Tangled Up In Tuesday

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Tangled Up In Tuesday Page 13

by Jennie Marts

  That was exactly what she wanted. She wanted him to take advantage—of every part of her.


  She reached up, laid her hand on his cheek. “I have been through a lot today, and if it’s taught me anything, it’s that life is short. And we have to take advantage of every moment that we have. I spend so much of my time controlling my life, keeping everything in neat, tidy boxes. But right now, I want to live. To experience life. I want to feel.” She leaned closer, and the blanket slipped a little more. “I want to feel you.”

  He hesitated. Only a moment. Then he leaned forward and brushed his lips against her shoulder. Exactly as she’d been wishing he’d do.

  Another kiss. This one a little higher than the first. She tipped back her head, giving him full access to her throat. His hand reached up, cradling her neck as his fingers slid into her hair.

  Every nerve tingled with anticipation as his lips laid a slow, fiery trail along her neck. She sighed and arched against him as his other hand slipped around her back, his fingers splayed along her waist.

  He pulled back. Looking into her eyes, she only saw her own want and need mirrored in his expression. His gaze dipped to her mouth, and he grazed his thumb along her lower lip.

  She swallowed, her mouth growing dry. He drew near, desperately close, his breath against her lips. Her body sang with the electric heat of ache and need.

  Then, finally. The slightest touch. His lips grazed hers, and she felt his body tense, felt the desire radiating from him. Another kiss. Once more. Again. Lightly.

  His lips were soft, teasing, then pressing down, capturing her lips with his. Then more. Fevered. His hand clasped her cheek as he took her mouth in an onslaught of passion.

  It was the most amazing kiss of her life. Breathless, and aching to touch him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him tighter against her.

  He moved closer, into the spot between her parted legs, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him nearer still. She couldn’t get close enough to him.

  Could he feel how hard her heart was beating against her chest?

  This was so unlike her. Unlike any other time she’d been with a man. She liked to plan out how a date would go, make the decision ahead of time if he was a man worth getting undressed for. And if he made the cut, it was always civilized, in a bed, after having taken her clothes off and neatly folded them in a chair.

  Now, she wasn’t even wearing clothes. Or makeup. Her hair was wet, and she was barely wearing a quilt while she wrapped her legs around the hard muscled body of a man who made her feel sexy and wanton.

  And it was amazing.

  Mac pulled back, his breath ragged as he slid his arm around her and gently laid her back on the sofa. Slowly, deliberately, and without taking his eyes off of her, he loosened the blanket from around her chest. Spreading it open, his gaze burned like licks of fire as he took in her full nakedness.

  The cool air in the cabin caressed her heated skin, and her nipples puckered under his hunger-filled stare. She fought her natural inclination to cover herself; instead she reveled in the sensation of feeling wanted and desired.

  Her back arched slightly, like a magnet being pulled toward him, her body pleading for his touch. Who was this vixen taking over her body? She didn’t know, but she liked it.

  And she loved the reaction she was getting from him. Tilting her head, she pursed her lips as she playfully flirted with him. “Are you going to frisk me now, officer?”

  He chuckled, a low throaty sound, and a slow, naughty grin curved his lips. “I did bring my handcuffs.”

  She gulped. Okay. Maybe she wasn’t ready to get that adventurous.

  He laughed again, as if sensing her sudden unease. “How about for now I just take you into my custody?”

  She smiled. Now that she could handle. “How about for now, you lose the shirt?” She blinked, looking up at him from under her lashes. “And the pants.”

  He pulled the still-damp T-shirt over his head, and she gulped at the hard toned muscles of his chest. Undoing the button of his jeans, he unzipped them, pushed them over his hips, and let them fall to the floor.

  Lord have mercy. He was wearing black boxer briefs, the cuffs snug around his powerfully built thighs.

  He knelt on the sofa, lowering himself onto her body. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  She nodded, not trusting her voice. The weight of him was wonderful, and his body fit against her like they were two pieces of the same puzzle. Wrapping her arms around him, she pulled him down and kissed him.

  Kissed him with everything she had, conveying her feelings through the intensity of her passion. And he met that passion, running his hands along her body, skimming her skin, caressing, stroking.

  Dipping his head, he kissed her neck, her throat, her chest. Sliding her taut nipple into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the swollen tip, then sucked it tight between his lips.

  She moaned in pleasure, feeling the sensation rippling through her, gripping the folds of the blanket in her fists, as he teased one breast, then the other.

  He explored her body with his hands and his mouth—touching, tasting, discovering what made her sigh, or moan, or cry out in pleasure.

  “I need you.” His voice gruff against her ear. “God help me, I want you so bad.”

  “Then take me,” she said, her words coming out in quick pants.

  He stood and lifted her from the sofa, carried her to the bed and laid her gently on the cool sheets. “Hold on.” He rummaged in the night stand, coming up with a box of foil-covered condoms.

  She gave him a questioning look.

  “I told you, my buddy keeps this place pretty well stocked. And he’s single.” He ripped a package open, covered himself, and slid into the bed next to her. Brushing her hair from her face, he smiled at her. “I like you better as a blonde.”

  She grinned. “Good, that wig was terribly itchy.”

  His features sobered, and he touched her cheek. “You are so beautiful.”

  The warmth of a blush crept up her neck. He made her feel beautiful. “I bet you say that to all the girls you rescue and bring to your secret fishing cabin,” she teased.

  He shook his head, his expression still serious. “No. I don’t. I’ve never brought a woman here at all. The only thing I’ve ever done here is go fishing with the guys.” He smiled. “I’m really just a boring guy that spends most of his nights working out or watching television.”

  “You’re anything but boring,” she said. “I haven’t been bored a single second that I’ve been with you.”

  “Just wait. You’ll see how dull my life is once this whole thing with the Cavellis is over.” He stopped and cupped her cheek. “And it will be over.”

  “I know.” Her voice was soft. She believed him. And she knew he would protect her.

  She also knew that, in her eyes, nothing with Mac would be considered dull. She ran a hand up his muscled bicep, loving the chill that she elicited from him.

  He touched the temporary tattoo that Scooter had put on her arm and traced the letters of the word ‘Courage’ with his fingers. He gave her one of his naughty grins. “I like your tattoo.”

  She laughed. “I only wish it were true.”

  He tilted his head, giving her a questioning look. “What are you talking about? It’s totally true. You’re one of the most courageous women I know. You’re testifying against one of the richest guys in Denver. And you’ve been going undercover trying to catch a killer. That’s pretty brave in my book.”

  “I don’t feel very brave right now.” She gazed up at him, whispering the words. “In fact, I’m scared to death. Scared that I’m already in this too deep. That I already care about you too much. That you’re going to break my heart.”

  Pulling her close, he spoke into her ear, his breath sending warm sensations down her spine. “I’m scared, too.” He stroked the backs of his fingers down her neck, then laid a soft kiss at the base of
her throat. “You’re all I’ve thought about these past few weeks. I can’t seem to get you out of my mind.”

  “I’ve thought about you, too.” She bit her bottom lip and stared at his chest. “And I’ve thought about this.”

  “This?” He dipped his head and grazed her lips. A teasing kiss followed by a deeper one. He pulled her under him, settling between her legs and running a hand down her arm, the curve of her waist, the side of her leg. “How about this?”

  A delicious shiver raced up her spine and she arched into him, her tender nipples skimming against his chest. “Yes,” she breathed the word.

  He pulled her body tight against him, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. His hips moved in rhythm with hers as he sought her lips, taking her mouth in hunger and desire.

  A log fell in the fire, and a shower of flickering embers spun into the air. But neither noticed, the flames of their passion burning so hot they created their own sparks.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Mac cracked an egg against the side of the cast iron skillet, and it sizzled as it hit the hot grease. A stack of bacon threatened to tip over on a plate next to the stove.

  The morning sun filled the cabin with a golden glow, and a ray of light fell across the bed where Zoey slept.

  Lord, she looks like an angel.

  His angel.

  No. Not his angel. She was his for the night. Maybe for the short time they spent at this cabin. But this morning, reality had set in. She had looked at him last night like he was a hero. Her hero. Like he would be the one to save her. Protect her.

  And he knew that wasn’t true. He couldn’t protect her, and he couldn’t bear to see the look in her eyes when he let her down.

  She rolled over, and a sigh escaped her lips. Her hair spread across the pillow, and he remembered the way the silken strands had felt against his bare skin the night before. She was so damn beautiful.

  Maybe he could pretend. Pretend to be her hero. Just one more day.

  They could stay at the cabin. Lock out the rest of the world. He could keep her safe for one more day.

  He scooped the fried eggs onto two plates and set them on the small kitchen table. Grabbing the coffee pot, he filled a cup for her, then topped off his own.

  “Smells delicious.” She sat up in bed, patting her hair, which was now a tangled mess around her head.

  “Breakfast is ready.”

  She climbed from the bed, pulling the sheet free and wrapping it around her, toga-style. “I’m starving. You were the best workout I’ve had in months. I must have burned two thousand calories.” She laughed, her smile reaching her eyes.

  And his heart fell.

  That was it. In that moment as she crossed the bare planks of the wood floor, with her long legs and her pink toenails, with the sheet from the bed trailing behind her, he knew. He knew he was in love.

  It had been so long since he’d felt it, he wasn’t sure he would recognize it again. But it was there, unmistakable, undeniable. He loved this woman.

  He cleared his throat at the emotion settling there. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  She stepped close to him, laid a soft kiss on his cheek, then grabbed a piece of bacon and stuck it in her mouth. Closing her eyes, she chewed the bacon and moaned in ecstasy.

  Geez, he must be in love. He was getting hard just watching her eat breakfast. “Good?”

  Her eyes popped open, and she laughed. “Yes. Delicious. Best bacon I have ever tasted.” She dropped into the kitchen chair, picked up her cup, and took a sip of the hot coffee. “This is perfect. Thank you. I didn’t expect you to make breakfast for me.” Pulling the plate to her, she dug into the eggs.

  “I wanted to. And I was up anyway.” He sat down across from her and grabbed his fork. He was up in more ways than one. Focusing on his own eggs, he stabbed at them with the fork and shoveled a bite into his mouth.

  He’d put on his jeans and T-shirt from the night before, and suddenly realized her clothes were still filthy and crumpled on the bathroom floor. Lucky for him. He was happy to have her half-naked all day. Hell, he’d be happy to have her completely naked all day.

  He grinned. “That sheet looks good on you.”

  “I’m glad, because other than the souvenir T-shirt I bought at the convenience store, I have nothing to wear today.”

  “I think there’s some laundry detergent up here. We can wash your clothes in the sink and lay them on the porch. They should dry in the sun today.”

  Her voice teased as she flirted shamelessly with him. “But then what will I do until they dry? I’m practically naked.”

  That was it. He couldn’t take it anymore. “Not naked enough,” he said as he stood and scooped her from her chair.

  She squealed in delight as he carried her to the bed. “I thought you were hungry.”

  “I am.” He nuzzled his face into her neck. “Hungry for you. In fact, I’m starving.”

  He pulled the sheet away and rolled her onto her stomach. Trailing his fingers down her back, he brushed her skin, stopping to cup his hand on her waist. Leaning down, he kissed her shoulders, then her spine, working his way down to the small of her back.

  She squirmed under him as he lightly drew the tips of his fingers up her legs, starting at her ankles, tickling her thighs, then caressed her bare bottom. Eliciting a moan, he grinned then stood to peel off his clothes.

  Rolling over, she grinned up at him, her gaze wandering from his face down to his legs.

  He shook his head at her. “You know I still might have to arrest you?”

  Her eyes widened in mock fright. “Me? Why?”

  He offered her a slow grin. “Because a body like yours has got to be against the law.”

  She laughed. “Oh, boo. That was terrible.” She crooked a finger at him. “Come here. How about I let you show me your gun?” She giggled at her own terrible joke.

  He laid down next to her, and she touched his cheek, her expression turning serious. “You know, you already broke the law in my book.”

  He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Oh yeah? What’d I do?”

  Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. “You stole my heart.”


  Her words went right to his own heart. He leaned forward, touching his forehead to hers and looking into her eyes. “You don’t have to steal mine. It already belongs to you.”

  She caught her breath, catching her bottom lip with her teeth, and he almost came undone.

  Pulling her to him, he kissed her—hard—crushing her mouth with his as he feasted on her lips. Sliding his tongue between her lips, she moaned against his mouth. She tasted like bacon and coffee, a heady combination, and he knew she was the only breakfast he needed.

  In fact, she could be his breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He couldn’t get enough of her. Touching her, tasting her, feeling her squirm and move under him.

  The rest of the world fell away, and all that mattered was this moment, this time spent with her in his arms. He forgot about everything else. Everything but her.


  Zoey snuggled against him, her head resting in the crook of his shoulder. They’d been in bed all morning, and her body was spent and sore. But in the best possible way.

  She was learning his body, discovering where he liked to be touched, what made him sigh or moan. She liked those spots the best. In fact, she liked all of his spots. His abs were flat and toned, his skin tanned, and everything about his body turned her on.

  As much as she was learning his body, there was still so much she didn’t know about him. And she wanted to know it all. Wanted to hear all of his stories. She ran her fingers down his chest, tracing the tattoo of a cross that covered a white puckered circle of scar tissue on his right pec. “This looks like a bullet wound. Have you been shot?”

  His body tensed. “Yeah. A couple of years ago. That’s why I came back to the Pleasant Valley PD.”

  She could tell there was more to the story, but she didn’t
want to pry. Okay, she did want to pry, she wanted to know the whole story, but she didn’t want him to think she was prying. “You don’t have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable.”

  He sighed. “It does make me uncomfortable. In fact, it makes me mad as hell.”

  She shrank back against his angry words.

  But his arm wrapped tighter around her shoulders, and he pulled her against him. “Not mad at you. Mad at the situation. But I should tell you about it. I need to tell you about it. I just don’t want it to change how you feel about me.”

  “What do you mean?” She tipped her head up to look at him. “I’m not going to feel differently about you because you were shot. That’s ridiculous.”

  “It’s not the fact that I was shot. It’s why I was shot.” He stared up at the ceiling, as if the answers to life’s problems would appear on the cracked and faded surface.

  She snuggled closer, offering her support by entwining her body with his. “Tell me.”

  “It was back in Chicago. It happened on a gorgeous fall day. Chicago can be an ugly city, but I remember thinking how pretty it looked that day, with the leaves changing and the heat of the summer finally cooling off. We were on foot patrol that day, my partner and I.”

  He stopped and ran a hand over his face, rubbing his temples, as if he suddenly had a headache. “My partner was a girl named Ashley, and she was like a little sister to me. We’d been partners for a couple of years. She’d been assigned to me right out of the Academy, and we just hit it off. She was a great girl, funny and sweet, but she swore like a damn sailor.” He smiled at the memory of her.

  “Were you in love with her?” Zoey asked, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.

  “What? No, it wasn’t like that. In fact, she was engaged to another cop, a guy one precinct over. They’d gone to the Academy together. No, I wasn’t in love with her. But I did love her. She was one of the best friends I’ve ever had.”

  Zoey picked up on the ‘was’ in his statement, and a feeling of dread settled over her. Somehow she knew this story wasn’t going to have a happy ending. She stayed quiet, waiting for him to tell her the rest.


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