlpool of sparkling lights and Arthur's eyes went wide as they filled with a swirling mist and the ages spread before him like a tunnel of stars.

  "I want to see the capitol of England," Arthur murmured, leaning into the spell as if it was a strong wind.

  "Then will it so, lad," Merlin said chuckling. "I guided the time, but the places are for your choosing."

  The king squinted with the effort, and the smiled widened. "Yes! I can see it! Oh, what strange sights are these?" Arthur gasped, recoiling slightly. "I see a great city of stone and steel! A million stars trapped inside glass balls to light the night, and carriages moving without horses!"

  Hmm, could be downtown London, Merlin guessed sagely.The city is a farking mudhole right now, but in a few centuries, wow, what a really big, expensive farking mudhole it would become!

  Frowning slightly, King Arthur went still, his head tilting as if he was listening to distant music. After a moment, he started tapping a boot, then Arthur went abruptly pale.

  "What is it, lad?" Merlin asked in concern, stepping closer. By the goddess, had the boy's spirit wandered into a porno theatre, or a Hyde Park strip club? Perhaps this had not been such a wise idea after all.

  Wordlessly waving the mage away, the trembling king sat straighter on the stump and slowly raised an imperious eyebrow at the unseen sights. Watching the young man closely for any negative reactions, Merlin stepped away again, and went to lean against a nearby tree to wait for the king to return of his own accord. While a common man could be shielded from the ills of the world, a king should know all.

  Well, not all, Merlin amended privately, pulling out an apple and starting to munch.But enough to get him there, at least. The lad was engaged and should bloody well know something about the birds and the bees in preparation of the coming royal honeymoon.

  Slow hours passed in the peaceful forest, as the sun moved across the azure sky. Without warning, Arthur stood and the swirling mists of time departed from his eyes, leaving them clear and clean, like the sea after a storm.

  "Have fun?" Merlin asked politely, taking another bite of a half-eaten apple. He was sure the lad had many burning questions and the wizard was more than prepared to explain the wicked ways of the 20th century.

  "Well, yes," King Arthur said slowly, checking the sword at his side. "And no. But more importantly, I have to immediately place a kill on sight command for Morgana LeFey to make sure she never gets anywhere near you, old friend. Crystal cave, my arse!"

  "C-come again, sire?" Merlin asked, dropping the apple.

  But Arthur was already heading out of the forest at a brisk pace. "Then I'm canceling my forthcoming marriage to the Lady Guinevere and making her a royal ward of the court, so that when Lancelot arrives from France next year they can fall in love and get married. That way I keep my champion, England keeps the Round Table, and a major war is averted."

  "My liege!" the wizard cried, swooning against the tree for support. "What did do you...."

  "Now, now, old friend, everything is fine," Arthur said soothingly, climbing onto his warhorse. "I merely caught a merriment at the Palladium Theatre. A sprightly show of dancing and many gapes."

  "What was it called?" Merlin asked in a very small voice, blood thundering in his temples.

  "Ah! Now that was the very thing which caught my attention as I was walking down the street," the king said with smile, turning to glance at the distant silver castle being built on the horizon. "The musical was called Camelot."

  The only reply from Merlin was an incoherent sputter.

  "Very catchy tunes I must admit," King Arthur said, starting to ride away. "Even if Richard Harris was a bit old to play me."

  With a startled gurgle, the wizard clutched his chest and toppled to the ground in a dead faint.


  "Now this next story was inspired by real-world events I learned about," Nick said, thrusting the letter opener into a suspicious shadow, "while researching my Fantasy novel 'That Darn Squid God'..."

  "Available from Double Dragon Press," a ghostly sponsor moaned in the preternatural stillness of the stygian control room.

  "Until then, I had always thought the Freemasons were just a myth," Nick said, reclaiming his chair, only to defensively shift his position, then do it again. Sometimes, sponsors could be just as dangerous as homicidal maniacs. "Sort of like hoop snakes, big foot, and spray-on cheese. But nope, they're real and for hundreds of years have routinely helped out folk by building things like public libraries and children's hospitals."

  In the murky darkness, the badly singed DJ rose into view from behind the console. His lips were foaming, and cradled in his hands was the fire axe, the edge shining sharper than a lie from a friend. Snarling insanely, the disk jockey swung the axe with all of his might! Kicking away from the console, Nick wheeled out of the path of the blade, the wind of its passage moving across his cheeks.

  Stopping short as he reached the end of the cable attached to the headphones, Nick raised the chair as a crude shield while trying desperately to think of something incredibly clever to do. Snarling, the smoky DJ started around the console when the Sound Effect man dropped from the ceiling onto the disk jockey, driving him to the floor. A wild fight instantly ensued, the two wrestling men cursing and grunting, spitting and kicking, punching and biting.

  "Yet in spite of that, the Freemasons have a bad reputation," Nick growled, brandishing the chair and starting around the console to join the raucous donnybrook. "Weird, eh? So I decided to try and explain the dichotomy of why the good guys might want a questionable rep on the mean streets of modern day America..."


  Just as the old church clock started to chime midnight, the moon was suddenly blanketed by thick clouds and there came the sound of heavy footsteps outside my office.Oh no, they had finally found me!

  Moving fast, I silently opened the top drawer to my desk and pulled out a Glock .357 Magnum. The checkered grip filled my palm like the handshake of an old friend, firm and reassuring. Dropping the clip, I quickly checked the load inside. Lead dumdum, silver bullets and US Army armor-piercing rounds. Not much, but it was the best I had. But then, in spite of what the movies show, private investigators rarely use a gun. Especially ones that specialize in corporate espionage. No damn dirty divorce work for me. Love betrayed, weeping and screaming, widows and way. I was trying to keep my soul clean, ever since I took possession of the Key.

  Easing the clip back into the grip, I gently worked the slide to chamber a round and leaned back in my chair. This didn't have to be demons from Hell. Might be pure coincidence that a visitor came exactly at midnight and fog blanketed the city. Hey, anything was possible. I tightened my grip on the Glock disengaging the safety.Then again....

  The footsteps thumping along the hallway stopped right outside my door. There was a short pause, and then somebody politely knocked twice.

  "Excuse me, I saw the light under your door," a soft feminine voice said. "May I use your bathroom?" She sounded sweet and Southern. Pure corn pone and homey grits. A delicate flower of the South. "The one in the lobby is broken, and I really have to pee something fierce. Please?"

  "Just a sec," I answered cheerfully, aiming at chest level where the heart would be on a human being.Yeah, she was from the south, all right. Straight down south. Near the core of the planet.

  Two thousand years ago, King Solomon himself had built a temple to keep the Key safe from the wrong hands. Inhuman hands. The Crusades in the Middle Ages was just a cover story for the Knights Templar to get it back after being stolen by a traitor in our ranks. William Shakespeare wore it around his neck in a leather pouch for safekeeping,
which is why all of his hair fell out so young. Mozart died from touching it with a bare finger, and Beethoven went stone deaf from doing the exact same thing, trying to prove it wasn't really dangerous. George Washington wanted to use it to help his troops in the American Revolution, but Ben Franklin gave it to Paul Revere to hide somewhere safe until the fighting was over. The key he tied to that famous kite was merely a decoy to throw off the trail.

  Finally, H.G. Wells devised a way to keep it safe, wrap it in soft lead foil, and Oscar Wilde pretended to be a homosexual and went to jail rather than divulge that secret. Nicholas Telsa tried to destroy the Key and was driven insane. Jack Benny was badly scared just from looking at it in the moonlight, while Bob Hope and Colonel Saunders flatly refused to believe it could possibly exist. Neal Armstrong wanted to take it with him on the Apollo 11 moon walk to cast it into space but Wally Schira talked him out of it. Presidents, congressman and generals kept it hidden in Fort Knox for decades, but when that location became know to the others, the Key was given to me.

  For over two millennium, my brother Freemasons had fought, lied, cheated, stolen, and died, to keep the Key from the unholy hands of our enemies. Some of them even taking the blame for crimes they had not committed and being sent to jail for life, or getting executed, just to keep any official investigations from going further and discovering the possible existence of the Key. And more importantly, what it unlocked.

  Now, I have the bedamned thing sewn into my leather belt, and somehow, They had found me, were knocking on my office door, coming to get me,kill me, and away take the Key of Solomon to unlock That Which Should Never Be Opened.

  "Come in," I said smoothly, taking the Glock in a two-hand grip and holding my breath. Steady now, easy does it; don't want to shoot a civilian...

  In a thundering explosion, the door was blown off the hinges, a maelstrom of smoke and splinters buffeting me hard. Blindly, I triggered the Glock blasting the big Magnum rounds at the shadowy figures gliding through the burning remains of the door.

  One was hit and fell, flashing into ash. Another staggered backwards, clutching a withering arm that pumped yellow blood. But the rest pulled out sawed-off shotguns and discharged a volley of steel flechettes, the fiery barrage tearing my desk apart until the Luxan military plastic shell underneath remained. That caught them by surprise, and I used the confusion to kill two more of the demons.To achieve success, plan for failure. And brother, did I ever plan.

  Firing twice more for their misshapen heads, I rose and kicked aside my chair, then dove through the closed window. The shattering glass sounded like the end of the world, and searing pain slashed along my back and legs and I fell five stories towards the misty waters of the Chicago River.

  Holding my breath, and praying that I didn't smack into a boat, I hit the water hard, losing a shoe as I just scraped past a concrete pylon, missing a grisly death by a scant inch.Hand grenades and horseshoes. Dark things rushed at my face from the murky depths, old cars, shopping carts, union officials, but I stayed calm and tried to holster my gun before flailing my arms and swimming for the surface.Follow the bubbles, hot shot. Always follow the bubbles!

  But even as I started heading upward, big things with too many arms dropped into the water alongside. Fueled by adrenaline, I tried to swim faster, but now clawed hands reached out to rip at my clothing and flesh, pulling me down, away from the light, down to the muddy bottom and a slow death by suffocation.

  Glowing eyes filled the darkness, and blood began to cloud the water. Red blood.My blood.

  Reaching desperately into my jacket, I fumbled for the cigar tube I had carried since the day I became The Guardian. My predecessor had carried it for fifty years without ever using it, as had the man before him. The ancient steel was oily beneath my fingers, but I managed to pop the top and a tiny vial floated upward. Gnarled hands snatched for it, but I was there first and crushed it in my fist.

  The contents of Christian Holy Oil, blessed kosher salt, and Moslem Holy Water mixed freely and then dissolved into the Chicago River to spread outward like a healing balm, clearing the dirty water to crystal clarity. Choking and burning, the things slithered away from me, seeking refuge in the stygian mud below, bottom-feeders seeking their natural habitat.

  Now free, I moved for the surface, concentrating on the task, not the goal. My lungs were nearly bursting. I was burning for air, tiny bubbles squeezing out from my clenched lips, sips of life leaving me behind. But I had to ignore that. Get past the pain. There was only swimming, nothing else in the world mattered but the movement of my arms and legs. Keep swimming, keep going.Move with a purpose, Freemason!

  Erupting from the expanding pool of clean water like a dolphin on steroids, I splashed about pulling in a ragged lungful of fresh sweet air, almost reeling from the rush of oxygen.

  As my head cleared I swam out of sight beneath a wooden pier, and clawed my way back onto the brick-lined shore. I was exhausted, but could not stop. Had to keep moving. Get away from here and find someplace to hide. Steal a car and drive out of town.

  Glancing across the river, I saw Them standing in the smashed window frame of the office building. Human shapes with nightmare eyes that watched me hatefully, desperate to follow, but knowing to do so would burn them to the bone, or whatever demons had.Chitin? Could be. Lord knows, they always bugged me.

  A swirling cloud covered the moon for a single heartbeat, and when it returned they were gone. Instinctively, I went for my gun and found only empty leather. Damn! Must have lost my Glock in the river. Time to boogey.

  Dripping wet, I stumbled for the street and headed downtown. I needed help, and fast. There was a Freemason lodge only a few blocks away. One of the main reasons I had chosen an office overlooking the Chicago River.

  The night was warm in spite of the unnatural fog and my clothing was almost dry by the time I found a police car parked at the curb, the two police officers inside sipping steaming cups of coffee. Smoothing back my damp hair and straightening my ragged clothing, I tried to look more like the loser in a bar fight, than the winner in a battle against demons.

  "Excuse me, officers?" I asked hesitantly, stopping a few feet away. Never rush towards the police.

  "Well-well, and what do we have here?" the younger cop drawled in a voice heavy with authority.

  The older cop watched me closely, then dismissed me as harmless. "Been drinking and fell in the river, buddy?" he demanded, defying me to question his authority.

  "Actually, no," I started, but was interrupted by the sound of the car door opening.

  "Keep your hands in sight, asshole," the young cop demanded, placing his styrofoam cup on the hood and pulling a set of stainless steel handcuffs into sight. "The locals don't like drunks wandering the streets and bothering the tourists. A night in the tank will do you the world of good."

  And get me killed. With no choice, I spoke a Word of Power.

  The younger cop wrinkled his face in confusion, but the older cop did an abrupt change of attitude.

  "Hold it, rookie," he commanded, climbing from the vehicle. "I know this man."

  "You do?" the policeman asked sounding confused.

  "Sure." Reaching out, he took my hand and we shook, exchanging grips and signs. The grips was familiar, but different. Not a Freemason, but FOP, Fraternal Order of Police. Our secret division of law enforcement agencies. Good enough.

  "What do you need, Brother?" the older cop asked softly, as the fog flowed along the city street making the few pedestrians shadowy figures.

  "A weapon," I said, pressing the signet ring on my hand into his palm once last time.

  "Done," the man replied, sliding the Heckler Koch 9mm automatic from his holster and passing it over. Along with two spare clips from his equipment belt.

  "Many thanks," I sighed, tucking the mortal weapon into my clothing and out of sight.

  The younger cop was flabbergasted. " gave him your gun?" he gasped, a hand instinctively going for his own weapon. "Just
what the fuck is going on here?"

  "Ask the desk sergeant," the older cop said. Then he glanced over a shoulder and barked. "I said ask the sarge, kid!"

  "Yes sir," the rookie replied sullenly, shuffling back to the car and reaching for the hand mike clipped to the dashboard.

  "New guy," the older cop said in apology.

  "No problem," I replied, checking the clip, and working the slide. Even from a Brother, I always check a new weapon. We've had traitors before in the Freemasons, sad to say.

  "Got a BTK?" he asked, pulling a small volume from his shirt pocket.

  I shook my head, uncaring if it was a Christian Bible, Torah, or the Koran. There were many rooms in His mansion. The Freemasons accepted good men and women of any faith. "I'm not fighting a vampire," I laughed, exhaustion giving my words a slightly hysterical tone. "Although it sure would be nice."

  "Oh, demons again," the officer said, not posing it as a question. Reaching into a pocket, he pulled out a butane lighter and shoved it into my hand.

  Now that I gladly accepted. A crucifix was the symbol of the Redeemer, the forgiver of our sins. That didn't do a lot of damage to hellspawn, in spite of what the movies say. On the other hand, monsters always ran from fire. That was the symbol of the Creator. "Let there be light." "And a hand of fire moved across the mountain...""a column of fire lead the Israelites out of Egypt.." "Reverently, Moses approached the burning bush...." Fire was the sign of the One, The Creator, Great Architect of the universe, She Who Must be Obeyed, the Big Cheese. Monsters were unable to stand the pain of His light. Back in my office had been a sealed ziplock bag containing a BTK soaked in gasoline. Nothing made hellspawn run like the fiery light of a burning holy book! But I never had a chance to use them, more's the pity. And there was no going back now.

  Thanking the Brother of my sister organization in the name of the Father, I moved off into the fog, keeping a close watch on the shadows, making sure they weren't keeping a close watch on me. Somebody moved in a dark alleyway, and I pulled the HK 9mm. As they moved away, I holstered the gun, and went to hitch up my belt - but there was only the empty cloth loops of the damp pants. Frantically, I checked again, but my belt was gone. But hands clawing at fabric and flesh...


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